R=Rank S=Score (Percentage) ====*1*====+ 1. >righteous >sinner 2. righteous who think they are sinners and the sinners who think they are righteous 3. There are only two kinds of men: the {righteous} who think they are {sinners} and the {sinners} who think they are {righteous}. 4. R= 1 S= 99.77% ====*2*====+ 1. >success >happiness 2. Success is not the key to happiness . Happiness is the key to success 3. {Success} is not the key to {happiness}. {Happiness} is the key to {success}. 4. R= 2 S= 98.32% ====*3*====+ 1. >advertising >public 2. advertising had a little more respect for the public , the public would have a lot more respect for advertising 3. If {advertising} had a little more respect for the {public}, the {public} would have a lot more respect for {advertising}. 4. R= 3 S= 98.00% ====*4*====+ 1. >understand >believe 2. understand in order to believe , but I believe in order to understand 3. For I do not seek to {understand} in order to {believe}, but I {believe} in order to {understand}. 4. R= 4 S= 97.49% ====*5*====+ 1. >woman >man 2. women 's issues are to some degree men 's issues and all men 's issues are to some degree women 3. All {women}'s issues are to some degree {men}'s issues and all {men}'s issues are to some degree {women}'s issues because when either sex wins unilaterally both sexes lose. 4. R= 5 S= 97.32% ====*6*====+ 1. >good >bad 2. good people bad and bad people good 3. I'd read a lot of thrillers about politicians and presidents, but never one where you flip the stereotypes and make {good} people {bad} and {bad} people {good}. 4. R= 6 S= 97.26% ====*7*====+ 1. >integrity >knowledge 2. Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless , and knowledge without integrity 3. {Integrity} without {knowledge} is weak and useless, and {knowledge} without {integrity} is dangerous and dreadful. 4. R= 7 S= 96.48% ====*8*====+ 1. >America >India 2. America 's understanding of India as well as India 's understanding of America 3. Hopefully the presence in Congress of an American who happens to be Hindu will increase {America}'s understanding of {India} as well as {India}'s understanding of {America}. 4. R= 8 S= 96.30% ====*9*====+ 1. >lady >dame 2. lady like a dame , and a dame like a lady 3. You treat a {lady} like a {dame}, and a {dame} like a {lady}. 4. R= 9 S= 95.79% ====*10*====+ 1. >Bible >sin 2. Bible will keep you from sin , or sin will keep you from the Bible 3. The {Bible} will keep you from {sin}, or {sin} will keep you from the {Bible}. 4. R= 10 S= 94.91% ====*11*====+ 1. >father >child 2. father to have children than for children to have a real father 3. It is easier for a {father} to have {children} than for {children} to have a real {father}. 4. R= 11 S= 94.31% ====*12*====+ 1. >Grace >glory 2. Grace is but glory begun , and glory is but grace 3. {Grace} is but {glory} begun, and {glory} is but {grace} perfected. 4. R= 12 S= 93.79% ====*13*====+ 1. >big >small 2. big things small and the small things big 3. What I do, pretty much, is make the {big} things {small} and the {small} things {big}. 4. R= 13 S= 93.31% ====*14*====+ 1. >title >man 2. titles that honor men , but men that honor titles 3. It is not {titles} that honor {men}, but {men} that honor {titles}. 4. R= 14 S= 91.57% ====*15*====+ 1. >wrinkle >crinkle 2. wrinkle within the crinkle , and a crinkle within the wrinkle 3. If you take your thumb and your index finger and look right where they meet - go ahead and do that now - and relax your hand, you'll see a crinkle, and then a {wrinkle} within the {crinkle}, and a {crinkle} within the {wrinkle}. 4. R= 15 S= 91.23% ====*16*====+ 1. >fearful >greedy 2. fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful 3. We simply attempt to be {fearful} when others are {greedy} and to be {greedy} only when others are {fearful}. 4. R= 16 S= 90.74% ====*17*====+ 1. >child >man 2. children become men , and men become children 3. They say that {children} become {men}, and {men} become {children}. 4. R= 17 S= 90.23% ====*18*====+ 1. >full >empty 2. full of things is to be empty of God . To be empty of things is to be full 3. To be {full} of things is to be {empty} of God. To be {empty} of things is to be {full} of God. 4. R= 18 S= 89.53% ====*19*====+ 1. >weak >strong 2. weak are more likely to make the strong weak than the strong are likely to make the weak 3. The {weak} are more likely to make the {strong} weak than the {strong} are likely to make the {weak} strong. 4. R= 19 S= 88.43% ====*20*====+ 1. >hard >easy 2. hard ones look easy and the easy ones look hard 3. Make the {hard} ones look {easy} and the {easy} ones look {hard}. 4. R= 20 S= 88.33% ====*21*====+ 1. >exalt >humble 2. exalts himself will be humbled , and everyone who humbles himself will be exalted 3. For everyone who {exalts} himself will be {humbled}, and everyone who {humbles} himself will be {exalted}. 4. R= 21 S= 85.54% ====*22*====+ 1. >woman >man 2. Women will read men , but men wo n't read women 3. {Women} will read {men}, but {men} won't read {women}. 4. R= 22 S= 82.48% ====*23*====+ 1. >jew >shtetl 2. Jew out of a shtetl , but you can not take a shtetl out of a Jew 3. You can take a {Jew} out of a {shtetl}, but you cannot take a {shtetl} out of a {Jew}. 4. R= 23 S= 82.02% ====*24*====+ 1. >inside >outside 2. inside is outside but the universe outside is inside 3. The universe {inside} is {outside} but the universe {outside} is {inside}. 4. R= 24 S= 81.00% ====*25*====+ 1. >character >incident 2. character but the determination of incident ? What is incident but the illustration of character 3. What is {character} but the determination of {incident}? What is {incident} but the illustration of {character}? 4. R= 25 S= 75.04% ====*26*====+ 1. >eat >live 2. eat to live , not live to eat 3. One should {eat} to {live}, not {live} to {eat}. 4. R= 26 S= 74.60% ====*27*====+ 1. >lose >win 2. loses if it does not win . The guerrilla wins if he does not lose 3. The conventional army {loses} if it does not {win}. The guerrilla {wins} if he does not {lose}. 4. R= 27 S= 73.77% ====*28*====+ 1. >something >everything 2. something about everything and everything about something 3. Try to learn {something} about {everything} and {everything} about {something}. 4. R= 28 S= 70.22% ====*29*====+ 1. >eat >live 2. eat to live , and some people live to eat 3. Some people {eat} to {live}, and some people {live} to {eat}. 4. R= 29 S= 69.50% ====*30*====+ 1. >God >we 2. God invent us or did we invent God 3. Did {God} invent {us} or did {we} invent {God}? 4. R= 30 S= 66.43% ====*31*====+ 1. >live >laugh 2. live to laugh , and I laugh to live 3. I {live} to {laugh}, and I {laugh} to {live}. 4. R= 31 S= 66.42% ====*32*====+ 1. >debate >settle 2. debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating 3. It is better to {debate} a question without {settling} it than to {settle} a question without {debating} it. 4. R= 32 S= 65.68% ====*33*====+ 1. >difficulty >opportunity 2. difficulties of his opportunities and an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties 3. A pessimist is one who makes {difficulties} of his {opportunities} and an optimist is one who makes {opportunities} of his {difficulties}. 4. R= 33 S= 65.19% ====*34*====+ 1. >state >freedom 2. state there can be no freedom , but when there is freedom there will be no state 3. When there is {state} there can be no {freedom}, but when there is {freedom} there will be no {state}. 4. R= 34 S= 64.63% ====*35*====+ 1. >innocent >guilty 2. innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent 3. They have the power to make the {innocent} {guilty} and to make the {guilty} {innocent}, and that's power. 4. R= 35 S= 64.53% ====*36*====+ 1. >wonderful >fair 2. wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful 3. It's far better to buy a {wonderful} company at a {fair} price than a {fair} company at a {wonderful} price. 4. R= 36 S= 64.36% ====*37*====+ 1. >care >know 2. cares how much you know , until they know how much you care 3. Nobody {cares} how much you {know}, until they {know} how much you {care}. 4. R= 37 S= 62.68% ====*38*====+ 1. >comedic >dramatic 2. comedic actor has a better chance of pulling off a dramatic role than a great dramatic actor has of being able to pull off a highly comedic 3. I do think, oddly, that a {comedic} actor has a better chance of pulling off a {dramatic} role than a great {dramatic} actor has of being able to pull off a highly {comedic} role. 4. R= 38 S= 62.07% ====*39*====+ 1. >love >work 2. Love and work ... work and love 3. {Love} and {work}... {work} and {love}, that's all there is. 4. R= 39 S= 60.24% ====*40*====+ 1. >science >religion 2. Science can purify religion from error and superstition . Religion can purify science 3. {Science} can purify {religion} from error and superstition. {Religion} can purify {science} from idolatry and false absolutes. 4. R= 40 S= 60.12% ====*41*====+ 1. >Religion >philosophy 2. Religion and philosophy , philosophy and religion 3. {Religion} and {philosophy}, {philosophy} and {religion} - they're two words which are both... different. 4. R= 41 S= 59.94% ====*42*====+ 1. >experience >theory 2. Experience without theory is blind , but theory without experience 3. {Experience} without {theory} is blind, but {theory} without {experience} is mere intellectual play. 4. R= 42 S= 58.84% ====*43*====+ 1. >success >wife 2. success to his first wife and his second wife to his success 3. Many a man owes his {success} to his first {wife} and his second {wife} to his {success}. 4. R= 43 S= 56.72% ====*44*====+ 1. >world >I 2. world does n't understand me and I do n't understand the world 3. The {world} doesn't understand {me} and {I} don't understand the {world}, that's why I've withdrawn from it. 4. R= 44 S= 52.81% ====*45*====+ 1. >fool >wise 2. fool thinks himself to be wise , but a wise man knows himself to be a fool 3. A {fool} thinks himself to be {wise}, but a {wise} man knows himself to be a {fool}. 4. R= 45 S= 52.46% ====*46*====+ 1. >final >infallible 2. final because we are infallible , but we are infallible only because we are final 3. We are not {final} because we are {infallible}, but we are {infallible} only because we are {final}. 4. R= 46 S= 52.20% ====*47*====+ 1. >french >British 2. French say the British did it and the British say the French 3. And the {French} say the {British} did it and the {British} say the {French} did it, but he died before the test for arsenic was available. 4. R= 47 S= 49.88% ====*48*====+ 1. >media >opinion 2. media influences public opinion and how much public opinion influences the media 3. It is not at all clear how much the {media} influences public {opinion} and how much public {opinion} influences the {media}. 4. R= 48 S= 49.52% ====*49*====+ 1. >write >love 2. Write only what you love , and love what you write 3. {Write} only what you {love}, and {love} what you {write}. 4. R= 49 S= 48.83% ====*50*====+ 1. >power >love 2. power of love overcomes the love of power 3. When the {power} of {love} overcomes the {love} of {power} the world will know peace. 4. R= 50 S= 47.35% ====*51*====+ 1. >absence >evidence 2. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence 3. {Absence} of {evidence} is not {evidence} of {absence}. 4. R= 51 S= 45.69% ====*52*====+ 1. >self-esteem >success 2. self-esteem produces greater success , and greater success produces more high self-esteem 3. Greater {self-esteem} produces greater {success}, and greater {success} produces more high {self-esteem}, so it keeps on spiraling up. 4. R= 52 S= 45.56% ====*53*====+ 1. >fail >prepare 2. failing to prepare , you are preparing to fail 3. By {failing} to {prepare}, you are {preparing} to {fail}. 4. R= 53 S= 45.01% ====*54*====+ 1. >God >nation 2. God is concerned with nations , but nations also need to be concerned with God 3. {God} is concerned with {nations}, but {nations} also need to be concerned with {God}. 4. R= 54 S= 43.89% ====*55*====+ 1. >human >spiritual 2. human beings having a spiritual experience . We are spiritual beings having a human 3. We are not {human} beings having a {spiritual} experience. We are {spiritual} beings having a {human} experience. 4. R= 55 S= 39.29% ====*56*====+ 1. >mean >say 2. meant what I said and I said what I meant 3. I {meant} what I {said} and I {said} what I {meant}. 4. R= 56 S= 39.10% ====*57*====+ 1. >year >life 2. years in your life that count . It 's the life in your years 3. In the end, it's not the {years} in your {life} that count. It's the {life} in your {years}. 4. R= 57 S= 37.99% ====*58*====+ 1. >learn >think 2. learns but does not think , is lost ! He who thinks but does not learn 3. He who {learns} but does not {think}, is lost! He who {thinks} but does not {learn} is in great danger. 4. R= 58 S= 37.33% ====*59*====+ 1. >myth >dream 2. Myths are public dreams , dreams are private myths 3. {Myths} are public {dreams}, {dreams} are private {myths}. 4. R= 59 S= 36.61% ====*60*====+ 1. >dog >fight 2. dog in the fight , it 's the size of the fight in the dog 3. It's not the size of the {dog} in the {fight}, it's the size of the {fight} in the {dog}. 4. R= 60 S= 36.04% ====*61*====+ 1. >nation >God 2. nation can have a monopoly on God , but God will bless any nation 3. No {nation} can have a monopoly on {God}, but {God} will bless any {nation} whose people seek and honor His will as revealed by Christ and declared through the Holy Spirit. 4. R= 61 S= 35.68% ====*62*====+ 1. >comedy >darkness 2. Comedy without darkness rapidly becomes trivial . And darkness without comedy 3. {Comedy} without {darkness} rapidly becomes trivial. And {darkness} without {comedy} rapidly becomes unbearable. 4. R= 62 S= 35.38% ====*63*====+ 1. >wisely >well 2. wisely but not too well , and talk well but not too wisely 3. At a dinner party one should eat {wisely} but not too {well}, and talk {well} but not too {wisely}. 4. R= 63 S= 34.01% ====*64*====+ 1. >dream >reality 2. dream becomes reality and reality becomes a dream 3. There comes a point when a {dream} becomes {reality} and {reality} becomes a {dream}. 4. R= 64 S= 32.80% ====*65*====+ 1. >sense >education 2. sense without education than to have education without common sense 3. It is a thousand times better to have common {sense} without {education} than to have {education} without common {sense}. 4. R= 65 S= 30.34% ====*66*====+ 1. >woman >man 2. woman how to capture a man is touchingly naive . Books advising men how to capture a woman 3. The idea that a book can advise a {woman} how to capture a {man} is touchingly naive. Books advising {men} how to capture a {woman} are far less common, perhaps because few men are willing to admit to such a difficulty. 4. R= 66 S= 29.50% ====*67*====+ 1. >you >abyss 2. you look into an abyss , the abyss also looks into you 3. When {you} look into an {abyss}, the {abyss} also looks into {you}. 4. R= 67 S= 28.59% ====*68*====+ 1. >man >woman 2. Men always want to be a woman 's first love - women like to be a man 3. {Men} always want to be a {woman}'s first love - {women} like to be a {man}'s last romance. 4. R= 68 S= 26.16% ====*69*====+ 1. >power >Love 2. Power of Love will replace the Love of Power 3. We look forward to the time when the {Power} of {Love} will replace the {Love} of {Power}. 4. R= 69 S= 26.13% ====*70*====+ 1. >people >bad 2. people bad and bad people 3. I'd read a lot of thrillers about politicians and presidents, but never one where you flip the stereotypes and make good {people} {bad} and {bad} {people} good. 4. R= 70 S= 25.61% ====*71*====+ 1. >they >kid 2. They 're in love with my kids , and my kids are in love with them 3. {They}'re in love with my {kids}, and my {kids} are in love with {them}. 4. R= 71 S= 25.42% ====*72*====+ 1. >woman >man 2. women hold off from marrying men , we call it independence . When men hold off from marrying women 3. When {women} hold off from marrying {men}, we call it independence. When {men} hold off from marrying {women}, we call it fear of commitment. 4. R= 72 S= 24.81% ====*73*====+ 1. >mean >say 2. means what it says , and says what it means 3. I believe that the Bible {means} what it {says}, and {says} what it {means}. 4. R= 73 S= 23.26% ====*74*====+ 1. >fool >kiss 2. fool kiss you , or a kiss fool 3. Never let a {fool} {kiss} you, or a {kiss} {fool} you. 4. R= 74 S= 22.25% ====*75*====+ 1. >get >want 2. getting what you want . Happiness is wanting what you get 3. Success is {getting} what you {want}. Happiness is {wanting} what you {get}. 4. R= 75 S= 22.05% ====*76*====+ 1. >Life >fiction 2. Life is always going to be stranger than fiction , because fiction has to be convincing , and life 3. {Life} is always going to be stranger than {fiction}, because {fiction} has to be convincing, and {life} doesn't. 4. R= 76 S= 21.62% ====*77*====+ 1. >thing >they 2. things happen to them . They went out and happened to things 3. It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let {things} happen to {them}. {They} went out and happened to {things}. 4. R= 77 S= 21.54% ====*78*====+ 1. >human >spiritual 2. human being in search of a spiritual experience . You are a spiritual being immersed in a human 3. You are not a {human} being in search of a {spiritual} experience. You are a {spiritual} being immersed in a {human} experience. 4. R= 78 S= 20.91% ====*79*====+ 1. >heart >word 2. heart without words than words without a heart 3. It is better in prayer to have a {heart} without {words} than {words} without a {heart}. 4. R= 79 S= 19.88% ====*80*====+ 1. >librettist >composer 2. librettist would often think as a composer and the composer as a librettist 3. I dream of a collaboration that would finally be total, in which the {librettist} would often think as a {composer} and the {composer} as a {librettist}. 4. R= 80 S= 19.35% ====*81*====+ 1. >expectation >performance 2. expectations to meet your performance . Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations 3. Don't lower your {expectations} to meet your {performance}. Raise your level of {performance} to meet your {expectations}. 4. R= 81 S= 19.10% ====*82*====+ 1. >expectation >performance 2. expectations to meet your performance . Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations 3. Don't lower your {expectations} to meet your {performance}. Raise your level of {performance} to meet your {expectations}. 4. R= 81 S= 19.10% ====*83*====+ 1. >dark >light 2. dark , there is no light , and without light , there is no dark 3. Listen, the obvious thing to remember is without {dark}, there is no {light}, and without {light}, there is no {dark}. 4. R= 83 S= 17.49% ====*84*====+ 1. >you >boss 2. you have one boss and that boss does n't like you 3. If you work for a company and {you} have one {boss} and that {boss} doesn't like {you} or wants to get rid of you, you're in trouble. 4. R= 84 S= 16.33% ====*85*====+ 1. >you >I 2. you are part of me and I am part of you 3. I know that {you} are part of {me} and {I} am part of {you} because we are all aspects of the same infinite consciousness that we call God and Creation. 4. R= 85 S= 15.68% ====*86*====+ 1. >you >I 2. you are part of me and I am part of you 3. We are reflections of one another, therefore I know that {you} are part of {me} and {I} am part of {you} because we are all projections of the universal principles of creation/destruction polarities of the same infinite consciousness that we call God. 4. R= 85 S= 15.68% ====*87*====+ 1. >change >thing 2. change the way you look at things , the things you look at change 3. If you {change} the way you look at {things}, the {things} you look at {change}. 4. R= 87 S= 15.41% ====*88*====+ 1. >slow >fast 2. slow if you 're fast and no one can say you 're fast if you 're slow 3. So no one can say you're {slow} if you're {fast} and no one can say you're {fast} if you're {slow}. 4. R= 88 S= 15.28% ====*89*====+ 1. >age >love 2. Age does not protect you from love . But love , to some extent , protects you from age 3. {Age} does not protect you from {love}. But {love}, to some extent, protects you from {age}. 4. R= 89 S= 14.95% ====*90*====+ 1. >white >black 2. white people love black people , some black people hate white 3. Some white people hate black people, and some {white} people love {black} people, some {black} people hate {white} people, and some black people love white people. 4. R= 90 S= 14.74% ====*91*====+ 1. >unreal >meaningless 2. unreal in some sense , meaningless in some sense , real and meaningless in some sense , unreal 3. All phenomena are real in some sense, {unreal} in some sense, {meaningless} in some sense, real and {meaningless} in some sense, {unreal} and meaningless in some sense, and real and unreal and meaningless in some sense. 4. R= 91 S= 14.04% ====*92*====+ 1. >you >I 2. you not speak to me ? And why should I not speak to you 3. Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why should {you} not speak to {me}? And why should {I} not speak to {you}? 4. R= 92 S= 13.99% ====*93*====+ 1. >I >you 2. me to kill you and you to kill me 3. The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion because if a mother can kill her own child, what is left for {me} to kill {you} and {you} to kill {me}? 4. R= 93 S= 13.77% ====*94*====+ 1. >Action >inspiration 2. Action breeds inspiration more than inspiration breeds action 3. {Action} breeds {inspiration} more than {inspiration} breeds {action}. 4. R= 94 S= 13.13% ====*95*====+ 1. >woman >man 2. women should have insight as to how men think . Just like men should have insight into how women 3. I think {women} should have insight as to how {men} think. Just like {men} should have insight into how {women} think. 4. R= 95 S= 12.72% ====*96*====+ 1. >sun >spot 2. sun into a yellow spot , others transform a yellow spot into the sun 3. Some painters transform the {sun} into a yellow {spot}, others transform a yellow {spot} into the {sun}. 4. R= 96 S= 12.69% ====*97*====+ 1. >woman >man 2. women can be as cruel as men , and men as tender as women 3. I think {women} can be as cruel as {men}, and {men} as tender as {women}, and vice versa. 4. R= 97 S= 12.27% ====*98*====+ 1. >you >plan 2. you go to work on your plan , your plan will go to work on you 3. If {you} go to work on your {plan}, your {plan} will go to work on {you}. 4. R= 98 S= 11.96% ====*99*====+ 1. >thing >small 2. things small and the small things 3. What I do, pretty much, is make the big {things} {small} and the {small} {things} big. 4. R= 99 S= 11.93% ====*100*====+ 1. >you >bus 2. you 're going to get hit by a bus and the bus is going to back over you 3. Getting ready to work with Brock Lesnar is like knowing {you}'re going to get hit by a {bus} and the {bus} is going to back over {you}. 4. R= 100 S= 11.87% ====*101*====+ 1. >poverty >learn 2. Poverty must not be a bar to learning and learning must offer an escape from poverty 3. {Poverty} must not be a bar to {learning} and {learning} must offer an escape from {poverty}. 4. R= 101 S= 11.78% ====*102*====+ 1. >karma >memory 2. Karma is experience , and experience creates memory , and memory creates imagination and desire , and desire creates karma 3. {Karma} is experience, and experience creates {memory}, and {memory} creates imagination and desire, and desire creates {karma} again. 4. R= 102 S= 11.22% ====*103*====+ 1. >cell >water 2. cell in our body is primarily water . But the water does n't just sit in the cell 3. Every {cell} in our body is primarily {water}. But the {water} doesn't just sit in the {cell}, it moves through it in a very organized way. 4. R= 103 S= 10.57% ====*104*====+ 1. >new >familiar 2. new things familiar , familiar things new 3. The two most engaging powers of an author are to make {new} things {familiar}, {familiar} things {new}. 4. R= 104 S= 10.29% ====*105*====+ 1. >become >reality 2. becomes reality and reality becomes 3. There comes a point when a dream {becomes} {reality} and {reality} {becomes} a dream. 4. R= 105 S= 10.25% ====*106*====+ 1. >trifle >perfection 2. Trifles make perfection , and perfection is no trifle 3. {Trifles} make {perfection}, and {perfection} is no {trifle}. 4. R= 106 S= 9.91% ====*107*====+ 1. >I >you 2. I 'll never leave you . You 'll never leave me 3. But I kissed him on his forehead, and I hugged him, and I touched him and I said, 'Michael, {I}'ll never leave {you}. {You}'ll never leave {me}.' 4. R= 107 S= 9.76% ====*108*====+ 1. >you >abyss 2. you gaze long enough into an abyss , the abyss will gaze back into you 3. And if {you} gaze long enough into an {abyss}, the {abyss} will gaze back into {you}. 4. R= 108 S= 9.22% ====*109*====+ 1. >see >remember 2. seen more than I remember , and remember more than I have seen 3. Like all great travellers, I have {seen} more than I {remember}, and {remember} more than I have {seen}. 4. R= 109 S= 9.03% ====*110*====+ 1. >Life >novel 2. Life resembles a novel more often than novels resemble life 3. {Life} resembles a {novel} more often than {novels} resemble {life}. 4. R= 110 S= 8.97% ====*111*====+ 1. >work >talent 2. work without talent is a shame , but talent without hard work 3. Hard {work} without {talent} is a shame, but {talent} without hard {work} is a tragedy. 4. R= 111 S= 8.43% ====*112*====+ 1. >you >goal 2. you go to work on your goals , your goals will go to work on you 3. If {you} go to work on your {goals}, your {goals} will go to work on {you}. 4. R= 112 S= 8.26% ====*113*====+ 1. >mean >evasion 2. means evasion , and evasion means 3. Secrecy {means} {evasion}, and {evasion} {means} a problem to the moral mind. 4. R= 113 S= 8.24% ====*114*====+ 1. >become >man 2. become men , and men become 3. They say that children {become} {men}, and {men} {become} children. 4. R= 113 S= 8.24% ====*115*====+ 1. >trap >history 2. trapped in history and history is trapped 3. People are {trapped} in {history} and {history} is {trapped} in them. 4. R= 115 S= 7.08% ====*116*====+ 1. >great >start 2. great to start , but you have to start to be great 3. You don't have to be {great} to {start}, but you have to {start} to be {great}. 4. R= 116 S= 7.07% ====*117*====+ 1. >want >visa 2. want to come to Pakistan but are not given visas . We wish for visas to be given to those people who want 3. People {want} to come to Pakistan but are not given {visas}. We wish for {visas} to be given to those people who {want} to come to Pakistan. 4. R= 117 S= 6.95% ====*118*====+ 1. >hard >work 2. hard work by working hard 3. I learned the value of {hard} {work} by {working} {hard}. 4. R= 118 S= 6.84% ====*119*====+ 1. >without >word 2. without words than words without 3. It is better in prayer to have a heart {without} {words} than {words} {without} a heart. 4. R= 118 S= 6.84% ====*120*====+ 1. >thing >familiar 2. things familiar , familiar things 3. The two most engaging powers of an author are to make new {things} {familiar}, {familiar} {things} new. 4. R= 118 S= 6.84% ====*121*====+ 1. >simple >hard 2. simple thing in a hard way . An artist says a hard thing in a simple 3. An intellectual says a {simple} thing in a {hard} way. An artist says a {hard} thing in a {simple} way. 4. R= 121 S= 6.62% ====*122*====+ 1. >without >morality 2. without morality , nor morality without 3. Liberty cannot be established {without} {morality}, nor {morality} {without} faith. 4. R= 122 S= 5.96% ====*123*====+ 1. >you >it 2. You do not look at it , it looks at you 3. {You} do not look at {it}, {it} looks at {you} and does not forgive. 4. R= 123 S= 5.65% ====*124*====+ 1. >God >love 2. God 's love and the love of God 3. The love which moves the world, according to common Christian belief, is {God}'s {love} and the {love} of {God}. 4. R= 124 S= 5.50% ====*125*====+ 1. >beautiful >ugly 2. beautiful and becomes ugly , whereas art starts off ugly sometimes and becomes beautiful 3. Fashion often starts off {beautiful} and becomes {ugly}, whereas art starts off {ugly} sometimes and becomes {beautiful}. 4. R= 125 S= 5.33% ====*126*====+ 1. >breed >inspiration 2. breeds inspiration more than inspiration breeds 3. Action {breeds} {inspiration} more than {inspiration} {breeds} action. 4. R= 126 S= 5.31% ====*127*====+ 1. >late >never 2. late than never , or Better never than late 3. Which form of proverb do you prefer Better {late} than {never}, or Better {never} than {late}? 4. R= 127 S= 5.30% ====*128*====+ 1. >America >as 2. America 's understanding of India as well as India 's understanding of America 3. Hopefully the presence in Congress of an American who happens to be Hindu will increase {America}'s understanding of India {as} well {as} India's understanding of {America}. 4. R= 128 S= 5.09% ====*129*====+ 1. >good >people 2. good people bad and bad people good 3. I'd read a lot of thrillers about politicians and presidents, but never one where you flip the stereotypes and make {good} {people} bad and bad {people} {good}. 4. R= 129 S= 5.06% ====*130*====+ 1. >a >child 2. a father to have children than for children to have a 3. It is easier for {a} father to have {children} than for {children} to have {a} real father. 4. R= 130 S= 4.95% ====*131*====+ 1. >story >novel 2. stories that are as dense as a 19th century novel and novels that really are short stories 3. I've read short {stories} that are as dense as a 19th century {novel} and {novels} that really are short {stories} filled with a lot of helium. 4. R= 131 S= 4.88% ====*132*====+ 1. >country >you 2. country can do for you , ask what you can do for your country 3. My fellow Americans, ask not what your {country} can do for {you}, ask what {you} can do for your {country}. 4. R= 132 S= 4.56% ====*133*====+ 1. >husband >wife 2. husbands may desert their wives , wives their husbands 3. A father may turn his back on his child, brothers and sisters may become inveterate enemies, {husbands} may desert their {wives}, {wives} their {husbands}. 4. R= 133 S= 4.54% ====*134*====+ 1. >power >people 2. Power does n't corrupt people , people corrupt power 3. {Power} doesn't corrupt {people}, {people} corrupt {power}. 4. R= 134 S= 4.26% ====*135*====+ 1. >music >opera 2. music ultimately that matters in opera , and opera is a piece of music 3. But nevertheless, it's {music} ultimately that matters in {opera}, and {opera} is a piece of {music} reaching out as a vision in sound reaching out to the world. 4. R= 135 S= 4.21% ====*136*====+ 1. >work >housing 2. work not only to a separated housing problem but housing involved in our daily work 3. We should concentrate our {work} not only to a separated {housing} problem but {housing} involved in our daily {work} and all the other functions of the city. 4. R= 136 S= 4.11% ====*137*====+ 1. >politician >press 2. politicians have seized absolute power and muzzled the press . Never in history has the press seized absolute power and muzzled the politicians 3. Numerous {politicians} have seized absolute power and muzzled the {press}. Never in history has the {press} seized absolute power and muzzled the {politicians}. 4. R= 137 S= 3.55% ====*138*====+ 1. >surprise >goalkeeper 2. surprise the goalkeeper and sometimes the goalkeeper surprises 3. Sometimes you {surprise} the {goalkeeper} and sometimes the {goalkeeper} {surprises} you. 4. R= 138 S= 3.53% ====*139*====+ 1. >I >you 2. I love you if you love me 3. It's not 'I love you' for this or that reason, not '{I} love {you} if {you} love {me}.' 4. R= 139 S= 3.41% ====*140*====+ 1. >white >black 2. white people hate black people , and some white people love black people , some black people hate white people , and some black people love white 3. Some {white} people hate black people, and some white people love {black} people, some {black} people hate white people, and some black people love {white} people. 4. R= 140 S= 3.40% ====*141*====+ 1. >goodness >greatness 2. Goodness makes greatness truly valuable , and greatness make goodness 3. {Goodness} makes {greatness} truly valuable, and {greatness} make {goodness} much more serviceable. 4. R= 141 S= 3.34% ====*142*====+ 1. >age >youth 2. age of youth , fifty is the youth of old age 3. Forty is the old {age} of {youth}, fifty is the {youth} of old {age}. 4. R= 142 S= 3.32% ====*143*====+ 1. >difficult >dare 2. difficult that we do not dare , it is because we do not dare that they are difficult 3. It is not because things are {difficult} that we do not {dare}, it is because we do not {dare} that they are {difficult}. 4. R= 143 S= 3.09% ====*144*====+ 1. >people >freedom 2. people do not really want freedom , because freedom involves responsibility , and most people 3. Most {people} do not really want {freedom}, because {freedom} involves responsibility, and most {people} are frightened of responsibility. 4. R= 144 S= 3.06% ====*145*====+ 1. >abundance >people 2. abundance of everything people need . But people need everything except unlimited abundance 3. There came into the world an unlimited {abundance} of everything {people} need. But {people} need everything except unlimited {abundance}. 4. R= 145 S= 2.98% ====*146*====+ 1. >find >thought 2. found its thought and the thought has found 3. Poetry is when an emotion has {found} its {thought} and the {thought} has {found} words. 4. R= 146 S= 2.91% ====*147*====+ 1. >corrupt >people 2. corrupt people , people corrupt 3. Power doesn't {corrupt} {people}, {people} {corrupt} power. 4. R= 147 S= 2.87% ====*148*====+ 1. >the >sin 2. The Bible will keep you from sin , or sin will keep you from the 3. {The} Bible will keep you from {sin}, or {sin} will keep you from {the} Bible. 4. R= 148 S= 2.84% ====*149*====+ 1. >you >Bible 2. you 're pushed to read the Bible . The Bible is read to you 3. It's not that {you}'re pushed to read the {Bible}. The {Bible} is read to {you}. 4. R= 149 S= 2.73% ====*150*====+ 1. >lunch >I 2. lunch in a normal American restaurant is very problematic for me . I do n't like to have hot food for lunch 3. The {lunch} in a normal American restaurant is very problematic for {me}. {I} don't like to have hot food for {lunch}. 4. R= 150 S= 2.61% ====*151*====+ 1. >look >easy 2. look easy and the easy ones look 3. Make the hard ones {look} {easy} and the {easy} ones {look} hard. 4. R= 151 S= 2.59% ====*152*====+ 1. >without >education 2. without education than to have education without 3. It is a thousand times better to have common sense {without} {education} than to have {education} {without} common sense. 4. R= 152 S= 2.52% ====*153*====+ 1. >have >remember 2. have seen more than I remember , and remember more than I have 3. Like all great travellers, I {have} seen more than I {remember}, and {remember} more than I {have} seen. 4. R= 153 S= 2.46% ====*154*====+ 1. >beauty >truth 2. Beauty is truth , truth beauty 3. '{Beauty} is {truth}, {truth} {beauty},' - that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know. 4. R= 154 S= 2.42% ====*155*====+ 1. >leave >let 2. leave - so let us let them leave 3. They want to {leave} - so {let} us {let} them {leave}. 4. R= 154 S= 2.42% ====*156*====+ 1. >Change >you 2. Change your thoughts and you change 3. {Change} {your} thoughts and {you} {change} your world. 4. R= 156 S= 2.41% ====*157*====+ 1. >I >day 2. I 'm going to be a real good boy and take it day by day and try to concentrate on what 's most important to me 3. But {I}'m going to be a real good boy and take it {day} by {day} and try to concentrate on what's most important to {me}, and that's offering women a service. 4. R= 157 S= 2.39% ====*158*====+ 1. >woman >'s 2. women 's issues are to some degree men 's issues and all men 's issues are to some degree women 3. All {women}'s issues are to some degree men{'s} issues and all men{'s} issues are to some degree {women}'s issues because when either sex wins unilaterally both sexes lose. 4. R= 158 S= 2.35% ====*159*====+ 1. >love >kid 2. love with my kids , and my kids are in love 3. They're in {love} with my {kids}, and my {kids} are in {love} with them. 4. R= 159 S= 2.24% ====*160*====+ 1. >we >television 2. We love television because television brings us 3. {We} love {television} because {television} brings {us} a world in which television does not exist. 4. R= 160 S= 2.22% ====*161*====+ 1. >music >I 2. music seems to be drawing the steps out of me and I do n't look as if I 'm struggling to fit the steps to the music 3. The steps must be second nature to me, so that the {music} seems to be drawing the steps out of {me} and {I} don't look as if I'm struggling to fit the steps to the {music}. 4. R= 161 S= 2.21% ====*162*====+ 1. >make >affordable 2. make health insurance affordable , affordable health insurance has to make 3. Successful health reform must not just {make} health insurance {affordable}, {affordable} health insurance has to {make} health care affordable. 4. R= 162 S= 2.19% ====*163*====+ 1. >anxious >tomorrow 2. anxious about tomorrow , for tomorrow will be anxious 3. Do not be {anxious} about {tomorrow}, for {tomorrow} will be {anxious} for itself. 4. R= 163 S= 2.16% ====*164*====+ 1. >help >everyone 2. help everyone , but everyone can help 3. We can't {help} {everyone}, but {everyone} can {help} someone. 4. R= 163 S= 2.16% ====*165*====+ 1. >within >crinkle 2. within the crinkle , and a crinkle within 3. If you take your thumb and your index finger and look right where they meet - go ahead and do that now - and relax your hand, you'll see a crinkle, and then a wrinkle {within} the {crinkle}, and a {crinkle} {within} the wrinkle. 4. R= 165 S= 2.07% ====*166*====+ 1. >big >thing 2. big things small and the small things big 3. What I do, pretty much, is make the {big} {things} small and the small {things} {big}. 4. R= 166 S= 2.05% ====*167*====+ 1. >God >invent 2. God invent us or did we invent God 3. Did {God} {invent} us or did we {invent} {God}? 4. R= 166 S= 2.05% ====*168*====+ 1. >people >visa 2. People want to come to Pakistan but are not given visas . We wish for visas to be given to those people 3. {People} want to come to Pakistan but are not given {visas}. We wish for {visas} to be given to those {people} who want to come to Pakistan. 4. R= 168 S= 2.04% ====*169*====+ 1. >give >job 2. give you a job because jobs are something that are given 3. Their idea is it takes a rich person to {give} you a {job} because {jobs} are something that are {given} to you, an inferior, from on high. 4. R= 169 S= 2.03% ====*170*====+ 1. >Shadow >form 2. Shadow is the means by which bodies display their form . The forms of bodies could not be understood in detail but for shadow 3. {Shadow} is the means by which bodies display their {form}. The {forms} of bodies could not be understood in detail but for {shadow}. 4. R= 170 S= 2.02% ====*171*====+ 1. >Time >decision 2. Time plays a role in almost every decision . And some decisions define your attitude about time 3. {Time} plays a role in almost every {decision}. And some {decisions} define your attitude about {time}. 4. R= 171 S= 1.96% ====*172*====+ 1. >advertising >the 2. advertising had a little more respect for the public , the public would have a lot more respect for advertising 3. If {advertising} had a little more respect for {the} public, {the} public would have a lot more respect for {advertising}. 4. R= 172 S= 1.89% ====*173*====+ 1. >create >memory 2. creates memory , and memory creates 3. Karma is experience, and experience {creates} {memory}, and {memory} {creates} imagination and desire, and desire creates karma again. 4. R= 173 S= 1.64% ====*174*====+ 1. >martyr >shudder 2. martyrs for religion - I have shuddered at it . I shudder no more - I could be martyred 3. I have been astonished that men could die {martyrs} for religion - I have {shuddered} at it. I {shudder} no more - I could be {martyred} for my religion - Love is my religion - I could die for that. 4. R= 174 S= 1.64% ====*175*====+ 1. >job >show 2. job doing our show , and other shows are doing a great job 3. I think we're really - we're doing a really great {job} doing our {show}, and other {shows} are doing a great {job} doing theirs, and we'll just see what people have to say. 4. R= 175 S= 1.59% ====*176*====+ 1. >french >English 2. French and the English is that the English are intelligent and the French 3. It was always said that the big distinction between the {French} and the {English} is that the {English} are intelligent and the {French} are intellectual. 4. R= 176 S= 1.55% ====*177*====+ 1. >keep >sin 2. keep you from sin , or sin will keep 3. The Bible will {keep} you from {sin}, or {sin} will {keep} you from the Bible. 4. R= 177 S= 1.54% ====*178*====+ 1. >anything >movie 2. anything about movies or movie stars or the Academy or anything 3. I didn't know {anything} about {movies} or {movie} stars or the Academy or {anything}. 4. R= 178 S= 1.52% ====*179*====+ 1. >music >human 2. music is written by human beings for human beings and that music 3. A composer knows that {music} is written by {human} beings for {human} beings and that {music} is a continuation of life, not something separated from it. 4. R= 179 S= 1.48% ====*180*====+ 1. >think >next 2. thinking about what movement look best next to the next movement - I 'm actually thinking 3. A lot of the time, when I'm choreographing, I'm not {thinking} about what movement look best {next} to the {next} movement - I'm actually {thinking} about what song and what sound sounds right next to the next thing. 4. R= 180 S= 1.48% ====*181*====+ 1. >religion >Christ 2. religion taught by Christ . Christ 's religion 3. You surely know that the nineteenth century Christianity is not the {religion} taught by {Christ}. {Christ}'s {religion} has been changed and corrupted. 4. R= 181 S= 1.48% ====*182*====+ 1. >worker >programme 2. workers want is to get everyone involved in a programme . Because a programme provides full employment for three generations of social workers 3. All social {workers} want is to get everyone involved in a {programme}. Because a {programme} provides full employment for three generations of social {workers}. 4. R= 182 S= 1.46% ====*183*====+ 1. >look >thing 2. look at things , the things you look 3. If you change the way you {look} at {things}, the {things} you {look} at change. 4. R= 183 S= 1.43% ====*184*====+ 1. >without >theory 2. without theory is blind , but theory without 3. Experience {without} {theory} is blind, but {theory} {without} experience is mere intellectual play. 4. R= 184 S= 1.37% ====*185*====+ 1. >child >become 2. children become men , and men become children 3. They say that {children} {become} men, and men {become} {children}. 4. R= 184 S= 1.37% ====*186*====+ 1. >without >knowledge 2. Without knowledge action is useless and knowledge without 3. {Without} {knowledge} action is useless and {knowledge} {without} action is futile. 4. R= 184 S= 1.37% ====*187*====+ 1. >you >they 2. You can punish them and they will hug you 3. {You} can punish {them} and {they} will hug {you} in a few minutes. 4. R= 187 S= 1.34% ====*188*====+ 1. >video >beta 2. video I ever watched was on a Beta system because everyone thought Beta was the way but then it ended up being video 3. The first {video} I ever watched was on a {Beta} system because everyone thought {Beta} was the way but then it ended up being {video} so we backed the wrong horse. 4. R= 188 S= 1.34% ====*189*====+ 1. >substitute >innovation 2. substitute for innovation , of course , but innovation is no substitute 3. There's no {substitute} for {innovation}, of course, but {innovation} is no {substitute} for being in touch, either. 4. R= 189 S= 1.28% ====*190*====+ 1. >believe >person 2. believe that you 're a person of influence and a person of purpose , I believe 3. When you develop that and you believe in yourself and you {believe} that you're a {person} of influence and a {person} of purpose, I {believe} you can rise up out of any situation. 4. R= 190 S= 1.27% ====*191*====+ 1. >seed >apple 2. seeds in an apple , but only God can count the number of apples in a seed 3. Anyone can count the {seeds} in an {apple}, but only God can count the number of {apples} in a {seed}. 4. R= 191 S= 1.27% ====*192*====+ 1. >'s >man 2. 's issues are to some degree men 's issues and all men 's issues are to some degree women 's 3. All women{'s} issues are to some degree {men}'s issues and all {men}'s issues are to some degree women{'s} issues because when either sex wins unilaterally both sexes lose. 4. R= 192 S= 1.26% ====*193*====+ 1. >a >wise 2. A fool thinks himself to be wise , but a wise man knows himself to be a 3. {A} fool thinks himself to be {wise}, but a {wise} man knows himself to be {a} fool. 4. R= 193 S= 1.22% ====*194*====+ 1. >depend >competitiveness 2. depends on our competitiveness and our competitiveness depends 3. Our success {depends} on our {competitiveness} and our {competitiveness} {depends} on raising our productivity, as our competitors are raising theirs. 4. R= 194 S= 1.21% ====*195*====+ 1. >if >goal 2. If you go to work on your goals , your goals will go to work on you . If 3. {If} you go to work on your {goals}, your {goals} will go to work on you. {If} you go to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you. 4. R= 195 S= 1.20% ====*196*====+ 1. >copy >word 2. copies can only repeat themselves word for word . A virus is a copy 3. The {copies} can only repeat themselves {word} for {word}. A virus is a {copy}. 4. R= 196 S= 1.19% ====*197*====+ 1. >faith >belief 2. Faith is not belief . Belief is passive . Faith 3. {Faith} is not {belief}. {Belief} is passive. {Faith} is active. 4. R= 197 S= 1.17% ====*198*====+ 1. >true >game 2. true to the game , because the game will be true 3. Be {true} to the {game}, because the {game} will be {true} to you. 4. R= 198 S= 1.17% ====*199*====+ 1. >abundance >need 2. abundance of everything people need . But people need everything except unlimited abundance 3. There came into the world an unlimited {abundance} of everything people {need}. But people {need} everything except unlimited {abundance}. 4. R= 199 S= 1.15% ====*200*====+ 1. >get >want 2. getting and achieving what you want . Happiness is wanting and being content with what you get 3. Success is {getting} and achieving what you {want}. Happiness is {wanting} and being content with what you {get}. 4. R= 200 S= 1.15% ====*201*====+ 1. >whole >life 2. whole life , but they make our lives whole 3. Dogs are not our {whole} {life}, but they make our {lives} {whole}. 4. R= 201 S= 1.15% ====*202*====+ 1. >read >man 2. read men , but men wo n't read 3. Women will {read} {men}, but {men} won't {read} women. 4. R= 202 S= 1.14% ====*203*====+ 1. >you >smart 2. you were either pretty or smart . Smart did n't get you 3. Growing up in Texas, {you} were either pretty or {smart}. {Smart} didn't get {you} very far, because there weren't too many job opportunities for women. 4. R= 203 S= 1.13% ====*204*====+ 1. >Sin >death 2. Sin brought death , and death will disappear with the disappearance of sin 3. {Sin} brought {death}, and {death} will disappear with the disappearance of {sin}. 4. R= 204 S= 1.10% ====*205*====+ 1. >there >here 2. there to here , and here to there 3. From {there} to {here}, and {here} to {there}, funny things are everywhere. 4. R= 205 S= 1.09% ====*206*====+ 1. >eye >hand 2. eyes and not in the hand , for the hands execute , but the eye 3. It is necessary to keep one's compass in one's {eyes} and not in the {hand}, for the {hands} execute, but the {eye} judges. 4. R= 206 S= 1.06% ====*207*====+ 1. >love >need 2. love you because I need you . ' Mature love says ' I need you because I love 3. Immature love says: 'I {love} you because I {need} you.' Mature love says 'I {need} you because I {love} you.' 4. R= 207 S= 1.05% ====*208*====+ 1. >world >important 2. world and put a mark over what is more important and less important . It 's a way of classifying the world 3. Having a self, even a simple self, allows you to look into the {world} and put a mark over what is more {important} and less {important}. It's a way of classifying the {world} in terms of your own needs. 4. R= 208 S= 1.04% ====*209*====+ 1. >you >people 2. you 're facing tough people and people are saying bad things about you 3. I think that when you're kind of just shoved out there and you have to be tough and {you}'re facing tough {people} and {people} are saying bad things about {you}, that all of a sudden, you have to become a little less sweet. 4. R= 209 S= 1.04% ====*210*====+ 1. >self-interest >friendship 2. self-interest behind every friendship . There is no friendship without self-interests 3. There is some {self-interest} behind every {friendship}. There is no {friendship} without {self-interests}. 4. R= 210 S= 1.02% ====*211*====+ 1. >it >you 2. It will not catch you if you do n't repeat it 3. {It} will not catch {you} if {you} don't repeat {it}. 4. R= 211 S= 1.00% ====*212*====+ 1. >event >world 2. event of that child 's world and thus a world event 3. Even a minor event in the life of a child is an {event} of that child's {world} and thus a {world} {event}. 4. R= 212 S= 1.00% ====*213*====+ 1. >write >much 2. writing a short story is much , much harder than writing 3. For me, {writing} a short story is {much}, {much} harder than {writing} a novel. 4. R= 213 S= 0.99% ====*214*====+ 1. >you >horse 2. You took care of your horse , and your horse took care of you 3. {You} took care of your {horse}, and your {horse} took care of {you}. 4. R= 214 S= 0.99% ====*215*====+ 1. >I >he 2. I married him because he told me 3. {I} married {him} because {he} told {me} it was the only way he could protect me. 4. R= 215 S= 0.95% ====*216*====+ 1. >day >book 2. Days of Awe , and a book on the books of Israel that have been written since the day 3. I have also written a book about the Giving of the Torah, and a book on the {Days} of Awe, and a {book} on the {books} of Israel that have been written since the {day} the Torah was given to Israel. 4. R= 216 S= 0.95% ====*217*====+ 1. >thing >kid 2. things in the movie that you saw that are not for kids . Kids would not understand certain things 3. And there are many {things} in the movie that you saw that are not for {kids}. {Kids} would not understand certain {things}. 4. R= 217 S= 0.92% ====*218*====+ 1. >produce >success 2. produces greater success , and greater success produces 3. Greater self-esteem {produces} greater {success}, and greater {success} {produces} more high self-esteem, so it keeps on spiraling up. 4. R= 218 S= 0.92% ====*219*====+ 1. >heroic >age 2. heroic age , and an age is heroic 3. The reason can only be this: heroic poetry depends on an {heroic} {age}, and an {age} is {heroic} because of what it is, not because of what it does. 4. R= 218 S= 0.92% ====*220*====+ 1. >implant >brain 2. implanted in the brain , and the brain is implanted 3. The mind is {implanted} in the {brain}, and the {brain} is {implanted} in the body. 4. R= 218 S= 0.92% ====*221*====+ 1. >therapeutic >people 2. therapeutic , what people people are calling therapeutic 3. The argument has been made in Congress that it is slippery slope if you allow {therapeutic}, what {people} {people} are calling {therapeutic} cloning, then you will get reproductive cloning. 4. R= 221 S= 0.91% ====*222*====+ 1. >life >fame 2. life without fame can be a good life , but fame without a life 3. A {life} without {fame} can be a good life, but {fame} without a {life} is no life at all. 4. R= 222 S= 0.91% ====*223*====+ 1. >just >powerful 2. just may be powerful , and whatever is powerful may be just 3. Justice and power must be brought together, so that whatever is {just} may be {powerful}, and whatever is {powerful} may be {just}. 4. R= 223 S= 0.91% ====*224*====+ 1. >to >chatter 2. to chatter , from chatter to 3. Otherwise from language we descend {to} {chatter}, from {chatter} {to} babble and from babble to confusion. 4. R= 224 S= 0.90% ====*225*====+ 1. >man >other 2. man does n't use others , other people use the successful man 3. The successful {man} doesn't use {others}, {other} people use the successful {man}, for above all the success is of service. 4. R= 225 S= 0.89% ====*226*====+ 1. >health >affordable 2. health reform must not just make health insurance affordable , affordable health insurance has to make health 3. Successful {health} reform must not just make health insurance {affordable}, {affordable} health insurance has to make {health} care affordable. 4. R= 226 S= 0.88% ====*227*====+ 1. >game >you 2. game will be true to you . If you try to shortcut the game 3. Be true to the game, because the {game} will be true to {you}. If {you} try to shortcut the {game}, then the game will shortcut you. 4. R= 227 S= 0.88% ====*228*====+ 1. >body >form 2. bodies display their form . The forms of bodies 3. Shadow is the means by which {bodies} display their {form}. The {forms} of {bodies} could not be understood in detail but for shadow. 4. R= 228 S= 0.88% ====*229*====+ 1. >cost >result 2. costs and the results . Are the results worthy of the costs 3. Weigh the {costs} and the {results}. Are the {results} worthy of the {costs}? 4. R= 229 S= 0.88% ====*230*====+ 1. >satire >decay 2. satire is blind to the forces liberated by decay . Which is why total decay has absorbed the forces of satire 3. All {satire} is blind to the forces liberated by {decay}. Which is why total {decay} has absorbed the forces of {satire}. 4. R= 230 S= 0.88% ====*231*====+ 1. >Action >breed 2. Action breeds inspiration more than inspiration breeds action 3. {Action} {breeds} inspiration more than inspiration {breeds} {action}. 4. R= 231 S= 0.86% ====*232*====+ 1. >important >a 2. important and in which we have to make a decision in a particular case as to which is more important 3. There are some circumstances in which the First Amendment interest comes up against another interest that is really {important} and in which we have to make {a} decision in {a} particular case as to which is more {important}. 4. R= 232 S= 0.85% ====*233*====+ 1. >be >think 2. 's who we think about . And we think that our job is 3. That{'s} who we {think} about. And we {think} that our job {is} to take responsibility for the complete user experience. 4. R= 233 S= 0.84% ====*234*====+ 1. >money >I 2. Money has never been an issue with me . I will make and continue to make plenty of money 3. {Money} has never been an issue with {me}. {I} will make and continue to make plenty of {money}. 4. R= 234 S= 0.83% ====*235*====+ 1. >oath >man 2. oath that makes us believe the man , but the man the oath 3. It is not the {oath} that makes us believe the {man}, but the {man} the {oath}. 4. R= 235 S= 0.83% ====*236*====+ 1. >be >envy 2. is envied , and envy is 3. In Italy, success {is} {envied}, and {envy} {is} the worst, worst, worst thing in the world. 4. R= 236 S= 0.80% ====*237*====+ 1. >to >babble 2. to babble and from babble to 3. Otherwise from language we descend to chatter, from chatter {to} {babble} and from {babble} {to} confusion. 4. R= 236 S= 0.80% ====*238*====+ 1. >run >day 2. run the day or the day runs 3. Either you {run} the {day} or the {day} {runs} you. 4. R= 238 S= 0.78% ====*239*====+ 1. >authority >law 2. authority and one law and everyone has the responsibility to follow that law and that authority 3. We have one {authority} and one {law} and everyone has the responsibility to follow that {law} and that {authority}. 4. R= 239 S= 0.77% ====*240*====+ 1. >great >show 2. great job doing our show , and other shows are doing a great 3. I think we're really - we're doing a really {great} job doing our {show}, and other {shows} are doing a {great} job doing theirs, and we'll just see what people have to say. 4. R= 240 S= 0.77% ====*241*====+ 1. >invent >we 2. invent us or did we invent 3. Did God {invent} {us} or did {we} {invent} God? 4. R= 241 S= 0.74% ====*242*====+ 1. >confident >know 2. confident before I go out and play a match that I know , you know , I 've put in the work and like I feel confident 3. You know, I'm {confident} before I go out and play a match that I {know}, you {know}, I've put in the work and like I feel {confident} that I am going to go out there and play well. 4. R= 242 S= 0.74% ====*243*====+ 1. >shortcut >game 2. shortcut the game , then the game will shortcut 3. If you try to {shortcut} the {game}, then the {game} will {shortcut} you. 4. R= 243 S= 0.73% ====*244*====+ 1. >woman >issue 2. women 's issues are to some degree men 's issues and all men 's issues are to some degree women 3. All {women}'s issues are to some degree men's {issues} and all men's {issues} are to some degree {women}'s issues because when either sex wins unilaterally both sexes lose. 4. R= 244 S= 0.70% ====*245*====+ 1. >lot >the 2. lot of it was n't high fashion because I do n't have the body or the face for high fashion modeling . I did a lot 3. A {lot} of it wasn't high fashion because I don't have {the} body or {the} face for high fashion modeling. I did a {lot} of sportswear, swimwear, and beachwear. 4. R= 245 S= 0.68% ====*246*====+ 1. >about >everything 2. about everything and everything about 3. Try to learn something {about} {everything} and {everything} {about} something. 4. R= 246 S= 0.68% ====*247*====+ 1. >hand >chair 2. hand chairs , chairs that look like hands 3. I tried to do something on {hand} {chairs}, {chairs} that look like {hands}. 4. R= 247 S= 0.67% ====*248*====+ 1. >music >I 2. music seems to be drawing the steps out of me and I do n't look as if I 'm struggling to fit the steps to the music 3. The steps must be second nature to me, so that the {music} seems to be drawing the steps out of {me} and I don't look as if {I}'m struggling to fit the steps to the {music}. 4. R= 248 S= 0.67% ====*249*====+ 1. >think >sinner 2. think they are sinners and the sinners who think 3. There are only two kinds of men: the righteous who {think} they are {sinners} and the {sinners} who {think} they are righteous. 4. R= 249 S= 0.67% ====*250*====+ 1. >Wood >metal 2. Wood is much harder to produce than metal . And metal is recyclable , while wood 3. {Wood} is much harder to produce than {metal}. And {metal} is recyclable, while {wood} isn't. 4. R= 250 S= 0.66% ====*251*====+ 1. >artist >as 2. artist and that there are as few as there are any other great artists 3. I have come to believe that a great teacher is a great {artist} and that there are {as} few {as} there are any other great {artists}. 4. R= 251 S= 0.65% ====*252*====+ 1. >understanding >India 2. understanding of India as well as India 's understanding 3. Hopefully the presence in Congress of an American who happens to be Hindu will increase America's {understanding} of {India} as well as {India}'s {understanding} of America. 4. R= 252 S= 0.65% ====*253*====+ 1. >woman >man 2. women criticized men , I called it ` insight ' ... When men criticized women 3. When {women} criticized {men}, I called it 'insight'... When {men} criticized {women}, I called it 'sexism' and 'backlash.' 4. R= 253 S= 0.65% ====*254*====+ 1. >government >founder 2. government out of the business of morality - but this is antithetical to what the founders wanted . The founders wanted to keep theology out of government so that government 3. There are some who invoke separation of church and state - to try to get the {government} out of the business of morality - but this is antithetical to what the {founders} wanted. The {founders} wanted to keep theology out of government so that {government} could focus on the proper business of morality. 4. R= 254 S= 0.65% ====*255*====+ 1. >you >love 2. you love . Love will hold you 3. Write what {you} {love}. {Love} will hold {you} through the hard times and hold the world during the good times. 4. R= 255 S= 0.64% ====*256*====+ 1. >strong >weak 2. strong weak than the strong are likely to make the weak strong 3. The weak are more likely to make the {strong} {weak} than the strong are likely to make the {weak} {strong}. 4. R= 256 S= 0.64% ====*257*====+ 1. >pursuit >happiness 2. pursuit of happiness that we find fulfillment , it is in the happiness of pursuit 3. It is not in the {pursuit} of {happiness} that we find fulfillment, it is in the {happiness} of {pursuit}. 4. R= 257 S= 0.63% ====*258*====+ 1. >fairy >God 2. fairy agnostic , ' meaning he ca n't disprove God but thinks God is about as likely as the tooth fairy 3. Rather than say he's an atheist, a friend of mine says, 'I'm a tooth {fairy} agnostic,' meaning he can't disprove {God} but thinks {God} is about as likely as the tooth {fairy}. 4. R= 258 S= 0.63% ====*259*====+ 1. >honor >man 2. honor men , but men that honor 3. It is not titles that {honor} {men}, but {men} that {honor} titles. 4. R= 259 S= 0.63% ====*260*====+ 1. >worm >pig 2. worm to a toad , a toad to a snake , a snake to a pig , a pig to a man , and a man to a worm 3. Edible, adj.: Good to eat, and wholesome to digest, as a {worm} to a toad, a toad to a snake, a snake to a {pig}, a {pig} to a man, and a man to a {worm}. 4. R= 260 S= 0.62% ====*261*====+ 1. >move >write 2. moving finger writes , and having written moves 3. The {moving} finger {writes}, and having {written} {moves} on. 4. R= 261 S= 0.61% ====*262*====+ 1. >dream >become 2. dream becomes reality and reality becomes a dream 3. There comes a point when a {dream} {becomes} reality and reality {becomes} a {dream}. 4. R= 261 S= 0.61% ====*263*====+ 1. >concern >nation 2. concerned with nations , but nations also need to be concerned 3. God is {concerned} with {nations}, but {nations} also need to be {concerned} with God. 4. R= 263 S= 0.60% ====*264*====+ 1. >you >spreadsheet 2. you simply ca n't put into a spreadsheet . Spreadsheets spit out results from your 3. There are too many variables in the real world that {you} simply can't put into a {spreadsheet}. {Spreadsheets} spit out results from {your} inexact assumptions and give you a false sense of security. 4. R= 264 S= 0.59% ====*265*====+ 1. >na >they 2. na hang onto them and they 're gon na 3. Yeah, no, I'm gon{na} hang onto {them} and {they}'re gon{na} fuel my attack. 4. R= 265 S= 0.59% ====*266*====+ 1. >you >day 2. you run the day or the day runs you 3. Either {you} run the {day} or the {day} runs {you}. 4. R= 266 S= 0.59% ====*267*====+ 1. >busy >be 2. busy being born is busy 3. He not {busy} {being} born {is} {busy} dying. 4. R= 267 S= 0.57% ====*268*====+ 1. >love >you 2. love you if you love 3. It's not 'I love you' for this or that reason, not 'I {love} {you} if {you} {love} me.' 4. R= 267 S= 0.57% ====*269*====+ 1. >issue >man 2. issues are to some degree men 's issues and all men 's issues are to some degree women 's issues 3. All women's {issues} are to some degree {men}'s issues and all {men}'s issues are to some degree women's {issues} because when either sex wins unilaterally both sexes lose. 4. R= 269 S= 0.56% ====*270*====+ 1. >movie >weekend 2. movies on the weekend and spend my whole weekend watching all of the movies 3. I love film and I love sitcoms, and I was one of those kids that would just go to the {movies} on the {weekend} and spend my whole {weekend} watching all of the {movies}. 4. R= 270 S= 0.56% ====*271*====+ 1. >we >stronger 2. us - becoming stronger and stronger - and we 3. In time there will be millions of {us} - becoming {stronger} and {stronger} - and {we} will complete the message. 4. R= 271 S= 0.55% ====*272*====+ 1. >influence >opinion 2. influences public opinion and how much public opinion influences 3. It is not at all clear how much the media {influences} public {opinion} and how much public {opinion} {influences} the media. 4. R= 272 S= 0.55% ====*273*====+ 1. >think >man 2. think women should have insight as to how men think . Just like men should have insight into how women think 3. I {think} women should have insight as to how {men} think. Just like {men} should have insight into how women {think}. 4. R= 273 S= 0.55% ====*274*====+ 1. >without >talent 2. without talent is a shame , but talent without 3. Hard work {without} {talent} is a shame, but {talent} {without} hard work is a tragedy. 4. R= 274 S= 0.54% ====*275*====+ 1. >dawn >be 2. dawns to which we are awake . There is more day to dawn 3. Only that day {dawns} to which we {are} awake. There {is} more day to {dawn}. 4. R= 275 S= 0.54% ====*276*====+ 1. >for >concept 2. for concepts , and concepts for 3. Hence it happens that one takes words {for} {concepts}, and {concepts} {for} the things themselves. 4. R= 276 S= 0.53% ====*277*====+ 1. >as >man 2. as men , and men as 3. I think women can be as cruel {as} {men}, and {men} {as} tender as women, and vice versa. 4. R= 276 S= 0.53% ====*278*====+ 1. >music >via 2. music is via film , not via classical music 3. It's that all of my understanding of orchestral {music} is {via} film, not {via} classical {music} like it's supposed to be. 4. R= 278 S= 0.53% ====*279*====+ 1. >sensitive >feeling 2. sensitive to and in touch with feelings , but the only feelings they tend to be sensitive 3. It's true that men who cry are {sensitive} to and in touch with {feelings}, but the only {feelings} they tend to be {sensitive} to and in touch with are their own. 4. R= 279 S= 0.53% ====*280*====+ 1. >without >darkness 2. without darkness rapidly becomes trivial . And darkness without 3. Comedy {without} {darkness} rapidly becomes trivial. And {darkness} {without} comedy rapidly becomes unbearable. 4. R= 280 S= 0.53% ====*281*====+ 1. >health >affordable 2. health insurance affordable , affordable health 3. Successful health reform must not just make {health} insurance {affordable}, {affordable} {health} insurance has to make health care affordable. 4. R= 281 S= 0.51% ====*282*====+ 1. >insurance >affordable 2. insurance affordable , affordable health insurance 3. Successful health reform must not just make health {insurance} {affordable}, {affordable} health {insurance} has to make health care affordable. 4. R= 281 S= 0.51% ====*283*====+ 1. >care >horse 2. care of your horse , and your horse took care 3. You took {care} of your {horse}, and your {horse} took {care} of you. 4. R= 283 S= 0.51% ====*284*====+ 1. >of >failure 2. of going from failure to failure without loss of 3. Success consists {of} going from {failure} to {failure} without loss {of} enthusiasm. 4. R= 284 S= 0.51% ====*285*====+ 1. >everything >people 2. everything people need . But people need everything 3. There came into the world an unlimited abundance of {everything} {people} need. But {people} need {everything} except unlimited abundance. 4. R= 285 S= 0.51% ====*286*====+ 1. >Vedanta >error 2. Vedanta recognizes no sin it only recognizes error . And the greatest error , says the Vedanta 3. The {Vedanta} recognizes no sin it only recognizes {error}. And the greatest {error}, says the {Vedanta} is to say that you are weak, that you are a sinner, a miserable creature, and that you have no power and you cannot do this and that. 4. R= 286 S= 0.51% ====*287*====+ 1. >snake >I 2. Snakes are just very instinctive to me . I 've been playing with snakes 3. {Snakes} are just very instinctive to {me}. {I}'ve been playing with {snakes} since before I could walk. 4. R= 287 S= 0.50% ====*288*====+ 1. >look >abyss 2. look into an abyss , the abyss also looks 3. When you {look} into an {abyss}, the {abyss} also {looks} into you. 4. R= 288 S= 0.50% ====*289*====+ 1. >be >record 2. 'm walking down the street or I 'm in a record store buying a record or I walk into a comic store and I 'm 3. Whether I'm doing music or I{'m} walking down the street or I'm in a {record} store buying a {record} or I walk into a comic store and I{'m} buying comics or having a drink with my friends, it's the same me. 4. R= 289 S= 0.48% ====*290*====+ 1. >politics >it 2. politics in interviews or the media actually giving them credibility about it . It 's absurd that a celebrity could speak out on the economy or politics 3. I don't know what's more embarrassing, these musicians and actors talking about {politics} in interviews or the media actually giving them credibility about {it}. {It}'s absurd that a celebrity could speak out on the economy or {politics} with no more justification than a hit album or a movie. 4. R= 290 S= 0.48% ====*291*====+ 1. >a >chrysali 2. a chrysalis , and the chrysalis a 3. Is it sin, which makes the worm {a} {chrysalis}, and the {chrysalis} {a} butterfly, and the butterfly dust? 4. R= 291 S= 0.48% ====*292*====+ 1. >be >outside 2. is outside but the universe outside is 3. The universe inside {is} {outside} but the universe {outside} {is} inside. 4. R= 291 S= 0.48% ====*293*====+ 1. >topic >chair 2. topic for while . I tried to do something on hand chairs , chairs that look like hands . I really tried . But some topics 3. I worked on 'USA Today' as a {topic} for while. I tried to do something on hand {chairs}, {chairs} that look like hands. I really tried. But some {topics} are not truly universal. 4. R= 293 S= 0.48% ====*294*====+ 1. >order >believe 2. order to believe , but I believe in order 3. For I do not seek to understand in {order} to {believe}, but I {believe} in {order} to understand. 4. R= 294 S= 0.47% ====*295*====+ 1. >anywhere >mother 2. anywhere without her mother , and her mother will go anywhere 3. My wife is the kind of girl who will not go {anywhere} without her {mother}, and her {mother} will go {anywhere}. 4. R= 294 S= 0.47% ====*296*====+ 1. >know >cat 2. know as much about your cat as your cat knows 3. In nine lifetimes, you'll never {know} as much about your {cat} as your {cat} {knows} about you. 4. R= 296 S= 0.47% ====*297*====+ 1. >picture >school 2. pictures throughout middle school and most of high school until picture 3. I kept hiding my smile in {pictures} throughout middle {school} and most of high {school} until {picture} day came my senior year. 4. R= 297 S= 0.47% ====*298*====+ 1. >suppose >life 2. supposed to give us life and a better life and is supposed 3. We're all sick of holy wars and bloodshed because religion is {supposed} to give us {life} and a better {life} and is {supposed} to bring out our best self. 4. R= 298 S= 0.46% ====*299*====+ 1. >detective >York 2. detective story in New York City . New York City is itself a detective 3. It is ridiculous to set a {detective} story in New {York} City. New {York} City is itself a {detective} story. 4. R= 299 S= 0.46% ====*300*====+ 1. >in >health 2. in public health and health care in 3. And in retrospect, more should have been done to prepare for cholera... which can spread like wildfire in Haiti... This was a big rebuke to all of us working {in} public {health} and {health} care {in} Haiti. 4. R= 300 S= 0.45% ====*301*====+ 1. >clear >civilian 2. clear . It says all necessary measures to be taken to protect civilians and civilian areas . I mean , that to me is very clear 3. Well, the U.N. Security Council resolution 1973 is very {clear}. It says all necessary measures to be taken to protect {civilians} and {civilian} areas. I mean, that to me is very {clear}. 4. R= 301 S= 0.45% ====*302*====+ 1. >laugh >truth 2. laugh at the truth , to make truth laugh 3. Perhaps the mission of those who love mankind is to make people {laugh} at the {truth}, to make {truth} {laugh}, because the only truth lies in learning to free ourselves from insane passion for the truth. 4. R= 302 S= 0.45% ====*303*====+ 1. >likely >strong 2. likely to make the strong weak than the strong are likely 3. The weak are more {likely} to make the {strong} weak than the {strong} are {likely} to make the weak strong. 4. R= 302 S= 0.45% ====*304*====+ 1. >want >they 2. want them to do because they want 3. Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you {want} {them} to do because {they} {want} to do it. 4. R= 304 S= 0.44% ====*305*====+ 1. >'s >issue 2. 's issues are to some degree men 's issues and all men 's issues are to some degree women 's 3. All women{'s} issues are to some degree men's {issues} and all men's {issues} are to some degree women{'s} issues because when either sex wins unilaterally both sexes lose. 4. R= 305 S= 0.43% ====*306*====+ 1. >issue >'s 2. issues are to some degree men 's issues and all men 's issues are to some degree women 's issues 3. All women's {issues} are to some degree men{'s} issues and all men{'s} issues are to some degree women's {issues} because when either sex wins unilaterally both sexes lose. 4. R= 305 S= 0.43% ====*307*====+ 1. >life >environment 2. life upon the environment . Environment modifies life 3. It is a common habit to blame {life} upon the {environment}. {Environment} modifies {life} but does not govern life. 4. R= 307 S= 0.43% ====*308*====+ 1. >God >experience 2. God speak to the heart is a majestic experience , an experience that people may miss if they monopolize the conversation and never pause to hear God 3. To have {God} speak to the heart is a majestic {experience}, an {experience} that people may miss if they monopolize the conversation and never pause to hear {God}'s responses. 4. R= 308 S= 0.42% ====*309*====+ 1. >part >I 2. part of me and I am part 3. I know that you are {part} of {me} and {I} am {part} of you because we are all aspects of the same infinite consciousness that we call God and Creation. 4. R= 309 S= 0.42% ====*310*====+ 1. >part >I 2. part of me and I am part 3. We are reflections of one another, therefore I know that you are {part} of {me} and {I} am {part} of you because we are all projections of the universal principles of creation/destruction polarities of the same infinite consciousness that we call God. 4. R= 309 S= 0.42% ====*311*====+ 1. >mom >and 2. mom used to let me play with the pots and pans , and instead of telling me to stop like most moms 3. My {mom} used to let me play with the pots {and} pans, {and} instead of telling me to stop like most {moms} would, she just let me do it. 4. R= 311 S= 0.42% ====*312*====+ 1. >knock >work 2. knock his competitors . The sensible worker does not work those who work with him . Do n't knock 3. The intelligent merchant does not {knock} his competitors. The sensible worker does not {work} those who {work} with him. Don't {knock} your friends. 4. R= 312 S= 0.41% ====*313*====+ 1. >inspiration >experiment 2. inspiration is but an experiment - though every experiment we know , is not a great inspiration 3. Every great {inspiration} is but an {experiment} - though every {experiment} we know, is not a great {inspiration}. 4. R= 313 S= 0.41% ====*314*====+ 1. >read >Bible 2. read the Bible . The Bible is read 3. It's not that you're pushed to {read} the {Bible}. The {Bible} is {read} to you. 4. R= 314 S= 0.41% ====*315*====+ 1. >day >year 2. days are short and the years are long . In old age the years are short and day 3. In youth the {days} are short and the {years} are long. In old age the {years} are short and {day}'s long. 4. R= 315 S= 0.41% ====*316*====+ 1. >violence >evil 2. Violence is n't always evil . What 's evil is the infatuation with violence 3. {Violence} isn't always {evil}. What's {evil} is the infatuation with {violence}. 4. R= 316 S= 0.41% ====*317*====+ 1. >big >foot 2. big feet , soon the feet start looking big 3. My feet ain't got nothing to do with my nickname, but when folks get it in their heads that a feller's got {big} {feet}, soon the {feet} start looking {big}. 4. R= 317 S= 0.40% ====*318*====+ 1. >dig >I 2. digs me , I dig 3. But I dig myself, and especially if my wife {digs} {me}, {I} {dig} myself more. 4. R= 318 S= 0.40% ====*319*====+ 1. >India >as 2. India as well as India 3. Hopefully the presence in Congress of an American who happens to be Hindu will increase America's understanding of {India} {as} well {as} {India}'s understanding of America. 4. R= 318 S= 0.40% ====*320*====+ 1. >thicker >the 2. thicker the wood the thicker 3. My philosophy is the {thicker} {the} wood {the} {thicker} the sound, the bigger the string the bigger the sound. 4. R= 318 S= 0.40% ====*321*====+ 1. >bigger >the 2. bigger the string the bigger 3. My philosophy is the thicker the wood the thicker the sound, the {bigger} {the} string {the} {bigger} the sound. 4. R= 318 S= 0.40% ====*322*====+ 1. >from >day 2. from day to day and from 3. For the meaning of life differs from man to man, {from} {day} to {day} and {from} hour to hour. 4. R= 322 S= 0.40% ====*323*====+ 1. >latin >person 2. Latin person , a person who has Latin 3. I also identify as a {Latin} {person}, a {person} who has {Latin} blood. 4. R= 323 S= 0.39% ====*324*====+ 1. >wish >rich 2. wish to be rich , the rich wish 3. The poor {wish} to be {rich}, the {rich} {wish} to be happy, the single wish to be married, and the married wish to be dead. 4. R= 323 S= 0.39% ====*325*====+ 1. >let >go 2. let go and I 'm going to let 3. You have to at some point say, 'I {let} {go} and I'm {going} to {let} the cards fall where they fall... For a control freak, it's hard. 4. R= 325 S= 0.39% ====*326*====+ 1. >work >player 2. work of a team should always embrace a great player but the great player must always work 3. The {work} of a team should always embrace a great {player} but the great {player} must always {work}. 4. R= 326 S= 0.39% ====*327*====+ 1. >a >human 2. A composer knows that music is written by human beings for human beings and that music is a 3. {A} composer knows that music is written by {human} beings for {human} beings and that music is {a} continuation of life, not something separated from it. 4. R= 327 S= 0.39% ====*328*====+ 1. >come >visa 2. come to Pakistan but are not given visas . We wish for visas to be given to those people who want to come 3. People want to {come} to Pakistan but are not given {visas}. We wish for {visas} to be given to those people who want to {come} to Pakistan. 4. R= 328 S= 0.38% ====*329*====+ 1. >about >cat 2. about your cat as your cat knows about 3. In nine lifetimes, you'll never know as much {about} your {cat} as your {cat} knows {about} you. 4. R= 329 S= 0.38% ====*330*====+ 1. >music >I 2. music seems to be drawing the steps out of me and I do n't look as if I 'm struggling to fit the steps to the music 3. The steps must be second nature to me, so that the {music} seems to be drawing the steps out of me and {I} don't look as if {I}'m struggling to fit the steps to the {music}. 4. R= 330 S= 0.38% ====*331*====+ 1. >the >law 2. the limits of the law ' because law is often but the 3. I do not add 'within {the} limits of the {law}' because {law} is often but {the} tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual. 4. R= 331 S= 0.38% ====*332*====+ 1. >I >God 2. I see God is the same eye with which God sees me 3. The eye with which {I} see {God} is the same eye with which {God} sees {me}. 4. R= 332 S= 0.38% ====*333*====+ 1. >much >know 2. much you know , until they know how much 3. Nobody cares how {much} you {know}, until they {know} how {much} you care. 4. R= 333 S= 0.38% ====*334*====+ 1. >we >he 2. We called him Tortoise because he taught us 3. {We} called {him} Tortoise because {he} taught {us}. 4. R= 334 S= 0.38% ====*335*====+ 1. >time >waste 2. time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time 3. The {time} you enjoy {wasting} is not {wasted} {time}. 4. R= 335 S= 0.37% ====*336*====+ 1. >they >I 2. they do n't like me because I checked them 3. And then {they} don't like {me} because {I} checked {them}. 4. R= 336 S= 0.37% ====*337*====+ 1. >woman >he 2. woman who is interested in him than he is in a woman 3. The average man is more interested in a {woman} who is interested in {him} than {he} is in a {woman} with beautiful legs. 4. R= 337 S= 0.36% ====*338*====+ 1. >without >justice 2. without justice . There can be no justice without 3. There really can be no peace {without} {justice}. There can be no {justice} {without} truth. 4. R= 338 S= 0.36% ====*339*====+ 1. >I >show 2. I to others show , that mercy show to me 3. Teach me to feel another's woe, to hide the fault I see, that mercy {I} to others {show}, that mercy {show} to {me}. 4. R= 339 S= 0.36% ====*340*====+ 1. >stanza >room 2. stanza ' means ' a room ' , and a room is a good way to conceive of a stanza 3. The Italian word '{stanza}' means 'a {room}', and a {room} is a good way to conceive of a {stanza}. 4. R= 340 S= 0.36% ====*341*====+ 1. >best >give 2. best advice I know is to give is to give those worldly things your best 3. The {best} advice I know is to {give} is to {give} those worldly things your {best} but never your all - reserve the ultimate hope for the only one who can grant it. 4. R= 341 S= 0.35% ====*342*====+ 1. >play >love 2. played the guitar the more I began to really love the guitar and to love virtually any kind of music that anybody played 3. Well I was on the one hand, the more I {played} the guitar the more I began to really {love} the guitar and to {love} virtually any kind of music that anybody {played} well on guitar. 4. R= 342 S= 0.35% ====*343*====+ 1. >live >and 2. live wisely and well and justly without living 3. And it is impossible to {live} wisely {and} well {and} justly without {living} a pleasant life. 4. R= 343 S= 0.35% ====*344*====+ 1. >we >God 2. we talk to God we 're said to be praying but when God talks to us 3. Why is it that when {we} talk to {God} we're said to be praying but when {God} talks to {us} we're schizophrenic? 4. R= 344 S= 0.35% ====*345*====+ 1. >grape >season 2. grapes season after season without thinking of the grapes 3. We ought to do good to others as simply as a horse runs, or a bee makes honey, or a vine bears {grapes} {season} after {season} without thinking of the {grapes} it has borne. 4. R= 345 S= 0.35% ====*346*====+ 1. >media >public 2. media influences public opinion and how much public opinion influences the media 3. It is not at all clear how much the {media} influences {public} opinion and how much {public} opinion influences the {media}. 4. R= 346 S= 0.35% ====*347*====+ 1. >they >you 2. They are God 's gift to you , as you are to them 3. {They} are God's gift to {you}, as {you} are to {them}. 4. R= 347 S= 0.35% ====*348*====+ 1. >courage >be 2. courage to be is the courage 3. The {courage} to {be} {is} the {courage} to accept oneself, in spite of being unacceptable. 4. R= 348 S= 0.34% ====*349*====+ 1. >keep >have 2. kept secrets . We 've had secrets kept 3. We've all {kept} secrets. We{'ve} {had} secrets {kept} from us, and we know how that feels. 4. R= 349 S= 0.34% ====*350*====+ 1. >the >I 2. The world does n't understand me and I do n't understand the 3. {The} world doesn't understand {me} and {I} don't understand {the} world, that's why I've withdrawn from it. 4. R= 350 S= 0.34% ====*351*====+ 1. >family >rich 2. family was not rich , was not a rich family 3. I am quite a spendthrift but just being careful because my {family} was not {rich}, was not a {rich} {family}. 4. R= 351 S= 0.34% ====*352*====+ 1. >exist >quality 2. exists as a substance of qualities , and qualities exist 3. Einstein said, if everything {exists} as a substance of {qualities}, and {qualities} {exist} only in mind, then all is mind. 4. R= 352 S= 0.33% ====*353*====+ 1. >unlimited >people 2. unlimited abundance of everything people need . But people need everything except unlimited 3. There came into the world an {unlimited} abundance of everything {people} need. But {people} need everything except {unlimited} abundance. 4. R= 353 S= 0.33% ====*354*====+ 1. >life >time 2. life , do n't waste time , for time is what life 3. If you love {life}, don't waste {time}, for {time} is what {life} is made up of. 4. R= 354 S= 0.33% ====*355*====+ 1. >keep >secret 2. kept secrets . We 've had secrets kept 3. We've all {kept} {secrets}. We've had {secrets} {kept} from us, and we know how that feels. 4. R= 355 S= 0.33% ====*356*====+ 1. >adult >kid 2. adult is way more fun than being a kid . But then I was a kid who wanted to be an adult 3. As far I'm concerned, being an {adult} is way more fun than being a {kid}. But then I was a {kid} who wanted to be an {adult}. 4. R= 356 S= 0.33% ====*357*====+ 1. >common >education 2. common sense without education than to have education without common 3. It is a thousand times better to have {common} sense without {education} than to have {education} without {common} sense. 4. R= 357 S= 0.32% ====*358*====+ 1. >boring >someone 2. boring someone or , worse still , of someone boring 3. I have a horror of {boring} {someone} or, worse still, of {someone} {boring} me. 4. R= 358 S= 0.32% ====*359*====+ 1. >successful >other 2. successful man does n't use others , other people use the successful 3. The {successful} man doesn't use {others}, {other} people use the {successful} man, for above all the success is of service. 4. R= 359 S= 0.32% ====*360*====+ 1. >you >world 2. you are busy working for the world , and the world is busy trying to turn you 3. O man {you} are busy working for the {world}, and the {world} is busy trying to turn {you} out. 4. R= 360 S= 0.32% ====*361*====+ 1. >a >learn 2. a bar to learning and learning must offer an 3. Poverty must not be {a} bar to {learning} and {learning} must offer {an} escape from poverty. 4. R= 361 S= 0.32% ====*362*====+ 1. >marriage >I 2. Marriage does n't really mean anything to me . I feel like in many ways marriage 3. {Marriage} doesn't really mean anything to {me}. {I} feel like in many ways {marriage} is more for the families of the couple than for the people involved, so I don't gravitate to it. 4. R= 362 S= 0.32% ====*363*====+ 1. >'s >India 2. 's understanding of India as well as India 's 3. Hopefully the presence in Congress of an American who happens to be Hindu will increase America{'s} understanding of {India} as well as {India}{'s} understanding of America. 4. R= 363 S= 0.32% ====*364*====+ 1. >worm >snake 2. worm to a toad , a toad to a snake , a snake to a pig , a pig to a man , and a man to a worm 3. Edible, adj.: Good to eat, and wholesome to digest, as a {worm} to a toad, a toad to a {snake}, a {snake} to a pig, a pig to a man, and a man to a {worm}. 4. R= 364 S= 0.32% ====*365*====+ 1. >french >be 2. French and the English is that the English are intelligent and the French 3. It was always said that the big distinction between the {French} and the English {is} that the English {are} intelligent and the {French} are intellectual. 4. R= 365 S= 0.32% ====*366*====+ 1. >to >laugh 2. to laugh , and I laugh to 3. I live {to} {laugh}, and I {laugh} {to} live. 4. R= 366 S= 0.32% ====*367*====+ 1. >list >know 2. list with the first book , everyone who knows me knows that every week it continued to be on the list 3. When I was on the bestseller {list} with the first book, everyone who {knows} me {knows} that every week it continued to be on the {list} was a very dark week for me. 4. R= 367 S= 0.31% ====*368*====+ 1. >book >lesson 2. book you pick up has its own lesson or lessons , and quite often the bad books 3. Every {book} you pick up has its own {lesson} or {lessons}, and quite often the bad {books} have more to teach than the good ones. 4. R= 368 S= 0.31% ====*369*====+ 1. >people >shift 2. people who are doing shift work or managing shift workers or deciding to put people 3. What {people} who are doing {shift} work or managing {shift} workers or deciding to put {people} on shift schedules to begin with should realize that we're not robots. 4. R= 369 S= 0.31% ====*370*====+ 1. >I >it 2. I do n't want to say it 's tough but it 's ... something special to me 3. Being Ecuadorian is, {I} don't want to say {it}'s tough but {it}'s... something special to {me}. 4. R= 370 S= 0.31% ====*371*====+ 1. >alcohol >tobacco 2. alcohol or tobacco ... I 've buried a lot of friends who used tobacco or alcohol 3. I'm glad now, at age 66, that I never used {alcohol} or {tobacco}... I've buried a lot of friends who used {tobacco} or {alcohol}. 4. R= 371 S= 0.31% ====*372*====+ 1. >produce >greater 2. produces greater success , and greater success produces 3. Greater self-esteem {produces} {greater} success, and {greater} success {produces} more high self-esteem, so it keeps on spiraling up. 4. R= 372 S= 0.31% ====*373*====+ 1. >though >live 2. though you would live forever , and live as though 3. Work as {though} you would {live} forever, and {live} as {though} you would die today. 4. R= 372 S= 0.31% ====*374*====+ 1. >a >reality 2. a dream becomes reality and reality becomes a 3. There comes a point when {a} dream becomes {reality} and {reality} becomes {a} dream. 4. R= 374 S= 0.30% ====*375*====+ 1. >love >I 2. loved me , so have I loved 3. As the Father has {loved} {me}, so have {I} {loved} you. 4. R= 375 S= 0.29% ====*376*====+ 1. >limit >we 2. limit our practice , and we limit 3. If we imagine that the only right that we have is to make commodifiable objects, then we {limit} {our} practice, and {we} {limit} the great potential for an understanding between collectors, curators and galleries. 4. R= 375 S= 0.29% ====*377*====+ 1. >shape >we 2. shape our lives , and we shape 3. In the long run, we {shape} {our} lives, and {we} {shape} ourselves. 4. R= 375 S= 0.29% ====*378*====+ 1. >love >beautiful 2. love me because I 'm beautiful , or am I beautiful because you love 3. Do you {love} me because I'm {beautiful}, or am I {beautiful} because you {love} me? 4. R= 378 S= 0.29% ====*379*====+ 1. >you >thing 2. you do bad things , bad things happen to you 3. When {you} do bad {things}, bad {things} happen to {you}. 4. R= 379 S= 0.29% ====*380*====+ 1. >song >move 2. songs that move me , and what moves me are beautiful songs 3. Specifically for me, I like writing {songs} that {move} me, and what {moves} me are beautiful {songs} on the piano or the guitar and really, really heavy music. 4. R= 380 S= 0.29% ====*381*====+ 1. >feel >sometimes 2. feel very much like a father sometimes but sometimes I feel 3. I {feel} very much like a father {sometimes} but {sometimes} I {feel} like a teammate. 4. R= 381 S= 0.28% ====*382*====+ 1. >wish >live 2. wishing you were doing something else at the moment you are living . You have n't lived in the moment that you are really living , you are wishing 3. It's ungrateful to be {wishing} you were doing something else at the moment you are {living}. You haven't {lived} in the moment that you are really living, you are {wishing} you were somewhere else. 4. R= 382 S= 0.28% ====*383*====+ 1. >sell >record 2. sold 40 million records off of one record and sold 3. And no matter if he {sold} 40 million {records} off of one {record} and {sold} 15 off his last or whatever the counts may be, Michael Jackson will be Michael Jackson. 4. R= 383 S= 0.28% ====*384*====+ 1. >to >job 2. to give you a job because jobs are something that are given to 3. Their idea is it takes a rich person {to} give you a {job} because {jobs} are something that are given {to} you, an inferior, from on high. 4. R= 384 S= 0.28% ====*385*====+ 1. >influence >public 2. influences public opinion and how much public opinion influences 3. It is not at all clear how much the media {influences} {public} opinion and how much {public} opinion {influences} the media. 4. R= 385 S= 0.27% ====*386*====+ 1. >modern >reason 2. modern world is reliance on reason , especially reason disciplined and enriched by modern 3. A third ideal that has made its way in the {modern} world is reliance on {reason}, especially {reason} disciplined and enriched by {modern} science. 4. R= 386 S= 0.27% ====*387*====+ 1. >fission >neutron 2. fission produces a certain number of neutrons and some of these neutrons will again produce fission 3. The fundamental point in fabricating a chain reacting machine is of course to see to it that each {fission} produces a certain number of {neutrons} and some of these {neutrons} will again produce {fission}. 4. R= 387 S= 0.27% ====*388*====+ 1. >without >fame 2. without fame can be a good life , but fame without 3. A life {without} {fame} can be a good life, but {fame} {without} a life is no life at all. 4. R= 388 S= 0.27% ====*389*====+ 1. >give >without 2. give without loving , but you can never love without giving 3. You can {give} {without} loving, but you can never love {without} {giving}. 4. R= 388 S= 0.27% ====*390*====+ 1. >on >competitiveness 2. on our competitiveness and our competitiveness depends on 3. Our success depends {on} our {competitiveness} and our {competitiveness} depends {on} raising our productivity, as our competitors are raising theirs. 4. R= 390 S= 0.27% ====*391*====+ 1. >mean >say 2. means all he says , and yet very few say all they mean 3. No one {means} all he {says}, and yet very few {say} all they {mean}, for words are slippery and thought is viscous. 4. R= 391 S= 0.26% ====*392*====+ 1. >man >woman 2. man belittles a woman , it could become a lawsuit . If women belittle men 3. If a {man} belittles a {woman}, it could become a lawsuit. If {women} belittle {men}, it's a Hallmark card. 4. R= 392 S= 0.26% ====*393*====+ 1. >I >you 2. I 'm going to hold steady on to You and You 've got to see me 3. Lord, {I}'m going to hold steady on to {You} and {You}'ve got to see {me} through. 4. R= 393 S= 0.26% ====*394*====+ 1. >think >be 2. think what is happening is I think 3. I {think} what {is} happening {is} I {think} first of all there is confidence in the U.K. economy. 4. R= 394 S= 0.26% ====*395*====+ 1. >everything >need 2. everything people need . But people need everything 3. There came into the world an unlimited abundance of {everything} people {need}. But people {need} {everything} except unlimited abundance. 4. R= 395 S= 0.26% ====*396*====+ 1. >horror >outsider 2. horror movies are outsiders as well , so that outsider syndrome reverberates within horror 3. A lot of the main characters in {horror} movies are {outsiders} as well, so that {outsider} syndrome reverberates within {horror} fans and geeky collectors. 4. R= 396 S= 0.26% ====*397*====+ 1. >of >worship 2. of worship is the worship of 3. The highest form {of} {worship} is the {worship} {of} unselfish Christian service. 4. R= 397 S= 0.26% ====*398*====+ 1. >of >love 2. of love overcomes the love of 3. When the power {of} {love} overcomes the {love} {of} power the world will know peace. 4. R= 397 S= 0.26% ====*399*====+ 1. >beginning >end 2. beginning is often the end . And to make an end is to make a beginning 3. What we call the {beginning} is often the {end}. And to make an {end} is to make a {beginning}. 4. R= 399 S= 0.26% ====*400*====+ 1. >change >we 2. change is an appeal to our reason and to our desire to bring about change 3. Being told about the effects of climate {change} is an appeal to {our} reason and to {our} desire to bring about {change}. 4. R= 400 S= 0.25% ====*401*====+ 1. >for >believe 2. For I do not seek to understand in order to believe , but I believe in order to understand . For 3. {For} I do not seek to understand in order to {believe}, but I {believe} in order to understand. {For} I believe this: unless I believe, I will not understand. 4. R= 401 S= 0.25% ====*402*====+ 1. >of >evidence 2. of evidence is not evidence of 3. Absence {of} {evidence} is not {evidence} {of} absence. 4. R= 402 S= 0.24% ====*403*====+ 1. >to >live 2. to live , not live to 3. One should eat {to} {live}, not {live} {to} eat. 4. R= 402 S= 0.24% ====*404*====+ 1. >Devil >he 2. Devil in the face and tell him he is a Devil 3. A brave man is a man who dares to look the {Devil} in the face and tell {him} {he} is a {Devil}. 4. R= 404 S= 0.24% ====*405*====+ 1. >I >she 2. I would sit with her and she would sing and I 3. My mother played a guitar and {I} would sit with {her} and {she} would sing and {I} learned to sing along with her. 4. R= 405 S= 0.24% ====*406*====+ 1. >we >show 2. we 're doing a really great job doing our show , and other shows are doing a great job doing theirs , and we 3. I think we're really - {we}'re doing a really great job doing our {show}, and other {shows} are doing a great job doing theirs, and {we}'ll just see what people have to say. 4. R= 406 S= 0.24% ====*407*====+ 1. >cheese >extra 2. cheese burritos with extra green sauce and extra cheese 3. I'm currently obsessed with Taco Bell's bean and {cheese} burritos with {extra} green sauce and {extra} {cheese}. 4. R= 407 S= 0.24% ====*408*====+ 1. >write >worth 2. write something worth reading or do something worth writing 3. Either {write} something {worth} reading or do something {worth} {writing}. 4. R= 408 S= 0.24% ====*409*====+ 1. >parent >be 2. parents were before they were parents 3. Children rarely want to know who their {parents} {were} before they {were} {parents}, and when age finally stirs their curiosity, there is no parent left to tell them. 4. R= 409 S= 0.24% ====*410*====+ 1. >greater >the 2. greater the love , the greater 3. The immature mind often mistakes one for the other, or assumes that the {greater} {the} love, {the} {greater} the jealousy. 4. R= 409 S= 0.24% ====*411*====+ 1. >white >people 2. white people , and some black people love white 3. Some white people hate black people, and some white people love black people, some black people hate {white} {people}, and some black {people} love {white} people. 4. R= 411 S= 0.24% ====*412*====+ 1. >it >you 2. It 's not what happens to you , but how you react to it 3. {It}'s not what happens to {you}, but how {you} react to {it} that matters. 4. R= 412 S= 0.24% ====*413*====+ 1. >world >you 2. world to live up to your expectations and you 're not in this world 3. I'm not in this {world} to live up to {your} expectations and {you}'re not in this {world} to live up to mine. 4. R= 413 S= 0.23% ====*414*====+ 1. >you >I 2. You laugh at me because I 'm different , I laugh at you 3. {You} laugh at {me} because I'm different, {I} laugh at {you} because you're all the same. 4. R= 414 S= 0.23% ====*415*====+ 1. >event >child 2. event in the life of a child is an event of that child 's world and thus a world event 3. Even a minor {event} in the life of a {child} is an event of that {child}'s world and thus a world {event}. 4. R= 415 S= 0.23% ====*416*====+ 1. >like >sometimes 2. like a father sometimes but sometimes I feel like 3. I feel very much {like} a father {sometimes} but {sometimes} I feel {like} a teammate. 4. R= 416 S= 0.23% ====*417*====+ 1. >stop >I 2. stop me , then I stop 3. If God want to {stop} {me}, then {I} {stop}. 4. R= 417 S= 0.22% ====*418*====+ 1. >move >arm 2. moved your arms then the robot 's arms would move 3. You put the suit on and {moved} your {arms} then the robot's {arms} would {move} in sync with yours. 4. R= 418 S= 0.22% ====*419*====+ 1. >do >show 2. doing a really great job doing our show , and other shows are doing a great job doing 3. I think we're really - we're {doing} a really great job doing our {show}, and other {shows} are doing a great job {doing} theirs, and we'll just see what people have to say. 4. R= 419 S= 0.22% ====*420*====+ 1. >a >much 2. a short story is much , much harder than writing a 3. For me, writing {a} short story is {much}, {much} harder than writing {a} novel. 4. R= 420 S= 0.22% ====*421*====+ 1. >I >weather 2. I always start everything with the weather , because the weather is the first thing that I 3. {I} always start everything with the {weather}, because the {weather} is the first thing that {I} notice when I wake up in the morning. 4. R= 421 S= 0.22% ====*422*====+ 1. >want >do 2. want to do - I do n't want 3. If you were to ask me what I {want} to {do} - I {do}n't {want} to be a celebrity, I want to make a difference. 4. R= 422 S= 0.22% ====*423*====+ 1. >key >happiness 2. key to happiness . Happiness is the key 3. Success is not the {key} to {happiness}. {Happiness} is the {key} to success. 4. R= 423 S= 0.22% ====*424*====+ 1. >life >we 2. Lives of great men all remind us , we can make our lives 3. {Lives} of great men all remind {us}, {we} can make our {lives} sublime, and, departing, leave behind us, footprints on the sands of time. 4. R= 424 S= 0.22% ====*425*====+ 1. >do >evil 2. do n't want to do evil for evil 's sake . I do n't want to do 3. In other words, I {do}n't want to do {evil} for {evil}'s sake. I don't want to {do} Jason slasher movies. 4. R= 425 S= 0.22% ====*426*====+ 1. >win >lose 2. win but lose . Other times you deserve to lose or draw but you win 3. Sometimes in football you deserve to {win} but {lose}. Other times you deserve to {lose} or draw but you {win}. 4. R= 426 S= 0.22% ====*427*====+ 1. >work >goal 2. work on your goals , your goals will go to work 3. If you go to {work} on your {goals}, your {goals} will go to {work} on you. 4. R= 427 S= 0.22% ====*428*====+ 1. >work >plan 2. work on your plan , your plan will go to work 3. If you go to {work} on your {plan}, your {plan} will go to {work} on you. 4. R= 427 S= 0.22% ====*429*====+ 1. >experience >without 2. Experience without theory is blind , but theory without experience 3. {Experience} {without} theory is blind, but theory {without} {experience} is mere intellectual play. 4. R= 429 S= 0.21% ====*430*====+ 1. >without >knowledge 2. without knowledge is weak and useless , and knowledge without 3. Integrity {without} {knowledge} is weak and useless, and {knowledge} {without} integrity is dangerous and dreadful. 4. R= 429 S= 0.21% ====*431*====+ 1. >I >she 2. I told her she ought to marry me 3. The moment I was introduced to my wife, Emma, at a party I thought, here she is - and 20 minutes later {I} told {her} {she} ought to marry {me}. 4. R= 431 S= 0.21% ====*432*====+ 1. >come >we 2. came to us many boats and we suffered them to come 3. At which time {came} to {us} many boats and {we} suffered them to {come} aboard, being not able to resist them, which people did us no harm, neither of us understanding the one the other. 4. R= 432 S= 0.21% ====*433*====+ 1. >I >world 2. I 'd rather betray the world than let the world betray me 3. {I}'d rather betray the {world} than let the {world} betray {me}. 4. R= 433 S= 0.21% ====*434*====+ 1. >man >use 2. man does n't use others , other people use the successful man 3. The successful {man} doesn't {use} others, other people {use} the successful {man}, for above all the success is of service. 4. R= 434 S= 0.21% ====*435*====+ 1. >show >be 2. show because it is , despite being a hit show 3. Perhaps 'Big Bang' fans feel so protective of the {show} because it {is}, despite {being} a hit {show} on a big network, something of a word-of-mouth phenomenon. 4. R= 435 S= 0.21% ====*436*====+ 1. >learn >desperation 2. learn anything without desperation . Desperation is a necessary ingredient to learning 3. I don't think human beings {learn} anything without {desperation}. {Desperation} is a necessary ingredient to {learning} anything or creating anything. 4. R= 436 S= 0.21% ====*437*====+ 1. >admit >have 2. admit you want to have a comeback means you have to admit 3. To {admit} you want to {have} a comeback means you {have} to {admit} you weren't what you were supposed to be. 4. R= 437 S= 0.21% ====*438*====+ 1. >get >play 2. get in these procedurals where you 're crying or you 're playing a witness or you 're playing a crazy person . Every once in a while you get 3. In TV, kid roles are like this: You're either in a couple minutes of an episode playing somebody's kid, or you {get} in these procedurals where you're crying or you're {playing} a witness or you're {playing} a crazy person. Every once in a while you {get} a big guest star role, but there's a formula to those TV shows. 4. R= 438 S= 0.21% ====*439*====+ 1. >short >novel 2. short stories that are as dense as a 19th century novel and novels that really are short 3. I've read {short} stories that are as dense as a 19th century {novel} and {novels} that really are {short} stories filled with a lot of helium. 4. R= 439 S= 0.20% ====*440*====+ 1. >free >and 2. free and fair and free 3. That U.N. Security Council resolution requires getting Syrian troops and intelligence officials out of Lebanon so that the Lebanese can have elections here this spring that are {free} {and} fair {and} {free} of outside influence. 4. R= 440 S= 0.20% ====*441*====+ 1. >gay >and 2. gays and lesbians and gay 3. There is so much work to be done to treat {gays} {and} lesbians {and} {gay} and lesbian couples with the respect that they're entitled to. 4. R= 440 S= 0.20% ====*442*====+ 1. >degree >issue 2. degree men 's issues and all men 's issues are to some degree 3. All women's issues are to some {degree} men's {issues} and all men's {issues} are to some {degree} women's issues because when either sex wins unilaterally both sexes lose. 4. R= 442 S= 0.20% ====*443*====+ 1. >do >government 2. do something by the federal government or state government without the money to do 3. Why should a city be mandated to {do} something by the federal {government} or state {government} without the money to {do} it? 4. R= 443 S= 0.20% ====*444*====+ 1. >ego >position 2. ego get so close to your position that when your position goes , your ego 3. Never let your {ego} get so close to your {position} that when your {position} goes, your {ego} goes with it. 4. R= 444 S= 0.20% ====*445*====+ 1. >they >sinner 2. they are sinners and the sinners who think they 3. There are only two kinds of men: the righteous who think {they} are {sinners} and the {sinners} who think {they} are righteous. 4. R= 445 S= 0.20% ====*446*====+ 1. >Community >Video 2. Community Video focusing on using video to enable communities 3. Inherently participatory in nature, {Community} {Video} focusing on using {video} to enable {communities} to communicate amongst themselves as well as with others. 4. R= 446 S= 0.20% ====*447*====+ 1. >self-esteem >greater 2. self-esteem produces greater success , and greater success produces more high self-esteem 3. Greater {self-esteem} produces {greater} success, and {greater} success produces more high {self-esteem}, so it keeps on spiraling up. 4. R= 447 S= 0.20% ====*448*====+ 1. >betray >world 2. betray the world than let the world betray 3. I'd rather {betray} the {world} than let the {world} {betray} me. 4. R= 448 S= 0.20% ====*449*====+ 1. >resemble >novel 2. resembles a novel more often than novels resemble 3. Life {resembles} a {novel} more often than {novels} {resemble} life. 4. R= 448 S= 0.20% ====*450*====+ 1. >heart >without 2. heart without words than words without a heart 3. It is better in prayer to have a {heart} {without} words than words {without} a {heart}. 4. R= 448 S= 0.20% ====*451*====+ 1. >be >work 2. 's better not to work than to work in something you do n't want to be 3. It{'s} better not to {work} than to {work} in something you don't want to {be} working in. 4. R= 451 S= 0.20% ====*452*====+ 1. >something >about 2. something about everything and everything about something 3. Try to learn {something} {about} everything and everything {about} {something}. 4. R= 452 S= 0.19% ====*453*====+ 1. >ego >position 2. ego so close to your position that when your position falls , your ego 3. Avoid having your {ego} so close to your {position} that when your {position} falls, your {ego} goes with it. 4. R= 453 S= 0.19% ====*454*====+ 1. >future >hold 2. future may hold , but I know who holds the future 3. I don't know what the {future} may {hold}, but I know who {holds} the {future}. 4. R= 454 S= 0.19% ====*455*====+ 1. >be >you 2. is left for me to kill you and you to kill me ? There is 3. The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion because if a mother can kill her own child, what {is} left for me to kill {you} and {you} to kill me? There {is} nothing between. 4. R= 455 S= 0.19% ====*456*====+ 1. >a >word 2. a heart without words than words without a 3. It is better in prayer to have {a} heart without {words} than {words} without {a} heart. 4. R= 456 S= 0.19% ====*457*====+ 1. >wrinkle >within 2. wrinkle within the crinkle , and a crinkle within the wrinkle 3. If you take your thumb and your index finger and look right where they meet - go ahead and do that now - and relax your hand, you'll see a crinkle, and then a {wrinkle} {within} the crinkle, and a crinkle {within} the {wrinkle}. 4. R= 457 S= 0.19% ====*458*====+ 1. >you >it 2. you click on it and it takes you 3. Links, like we know today - you see some blue underlined word and {you} click on {it} and {it} takes {you} somewhere else. 4. R= 458 S= 0.19% ====*459*====+ 1. >create >desire 2. creates imagination and desire , and desire creates 3. Karma is experience, and experience creates memory, and memory {creates} imagination and {desire}, and {desire} {creates} karma again. 4. R= 459 S= 0.19% ====*460*====+ 1. >play >as 2. play the position game as much as we used to play 3. The players don't {play} the position game {as} much {as} we used to {play}. 4. R= 460 S= 0.19% ====*461*====+ 1. >you >speak 2. you 're speaking or not speaking because your 3. It doesn't matter whether {you}'re {speaking} or not {speaking} because {your} mind is working the way your character's mind would work. 4. R= 461 S= 0.19% ====*462*====+ 1. >sun >yellow 2. sun into a yellow spot , others transform a yellow spot into the sun 3. Some painters transform the {sun} into a {yellow} spot, others transform a {yellow} spot into the {sun}. 4. R= 462 S= 0.19% ====*463*====+ 1. >a >job 2. a rich person to give you a job because jobs are something that are given to you , an 3. Their idea is it takes {a} rich person to give you a {job} because {jobs} are something that are given to you, {an} inferior, from on high. 4. R= 463 S= 0.19% ====*464*====+ 1. >to >live 2. to live , and some people live to 3. Some people eat {to} {live}, and some people {live} {to} eat. 4. R= 464 S= 0.19% ====*465*====+ 1. >they >wife 2. their wives , wives their 3. A father may turn his back on his child, brothers and sisters may become inveterate enemies, husbands may desert {their} {wives}, {wives} {their} husbands. 4. R= 465 S= 0.19% ====*466*====+ 1. >and >east 2. And east is east and 3. {And} {east} is {east} {and} west is west and if you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce they taste much more like prunes than rhubarb does. 4. R= 465 S= 0.19% ====*467*====+ 1. >and >west 2. and west is west and 3. And east is east {and} {west} is {west} {and} if you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce they taste much more like prunes than rhubarb does. 4. R= 465 S= 0.19% ====*468*====+ 1. >great >as 2. great artist and that there are as few as there are any other great 3. I have come to believe that a great teacher is a {great} artist and that there are {as} few {as} there are any other {great} artists. 4. R= 468 S= 0.19% ====*469*====+ 1. >repeat >thing 2. repeated endlessly - not so much the good things but the bland things - the ordinary things - the weaker things get repeated 3. It's just that if you're not disruptive everything seems to be {repeated} endlessly - not so much the good {things} but the bland {things} - the ordinary things - the weaker things get {repeated}- the stronger things get suppressed and held down and hidden. 4. R= 469 S= 0.19% ====*470*====+ 1. >thing >best 2. Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things 3. {Things} turn out {best} for the people who make the {best} of the way {things} turn out. 4. R= 470 S= 0.19% ====*471*====+ 1. >be >write 2. be writing what people expect me to write , writing from that place where I might be 3. I might {be} writing what people expect me to {write}, {writing} from that place where I might {be} ruled by economic considerations. 4. R= 471 S= 0.19% ====*472*====+ 1. >movement >next 2. movement look best next to the next movement 3. A lot of the time, when I'm choreographing, I'm not thinking about what {movement} look best {next} to the {next} {movement} - I'm actually thinking about what song and what sound sounds right next to the next thing. 4. R= 472 S= 0.18% ====*473*====+ 1. >everybody >really 2. Everybody really , really likes everybody 3. {Everybody} {really}, {really} likes {everybody} else. 4. R= 473 S= 0.18% ====*474*====+ 1. >baseball >people 2. baseball owes colored people anything . I do n't think colored people owe baseball 3. I don't think {baseball} owes colored {people} anything. I don't think colored {people} owe {baseball} anything, either. 4. R= 474 S= 0.18% ====*475*====+ 1. >be >sell 2. 's through selling art or selling books or being 3. If you're creating something that has some sort of cultural currency - if the idea is getting out there - then that will probably yield money in some form, whether it{'s} through {selling} art or {selling} books or {being} asked to give a lecture. 4. R= 475 S= 0.18% ====*476*====+ 1. >thing >time 2. thing myself from time to time , but when people say stupid things 3. When people are acting like idiots, not that I'm not guilty of doing the odd idiotic {thing} myself from {time} to {time}, but when people say stupid {things}, it stresses me out. 4. R= 476 S= 0.18% ====*477*====+ 1. >give >without 2. give without loving , but we can not love without giving 3. We may {give} {without} loving, but we cannot love {without} {giving}. 4. R= 477 S= 0.18% ====*478*====+ 1. >in >shape 2. in pretty good shape for the shape you are in 3. You're {in} pretty good {shape} for the {shape} you are {in}. 4. R= 478 S= 0.18% ====*479*====+ 1. >anxiety >fear 2. anxiety and to fear and allays those fears , assuages anxiety 3. And a real leader speaks to {anxiety} and to {fear} and allays those {fears}, assuages {anxiety}. 4. R= 479 S= 0.17% ====*480*====+ 1. >standardisation >nature 2. standardisation committee in the world is nature herself , but in nature standardisation 3. The best {standardisation} committee in the world is {nature} herself, but in {nature} {standardisation} occurs mainly in connection with the smallest possible units: cells. 4. R= 480 S= 0.17% ====*481*====+ 1. >you >love 2. you love those who love you 3. For if {you} {love} those who {love} {you}, what reward have you? 4. R= 481 S= 0.17% ====*482*====+ 1. >we >build 2. we build end up building us 3. Whatever good things {we} {build} end up {building} {us}. 4. R= 481 S= 0.17% ====*483*====+ 1. >you >love 2. you love those who love you 3. If {you} {love} those who {love} {you}, what credit is that to you? 4. R= 481 S= 0.17% ====*484*====+ 1. >a >day 2. a day , seven days a 3. Pre-teens, teens and college students have unlimited access to the Internet - 24 hours {a} {day}, seven {days} {a} week. 4. R= 481 S= 0.17% ====*485*====+ 1. >to >continue 2. to continue , we continue to 3. If that policy were {to} {continue}, we {continue} {to} have countries who are in a security bind, if you like, or perceive themselves to be in security bind to look for acquisition of nuclear weapons. 4. R= 481 S= 0.17% ====*486*====+ 1. >we >build 2. we build end up building us 3. Whatever good things {we} {build} end up {building} {us}. 4. R= 481 S= 0.17% ====*487*====+ 1. >a >day 2. a day , seven days a 3. When I work fourteen hours {a} {day}, seven {days} {a} week, I get lucky. 4. R= 481 S= 0.17% ====*488*====+ 1. >know >do 2. know what to do , but few people actually do what they know 3. You see, in life, lots of people {know} what to {do}, but few people actually {do} what they {know}. 4. R= 488 S= 0.17% ====*489*====+ 1. >self-esteem >that 2. self-esteem and your identity start to become wrapped up in that celebrity , and when that starts to fade away , your self-esteem 3. Your {self-esteem} and your identity start to become wrapped up in {that} celebrity, and when {that} starts to fade away, your {self-esteem} and your identity start to fade away with it. 4. R= 489 S= 0.17% ====*490*====+ 1. >important >the 2. important would be the same as saying the Internet is not important 3. For someone to dismiss games as not {important} would be {the} same as saying {the} Internet is not {important}. 4. R= 490 S= 0.17% ====*491*====+ 1. >love >be 2. love me because I 'm beautiful , or am I beautiful because you love 3. Do you {love} me because I{'m} beautiful, or {am} I beautiful because you {love} me? 4. R= 491 S= 0.17% ====*492*====+ 1. >they >something 2. they believe in something , uses that something to support their 3. Everybody believes in something and everybody, by virtue of the fact that {they} believe in {something}, uses that {something} to support {their} own existence. 4. R= 492 S= 0.17% ====*493*====+ 1. >job >you 2. job that you love , and you hope that job 3. As an actor, you just want to work, and then you just want to be on a show or have a {job} that {you} love, and {you} hope that {job} will last - those things have happened. 4. R= 493 S= 0.17% ====*494*====+ 1. >Stem >Research 2. Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act would expand research on embryonic stem 3. The {Stem} Cell {Research} Enhancement Act would expand {research} on embryonic {stem} cells by increasing the number of lines stem cells that would be eligible for federally funded research. 4. R= 494 S= 0.17% ====*495*====+ 1. >public >more 2. public information vehicles and the concentration of more and more power over public 3. The American people should be made aware of the trend toward monopolization of the great {public} information vehicles and the concentration of {more} and {more} power over {public} opinion in fewer and fewer hands. 4. R= 495 S= 0.17% ====*496*====+ 1. >live >promise 2. live on other people 's promises , but if you promise others enough , you can live 3. You cannot {live} on other people's {promises}, but if you {promise} others enough, you can {live} on your own. 4. R= 496 S= 0.17% ====*497*====+ 1. >people >bored 2. people are often bored and bored people 3. Idle {people} are often {bored} and {bored} {people}, unless they sleep a lot, are cruel. 4. R= 497 S= 0.17% ====*498*====+ 1. >always >great 2. always embrace a great player but the great player must always 3. The work of a team should {always} embrace a {great} player but the {great} player must {always} work. 4. R= 498 S= 0.17% ====*499*====+ 1. >a >person 2. a person or persons into a 3. I like to think of sales as the ability to gracefully persuade, not manipulate, {a} {person} or {persons} into {a} win-win situation. 4. R= 499 S= 0.17% ====*500*====+ 1. >genius >math 2. genius - I 'm really good at maths , maths was my favorite subject in school , but I was n't a genius 3. I'm not exactly a maths {genius} - I'm really good at {maths}, {maths} was my favorite subject in school, but I wasn't a {genius}. 4. R= 500 S= 0.17% ====*501*====+ 1. >love >I 2. loved by me ... for I know love 3. So, fall asleep love, {loved} by {me}... for {I} know {love}, I am loved by thee. 4. R= 501 S= 0.17% ====*502*====+ 1. >feel >be 2. feel good after and what is immoral is what you feel 3. About morals, I know only that what is moral is what you {feel} good after and what {is} immoral {is} what you {feel} bad after. 4. R= 502 S= 0.17% ====*503*====+ 1. >wrong >man 2. wrongs , and if no man objected and no man rebelled , those wrongs 3. As long as the world shall last there will be {wrongs}, and if no {man} objected and no {man} rebelled, those {wrongs} would last forever. 4. R= 503 S= 0.17% ====*504*====+ 1. >know >a 2. know that I 'm a singer , and a lot of people that know 3. It's funny because a lot of people that know me as a dancer, don't {know} that I'm {a} singer, and {a} lot of people that {know} I can sing don't know I can dance. 4. R= 504 S= 0.16% ====*505*====+ 1. >story >City 2. story in New York City . New York City is itself a detective story 3. It is ridiculous to set a detective {story} in New York {City}. New York {City} is itself a detective {story}. 4. R= 505 S= 0.16% ====*506*====+ 1. >percent >rate 2. percent success rate . My success rate is 100 percent 3. This bootleg cult, arrogantly referred to as Alcoholics Anonymous, reports a 5 {percent} success {rate}. My success {rate} is 100 {percent}. 4. R= 505 S= 0.16% ====*507*====+ 1. >you >cat 2. you 'll never know as much about your cat as your cat knows about you 3. In nine lifetimes, {you}'ll never know as much about your {cat} as your {cat} knows about {you}. 4. R= 507 S= 0.16% ====*508*====+ 1. >within >to 2. within their income so they can afford to pay taxes to a government that ca n't live within 3. People try to live {within} their income so they can afford {to} pay taxes {to} a government that can't live {within} its income. 4. R= 508 S= 0.16% ====*509*====+ 1. >help >they 2. help them because they ca n't help 3. Animals have always been a passion of mine, being able to {help} {them} because {they} can't {help} themselves, and I think that people have treated them so badly over the years and it's just not fair. 4. R= 509 S= 0.16% ====*510*====+ 1. >limit >I 2. limit me but I do n't limit 3. Maybe other people will try to {limit} {me} but {I} don't {limit} myself. 4. R= 509 S= 0.16% ====*511*====+ 1. >gon >they 2. gon na hang onto them and they 're gon 3. Yeah, no, I'm {gon}na hang onto {them} and {they}'re {gon}na fuel my attack. 4. R= 509 S= 0.16% ====*512*====+ 1. >busy >world 2. busy working for the world , and the world is busy 3. O man you are {busy} working for the {world}, and the {world} is {busy} trying to turn you out. 4. R= 512 S= 0.16% ====*513*====+ 1. >keep >you 2. keep your faith , you keep 3. I believe if you {keep} {your} faith, {you} {keep} your trust, you keep the right attitude, if you're grateful, you'll see God open up new doors. 4. R= 513 S= 0.16% ====*514*====+ 1. >lose >you 2. Losing your memories , you lose 3. {Losing} {your} memories, {you} {lose} so much of who you are as a person. 4. R= 513 S= 0.16% ====*515*====+ 1. >use >to 2. used to prepare things to use 3. My mother, on Sundays, {used} {to} prepare things {to} {use} during the week, like freshly made broth. 4. R= 513 S= 0.16% ====*516*====+ 1. >sound >as 2. sounds as instruments , as sounds 3. So the ideology was that: use {sounds} {as} instruments, {as} {sounds} on tape, without the causality. 4. R= 513 S= 0.16% ====*517*====+ 1. >give >you 2. give you back what you gave 3. You know, I think that people {give} {you} back what {you} {gave} them. 4. R= 513 S= 0.16% ====*518*====+ 1. >will >stronger 2. will be millions of us - becoming stronger and stronger - and we will 3. In time there {will} be millions of us - becoming {stronger} and {stronger} - and we {will} complete the message. 4. R= 518 S= 0.16% ====*519*====+ 1. >black >people 2. black people , and some white people love black 3. Some white people hate {black} {people}, and some white {people} love {black} people, some black people hate white people, and some black people love white people. 4. R= 519 S= 0.16% ====*520*====+ 1. >Israel >the 2. Israel that have been written since the day the Torah was given to Israel 3. I have also written a book about the Giving of the Torah, and a book on the Days of Awe, and a book on the books of {Israel} that have been written since {the} day {the} Torah was given to {Israel}. 4. R= 520 S= 0.16% ====*521*====+ 1. >I >myself 2. I just like to challenge myself and push myself harder to do things that I 3. I guess {I} just like to challenge {myself} and push {myself} harder to do things that {I} don't think I can, to do things that other people do not think I can. 4. R= 521 S= 0.16% ====*522*====+ 1. >be >grow 2. be there . When you grow older , you grow more confident with who you are 3. That will always {be} there. When you {grow} older, you {grow} more confident with who you {are}. 4. R= 522 S= 0.16% ====*523*====+ 1. >of >as 2. of feeling with the wind and water as well as with the very heart and soul of 3. Sailing a boat calls for quick action, a blending {of} feeling with the wind and water {as} well {as} with the very heart and soul {of} the boat itself. 4. R= 523 S= 0.16% ====*524*====+ 1. >much >as 2. much as I would , but as much 3. I speak the truth not so {much} {as} I would, but {as} {much} as I dare, and I dare a little more as I grow older. 4. R= 524 S= 0.15% ====*525*====+ 1. >ego >position 2. ego get too close to your position , so that if your position gets shot down , your ego 3. Don't let your {ego} get too close to your {position}, so that if your {position} gets shot down, your {ego} doesn't go with it. 4. R= 525 S= 0.15% ====*526*====+ 1. >success >work 2. success comes before work . Hard work is the price we must pay for success 3. Dictionary is the only place that {success} comes before {work}. Hard {work} is the price we must pay for {success}. 4. R= 526 S= 0.15% ====*527*====+ 1. >be >comic 2. is comics , because comics are 3. A nice, easy place for freedom of speech to be eroded {is} {comics}, because {comics} {are} a natural target whenever an election comes up. 4. R= 527 S= 0.15% ====*528*====+ 1. >of >the 2. of it was n't high fashion because I do n't have the body or the face for high fashion modeling . I did a lot of 3. A lot {of} it wasn't high fashion because I don't have {the} body or {the} face for high fashion modeling. I did a lot {of} sportswear, swimwear, and beachwear. 4. R= 528 S= 0.15% ====*529*====+ 1. >change >be 2. change they 're seeing is not the change 3. If the President says, oh, Washington's got to change, and people are doubting whether my change can really happen, I think instead what the public's begun to see is the {change} they{'re} seeing {is} not the {change} they voted for. 4. R= 529 S= 0.15% ====*530*====+ 1. >to >change 2. to accept with serenity the things that can not be changed , courage to change the things which should be changed and the wisdom to 3. God, give us grace {to} accept with serenity the things that cannot be {changed}, courage to {change} the things which should be changed and the wisdom {to} distinguish the one from the other. 4. R= 530 S= 0.15% ====*531*====+ 1. >profit >the 2. profits of the top 25 companies in our industry to 23 % of the profits of the top 25 companies in our industry over the last five years . Profits 3. We've grown from 18% of the {profits} of the top 25 companies in our industry to 23% of {the} profits of {the} top 25 companies in our industry over the last five years. {Profits} are up over 70%, where the industry profit is up about 35%. 4. R= 531 S= 0.15% ====*532*====+ 1. >tell >be 2. told anyone how I was being treated . Children tell 3. Often and often afterwards, the beloved Aunt would ask me why I had never {told} anyone how I {was} {being} treated. Children {tell} little more than animals, for what comes to them they accept as eternally established. 4. R= 532 S= 0.15% ====*533*====+ 1. >there >group 2. There are groups upon groups out there 3. {There} are {groups} upon {groups} out {there}, but they don't talk to one another. 4. R= 533 S= 0.15% ====*534*====+ 1. >a >thing 2. an enthusiast for peculiar things , things that are perhaps a 3. I'm such {an} enthusiast for peculiar {things}, {things} that are perhaps {a} bit avant-garde, and try and involve everyone. 4. R= 533 S= 0.15% ====*535*====+ 1. >if >I 2. If you do not love me I shall not be loved If 3. {If} you do not love {me} {I} shall not be loved {If} I do not love you I shall not love. 4. R= 535 S= 0.15% ====*536*====+ 1. >you >they 2. you have to leave a lasting impression in their minds so they never want to see you 3. You can't just beat a team, {you} have to leave a lasting impression in {their} minds so {they} never want to see {you} again. 4. R= 536 S= 0.15% ====*537*====+ 1. >overcome >the 2. overcame them - you give your children the skills and the confidence they need to feel like they can overcome 3. If you tell your own story to your children - that includes your positive moments and your negative moments, and how you {overcame} them - you give your children {the} skills and {the} confidence they need to feel like they can {overcome} some hardship that they've felt. 4. R= 537 S= 0.15% ====*538*====+ 1. >work >great 2. work of a team should always embrace a great player but the great player must always work 3. The {work} of a team should always embrace a {great} player but the {great} player must always {work}. 4. R= 538 S= 0.14% ====*539*====+ 1. >Modernism >difficulty 2. Modernism in other arts brought extreme difficulty . In poetry , the characteristic difficulty imported under the name of modernism 3. {Modernism} in other arts brought extreme {difficulty}. In poetry, the characteristic {difficulty} imported under the name of {modernism} was obscurity. 4. R= 539 S= 0.14% ====*540*====+ 1. >man >river 2. man ever steps in the same river twice , for it 's not the same river and he 's not the same man 3. No {man} ever steps in the same {river} twice, for it's not the same {river} and he's not the same {man}. 4. R= 540 S= 0.14% ====*541*====+ 1. >be >bus 2. is like knowing you 're going to get hit by a bus and the bus is going to back over you . If I 'm 3. Getting ready to work with Brock Lesnar {is} like knowing you're going to get hit by a {bus} and the {bus} is going to back over you. If I{'m} going to work 'WrestleMania,' 16 weeks out I have to start training like I'm Mayweather getting ready for a fight. 4. R= 541 S= 0.14% ====*542*====+ 1. >value >work 2. value in the public being able to see how the system works or does n't work , so I think there 's a definite value 3. So I think there's a lot of {value} in the public being able to see how the system {works} or doesn't {work}, so I think there's a definite {value} there. 4. R= 542 S= 0.14% ====*543*====+ 1. >to >child 2. to have children than for children to 3. It is easier for a father {to} have {children} than for {children} {to} have a real father. 4. R= 543 S= 0.14% ====*544*====+ 1. >have >child 2. have children than for children to have 3. It is easier for a father to {have} {children} than for {children} to {have} a real father. 4. R= 543 S= 0.14% ====*545*====+ 1. >you >goalkeeper 2. you surprise the goalkeeper and sometimes the goalkeeper surprises you 3. Sometimes {you} surprise the {goalkeeper} and sometimes the {goalkeeper} surprises {you}. 4. R= 545 S= 0.14% ====*546*====+ 1. >life >value 2. life has value so long as one attributes value to the life 3. One's {life} has {value} so long as one attributes {value} to the {life} of others, by means of love, friendship, indignation and compassion. 4. R= 546 S= 0.14% ====*547*====+ 1. >of >time 2. of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of 3. The tree {of} liberty must be refreshed from {time} to {time} with the blood {of} patriots and tyrants. 4. R= 547 S= 0.14% ====*548*====+ 1. >without >as 2. without conflicts is almost as inconceivable as a nation without 3. A marriage {without} conflicts is almost {as} inconceivable {as} a nation {without} crises. 4. R= 548 S= 0.14% ====*549*====+ 1. >play >be 2. play in atmospheres that are intense is when I play 3. To {play} in atmospheres that {are} intense {is} when I {play} my best football. 4. R= 548 S= 0.14% ====*550*====+ 1. >School >I 2. School was rough for me . I was a good student in middle school 3. {School} was rough for {me}. {I} was a good student in middle {school}, but high school wasn't so fun. 4. R= 550 S= 0.14% ====*551*====+ 1. >gaze >abyss 2. gaze long enough into an abyss , the abyss will gaze 3. And if you {gaze} long enough into an {abyss}, the {abyss} will {gaze} back into you. 4. R= 551 S= 0.14% ====*552*====+ 1. >refusal >be 2. refusal to be defeated is a refusal 3. In some circumstances, the {refusal} to {be} defeated {is} a {refusal} to be educated. 4. R= 552 S= 0.14% ====*553*====+ 1. >think >as 2. think positive just as well as you can think 3. I've always believed that you can {think} positive just {as} well {as} you can {think} negative. 4. R= 552 S= 0.14% ====*554*====+ 1. >love >as 2. love it as much as I loved 3. I hope people will {love} it {as} much {as} I {loved} making it. 4. R= 552 S= 0.14% ====*555*====+ 1. >than >remember 2. than I remember , and remember more than 3. Like all great travellers, I have seen more {than} I {remember}, and {remember} more {than} I have seen. 4. R= 555 S= 0.14% ====*556*====+ 1. >meaning >determine 2. Meanings are not determined by situations , but we determine ourselves by the meanings 3. {Meanings} are not {determined} by situations, but we {determine} ourselves by the {meanings} we give to situations. 4. R= 556 S= 0.13% ====*557*====+ 1. >tent >in 2. tent are not threatened at all by any activity that you engage in , in the shadows , that 's not moving toward the tent 3. Those powers that control the {tent} are not threatened at all by any activity that you engage {in}, {in} the shadows, that's not moving toward the {tent}. 4. R= 557 S= 0.13% ====*558*====+ 1. >defeat >man 2. Defeat does n't finish a man , quit does . A man is not finished when he 's defeated 3. {Defeat} doesn't finish a {man}, quit does. A {man} is not finished when he's {defeated}. 4. R= 558 S= 0.13% ====*559*====+ 1. >fairy >a 2. fairies ' there is a a little fairy 3. Everytime a child says 'I don't believe in {fairies}' there is {a} {a} little {fairy} somewhere that falls down dead. 4. R= 559 S= 0.13% ====*560*====+ 1. >it >I 2. it would n't have bothered me too much because I 'd made it 3. At that time, if I never played for another club {it} wouldn't have bothered {me} too much because {I}'d made {it} with a football team in England. 4. R= 560 S= 0.13% ====*561*====+ 1. >all >spiritual 2. all spiritual or not spiritual at all 3. A life is either {all} {spiritual} or not {spiritual} at {all}. 4. R= 561 S= 0.13% ====*562*====+ 1. >will >man 2. will read men , but men wo 3. Women {will} read {men}, but {men} {wo}n't read women. 4. R= 561 S= 0.13% ====*563*====+ 1. >be >discontented 2. are discontented , and discontented women are 3. If you dethrone him it's no wonder that you {are} {discontented}, and {discontented} women {are} not loved for long. 4. R= 561 S= 0.13% ====*564*====+ 1. >opportunity >and 2. opportunity I get to get closer to one of my fans - and get to know them and talk to them - I 'm always going to take that opportunity 3. Every {opportunity} I get to get closer to one of my fans - {and} get to know them {and} talk to them - I'm always going to take that {opportunity} with arms wide open and make it a priority. 4. R= 564 S= 0.13% ====*565*====+ 1. >be >continue 2. were to continue , we continue to have countries who are 3. If that policy {were} to {continue}, we {continue} to have countries who {are} in a security bind, if you like, or perceive themselves to be in security bind to look for acquisition of nuclear weapons. 4. R= 565 S= 0.13% ====*566*====+ 1. >thing >one 2. things one and from one all things 3. From all {things} {one} and from {one} all {things}. 4. R= 566 S= 0.13% ====*567*====+ 1. >boat >the 2. boats between the whales and the boats 3. Then, there was Greenpeace, I remember that when they first started out with the boats in the waters, and the guys in the {boats} between {the} whales and {the} {boats} that will hunting the whales with spear guns. 4. R= 566 S= 0.13% ====*568*====+ 1. >hundred >of 2. hundreds of billions of surpluses to hundreds 3. But if they want to really think about the fiscal future of this country, then think about how we have moved from {hundreds} {of} billions {of} surpluses to {hundreds} of billions of deficits. 4. R= 568 S= 0.13% ====*569*====+ 1. >I >you 2. I am in you and you in me 3. {I} am in {you} and {you} in {me}, mutual in divine love. 4. R= 569 S= 0.13% ====*570*====+ 1. >I >it 2. I can handle it because it 's me 3. {I} can handle {it} because {it}'s {me} and I'm coming back in the next race. 4. R= 570 S= 0.13% ====*571*====+ 1. >and >work 2. and work ... work and 3. Love {and} {work}... {work} {and} love, that's all there is. 4. R= 571 S= 0.13% ====*572*====+ 1. >perform >be 2. performed in Sydney some years ago for the Sydney Festival and I am just so pleased to be returning to the wonderful Sydney Opera House and also performing 3. I {performed} in Sydney some years ago for the Sydney Festival and I {am} just so pleased to {be} returning to the wonderful Sydney Opera House and also {performing} in Melbourne for the first time. 4. R= 572 S= 0.12% ====*573*====+ 1. >comedy >without 2. Comedy without darkness rapidly becomes trivial . And darkness without comedy 3. {Comedy} {without} darkness rapidly becomes trivial. And darkness {without} {comedy} rapidly becomes unbearable. 4. R= 573 S= 0.12% ====*574*====+ 1. >be >Asia 2. be known in Asia because Asia is 3. It's a massive compliment to me to {be} known in {Asia} because {Asia} {is} the way forward in football, along with the Middle East. 4. R= 574 S= 0.12% ====*575*====+ 1. >in >history 2. in history and history is trapped in 3. People are trapped {in} {history} and {history} is trapped {in} them. 4. R= 574 S= 0.12% ====*576*====+ 1. >you >cat 2. your cat as your cat knows about you 3. In nine lifetimes, you'll never know as much about {your} {cat} as your {cat} knows about {you}. 4. R= 576 S= 0.12% ====*577*====+ 1. >talk >be 2. talk to God we 're said to be praying but when God talks 3. Why is it that when we {talk} to God we{'re} said to {be} praying but when God {talks} to us we're schizophrenic? 4. R= 577 S= 0.12% ====*578*====+ 1. >show >after 2. show after show after show 3. It's just {show} {after} show {after} {show}, and you're missing your family and they feel really far away. 4. R= 578 S= 0.12% ====*579*====+ 1. >we >lie 2. us is to get us to believe a lie . And the biggest lie is that there are no consequences to our 3. One of Satan's most deceptive and powerful ways of defeating {us} is to get us to believe a {lie}. And the biggest {lie} is that there are no consequences to {our} own doing. 4. R= 579 S= 0.12% ====*580*====+ 1. >achieve >as 2. achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving 3. What you get by {achieving} your goals is not {as} important {as} what you become by {achieving} your goals. 4. R= 580 S= 0.12% ====*581*====+ 1. >business >art 2. business is the most fascinating kind of art . Making money is art and working is art and good business 3. Being good in {business} is the most fascinating kind of {art}. Making money is {art} and working is art and good {business} is the best art. 4. R= 581 S= 0.12% ====*582*====+ 1. >try >be 2. trying to say is I 'm trying 3. I guess what I'm {trying} to say {is} I{'m} {trying} to liberate them, I want to free them of their fears and make them feel that they can make their own space in the world. 4. R= 582 S= 0.12% ====*583*====+ 1. >write >something 2. write something worth reading or do something worth writing 3. Either {write} {something} worth reading or do {something} worth {writing}. 4. R= 583 S= 0.12% ====*584*====+ 1. >problem >lyric 2. problem is the lyrics . The person who writes the lyrics - that 's the problem 3. But the {problem} is the {lyrics}. The person who writes the {lyrics} - that's the {problem}. 4. R= 584 S= 0.12% ====*585*====+ 1. >power >guilty 2. power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent , and that 's power 3. They have the {power} to make the innocent {guilty} and to make the {guilty} innocent, and that's {power}. 4. R= 585 S= 0.12% ====*586*====+ 1. >you >greatness 2. You treat people with greatness and greatness will come back to you 3. {You} treat people with {greatness} and {greatness} will come back to {you}. 4. R= 586 S= 0.12% ====*587*====+ 1. >we >consciousness 2. Our normal waking consciousness , rational consciousness as we 3. {Our} normal waking {consciousness}, rational {consciousness} as {we} call it, is but one special type of consciousness, whilst all about it, parted from it by the filmiest of screens, there lie potential forms of consciousness entirely different. 4. R= 587 S= 0.12% ====*588*====+ 1. >novel >funny 2. novel and a funny novel , the funny novel 3. If it's a battle between a great, big, serious {novel} and a {funny} novel, the {funny} {novel} is doomed. 4. R= 588 S= 0.12% ====*589*====+ 1. >enough >get 2. enough not to get fired and get paid just enough 3. Most people work just hard {enough} not to {get} fired and {get} paid just {enough} money not to quit. 4. R= 589 S= 0.12% ====*590*====+ 1. >mediocre >man 2. mediocre men , and men are working to be as mediocre 3. Women want {mediocre} {men}, and {men} are working to be as {mediocre} as possible. 4. R= 590 S= 0.12% ====*591*====+ 1. >tension >build 2. tension about romanticism is the way it builds and builds , and the moment it 's consummated , the tension 3. I think the whole {tension} about romanticism is the way it {builds} and {builds}, and the moment it's consummated, the {tension}'s over. 4. R= 591 S= 0.11% ====*592*====+ 1. >you >the 2. you 're pushed to read the Bible . The Bible is read to you 3. It's not that {you}'re pushed to read {the} Bible. {The} Bible is read to {you}. 4. R= 592 S= 0.11% ====*593*====+ 1. >that >it 2. that is not necessarily true , but people will believe it and it will become a constant reminder and every time that 3. The word of the mouth is a very powerful thing and you can say something about someone {that} is not necessarily true, but people will believe {it} and {it} will become a constant reminder and every time {that} your name is bought up, that will come up. 4. R= 593 S= 0.11% ====*594*====+ 1. >profession >a 2. profession out of a business and an art out of a profession 3. He has made a {profession} out of {a} business and {an} art out of a {profession}. 4. R= 594 S= 0.11% ====*595*====+ 1. >whatever >want 2. whatever you want whenever you want it and do whatever 3. I just love the immediate nature of the city, you can get {whatever} you {want} whenever you {want} it and do {whatever} you want whenever you want to. 4. R= 595 S= 0.11% ====*596*====+ 1. >I >year 2. I hope that five years and 10 years from now , I 3. And {I} hope that five {years} and 10 {years} from now, {I}'ll be a better man, a more mature man, a wiser man, a more humble man and a more spirited man to serve the good of my people and the good of humanity. 4. R= 596 S= 0.11% ====*597*====+ 1. >I >year 2. I hope that five years and ten years from now , I 3. And {I} hope that five {years} and ten {years} from now, {I}'ll be a better man, a more mature man, a wiser man, a more humble man and a more spirited man to serve the good of my people and the good of humanity. 4. R= 596 S= 0.11% ====*598*====+ 1. >sound >bigger 2. sound , the bigger the string the bigger the sound 3. My philosophy is the thicker the wood the thicker the {sound}, the {bigger} the string the {bigger} the {sound}. 4. R= 598 S= 0.11% ====*599*====+ 1. >percent >success 2. percent success rate . My success rate is 100 percent 3. This bootleg cult, arrogantly referred to as Alcoholics Anonymous, reports a 5 {percent} {success} rate. My {success} rate is 100 {percent}. 4. R= 599 S= 0.11% ====*600*====+ 1. >come >give 2. come to Pakistan but are not given visas . We wish for visas to be given to those people who want to come 3. People want to {come} to Pakistan but are not {given} visas. We wish for visas to be {given} to those people who want to {come} to Pakistan. 4. R= 600 S= 0.11% ====*601*====+ 1. >bear >season 2. bears grapes season after season without thinking of the grapes it has borne 3. We ought to do good to others as simply as a horse runs, or a bee makes honey, or a vine {bears} grapes {season} after {season} without thinking of the grapes it has {borne}. 4. R= 601 S= 0.11% ====*602*====+ 1. >profit >of 2. profits of the top 25 companies in our industry to 23 % of the profits of the top 25 companies in our industry over the last five years . Profits 3. We've grown from 18% of the {profits} of the top 25 companies in our industry to 23% {of} the profits {of} the top 25 companies in our industry over the last five years. {Profits} are up over 70%, where the industry profit is up about 35%. 4. R= 602 S= 0.11% ====*603*====+ 1. >love >I 2. Love me and I may be forced to love 3. {Love} {me} and {I} may be forced to {love} you. 4. R= 603 S= 0.11% ====*604*====+ 1. >freedom >we 2. freedom of others we will make our own freedom 3. I am confident that if we stand for the hope and {freedom} of others {we} will make {our} own {freedom} more secure. 4. R= 604 S= 0.11% ====*605*====+ 1. >eat >live 2. eat more . Some people eat to live , and some people live to eat 3. Food is supposed to sustain you so you can live better, not so you can {eat} more. Some people eat to {live}, and some people {live} to {eat}. 4. R= 605 S= 0.11% ====*606*====+ 1. >you >I 2. you do not love me I shall not be loved If I do not love you 3. If {you} do not love {me} I shall not be loved If {I} do not love {you} I shall not love. 4. R= 606 S= 0.11% ====*607*====+ 1. >be >time 2. is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is 3. Education is an admirable thing, but it {is} well to remember from {time} to {time} that nothing that {is} worth knowing can be taught. 4. R= 607 S= 0.11% ====*608*====+ 1. >whether >principle 2. whether people have principles on principle or whether 3. One never knows {whether} people have {principles} on {principle} or {whether} for their own personal satisfaction. 4. R= 607 S= 0.11% ====*609*====+ 1. >people >I 2. people laugh in high school , and then I found I loved being on stage in front of people 3. I loved to make {people} laugh in high school, and then {I} found {I} loved being on stage in front of {people}. 4. R= 609 S= 0.11% ====*610*====+ 1. >friendship >love 2. Friendship may , and often does , grow into love , but love never subsides into friendship 3. {Friendship} may, and often does, grow into {love}, but {love} never subsides into {friendship}. 4. R= 610 S= 0.11% ====*611*====+ 1. >be >school 2. was moved around from school to school , so people are 3. I {was} moved around from {school} to {school}, so people {are}n't always the most welcoming to new girls in school. 4. R= 611 S= 0.11% ====*612*====+ 1. >hard >really 2. hard . I tried really , really hard 3. And I was so enthusiastic and earnestly in love with so many things that I tried too {hard}. I tried {really}, {really} {hard}. 4. R= 612 S= 0.11% ====*613*====+ 1. >time >it 2. time I stopped working on it , it took a long time 3. 'Batman' took 10 months to film, and by the {time} I stopped working on {it}, {it} took a long {time} before my English accent came out again. 4. R= 613 S= 0.11% ====*614*====+ 1. >summer >jawa 2. summer long , and I could frighten people with my Jawa sounds and my Jawa outfit and watch ` Star Wars Episode IV ' all summer 3. In '78, when it was re-released, I was hired by the local cinema to be the Jawa: to dress up all {summer} long, and I could frighten people with my {Jawa} sounds and my {Jawa} outfit and watch 'Star Wars Episode IV' all {summer} long and get paid with movie passes. 4. R= 614 S= 0.11% ====*615*====+ 1. >time >run 2. time and when you run out of money honey I run out of time 3. If you got the money honey I got the {time} and when you {run} out of money honey I {run} out of {time}. 4. R= 615 S= 0.10% ====*616*====+ 1. >believe >man 2. believe in the brotherhood of man , all men , but I do n't believe 3. I {believe} in the brotherhood of {man}, all {men}, but I don't {believe} in brotherhood with anybody who doesn't want brotherhood with me. 4. R= 616 S= 0.10% ====*617*====+ 1. >freedom >day 2. freedom for granted . Day after day we must keep the bond between freedom 3. Day after day we must remember we can take {freedom} for granted. {Day} after {day} we must keep the bond between {freedom} and other values in mind. 4. R= 617 S= 0.10% ====*618*====+ 1. >bookstore >he 2. bookstore , I feel like telling him he 's stabbing the independent bookstores 3. Every time I see some author scheduled to read and sign his books at a chain {bookstore}, I feel like telling {him} {he}'s stabbing the independent {bookstores} in the back. 4. R= 618 S= 0.10% ====*619*====+ 1. >better >perform 2. better to make a piece of music than to perform one , better to perform one than to listen to one , better 3. It is {better} to make a piece of music than to {perform} one, better to {perform} one than to listen to one, {better} to listen to one than to misuse it as a means of distraction, entertainment, or acquisition of 'culture.' 4. R= 619 S= 0.10% ====*620*====+ 1. >into >love 2. into love , but love never subsides into 3. Friendship may, and often does, grow {into} {love}, but {love} never subsides {into} friendship. 4. R= 620 S= 0.10% ====*621*====+ 1. >to >here 2. to here , and here to 3. From there {to} {here}, and {here} {to} there, funny things are everywhere. 4. R= 621 S= 0.10% ====*622*====+ 1. >to >day 2. to be a real good boy and take it day by day and try to concentrate on what 's most important to 3. But I'm going {to} be a real good boy and take it {day} by {day} and try to concentrate on what's most important {to} me, and that's offering women a service. 4. R= 622 S= 0.10% ====*623*====+ 1. >he >life 2. he must seek out more of life than life puts at his 3. In fact, {he} must seek out more of {life} than {life} puts at {his} feet. 4. R= 623 S= 0.10% ====*624*====+ 1. >the >love 2. the power of love overcomes the love of power the 3. When {the} power of {love} overcomes the {love} of power {the} world will know peace. 4. R= 624 S= 0.10% ====*625*====+ 1. >to >believe 2. to understand in order to believe , but I believe in order to 3. For I do not seek {to} understand in order to {believe}, but I {believe} in order {to} understand. 4. R= 625 S= 0.10% ====*626*====+ 1. >write >song 2. write my own songs instead of singing songs written 3. When I turned 19 I kinda realized that I needed to {write} my own {songs} instead of singing {songs} {written} by other people. 4. R= 626 S= 0.10% ====*627*====+ 1. >of >Love 2. of Love will replace the Love of 3. We look forward to the time when the Power {of} {Love} will replace the {Love} {of} Power. 4. R= 627 S= 0.10% ====*628*====+ 1. >christian >artist 2. Christian artist , I am an artist who is a Christian 3. I am not a {Christian} {artist}, I am an {artist} who is a {Christian}. 4. R= 628 S= 0.10% ====*629*====+ 1. >'ll >be 2. 'll look around and they watch you when you 're not even thinking they 're watching you and they 'll 3. You know, all writers are vampires and they{'ll} look around and they watch you when you{'re} not even thinking they{'re} watching you and they{'ll} slip stuff in. 4. R= 629 S= 0.10% ====*630*====+ 1. >weak >the 2. weak are more likely to make the strong weak than the strong are likely to make the weak 3. The {weak} are more likely to make {the} strong weak than {the} strong are likely to make the {weak} strong. 4. R= 630 S= 0.10% ====*631*====+ 1. >do >challenge 2. do I want to be challenged or have challenges ? That 's why I do 3. Why {do} I want to be {challenged} or have {challenges}? That's why I {do}n't go climb mountains. 4. R= 631 S= 0.10% ====*632*====+ 1. >love >I 2. love says ' I need you because I love 3. Mature {love} says '{I} need you because {I} {love} you.' 4. R= 632 S= 0.10% ====*633*====+ 1. >strategy >a 2. strategy for Maine 's Native American communities has always been a priority and a critical element of my administration 's overall economic development strategy 3. The realization of a sustainable economic development {strategy} for Maine's Native American communities has always been {a} priority and {a} critical element of my administration's overall economic development {strategy}. 4. R= 633 S= 0.10% ====*634*====+ 1. >look >it 2. look at it , it looks 3. You do not {look} at {it}, {it} {looks} at you and does not forgive. 4. R= 634 S= 0.10% ====*635*====+ 1. >need >as 2. need in childhood as strong as the need 3. I cannot think of any {need} in childhood {as} strong {as} the {need} for a father's protection. 4. R= 634 S= 0.10% ====*636*====+ 1. >use >other 2. use others , other people use 3. The successful man doesn't {use} {others}, {other} people {use} the successful man, for above all the success is of service. 4. R= 634 S= 0.10% ====*637*====+ 1. >person >you 2. person is losing so much of their humanity as they 're dying . Losing your memories , you lose so much of who you are as a person 3. The {person} is losing so much of their humanity as they're dying. Losing {your} memories, {you} lose so much of who you are as a {person}. 4. R= 637 S= 0.10% ====*638*====+ 1. >strength >philosophy 2. strength . His philosophy was a philosophy of strength 3. Ronald Reagan was a president of {strength}. His {philosophy} was a {philosophy} of {strength} - a strong military, a strong economy and strong families. 4. R= 638 S= 0.10% ====*639*====+ 1. >be >give 2. are given circumstances . Given circumstances are 3. Because what the script gives you {are} {given} circumstances. {Given} circumstances {are} all the facts of your character. 4. R= 639 S= 0.10% ====*640*====+ 1. >it >I 2. it 's frustrating me because I feel that it 3. They don't know it, and {it}'s frustrating {me} because {I} feel that {it}'s an edge that I have, and I'm not talking about I took this hip hop class, I'm talking about this is how people actually know me. 4. R= 640 S= 0.10% ====*641*====+ 1. >party >do 2. party hard . When I go to work , I know what I am doing and I do it to the best of my abilities . When I party 3. I work hard and I {party} hard. When I go to work, I know what I am {doing} and I {do} it to the best of my abilities. When I {party}, I take exactly the same rule book with me. 4. R= 641 S= 0.10% ====*642*====+ 1. >love >to 2. love to allowing myself to be loved 3. The journey from teaching about {love} {to} allowing myself {to} be {loved} proved much longer than I realised. 4. R= 642 S= 0.10% ====*643*====+ 1. >I >Criss 2. I 'm friends with Criss Angel . Criss has offered me 3. {I}'m friends with {Criss} Angel. {Criss} has offered {me} a million times to go downstairs and see the setup. 4. R= 643 S= 0.10% ====*644*====+ 1. >you >surprise 2. you surprise the goalkeeper and sometimes the goalkeeper surprises you 3. Sometimes {you} {surprise} the goalkeeper and sometimes the goalkeeper {surprises} {you}. 4. R= 644 S= 0.10% ====*645*====+ 1. >health >affordable 2. health insurance affordable , affordable health insurance has to make health 3. Successful health reform must not just make {health} insurance {affordable}, {affordable} health insurance has to make {health} care affordable. 4. R= 645 S= 0.10% ====*646*====+ 1. >I >you 2. I loved you deeply and you gave me 3. When we were together, {I} loved {you} deeply and {you} gave {me} so much happiness I can never repay you. 4. R= 646 S= 0.10% ====*647*====+ 1. >I >love 2. I love you if you love me 3. It's not 'I love you' for this or that reason, not '{I} {love} you if you {love} {me}.' 4. R= 647 S= 0.10% ====*648*====+ 1. >it >you 2. It 's intensely frustrating and inevitably makes a fool of you , but you ca n't stop going back to it 3. {It}'s intensely frustrating and inevitably makes a fool of {you}, but {you} can't stop going back to {it}, and it's pretty much the defining experience of a human being. 4. R= 648 S= 0.10% ====*649*====+ 1. >clean >house 2. cleaning the outside house , but the most important house to clean 3. We are used to {cleaning} the outside {house}, but the most important {house} to {clean} is yourself - your own house - which we never do. 4. R= 649 S= 0.10% ====*650*====+ 1. >cell >we 2. cells of microbes on us as we have human cells 3. We actually have 10 times as many {cells} of microbes on {us} as {we} have human {cells}... We are literally a teeming ecosystem of microorganisms. 4. R= 650 S= 0.09% ====*651*====+ 1. >billion >of 2. billions of surpluses to hundreds of billions 3. But if they want to really think about the fiscal future of this country, then think about how we have moved from hundreds of {billions} {of} surpluses to hundreds {of} {billions} of deficits. 4. R= 651 S= 0.09% ====*652*====+ 1. >you >spreadsheet 2. you simply ca n't put into a spreadsheet . Spreadsheets spit out results from your inexact assumptions and give you 3. There are too many variables in the real world that {you} simply can't put into a {spreadsheet}. {Spreadsheets} spit out results from your inexact assumptions and give {you} a false sense of security. 4. R= 652 S= 0.09% ====*653*====+ 1. >understanding >as 2. understanding of India as well as India 's understanding 3. Hopefully the presence in Congress of an American who happens to be Hindu will increase America's {understanding} of India {as} well {as} India's {understanding} of America. 4. R= 653 S= 0.09% ====*654*====+ 1. >I >they 2. I forgot them at the hotel , they kicked me 3. Upon arriving in Vienna, after taking an overnight, and being asked to present my travel documents and realizing {I} forgot {them} at the hotel, {they} kicked {me} off the train and sent me back! 4. R= 654 S= 0.09% ====*655*====+ 1. >level >that 2. level where I can say that that 's my level 3. I just want to get to the {level} where I can say {that} {that}'s my {level}, just try to play well, get up there. 4. R= 655 S= 0.09% ====*656*====+ 1. >be >people 2. 're facing tough people and people are 3. I think that when you're kind of just shoved out there and you have to be tough and you{'re} facing tough {people} and {people} {are} saying bad things about you, that all of a sudden, you have to become a little less sweet. 4. R= 656 S= 0.09% ====*657*====+ 1. >you >ball 2. your ball or their ball and you 3. Once the referee throws the ball in the air, it's either {your} {ball} or their {ball} and {you} have to just take your shot. 4. R= 657 S= 0.09% ====*658*====+ 1. >granddad >name 2. granddad , my middle name . My name is Zach Granddad 3. I'm named after my {granddad}, my middle {name}. My {name} is Zach {Granddad} Galifianakis. 4. R= 658 S= 0.09% ====*659*====+ 1. >command >trifle 2. commanded a trifle , nor dare to trifle with anything He has commanded 3. Never think that Jesus {commanded} a {trifle}, nor dare to {trifle} with anything He has {commanded}. 4. R= 659 S= 0.09% ====*660*====+ 1. >priority >work 2. priorities of the organization and team they work with and prioritized their work around those top priorities 3. The bottom line is, when people are crystal clear about the most important {priorities} of the organization and team they {work} with and prioritized their {work} around those top {priorities}, not only are they many times more productive, they discover they have the time they need to have a whole life. 4. R= 659 S= 0.09% ====*661*====+ 1. >care >think 2. care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they do n't care 3. People who say they don't {care} what people {think} are usually desperate to have people {think} they don't {care} what people think. 4. R= 661 S= 0.09% ====*662*====+ 1. >be >theory 2. is theory . And theory is 3. And if you write beyond what you live, it {is} {theory}. And {theory} {is} not helpful. 4. R= 662 S= 0.09% ====*663*====+ 1. >than >sentence 2. than to write a perfect sentence , if that sentence is meant to perform more than 3. It's a lot easier to throw a perfect pass {than} to write a perfect {sentence}, if that {sentence} is meant to perform more {than} a mechanical function. 4. R= 663 S= 0.09% ====*664*====+ 1. >always >player 2. always embrace a great player but the great player must always 3. The work of a team should {always} embrace a great {player} but the great {player} must {always} work. 4. R= 664 S= 0.09% ====*665*====+ 1. >a >be 2. a woman forsakes her vulnerability because she 's been hurt or because she lives in a 3. When {a} woman forsakes her vulnerability because she{'s} {been} hurt or because she lives in {a} dangerous world or doesn't want to be used, she loses something essential about being a woman. 4. R= 665 S= 0.09% ====*666*====+ 1. >I >maker 2. I am prepared to meet my Maker . Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me 3. {I} am prepared to meet my {Maker}. Whether my {Maker} is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting {me} is another matter. 4. R= 666 S= 0.09% ====*667*====+ 1. >unlimited >need 2. unlimited abundance of everything people need . But people need everything except unlimited 3. There came into the world an {unlimited} abundance of everything people {need}. But people {need} everything except {unlimited} abundance. 4. R= 667 S= 0.09% ====*668*====+ 1. >it >musician 2. It 's not an accident that musicians become musicians and engineers become engineers : it 3. {It}'s not an accident that {musicians} become {musicians} and engineers become engineers: {it}'s what they're born to do. 4. R= 668 S= 0.09% ====*669*====+ 1. >be >live 2. is to live , and to live means to be 3. The aim of life {is} to {live}, and to {live} means to {be} aware, joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware. 4. R= 669 S= 0.09% ====*670*====+ 1. >moment >live 2. moment you are living . You have n't lived in the moment 3. It's ungrateful to be wishing you were doing something else at the {moment} you are {living}. You haven't {lived} in the {moment} that you are really living, you are wishing you were somewhere else. 4. R= 670 S= 0.09% ====*671*====+ 1. >the >government 2. the federal government or state government without the 3. Why should a city be mandated to do something by {the} federal {government} or state {government} without {the} money to do it? 4. R= 671 S= 0.09% ====*672*====+ 1. >'s >as 2. 's understanding of India as well as India 's 3. Hopefully the presence in Congress of an American who happens to be Hindu will increase America{'s} understanding of India {as} well {as} India{'s} understanding of America. 4. R= 672 S= 0.09% ====*673*====+ 1. >be >build 2. is the way it builds and builds , and the moment it 's 3. I think the whole tension about romanticism {is} the way it {builds} and {builds}, and the moment it{'s} consummated, the tension's over. 4. R= 673 S= 0.09% ====*674*====+ 1. >really >be 2. really feel something you 're saying is wonderful and you really 3. Hold your line when you {really} feel something you{'re} saying {is} wonderful and you {really} want to get this point across and prove it to your partner by just throwing it into the tape and letting it speak for itself. 4. R= 674 S= 0.09% ====*675*====+ 1. >treat >you 2. treat you any better than you treat 3. Never expect people to {treat} {you} any better than {you} {treat} yourself. 4. R= 675 S= 0.09% ====*676*====+ 1. >affordable >health 2. affordable health insurance has to make health care affordable 3. Successful health reform must not just make health insurance affordable, {affordable} {health} insurance has to make {health} care {affordable}. 4. R= 676 S= 0.09% ====*677*====+ 1. >politics >issue 2. politics . ' All issues are political issues , and politics 3. In our age there is no such thing as 'keeping out of {politics}.' All {issues} are political {issues}, and {politics} itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia. 4. R= 677 S= 0.09% ====*678*====+ 1. >white >black 2. white people love black people , some black people hate white people , and some black people love white 3. Some white people hate black people, and some {white} people love {black} people, some black people hate white people, and some {black} people love {white} people. 4. R= 678 S= 0.09% ====*679*====+ 1. >most >least 2. most approval get the least and people who need approval the least get the most 3. People who want the {most} approval get the {least} and people who need approval the {least} get the {most}. 4. R= 679 S= 0.09% ====*680*====+ 1. >I >they 2. me what and bugging them if they have n't paid me 3. I hate remembering who owes {me} what and bugging {them} if {they} haven't paid {me}. 4. R= 680 S= 0.09% ====*681*====+ 1. >lesbian >and 2. lesbians and gay and lesbian 3. There is so much work to be done to treat gays and {lesbians} {and} gay {and} {lesbian} couples with the respect that they're entitled to. 4. R= 681 S= 0.09% ====*682*====+ 1. >music >being 2. music is written by human beings for human beings and that music 3. A composer knows that {music} is written by human {beings} for human {beings} and that {music} is a continuation of life, not something separated from it. 4. R= 682 S= 0.09% ====*683*====+ 1. >Torah >book 2. Torah , and a book on the Days of Awe , and a book on the books of Israel that have been written since the day the Torah 3. I have also written a book about the Giving of the {Torah}, and a book on the Days of Awe, and a {book} on the {books} of Israel that have been written since the day the {Torah} was given to Israel. 4. R= 683 S= 0.09% ====*684*====+ 1. >of >I 2. of them that are played to death in malls that make me sad . I try to avoid stores where they 're playing bad versions of 3. I think that there are a lot of really beautiful Christmas carols, and then sometimes there are horrible renditions {of} them that are played to death in malls that make {me} sad. {I} try to avoid stores where they're playing bad versions {of} Christmas songs on repeat. 4. R= 684 S= 0.09% ====*685*====+ 1. >I >he 2. I needed him . He listened to me 3. He was always there for me when {I} needed {him}. {He} listened to {me} and taught me so many things. 4. R= 685 S= 0.09% ====*686*====+ 1. >to >rich 2. to be rich , the rich wish to 3. The poor wish {to} be {rich}, the {rich} wish {to} be happy, the single wish to be married, and the married wish to be dead. 4. R= 686 S= 0.09% ====*687*====+ 1. >be >feeling 2. 's true that men who cry are sensitive to and in touch with feelings , but the only feelings they tend to be sensitive to and in touch with are 3. It{'s} true that men who cry are sensitive to and in touch with {feelings}, but the only {feelings} they tend to be sensitive to and in touch with {are} their own. 4. R= 687 S= 0.09% ====*688*====+ 1. >love >you 2. loved you , so you must love 3. As I have {loved} {you}, so {you} must {love} one another. 4. R= 688 S= 0.09% ====*689*====+ 1. >run >the 2. run the day or the day runs 3. Either you {run} {the} day or {the} day {runs} you. 4. R= 688 S= 0.09% ====*690*====+ 1. >year >you 2. years to evolve into you , and you 've about 70 more years 3. Life took over 4 billion {years} to evolve into {you}, and {you}'ve about 70 more {years} to enjoy it. 4. R= 688 S= 0.09% ====*691*====+ 1. >lose >you 2. Lose your dreams and you might lose 3. {Lose} {your} dreams and {you} might {lose} your mind. 4. R= 688 S= 0.09% ====*692*====+ 1. >people >they 2. people who are just like them , and they write novels about people 3. They go to parties with {people} who are just like {them}, and {they} write novels about {people} who are just like them. 4. R= 688 S= 0.09% ====*693*====+ 1. >budget >the 2. budget is about the same as the defense budgets 3. Our defense {budget} is about {the} same as {the} defense {budgets} or military budgets of every other country in the world put together. 4. R= 688 S= 0.09% ====*694*====+ 1. >'s >a 2. 's Native American communities has always been a priority and a critical element of my administration 's 3. The realization of a sustainable economic development strategy for Maine{'s} Native American communities has always been {a} priority and {a} critical element of my administration{'s} overall economic development strategy. 4. R= 688 S= 0.09% ====*695*====+ 1. >fight >the 2. fight physically in the gym and the resistance that you fight 3. The resistance that you {fight} physically in {the} gym and {the} resistance that you {fight} in life can only build a strong character. 4. R= 688 S= 0.09% ====*696*====+ 1. >look >the 2. look the same and the lawns look 3. When I was a young mother at home with a two year old and a five year old, living on the Eastside in one of those neighborhoods where all the houses look the same, where all the cars {look} {the} same and {the} lawns {look} the same, I was writing in secret. 4. R= 688 S= 0.09% ====*697*====+ 1. >defend >we 2. defend our office as we do defend 3. Yes, we do {defend} {our} office as {we} do {defend} our homes. 4. R= 688 S= 0.09% ====*698*====+ 1. >it >I 2. it 's what people know me for , so I love doing it 3. I love comedies, and {it}'s what people know {me} for, so {I} love doing {it}... I don't really think about it in terms of 'Well, I should do this because it's comedy or drama.' 4. R= 698 S= 0.09% ====*699*====+ 1. >I >they 2. I was acting was when a friend told them they had just come back from a play I 3. The first time my parents found out {I} was acting was when a friend told {them} {they} had just come back from a play {I} was in. 4. R= 699 S= 0.09% ====*700*====+ 1. >different >do 2. different characters . That gets difficult to do . People do n't trust you to do something different 3. One of the defining things about my career on camera is I like to play {different} characters. That gets difficult to {do}. People {do}n't trust you to do something {different}. 4. R= 700 S= 0.09% ====*701*====+ 1. >opportunity >they 2. opportunity I get to get closer to one of my fans - and get to know them and talk to them - I 'm always going to take that opportunity 3. Every {opportunity} I get to get closer to one of my fans - and get to know {them} and talk to {them} - I'm always going to take that {opportunity} with arms wide open and make it a priority. 4. R= 701 S= 0.08% ====*702*====+ 1. >to >Bible 2. to read the Bible . The Bible is read to 3. It's not that you're pushed {to} read the {Bible}. The {Bible} is read {to} you. 4. R= 702 S= 0.08% ====*703*====+ 1. >exercise >day 2. exercise . I always walk an hour a day , I swim 250 days a year and I do balancing exercises 3. I like to {exercise}. I always walk an hour a {day}, I swim 250 {days} a year and I do balancing {exercises} which take me an hour. 4. R= 703 S= 0.08% ====*704*====+ 1. >be >country 2. was lucky enough to have parents that took me out from country to country and go to school and learn how to be 3. I {was} lucky enough to have parents that took me out from {country} to {country} and go to school and learn how to {be} a better person. 4. R= 704 S= 0.08% ====*705*====+ 1. >to >man 2. to a man , and a man to 3. Edible, adj.: Good to eat, and wholesome to digest, as a worm to a toad, a toad to a snake, a snake to a pig, a pig {to} a {man}, and a {man} {to} a worm. 4. R= 705 S= 0.08% ====*706*====+ 1. >the >crinkle 2. the crinkle , and a crinkle within the 3. If you take your thumb and your index finger and look right where they meet - go ahead and do that now - and relax your hand, you'll see a crinkle, and then a wrinkle within {the} {crinkle}, and a {crinkle} within {the} wrinkle. 4. R= 705 S= 0.08% ====*707*====+ 1. >make >greatness 2. makes greatness truly valuable , and greatness make 3. Goodness {makes} {greatness} truly valuable, and {greatness} {make} goodness much more serviceable. 4. R= 707 S= 0.08% ====*708*====+ 1. >start >translation 2. started working for the Bureau , most of my translation duties included translations of documents and investigations that actually started 3. And after I {started} working for the Bureau, most of my {translation} duties included {translations} of documents and investigations that actually {started} way before 9/11. 4. R= 708 S= 0.08% ====*709*====+ 1. >depend >we 2. depends on our competitiveness and our competitiveness depends 3. Our success {depends} on {our} competitiveness and {our} competitiveness {depends} on raising our productivity, as our competitors are raising theirs. 4. R= 709 S= 0.08% ====*710*====+ 1. >come >we 2. come from our creator and our liberty comes 3. Our lives {come} from {our} creator and {our} liberty {comes} from our creator. 4. R= 709 S= 0.08% ====*711*====+ 1. >business >reputation 2. business with a reputation for bad economics , it is the reputation of the business 3. When a management with a reputation for brilliance tackles a {business} with a {reputation} for bad economics, it is the {reputation} of the {business} that remains intact. 4. R= 711 S= 0.08% ====*712*====+ 1. >people >the 2. People who want the most approval get the least and people 3. {People} who want {the} most approval get {the} least and {people} who need approval the least get the most. 4. R= 712 S= 0.08% ====*713*====+ 1. >you >people 2. you have to be tough and you 're facing tough people and people are saying bad things about you 3. I think that when you're kind of just shoved out there and {you} have to be tough and you're facing tough {people} and {people} are saying bad things about {you}, that all of a sudden, you have to become a little less sweet. 4. R= 713 S= 0.08% ====*714*====+ 1. >love >day 2. love acting . I take it day by day . I would really love 3. I {love} acting. I take it {day} by {day}. I would really {love} to produce my own stuff and other stuff. 4. R= 714 S= 0.08% ====*715*====+ 1. >question >settle 2. question without settling it than to settle a question 3. It is better to debate a {question} without {settling} it than to {settle} a {question} without debating it. 4. R= 715 S= 0.08% ====*716*====+ 1. >heart >Christ 2. heart and your life over to Christ , when you accept Christ as the savior , it changes your heart 3. When you turn your {heart} and your life over to {Christ}, when you accept {Christ} as the savior, it changes your {heart}. 4. R= 716 S= 0.08% ====*717*====+ 1. >I >movie 2. I could go to the movies and see an entire movie carried on the shoulders of someone who looked like me 3. When I was a kid, it wasn't very often that {I} could go to the {movies} and see an entire {movie} carried on the shoulders of someone who looked like {me}. 4. R= 717 S= 0.08% ====*718*====+ 1. >door >you 2. doors before you got to your open door 3. You have to come to your closed doors before you get to your open doors... What if you knew you had to go through 32 closed {doors} before {you} got to {your} open {door}? 4. R= 718 S= 0.08% ====*719*====+ 1. >the >rich 2. The poor wish to be rich , the rich wish to be happy , the 3. {The} poor wish to be {rich}, the {rich} wish to be happy, {the} single wish to be married, and the married wish to be dead. 4. R= 719 S= 0.08% ====*720*====+ 1. >heart >give 2. heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy . When you are sorrowful look again in your heart 3. When you are joyous, look deep into your {heart} and you shall find it is only that which has {given} you sorrow that is {giving} you joy. When you are sorrowful look again in your {heart}, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight. 4. R= 720 S= 0.08% ====*721*====+ 1. >love >you 2. loves you more than you love 3. A dog is the only thing on earth that {loves} {you} more than {you} {love} yourself. 4. R= 721 S= 0.08% ====*722*====+ 1. >want >evil 2. want to do evil for evil 's sake . I do n't want 3. In other words, I don't {want} to do {evil} for {evil}'s sake. I don't {want} to do Jason slasher movies. 4. R= 722 S= 0.08% ====*723*====+ 1. >government >founder 2. government out of the business of morality - but this is antithetical to what the founders wanted . The founders wanted to keep theology out of government 3. There are some who invoke separation of church and state - to try to get the {government} out of the business of morality - but this is antithetical to what the {founders} wanted. The {founders} wanted to keep theology out of {government} so that government could focus on the proper business of morality. 4. R= 723 S= 0.08% ====*724*====+ 1. >I >believe 2. I do not seek to understand in order to believe , but I believe in order to understand . For I 3. For {I} do not seek to understand in order to {believe}, but I {believe} in order to understand. For {I} believe this: unless I believe, I will not understand. 4. R= 724 S= 0.08% ====*725*====+ 1. >opportunity >I 2. opportunities are going to be given to me . I 've found with the opportunities 3. I never know what's going to happen or what {opportunities} are going to be given to {me}. {I}'ve found with the {opportunities} that I've been given have made it possible for me to explore different characters and exciting stories. 4. R= 725 S= 0.08% ====*726*====+ 1. >you >I 2. you 're asking me , I 'll tell you 3. But since {you}'re asking {me}, {I}'ll tell {you} my opinion: all cornbread is authentic, as long as it's good, hot, and made with love and fresh ingredients. 4. R= 726 S= 0.08% ====*727*====+ 1. >I >he 2. I thank Him that He brought me 3. So though there are many things I would have done differently, I submit to God's sovereignty and His purpose in my life and {I} thank {Him} that {He} brought {me} the way He brought me and gave me what He gave me when He thought I could handle it. 4. R= 726 S= 0.08% ====*728*====+ 1. >ever >Louie 2. ever hear ` Louie Louie ' ever 3. I am just a little tired of the Stones and the Beatles, and I don't care if I {ever} hear '{Louie} {Louie}' {ever} again. 4. R= 728 S= 0.08% ====*729*====+ 1. >try >be 2. trying to grasp what is happening and I am still trying 3. Especially moments when things are very difficult and complicated for me and I am still {trying} to grasp what {is} happening and I {am} still {trying} to understand and to reach family back home. 4. R= 729 S= 0.08% ====*730*====+ 1. >the >very 2. The idea is that if you eat very , very little - if you 're on the 3. And I tried the calorie restriction diet: {The} idea is that if you eat {very}, {very} little - if you're on {the} verge of starvation, you will live a very long time, whether or not you want to, of course. 4. R= 730 S= 0.08% ====*731*====+ 1. >without >settle 2. without settling it than to settle a question without 3. It is better to debate a question {without} {settling} it than to {settle} a question {without} debating it. 4. R= 731 S= 0.08% ====*732*====+ 1. >company >fair 2. company at a fair price than a fair company 3. It's far better to buy a wonderful {company} at a {fair} price than a {fair} {company} at a wonderful price. 4. R= 731 S= 0.08% ====*733*====+ 1. >thing >we 2. thing they do that is hurtful to us . And we choose to think things 3. When we believe the best of people, we let go of each {thing} they do that is hurtful to {us}. And {we} choose to think {things} like, 'I don't believe they meant to hurt me.' 4. R= 733 S= 0.08% ====*734*====+ 1. >true >'s 2. true of Mr. Mill 's influence on the women 's - suffrage question is true 3. What is {true} of Mr. Mill{'s} influence on the women{'s}-suffrage question is {true} also of the other political movements in which he took an active interest. 4. R= 734 S= 0.08% ====*735*====+ 1. >tailor >time 2. tailored suit from time to time , and there 's a tailor 3. I like to dress up in a {tailored} suit from {time} to {time}, and there's a {tailor} I go to in Naples who's fantastic. 4. R= 735 S= 0.08% ====*736*====+ 1. >music >I 2. Music has always been an important thing to me in my life and understand I 've worked in the music 3. {Music} has always been an important thing to {me} in my life and understand {I}'ve worked in the {music} business. 4. R= 736 S= 0.08% ====*737*====+ 1. >work >as 2. work ... then you need to take this part of it just as seriously as you would going into an audition and going into work 3. But if you care about your {work}... then you need to take this part of it just {as} seriously {as} you would going into an audition and going into {work}. 4. R= 737 S= 0.08% ====*738*====+ 1. >'ll >you 2. 'll look around and they watch you when you 're not even thinking they 're watching you and they 'll 3. You know, all writers are vampires and they{'ll} look around and they watch {you} when {you}'re not even thinking they're watching you and they{'ll} slip stuff in. 4. R= 738 S= 0.08% ====*739*====+ 1. >the >public 2. the media influences public opinion and how much public opinion influences the 3. It is not at all clear how much {the} media influences {public} opinion and how much {public} opinion influences {the} media. 4. R= 739 S= 0.08% ====*740*====+ 1. >I >it 2. I ca n't watch it . It turns me 3. {I} can't watch {it}. {It} turns {me} off. 4. R= 740 S= 0.08% ====*741*====+ 1. >a >always 2. A pocket square must always - always - be white and a 3. {A} pocket square must {always} - {always} - be white and {a} bit wild. 4. R= 741 S= 0.08% ====*742*====+ 1. >you >side 2. your women are side by side with you 3. No nation can rise to the height of glory unless {your} women are {side} by {side} with {you}. 4. R= 741 S= 0.08% ====*743*====+ 1. >of >ghost 2. Of all ghosts the ghosts of 3. {Of} all {ghosts} the {ghosts} {of} our old loves are the worst. 4. R= 741 S= 0.08% ====*744*====+ 1. >we >side 2. we are drifting side by side to our 3. The best that we can do is to be kindly and helpful toward our friends and fellow passengers who are clinging to the same speck of dirt while {we} are drifting {side} by {side} to {our} common doom. 4. R= 741 S= 0.08% ====*745*====+ 1. >give >visa 2. given visas . We wish for visas to be given 3. People want to come to Pakistan but are not {given} {visas}. We wish for {visas} to be {given} to those people who want to come to Pakistan. 4. R= 745 S= 0.08% ====*746*====+ 1. >album >people 2. album I plan on introducing to people and reintroducing to people the side of me that they did n't see on the first album 3. To me, 'Underground Luxury' is kinda like a contrasting title, and the reason for that is because on this {album} I plan on introducing to {people} and reintroducing to {people} the side of me that they didn't see on the first {album}. 4. R= 746 S= 0.08% ====*747*====+ 1. >respect >public 2. respect for the public , the public would have a lot more respect 3. If advertising had a little more {respect} for the {public}, the {public} would have a lot more {respect} for advertising. 4. R= 747 S= 0.08% ====*748*====+ 1. >dad >'s 2. dad 's parents are from Scotland , and my mum 's dad 3. My {dad}{'s} parents are from Scotland, and my mum{'s} {dad} is Scots. 4. R= 748 S= 0.08% ====*749*====+ 1. >be >I 2. 's me and I 'm 3. I can handle it because it{'s} {me} and {I}{'m} coming back in the next race. 4. R= 749 S= 0.08% ====*750*====+ 1. >fission >of 2. fission produces a certain number of neutrons and some of these neutrons will again produce fission 3. The fundamental point in fabricating a chain reacting machine is of course to see to it that each {fission} produces a certain number {of} neutrons and some {of} these neutrons will again produce {fission}. 4. R= 750 S= 0.08% ====*751*====+ 1. >good >be 2. good thing is , they 're really good 3. The {good} thing {is}, they{'re} really {good} about inviting me to all the football games and all that stuff. 4. R= 751 S= 0.08% ====*752*====+ 1. >push >I 2. pushes me . I push 3. It {pushes} {me}. {I} {push} my own personal limits. 4. R= 752 S= 0.07% ====*753*====+ 1. >I >year 2. I hope that five years and ten years from now , I 3. {I} hope that five {years} and ten {years} from now, {I}'ll be a better man, a more mature man, a wiser man, a more humble man and a more spirited man to serve the good of my people and the good of humanity. 4. R= 753 S= 0.07% ====*754*====+ 1. >midst >chaos 2. midst of chaos is n't funny , but chaos in the midst 3. Chaos in the {midst} of {chaos} isn't funny, but {chaos} in the {midst} of order is. 4. R= 754 S= 0.07% ====*755*====+ 1. >of >knowledge 2. of knowledge : the knowledge of 3. Courage is a special kind {of} {knowledge}: the {knowledge} {of} how to fear what ought to be feared and how not to fear what ought not to be feared. 4. R= 755 S= 0.07% ====*756*====+ 1. >music >act 2. music does not always transcend into being a good live act . Many current acts are great live , but many can not cut it live . The music 3. Studio-driven, machine-driven {music} does not always transcend into being a good live {act}. Many current {acts} are great live, but many cannot cut it live. The {music} is not organic. 4. R= 756 S= 0.07% ====*757*====+ 1. >the >slowly 2. the civilized world slowly , slowly pushes into the 3. This is how {the} civilized world {slowly}, {slowly} pushes into {the} forest and takes away the world that used to be. 4. R= 757 S= 0.07% ====*758*====+ 1. >live >man 2. live for the sake of another man , nor ask another man to live 3. I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never {live} for the sake of another {man}, nor ask another {man} to {live} for mine. 4. R= 758 S= 0.07% ====*759*====+ 1. >power >corrupt 2. Power does n't corrupt people , people corrupt power 3. {Power} doesn't {corrupt} people, people {corrupt} {power}. 4. R= 759 S= 0.07% ====*760*====+ 1. >in >bully 2. in high school to be bullied . Bullying and being picked on comes in 3. You know, you don't have to be the loser kid {in} high school to be {bullied}. {Bullying} and being picked on comes {in} so many different forms. 4. R= 760 S= 0.07% ====*761*====+ 1. >government >a 2. government . I can not too strongly urge the necessity of a rigid economy and an inflexible determination not to enlarge the income beyond the real necessities of the government 3. We are beginning a new era in our {government}. I cannot too strongly urge the necessity of {a} rigid economy and {an} inflexible determination not to enlarge the income beyond the real necessities of the {government}. 4. R= 761 S= 0.07% ====*762*====+ 1. >pretend >be 2. pretend to be because you are what you pretend 3. Be careful what you {pretend} to {be} because you {are} what you {pretend} to be. 4. R= 762 S= 0.07% ====*763*====+ 1. >from >chatter 2. from language we descend to chatter , from chatter to babble and from 3. Otherwise {from} language we descend to {chatter}, from {chatter} to babble and {from} babble to confusion. 4. R= 763 S= 0.07% ====*764*====+ 1. >year >to 2. years in the Marines and then came right to New York to be an actor . And then seven years 3. I spent four and a half {years} in the Marines and then came right {to} New York {to} be an actor. And then seven {years} later, I got my first job. 4. R= 764 S= 0.07% ====*765*====+ 1. >hard >look 2. hard ones look easy and the easy ones look hard 3. Make the {hard} ones {look} easy and the easy ones {look} {hard}. 4. R= 765 S= 0.07% ====*766*====+ 1. >you >game 2. you try to shortcut the game , then the game will shortcut you 3. If {you} try to shortcut the {game}, then the {game} will shortcut {you}. 4. R= 766 S= 0.07% ====*767*====+ 1. >he >I 2. he loved me , and consequently I told Scott I loved him 3. My dad never told me {he} loved {me}, and consequently I told Scott {I} loved {him} every other minute. 4. R= 767 S= 0.07% ====*768*====+ 1. >focus >be 2. focus our resources on sending humans to Mars is intriguing , but it is not the most compelling reason that Americans ought to focus 3. President Bush's proposal to {focus} our resources on sending humans to Mars {is} intriguing, but it {is} not the most compelling reason that Americans ought to {focus} our interest on the Red Planet. 4. R= 768 S= 0.07% ====*769*====+ 1. >a >percent 2. a movie . It 's about two percent moviemaking and ninety-eight percent hustling It 's no way to spend a 3. And I've spent too much energy on things that have nothing to do with making {a} movie. It's about two {percent} moviemaking and ninety-eight {percent} hustling It's no way to spend {a} life. 4. R= 769 S= 0.07% ====*770*====+ 1. >event >we 2. events of our lives that shape us , but our beliefs as to what those events 3. It's not the {events} of our lives that shape {us}, but {our} beliefs as to what those {events} mean. 4. R= 770 S= 0.07% ====*771*====+ 1. >lead >two 2. led to two , two led 3. But one {led} to {two}, {two} {led} to four, four led to eight, until at the end it was about 85 a day - the doctors could not believe I was taking that much. 4. R= 771 S= 0.07% ====*772*====+ 1. >know >as 2. know just about as well as you know 3. Everything's a lot easier when you work with someone you {know} just about {as} well {as} you {know} yourself. 4. R= 771 S= 0.07% ====*773*====+ 1. >performer >as 2. performers as much as male performers 3. Hollywood studio executives don't recognize the value of female {performers} {as} much {as} male {performers}. 4. R= 771 S= 0.07% ====*774*====+ 1. >side >as 2. side of life but as much as the lighter side 3. I do like playing the darker {side} of life but {as} much {as} the lighter {side} as well. 4. R= 771 S= 0.07% ====*775*====+ 1. >corrupt >you 2. corrupt you , you 're corrupted 3. If something can {corrupt} {you}, {you}'re {corrupted} already. 4. R= 771 S= 0.07% ====*776*====+ 1. >use >you 2. use your voice you should use 3. If you have an opportunity to {use} {your} voice {you} should {use} it. 4. R= 771 S= 0.07% ====*777*====+ 1. >people >be 2. people can suggest that matters is , be a good person and treat people 3. The only thing {people} can suggest that matters {is}, {be} a good person and treat {people} respectfully. 4. R= 771 S= 0.07% ====*778*====+ 1. >football >as 2. football as well as the football 3. None of us are claiming that the statistical analysts understand the game of {football} {as} well {as} the {football} coaches do, or that our analysis should take precedence over the informed opinions of experts. 4. R= 771 S= 0.07% ====*779*====+ 1. >important >of 2. important thing from the point of view of a principle as broad and important 3. So sometimes the facts are good and sometimes the facts are bad, the {important} thing from the point {of} view {of} a principle as broad and {important} as freedom of speech is that the courts articulate and set forth in a very protective way what those principles are. 4. R= 771 S= 0.07% ====*780*====+ 1. >problem >as 2. problem is usually as bad as the problem 3. The government solution to a {problem} is usually {as} bad {as} the {problem}. 4. R= 771 S= 0.07% ====*781*====+ 1. >friend >be 2. friend is simply be his friend 3. The most I can do for my {friend} {is} simply {be} his {friend}. 4. R= 771 S= 0.07% ====*782*====+ 1. >survive >as 2. survive as long as humanity survives 3. The survival of artistic modes in which we recognize ourselves, identify ourselves and place ourselves will {survive} {as} long {as} humanity {survives}. 4. R= 771 S= 0.07% ====*783*====+ 1. >try >as 2. trying to do it as best as possible and trying 3. What I do when speaking in public is {trying} to do it {as} best {as} possible and {trying} to make everybody comfortable with my words. 4. R= 771 S= 0.07% ====*784*====+ 1. >as >composer 2. as a composer and the composer as 3. I dream of a collaboration that would finally be total, in which the librettist would often think {as} a {composer} and the {composer} {as} a librettist. 4. R= 784 S= 0.07% ====*785*====+ 1. >of >grow 2. of us grow up and we grow out of 3. A lot {of} us {grow} up and we {grow} out {of} the literal interpretation that we get when we're children, but we bear the scars all our life. 4. R= 785 S= 0.07% ====*786*====+ 1. >do >show 2. doing our show , and other shows are doing 3. I think we're really - we're doing a really great job {doing} our {show}, and other {shows} are {doing} a great job doing theirs, and we'll just see what people have to say. 4. R= 785 S= 0.07% ====*787*====+ 1. >do >people 2. did for people but because of what people did 3. We must always remember that America is a great nation today not because of what government {did} for {people} but because of what {people} {did} for themselves and for one another. 4. R= 787 S= 0.07% ====*788*====+ 1. >he >I 2. him the proudest dad to have me and I want to show everybody and nearly be as good as him 3. I want to make {him} the proudest dad to have {me} and {I} want to show everybody and nearly be as good as {him} because he was the best. 4. R= 788 S= 0.07% ====*789*====+ 1. >I >it 2. I like to do it and it 's great that I 3. {I} like to do {it} and {it}'s great that {I} can still do that, but you know, you don't really have a lot of control over things, so it's real hit or miss. 4. R= 789 S= 0.07% ====*790*====+ 1. >sense >without 2. sense without education than to have education without common sense 3. It is a thousand times better to have common {sense} {without} education than to have education {without} common {sense}. 4. R= 790 S= 0.07% ====*791*====+ 1. >who >thumb 2. who 's voting thumbs up or thumbs down . That 's who 3. Our DNA is as a consumer company - for that individual customer {who}'s voting {thumbs} up or {thumbs} down. That's {who} we think about. 4. R= 791 S= 0.07% ====*792*====+ 1. >Life >resemble 2. Life resembles a novel more often than novels resemble life 3. {Life} {resembles} a novel more often than novels {resemble} {life}. 4. R= 792 S= 0.07% ====*793*====+ 1. >I >it 2. I would play it . It took me 3. Any part I do is a marriage of the words - what the playwright or producer or show runner's vision is - to how {I} would play {it}. {It} took {me} a while to get rid of 'Oh, they want it this way, so I'm going to do it how they want it.' 4. R= 793 S= 0.07% ====*794*====+ 1. >hard >talent 2. Hard work without talent is a shame , but talent without hard 3. {Hard} work without {talent} is a shame, but {talent} without {hard} work is a tragedy. 4. R= 794 S= 0.07% ====*795*====+ 1. >love >I 2. love me I shall not be loved 3. If you do not {love} {me} {I} shall not be {loved} If I do not love you I shall not love. 4. R= 795 S= 0.07% ====*796*====+ 1. >to >Islam 2. to deal with militant Islam but an Islam and Muslims who are committed to 3. The idea is that they wouldn't want {to} deal with militant {Islam} but an {Islam} and Muslims who are committed {to} progress, committed to development, who like peace and are moderate in their ways. 4. R= 796 S= 0.07% ====*797*====+ 1. >can >everyone 2. ca n't help everyone , but everyone can 3. We {ca}n't help {everyone}, but {everyone} {can} help someone. 4. R= 796 S= 0.07% ====*798*====+ 1. >film >review 2. films always get good reviews and bad reviews . I just try to make the best film 3. My {films} always get good {reviews} and bad {reviews}. I just try to make the best {film} I can. 4. R= 798 S= 0.07% ====*799*====+ 1. >inside >be 2. inside is outside but the universe outside is inside 3. The universe {inside} {is} outside but the universe outside {is} {inside}. 4. R= 799 S= 0.07% ====*800*====+ 1. >keep >you 2. keep your trust , you keep 3. I believe if you keep your faith, you {keep} {your} trust, {you} {keep} the right attitude, if you're grateful, you'll see God open up new doors. 4. R= 800 S= 0.07% ====*801*====+ 1. >give >a 2. give people the ability to stop and take just a few minutes a day to regroup and refocus : to give 3. I want to help {give} people the ability to stop and take just {a} few minutes {a} day to regroup and refocus: to {give} them a chance to get perspective on the things that matter and the things that don't. 4. R= 801 S= 0.07% ====*802*====+ 1. >wise >a 2. wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise 3. A {wise} man can learn more from {a} foolish question than {a} fool can learn from a {wise} answer. 4. R= 802 S= 0.07% ====*803*====+ 1. >to >toad 2. to a toad , a toad to 3. Edible, adj.: Good to eat, and wholesome to digest, as a worm {to} a {toad}, a {toad} {to} a snake, a snake to a pig, a pig to a man, and a man to a worm. 4. R= 803 S= 0.07% ====*804*====+ 1. >to >snake 2. to a snake , a snake to 3. Edible, adj.: Good to eat, and wholesome to digest, as a worm to a toad, a toad {to} a {snake}, a {snake} {to} a pig, a pig to a man, and a man to a worm. 4. R= 803 S= 0.07% ====*805*====+ 1. >to >pig 2. to a pig , a pig to 3. Edible, adj.: Good to eat, and wholesome to digest, as a worm to a toad, a toad to a snake, a snake {to} a {pig}, a {pig} {to} a man, and a man to a worm. 4. R= 803 S= 0.07% ====*806*====+ 1. >public >as 2. public eye take it , is not taken as seriously as it once was - by the public 3. The bad news for journalists today is that the media, however seriously people who are in the {public} eye take it, is not taken {as} seriously {as} it once was - by the {public}. 4. R= 806 S= 0.07% ====*807*====+ 1. >thank >I 2. thank me : ' I thank 3. People come up to me and they {thank} {me}: '{I} {thank} you for the many, many hours of laughter.' 4. R= 807 S= 0.07% ====*808*====+ 1. >delegate >work 2. Delegating work works , provided the one delegating 3. {Delegating} {work} {works}, provided the one {delegating} works, too. 4. R= 808 S= 0.07% ====*809*====+ 1. >to >prepare 2. to prepare , you are preparing to 3. By failing {to} {prepare}, you are {preparing} {to} fail. 4. R= 809 S= 0.07% ====*810*====+ 1. >you >best 2. your best to become the best you 3. Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did {your} {best} to become the {best} {you} are capable of becoming. 4. R= 809 S= 0.07% ====*811*====+ 1. >new >thing 2. new things familiar , familiar things new 3. The two most engaging powers of an author are to make {new} {things} familiar, familiar {things} {new}. 4. R= 809 S= 0.07% ====*812*====+ 1. >be >start 2. be great to start , but you have to start to be 3. You don't have to {be} great to {start}, but you have to {start} to {be} great. 4. R= 812 S= 0.07% ====*813*====+ 1. >art >be 2. art of being wise is the art 3. The {art} of {being} wise {is} the {art} of knowing what to overlook. 4. R= 813 S= 0.07% ====*814*====+ 1. >wish >rich 2. wish to be rich , the rich wish to be happy , the single wish 3. The poor {wish} to be {rich}, the {rich} wish to be happy, the single {wish} to be married, and the married wish to be dead. 4. R= 814 S= 0.07% ====*815*====+ 1. >title >honor 2. titles that honor men , but men that honor titles 3. It is not {titles} that {honor} men, but men that {honor} {titles}. 4. R= 815 S= 0.07% ====*816*====+ 1. >world >understand 2. world does n't understand me and I do n't understand the world 3. The {world} doesn't {understand} me and I don't {understand} the {world}, that's why I've withdrawn from it. 4. R= 815 S= 0.07% ====*817*====+ 1. >prepare >maker 2. prepared to meet my Maker . Whether my Maker is prepared 3. I am {prepared} to meet my {Maker}. Whether my {Maker} is {prepared} for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter. 4. R= 817 S= 0.07% ====*818*====+ 1. >establish >today 2. establish today . I am today what I established 3. I am tomorrow, or some future day, what I {establish} {today}. I am {today} what I {established} yesterday or some previous day. 4. R= 817 S= 0.07% ====*819*====+ 1. >be >look 2. is to always look back , always look at what was 3. I'm going to be looking forward, asked to be judged on my record, not taken back as has been the - in a sense, the tendency throughout politics in Northern Ireland, {is} to always {look} back, always {look} at what {was} said a long time ago, instead of looking forward. 4. R= 819 S= 0.07% ====*820*====+ 1. >we >and 2. we are wise enough to learn and know - and yet not wise enough to control our 3. Suppose that {we} are wise enough to learn {and} know - {and} yet not wise enough to control {our} learning and knowledge, so that we use it to destroy ourselves? 4. R= 820 S= 0.07% ====*821*====+ 1. >with >capitalism 2. with solidarity . We say we 're not going to fight capitalism with black capitalism , but we 're going to fight it with 3. We're going to fight racism not with racism, but we're going to fight {with} solidarity. We say we're not going to fight {capitalism} with black {capitalism}, but we're going to fight it {with} socialism. 4. R= 821 S= 0.07% ====*822*====+ 1. >you >boss 2. you work for a company and you have one boss and that boss does n't like you or wants to get rid of you 3. If {you} work for a company and you have one {boss} and that {boss} doesn't like you or wants to get rid of {you}, you're in trouble. 4. R= 822 S= 0.07% ====*823*====+ 1. >I >great 2. I was brought up by great parents and great grandparents who told me 3. {I} was brought up by {great} parents and {great} grandparents who told {me}, 'Never, ever think that you're better than anyone else or that what you do is so important that the world won't miss you once you're gone,' and I kind of translate that into the stardom thing. 4. R= 823 S= 0.07% ====*824*====+ 1. >want >we 2. want to measure the progress that the schools are teaching our students , we want to hold them accountable for the progress , we want 3. Scholarships that allow students to get a good education are important, but first we {want} to measure the progress that the schools are teaching {our} students, {we} want to hold them accountable for the progress, we {want} to hold the schools accountable for teaching the young people in America. 4. R= 824 S= 0.07% ====*825*====+ 1. >shed >tear 2. shed for self are tears of weakness , but tears shed 3. Tears {shed} for self are {tears} of weakness, but {tears} {shed} for others are a sign of strength. 4. R= 825 S= 0.07% ====*826*====+ 1. >grille >a 2. grille is as much a political statement as a Rolls Royce radiator grille 3. A Buick radiator {grille} is as much {a} political statement as {a} Rolls Royce radiator {grille}, one enshrining a machine aesthetic driven by a populist optimism, the other enshrining a hierarchical and exclusive social order. 4. R= 826 S= 0.07% ====*827*====+ 1. >busy >the 2. busy working for the world , and the world is busy 3. O man you are {busy} working for {the} world, and {the} world is {busy} trying to turn you out. 4. R= 826 S= 0.07% ====*828*====+ 1. >I >shout 2. I 'd been shouting and shouting and no-one wanted to hear me 3. {I}'d been {shouting} and {shouting} and no-one wanted to hear {me}. 4. R= 828 S= 0.06% ====*829*====+ 1. >late >than 2. late than never , or Better never than late 3. Which form of proverb do you prefer Better {late} {than} never, or Better never {than} {late}? 4. R= 829 S= 0.06% ====*830*====+ 1. >in >water 2. in our body is primarily water . But the water does n't just sit in 3. Every cell {in} our body is primarily {water}. But the {water} doesn't just sit {in} the cell, it moves through it in a very organized way. 4. R= 830 S= 0.06% ====*831*====+ 1. >a >man 2. a pig to a man , and a man to a 3. Edible, adj.: Good to eat, and wholesome to digest, as a worm to a toad, a toad to a snake, a snake to a pig, {a} pig to a {man}, and a {man} to {a} worm. 4. R= 831 S= 0.06% ====*832*====+ 1. >try >chair 2. tried to do something on hand chairs , chairs that look like hands . I really tried 3. I {tried} to do something on hand {chairs}, {chairs} that look like hands. I really {tried}. 4. R= 832 S= 0.06% ====*833*====+ 1. >the >prerecord 2. The only thing not prerecorded in a prerecorded universe are the 3. {The} only thing not {prerecorded} in a {prerecorded} universe are {the} prerecordings themselves. 4. R= 833 S= 0.06% ====*834*====+ 1. >a >truth 2. a ` your truth , my truth ' kind of a 3. I don't believe in relativism, {a} 'your {truth}, my {truth}' kind of {a} thing. 4. R= 833 S= 0.06% ====*835*====+ 1. >the >man 2. the man , but the man the 3. It is not the oath that makes us believe {the} {man}, but the {man} {the} oath. 4. R= 835 S= 0.06% ====*836*====+ 1. >thing >belong 2. things in life like belonging . A sense of belonging is a big thing 3. It is that, but really, it's about how we don't recognise the little things in life, or appreciate the little {things} in life like {belonging}. A sense of {belonging} is a big {thing} today. 4. R= 836 S= 0.06% ====*837*====+ 1. >power >fear 2. Power does not corrupt . Fear corrupts ... perhaps the fear of a loss of power 3. {Power} does not corrupt. {Fear} corrupts... perhaps the {fear} of a loss of {power}. 4. R= 837 S= 0.06% ====*838*====+ 1. >fashion >the 2. fashion because I do n't have the body or the face for high fashion 3. A lot of it wasn't high {fashion} because I don't have {the} body or {the} face for high {fashion} modeling. 4. R= 838 S= 0.06% ====*839*====+ 1. >control >you 2. control what happens to you , but you can control 3. You cannot {control} what happens to {you}, but {you} can {control} your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you. 4. R= 838 S= 0.06% ====*840*====+ 1. >opportunity >programming 2. opportunities for programming and original programming , so it creates more opportunities 3. Obviously with the onset of cable and satellite, there are more {opportunities} for {programming} and original {programming}, so it creates more {opportunities} for actors and producers and directors and everything. 4. R= 840 S= 0.06% ====*841*====+ 1. >have >meet 2. had met . Meeting them had 3. I had been lucky in some of the whites I {had} {met}. {Meeting} them {had} made a straight 'all-blacks-are-good, all-whites-are-bad' attitude impossible. 4. R= 841 S= 0.06% ====*842*====+ 1. >neither >good 2. neither good plumbing nor good philosophy : neither 3. The society which scorns excellence in plumbing as a humble activity and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity will have {neither} {good} plumbing nor {good} philosophy: {neither} its pipes nor its theories will hold water. 4. R= 842 S= 0.06% ====*843*====+ 1. >historical >consciousness 2. historical education - aesthetic consciousness and historical consciousness - presented alienated forms of our true historical 3. It was clear to me that the forms of consciousness of our inherited and acquired {historical} education - aesthetic {consciousness} and historical {consciousness} - presented alienated forms of our true {historical} being. 4. R= 843 S= 0.06% ====*844*====+ 1. >song >as 2. song from the 1960s could be as relevant to someone today as the latest Ke $ ha song 3. With music, a {song} from the 1960s could be {as} relevant to someone today {as} the latest Ke$ha {song}. 4. R= 844 S= 0.06% ====*845*====+ 1. >will >humble 2. will be humbled , and everyone who humbles himself will 3. For everyone who exalts himself {will} be {humbled}, and everyone who {humbles} himself {will} be exalted. 4. R= 845 S= 0.06% ====*846*====+ 1. >and >or 2. and not for a day or a month or a year but for time and 3. What you do with him can influence not only him, but everyone he meets {and} not for a day {or} a month {or} a year but for time {and} eternity. 4. R= 846 S= 0.06% ====*847*====+ 1. >family >we 2. family we will go into our families 3. I am hoping that in this year of the {family} {we} will go into {our} {families} and reconcile differences. 4. R= 847 S= 0.06% ====*848*====+ 1. >freedom >to 2. freedom to convert is fundamental to freedom 3. The {freedom} {to} convert is fundamental {to} {freedom} of religion. 4. R= 847 S= 0.06% ====*849*====+ 1. >you >success 2. you because of success . Success is something you 3. Fame is something that is bestowed upon {you} because of {success}. {Success} is something {you} have to chase. 4. R= 849 S= 0.06% ====*850*====+ 1. >really >you 2. really important moment to you and you would be really 3. If I'm traveling, I'll take a film camera and a digital camera because sometimes there are moments where, if you've lost it, or if coming back and it accidentally goes through the X-ray machine and it gets overexposed, you might have had a {really} important moment to {you} and {you} would be {really} upset that you didn't have a back-up. 4. R= 850 S= 0.06% ====*851*====+ 1. >the >eye 2. the home of ` an eye for an eye . ' ` Turning the 3. The South is {the} home of 'an {eye} for an {eye}.' 'Turning {the} other cheek'? 4. R= 851 S= 0.06% ====*852*====+ 1. >it >we 2. It is close to us . We are in it 3. {It} is close to {us}. {We} are in {it} and of it. 4. R= 852 S= 0.06% ====*853*====+ 1. >choice >market 2. choice is through the market . Well-functioning markets provide choices 3. One way to express {choice} is through the {market}. Well-functioning {markets} provide {choices} and, ultimately, the ability to express one's pursuit for happiness. 4. R= 853 S= 0.06% ====*854*====+ 1. >of >thousand 2. of collaborative with thousands and thousands of 3. Endings are really hard to do, and it's hard to do an ending where it's sort {of} collaborative with {thousands} and {thousands} {of} people, and to satisfy all those people is impossible. 4. R= 854 S= 0.06% ====*855*====+ 1. >a >sometimes 2. a father sometimes but sometimes I feel like a 3. I feel very much like {a} father {sometimes} but {sometimes} I feel like {a} teammate. 4. R= 854 S= 0.06% ====*856*====+ 1. >you >I 2. you would n't even believe me if I told you 3. He needs eight hours a day of very intensive school, and {you} wouldn't even believe {me} if {I} told {you} how much it costs. 4. R= 856 S= 0.06% ====*857*====+ 1. >whenever >want 2. whenever you want it and do whatever you want whenever 3. I just love the immediate nature of the city, you can get whatever you want {whenever} you {want} it and do whatever you {want} {whenever} you want to. 4. R= 857 S= 0.06% ====*858*====+ 1. >be >it 2. are it . It is 3. We {are} {it}. {It} {is} up to us. 4. R= 858 S= 0.06% ====*859*====+ 1. >they >my 2. They 're in love with my kids , and my kids are in love with them 3. {They}'re in love with {my} kids, and {my} kids are in love with {them}. 4. R= 859 S= 0.06% ====*860*====+ 1. >to >be 2. To be is to 3. {To} {be} {is} {to} do. 4. R= 860 S= 0.06% ====*861*====+ 1. >be >that 2. is that that 's 3. What I always loved about theater {is} {that} {that}{'s} an experience that a company of actors just sinks itself into for weeks, and you really get to work on the material, and by the time you're in front of an audience, you really own it. 4. R= 860 S= 0.06% ====*862*====+ 1. >I >cry 2. I cried . But that cry somehow cured me 3. {I} {cried}. But that {cry} somehow cured {me} of crying while singing the song. 4. R= 862 S= 0.06% ====*863*====+ 1. >they >you 2. they neglected to thank you for it - would you be likely to give them 3. What if you gave someone a gift, and {they} neglected to thank {you} for it - would {you} be likely to give {them} another? 4. R= 863 S= 0.06% ====*864*====+ 1. >hour >and 2. hours and hours and hours 3. He spent {hours} {and} hours {and} {hours} practising these conjuring tricks. 4. R= 864 S= 0.06% ====*865*====+ 1. >month >and 2. Months and months and months 3. {Months} {and} months {and} {months} go by and I know I need to switch to Shelley or somebody else, but right now Yeats is enough for me. 4. R= 864 S= 0.06% ====*866*====+ 1. >better >and 2. better and better and better 3. If you look at my career, I kind of got progressively {better} {and} better {and} {better}. 4. R= 864 S= 0.06% ====*867*====+ 1. >fight >and 2. fought and fought and fought 3. I think that the very fact that CBS {fought} {and} fought {and} {fought} in Texas, in New York. 4. R= 864 S= 0.06% ====*868*====+ 1. >play >and 2. play and play and play 3. If you have rhythm and you love music, then {play} {and} play {and} {play} until you get to where you want to get. 4. R= 864 S= 0.06% ====*869*====+ 1. >year >and 2. years and years and years 3. The truth always finds it's way out, even {years} {and} years {and} {years} later. 4. R= 864 S= 0.06% ====*870*====+ 1. >million >and 2. millions and millions and millions 3. They offered me {millions} {and} millions {and} {millions} of dollars to write books about Cary. 4. R= 864 S= 0.06% ====*871*====+ 1. >thing >do 2. things others can do and will do if there are things 3. Never do {things} others can {do} and will {do} if there are {things} others cannot do or will not do. 4. R= 871 S= 0.06% ====*872*====+ 1. >hobby >it 2. hobby is gardening , I love it , it 's my main hobby 3. My {hobby} is gardening, I love {it}, {it}'s my main {hobby}. 4. R= 872 S= 0.06% ====*873*====+ 1. >of >youth 2. of youth , fifty is the youth of 3. Forty is the old age {of} {youth}, fifty is the {youth} {of} old age. 4. R= 873 S= 0.06% ====*874*====+ 1. >the >people 2. The only thing that could spoil a day was people . People were always the limiters of happiness except for the 3. {The} only thing that could spoil a day was {people}. {People} were always the limiters of happiness except for {the} very few that were as good as spring itself. 4. R= 874 S= 0.06% ====*875*====+ 1. >everything >come 2. Everything that goes up must come down . But there comes a time when not everything 3. {Everything} that goes up must {come} down. But there {comes} a time when not {everything} that's down can come up. 4. R= 875 S= 0.06% ====*876*====+ 1. >be >self-conscious 2. 's self-conscious , and anything self-conscious is 3. It{'s} {self-conscious}, and anything {self-conscious} {is} lousy. 4. R= 876 S= 0.06% ====*877*====+ 1. >have >day 2. have unlimited access to the Internet - 24 hours a day , seven days a week . Because of the repeated exposure they have 3. Pre-teens, teens and college students {have} unlimited access to the Internet - 24 hours a {day}, seven {days} a week. Because of the repeated exposure they {have} to illegal Internet gambling sites, they fall victim by the thousands. 4. R= 877 S= 0.06% ====*878*====+ 1. >the >God 2. The draft is God 's . And God is the 3. {The} draft is {God}'s. And {God} is {the} thirsty one. 4. R= 878 S= 0.06% ====*879*====+ 1. >it >really 2. it 's difficult to really , really blow it 3. Obviously, the good thing about golf, {it}'s difficult to {really}, {really} blow {it} after five holes unless it goes really, really, really... really, really, really wrong. 4. R= 879 S= 0.06% ====*880*====+ 1. >power >press 2. power and muzzled the press . Never in history has the press seized absolute power 3. Numerous politicians have seized absolute {power} and muzzled the {press}. Never in history has the {press} seized absolute {power} and muzzled the politicians. 4. R= 880 S= 0.06% ====*881*====+ 1. >'s >energy 2. 's energy problem . The Energy Department 's 3. Drilling in the refuge will not solve America{'s} {energy} problem. The {Energy} Department{'s} own figures show that drilling would not change gas prices by more than a penny a gallon, and this would be 20 years from now. 4. R= 881 S= 0.06% ====*882*====+ 1. >of >time 2. of being a young man that I would refer to as soft time . Time does not go forward there . It 's a series of 3. There is this strange fog {of} being a young man that I would refer to as soft {time}. {Time} does not go forward there. It's a series {of} doors that kind of wind back into one another, like a series of doors in the upper floor of a house. 4. R= 882 S= 0.06% ====*883*====+ 1. >be >fiction 2. is always going to be stranger than fiction , because fiction has to be 3. Life {is} always going to be stranger than {fiction}, because {fiction} has to {be} convincing, and life doesn't. 4. R= 883 S= 0.06% ====*884*====+ 1. >I >blues 2. I think the blues is fine for blues players , but free blues has never made much sense to me 3. {I} think the blues is fine for {blues} players, but free {blues} has never made much sense to {me}. 4. R= 884 S= 0.06% ====*885*====+ 1. >social >programme 2. social workers want is to get everyone involved in a programme . Because a programme provides full employment for three generations of social 3. All {social} workers want is to get everyone involved in a {programme}. Because a {programme} provides full employment for three generations of {social} workers. 4. R= 885 S= 0.06% ====*886*====+ 1. >father >'s 2. father 's opinions , and my mother 's contempt for my father 3. I grew up to have my father's looks, my father's speech patterns, my father's posture, my {father}{'s} opinions, and my mother{'s} contempt for my {father}. 4. R= 886 S= 0.06% ====*887*====+ 1. >'ll >live 2. 'll live forever . Live as if you 'll 3. Dream as if you{'ll} {live} forever. {Live} as if you{'ll} die today. 4. R= 887 S= 0.06% ====*888*====+ 1. >work >I 2. worked so hard that I know I ca n't maintain that same work 3. In fact, I {worked} so hard that {I} know {I} can't maintain that same {work} level in 2001, so I've got to quit something. 4. R= 888 S= 0.06% ====*889*====+ 1. >do >it 2. do not look at it , it looks at you and does 3. You {do} not look at {it}, {it} looks at you and {does} not forgive. 4. R= 889 S= 0.06% ====*890*====+ 1. >you >shift 2. you shift and you shift badly and you 3. There are moments in your life when you are driving it well, but {you} {shift} and you {shift} badly and {you} hurt yourself. 4. R= 890 S= 0.06% ====*891*====+ 1. >you >boss 2. you work for a company and you have one boss and that boss does n't like you 3. If {you} work for a company and you have one {boss} and that {boss} doesn't like {you} or wants to get rid of you, you're in trouble. 4. R= 891 S= 0.06% ====*892*====+ 1. >a >sentence 2. a perfect pass than to write a perfect sentence , if that sentence is meant to perform more than a 3. It's a lot easier to throw {a} perfect pass than to write a perfect {sentence}, if that {sentence} is meant to perform more than {a} mechanical function. 4. R= 892 S= 0.06% ====*893*====+ 1. >the >message 2. the majority of messages are validating messages to confirm the 3. I think that {the} majority of {messages} are validating {messages} to confirm {the} survival of conscious. 4. R= 893 S= 0.06% ====*894*====+ 1. >to >system 2. to the system makes such systems vulnerable to 3. We have taken the manatees out of the areas in the Caribbean and really elsewhere in the world, and this disruption {to} the {system} makes such {systems} vulnerable {to} changes as they come by, whether it's in terms of disease or terms or global warming for that matter. 4. R= 893 S= 0.06% ====*895*====+ 1. >love >people 2. love black people , some black people hate white people , and some black people love 3. Some white people hate black people, and some white people {love} black people, some black {people} hate white {people}, and some black people {love} white people. 4. R= 895 S= 0.06% ====*896*====+ 1. >it >support 2. it your support because the more you support it 3. I want to point out to adults that there is a world of good material available to you now in comic form - in this medium - and learn to give {it} your {support} because the more you {support} {it}, the better the material will be as it comes out. 4. R= 896 S= 0.06% ====*897*====+ 1. >football >boy 2. football brings those boys together , it unites those boys on that football 3. I love the way in this movie the game of {football} brings those {boys} together, it unites those {boys} on that {football} field. 4. R= 897 S= 0.06% ====*898*====+ 1. >tax >and 2. tax code that allows politicians to pick winners and losers , and to provide favors in the form of tax 3. The 9-9-9 plan would resuscitate this economy because it replaces the outdated {tax} code that allows politicians to pick winners {and} losers, {and} to provide favors in the form of {tax} breaks, special exemptions and loopholes. 4. R= 898 S= 0.06% ====*899*====+ 1. >and >memory 2. and experience creates memory , and memory creates imagination and 3. Karma is experience, {and} experience creates {memory}, and {memory} creates imagination {and} desire, and desire creates karma again. 4. R= 899 S= 0.06% ====*900*====+ 1. >let >reality 2. Let reality be reality . Let 3. {Let} {reality} be {reality}. {Let} things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. 4. R= 900 S= 0.06% ====*901*====+ 1. >pick >deserve 2. pick on people who can defend themselves and deserve it . Some people do n't deserve to be picked on who I picked 3. I regret the times I've been mean to people... It's fine to {pick} on people who can defend themselves and {deserve} it. Some people don't {deserve} to be picked on who I {picked} on, so I don't do it anymore. 4. R= 901 S= 0.06% ====*902*====+ 1. >we >help 2. our friends ' help that helps us 3. It is not so much {our} friends' {help} that {helps} {us}, as the confidence of their help. 4. R= 902 S= 0.06% ====*903*====+ 1. >think >be 2. thought I 'd never be on . I 'm not sitting here thinking 3. I'm on the list that I {thought} I'd never {be} on. I{'m} not sitting here {thinking}, 'God, I might get this part' or 'is it too late for me to play Hamlet?' 4. R= 903 S= 0.06% ====*904*====+ 1. >drilling >energy 2. Drilling in the refuge will not solve America 's energy problem . The Energy Department 's own figures show that drilling 3. {Drilling} in the refuge will not solve America's {energy} problem. The {Energy} Department's own figures show that {drilling} would not change gas prices by more than a penny a gallon, and this would be 20 years from now. 4. R= 904 S= 0.06% ====*905*====+ 1. >want >they 2. want to hack them , they want 3. But more importantly they want to take control of computers, they {want} to hack {them}, {they} {want} to steal information. 4. R= 905 S= 0.06% ====*906*====+ 1. >everyone >wrong 2. everyone is against it , and wrong is wrong , even if everyone 3. Right is right, even if {everyone} is against it, and {wrong} is {wrong}, even if {everyone} is for it. 4. R= 906 S= 0.06% ====*907*====+ 1. >to >young 2. to die young , and too young to 3. I am too old {to} die {young}, and too {young} {to} grow up. 4. R= 907 S= 0.06% ====*908*====+ 1. >in >brain 2. in the brain , and the brain is implanted in 3. The mind is implanted {in} the {brain}, and the {brain} is implanted {in} the body. 4. R= 907 S= 0.06% ====*909*====+ 1. >of >horse 2. of your horse , and your horse took care of 3. You took care {of} your {horse}, and your {horse} took care {of} you. 4. R= 907 S= 0.06% ====*910*====+ 1. >like >dame 2. like a dame , and a dame like 3. You treat a lady {like} a {dame}, and a {dame} {like} a lady. 4. R= 907 S= 0.06% ====*911*====+ 1. >I >storm 2. I have seen many storms in my life . Most storms have caught me 3. {I} have seen many {storms} in my life. Most {storms} have caught {me} by surprise, so I had to learn very quickly to look further and understand that I am not capable of controlling the weather, to exercise the art of patience and to respect the fury of nature. 4. R= 911 S= 0.05% ====*912*====+ 1. >to >government 2. to do something by the federal government or state government without the money to 3. Why should a city be mandated {to} do something by the federal {government} or state {government} without the money {to} do it? 4. R= 912 S= 0.05% ====*913*====+ 1. >who >sinner 2. who think they are sinners and the sinners who 3. There are only two kinds of men: the righteous {who} think they are {sinners} and the {sinners} {who} think they are righteous. 4. R= 913 S= 0.05% ====*914*====+ 1. >good >funny 2. good 's not funny . Bad is funny . Suppress the good 3. I think we're all good and bad, but {good}'s not {funny}. Bad is {funny}. Suppress the {good} and let the bad out, and then you can be funny. 4. R= 914 S= 0.05% ====*915*====+ 1. >God >you 2. God 's gift to you . What you do with it is your gift back to God 3. Your talent is {God}'s gift to {you}. What you do with it is {your} gift back to {God}. 4. R= 915 S= 0.05% ====*916*====+ 1. >I >much 2. me I was much smarter and much better than I 3. I had a ninth grade teacher who told {me} I was {much} smarter and {much} better than {I} was allowing myself to be. 4. R= 916 S= 0.05% ====*917*====+ 1. >be >Christ 2. is not the religion taught by Christ . Christ 's religion has been 3. You surely know that the nineteenth century Christianity {is} not the religion taught by {Christ}. {Christ}'s religion has {been} changed and corrupted. 4. R= 917 S= 0.05% ====*918*====+ 1. >success >failure 2. success from failures . Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success 3. Develop {success} from {failures}. Discouragement and {failure} are two of the surest stepping stones to {success}. 4. R= 918 S= 0.05% ====*919*====+ 1. >funny >do 2. funny . Just be who you are and do what you do , and you 're either funny 3. It makes you stop being {funny}. Just be who you are and {do} what you {do}, and you're either {funny} or you're not. 4. R= 919 S= 0.05% ====*920*====+ 1. >be >people 2. was people . People were 3. The only thing that could spoil a day {was} {people}. {People} {were} always the limiters of happiness except for the very few that were as good as spring itself. 4. R= 920 S= 0.05% ====*921*====+ 1. >risk >very 2. risk - a very , very low risk 3. It's a very, very low {risk} - a {very}, {very} low {risk}. 4. R= 921 S= 0.05% ====*922*====+ 1. >bass >I 2. bass line is the anchor for me . I started with the bass 3. The {bass} line is the anchor for {me}. {I} started with the {bass}, and either doubled that and then added the harmonies, or sometimes added my own harmonies that I've always wanted to sing on the song. 4. R= 922 S= 0.05% ====*923*====+ 1. >woman >she 2. women proud by the way she has conducted her life as a strong woman 3. Ann Romney makes all {women} proud by the way {she} has conducted {her} life as a strong {woman} of faith, as a mother, as a wife and as a true patriot. 4. R= 923 S= 0.05% ====*924*====+ 1. >part >the 2. part of the Sixties was the political part 3. For me, the lame {part} of {the} Sixties was {the} political {part}, the social part. 4. R= 923 S= 0.05% ====*925*====+ 1. >year >in 2. years and culminating in six months in orbit next year 3. For the last several {years} and culminating {in} six months {in} orbit next {year}, I've been training for my third space flight. 4. R= 923 S= 0.05% ====*926*====+ 1. >profit >we 2. profiting from our mistakes , we 'd profit 3. We decided that instead of divorce lawyers {profiting} from {our} mistakes, {we}'d {profit} from them. 4. R= 923 S= 0.05% ====*927*====+ 1. >look >I 2. looking up to me , asking me questions and looking 3. The guys are {looking} up to {me}, asking {me} questions and {looking} at me to step up. 4. R= 923 S= 0.05% ====*928*====+ 1. >work >any 2. work that will ultimately bring any good to any of us is the work 3. The only {work} that will ultimately bring {any} good to {any} of us is the {work} of contributing to the healing of the world. 4. R= 923 S= 0.05% ====*929*====+ 1. >sorrow >the 2. sorrow for the dead is the only sorrow 3. The {sorrow} for {the} dead is {the} only {sorrow} from which we refuse to be divorced. 4. R= 923 S= 0.05% ====*930*====+ 1. >exist >they 2. exist . If you do n't see them they do n't exist 3. That's whatever news topic, whatever political process any country is going through - whenever they are in the news, that's when they {exist}. If you don't see {them} {they} don't {exist}. 4. R= 930 S= 0.05% ====*931*====+ 1. >thing >lot 2. things above all others : read a lot and write a lot . There 's no way around these two things 3. If you want to be a writer, you must do two {things} above all others: read a {lot} and write a {lot}. There's no way around these two {things} that I'm aware of, no shortcut. 4. R= 931 S= 0.05% ====*932*====+ 1. >to >day 2. to man , from day to day and from hour to 3. For the meaning of life differs from man {to} man, from {day} to {day} and from hour {to} hour. 4. R= 932 S= 0.05% ====*933*====+ 1. >woman >read 2. Women will read men , but men wo n't read women 3. {Women} will {read} men, but men won't {read} {women}. 4. R= 933 S= 0.05% ====*934*====+ 1. >be >house 2. are used to cleaning the outside house , but the most important house to clean is 3. We {are} used to cleaning the outside {house}, but the most important {house} to clean {is} yourself - your own house - which we never do. 4. R= 934 S= 0.05% ====*935*====+ 1. >man >sing 2. man comes from Sing Sing Prison or Harvard . We hire a man 3. It is all one to me if a {man} comes from {Sing} {Sing} Prison or Harvard. We hire a {man}, not his history. 4. R= 935 S= 0.05% ====*936*====+ 1. >know >be 2. know all that there is to be known 3. Since we cannot {know} all that there {is} to {be} {known} about anything, we ought to know a little about everything. 4. R= 936 S= 0.05% ====*937*====+ 1. >be >speak 2. 're speaking or not speaking because your mind is 3. It doesn't matter whether you{'re} {speaking} or not {speaking} because your mind {is} working the way your character's mind would work. 4. R= 937 S= 0.05% ====*938*====+ 1. >celebrate >life 2. celebrate your life , the more there is in life to celebrate 3. The more you praise and {celebrate} your {life}, the more there is in {life} to {celebrate}. 4. R= 938 S= 0.05% ====*939*====+ 1. >a >snake 2. a toad to a snake , a snake to a 3. Edible, adj.: Good to eat, and wholesome to digest, as a worm to a toad, {a} toad to a {snake}, a {snake} to {a} pig, a pig to a man, and a man to a worm. 4. R= 939 S= 0.05% ====*940*====+ 1. >a >pig 2. a snake to a pig , a pig to a 3. Edible, adj.: Good to eat, and wholesome to digest, as a worm to a toad, a toad to a snake, {a} snake to a {pig}, a {pig} to {a} man, and a man to a worm. 4. R= 939 S= 0.05% ====*941*====+ 1. >trouble >be 2. trouble . Only death is not . To be alive is to undo your belt and look for trouble 3. Boss, life is {trouble}. Only death is not. To {be} alive {is} to undo your belt and look for {trouble}. 4. R= 941 S= 0.05% ====*942*====+ 1. >enjoy >today 2. enjoy today , mix good cheer with friends today enjoy 3. No matter what looms ahead, if you can eat today, {enjoy} {today}, mix good cheer with friends {today} {enjoy} it and bless God for it. 4. R= 942 S= 0.05% ====*943*====+ 1. >computer >network 2. computer , and the network . So , the network we had , and the personal computers 3. The Web is actually a coming together of three technologies, if you like: the hypertext, the personal {computer}, and the {network}. So, the {network} we had, and the personal {computers} were there, but people didn't use them, because they didn't know what to use them for, except maybe for a few games. 4. R= 943 S= 0.05% ====*944*====+ 1. >time >have 2. times , and I 've always had a good time 3. While I put forth the suntan and the teeth and the cavalier attitude, I've survived under the worst of eras and {times}, and I{'ve} always {had} a good {time} doing it, because I never really took myself seriously, nor did I take life seriously because it is already terribly serious. 4. R= 944 S= 0.05% ====*945*====+ 1. >be >measurable 2. is measurable , and make measurable what is 3. Measure what {is} {measurable}, and make {measurable} what {is} not so. 4. R= 945 S= 0.05% ====*946*====+ 1. >they >do 2. they do n't do their 3. They don't stall, {they} {do}n't {do} {their} homework in front of the TV. 4. R= 946 S= 0.05% ====*947*====+ 1. >to >strong 2. to make the strong weak than the strong are likely to 3. The weak are more likely {to} make the {strong} weak than the {strong} are likely {to} make the weak strong. 4. R= 947 S= 0.05% ====*948*====+ 1. >be >day 2. 'm going to be a real good boy and take it day by day and try to concentrate on what 's 3. But I{'m} going to be a real good boy and take it {day} by {day} and try to concentrate on what{'s} most important to me, and that's offering women a service. 4. R= 948 S= 0.05% ====*949*====+ 1. >lawyer >trial 2. lawyers are trial lawyers , and trial lawyers 3. The only real {lawyers} are {trial} lawyers, and {trial} {lawyers} try cases to juries. 4. R= 949 S= 0.05% ====*950*====+ 1. >sell >be 2. sold today , they are being marketed and sold 3. If you look at the world's top 50 drugs being {sold} today, they {are} {being} marketed and {sold} by companies that did not invent them. 4. R= 950 S= 0.05% ====*951*====+ 1. >genocide >man 2. genocide that is taking place among black men , in particular young black men , but it is not a genocide 3. There is a {genocide} that is taking place among black {men}, in particular young black {men}, but it is not a {genocide} being perpetuated by white cops, by the Nazis, or by the Klan. 4. R= 951 S= 0.05% ====*952*====+ 1. >publish >it 2. publish it , and then it 's published 3. You're supposed to say it once, {publish} {it}, and then {it}'s {published}, and you don't say it again. 4. R= 952 S= 0.05% ====*953*====+ 1. >useful >a 2. useful to a stupid person as a mirror is useful 3. Books are as {useful} to {a} stupid person as {a} mirror is {useful} to a blind person. 4. R= 952 S= 0.05% ====*954*====+ 1. >surprise >the 2. surprise the goalkeeper and sometimes the goalkeeper surprises 3. Sometimes you {surprise} {the} goalkeeper and sometimes {the} goalkeeper {surprises} you. 4. R= 952 S= 0.05% ====*955*====+ 1. >be >fiction 2. be stranger than fiction , because fiction has to be 3. Life is always going to {be} stranger than {fiction}, because {fiction} has to {be} convincing, and life doesn't. 4. R= 955 S= 0.05% ====*956*====+ 1. >dream >we 2. dreams must be stronger than our memories . We must be pulled by our dreams 3. Our {dreams} must be stronger than {our} memories. {We} must be pulled by our {dreams}, rater than pushed by our memories. 4. R= 956 S= 0.05% ====*957*====+ 1. >everyone >it 2. everyone knows about it , and it 's a selfish trait because everyone 3. When I'm upset, {everyone} knows about {it}, and {it}'s a selfish trait because {everyone} suffers. 4. R= 957 S= 0.05% ====*958*====+ 1. >you >change 2. you ca n't change it , change your 3. If {you} can't {change} it, {change} {your} attitude. 4. R= 958 S= 0.05% ====*959*====+ 1. >music >listen 2. music should be listened to . When I listen to music 3. In the studio we have big speakers, and to me that's the way {music} should be {listened} to. When I {listen} to {music}, I want to just listen to music. 4. R= 959 S= 0.05% ====*960*====+ 1. >be >as 2. are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being 3. I don't believe people {are} looking for the meaning of life {as} much {as} they are looking for the experience of {being} alive. 4. R= 960 S= 0.05% ====*961*====+ 1. >dumb >I 2. dumb blonde jokes because I know I 'm not dumb 3. I'm not offended by all the {dumb} blonde jokes because {I} know {I}'m not {dumb}... and I also know that I'm not blonde. 4. R= 961 S= 0.05% ====*962*====+ 1. >anxiety >be 2. anxiety I feel when I 'm late is nothing like the anxiety 3. The {anxiety} I feel when I{'m} late {is} nothing like the {anxiety} I feel when I'm on time. 4. R= 961 S= 0.05% ====*963*====+ 1. >people >or 2. people who ca n't walk or talk or do everything that people 3. When you hear the word 'disabled,' people immediately think about {people} who can't walk {or} talk {or} do everything that {people} take for granted. 4. R= 961 S= 0.05% ====*964*====+ 1. >habit >analysis 2. habit of analysis - analysis will in time enable synthesis to become your habit 3. Get the {habit} of {analysis} - {analysis} will in time enable synthesis to become your {habit} of mind. 4. R= 964 S= 0.05% ====*965*====+ 1. >for >people 2. for people but because of what people did for 3. We must always remember that America is a great nation today not because of what government did {for} {people} but because of what {people} did {for} themselves and for one another. 4. R= 965 S= 0.05% ====*966*====+ 1. >and >world 2. and yet unmistakably has bid farewell to our new world , a world of interests , leaving it to its own avarice and 3. Beauty is the disinterested one, without which the ancient world refused to understand itself, a word which both imperceptibly {and} yet unmistakably has bid farewell to our new {world}, a {world} of interests, leaving it to its own avarice {and} sadness. 4. R= 966 S= 0.05% ====*967*====+ 1. >response >space 2. response there is a space . In that space is our power to choose our response 3. Between stimulus and {response} there is a {space}. In that {space} is our power to choose our {response}. 4. R= 967 S= 0.05% ====*968*====+ 1. >be >food 2. is healthy food . Food is 3. Good food {is} healthy {food}. {Food} {is} supposed to sustain you so you can live better, not so you can eat more. 4. R= 968 S= 0.05% ====*969*====+ 1. >of >habit 2. of habit and , therefore , the habit of 3. Remember, we are creatures {of} {habit} and, therefore, the {habit} {of} managing your money is more important than the amount. 4. R= 969 S= 0.05% ====*970*====+ 1. >try >really 2. tried , I really , really tried 3. I really {tried}, I {really}, {really} {tried}, but it just wouldn't come. 4. R= 970 S= 0.05% ====*971*====+ 1. >power >new 2. power created new influences and established new global power 3. The implosion of the Soviet Union and a historic diffusion of economic and geopolitical {power} created {new} influences and established {new} global {power} centers - and new threats. 4. R= 971 S= 0.05% ====*972*====+ 1. >tooth >God 2. tooth fairy agnostic , ' meaning he ca n't disprove God but thinks God is about as likely as the tooth 3. Rather than say he's an atheist, a friend of mine says, 'I'm a {tooth} fairy agnostic,' meaning he can't disprove {God} but thinks {God} is about as likely as the {tooth} fairy. 4. R= 972 S= 0.05% ====*973*====+ 1. >love >people 2. love funny people , and when I 'm with funny people , or people who are amusing in their weirdness , I love 3. I {love} funny people, and when I'm with funny {people}, or {people} who are amusing in their weirdness, I {love} it. 4. R= 973 S= 0.05% ====*974*====+ 1. >to >bus 2. to get hit by a bus and the bus is going to 3. Getting ready to work with Brock Lesnar is like knowing you're going {to} get hit by a {bus} and the {bus} is going {to} back over you. 4. R= 974 S= 0.05% ====*975*====+ 1. >a >silence 2. a difficult competition against silence , because silence is a 3. It's {a} difficult competition against {silence}, because {silence} is {a} perfect language, the only language which says with no words. 4. R= 974 S= 0.05% ====*976*====+ 1. >to >fiction 2. to be stranger than fiction , because fiction has to 3. Life is always going {to} be stranger than {fiction}, because {fiction} has {to} be convincing, and life doesn't. 4. R= 974 S= 0.05% ====*977*====+ 1. >have >thought 2. has found its thought and the thought has 3. Poetry is when an emotion {has} found its {thought} and the {thought} {has} found words. 4. R= 974 S= 0.05% ====*978*====+ 1. >be >day 2. is hounding me day in and day out . I 'm 3. But I can't help it if controversy {is} hounding me {day} in and {day} out. I{'m} quite amazed sometimes by the way they go about it. 4. R= 978 S= 0.05% ====*979*====+ 1. >as >dare 2. as much as I dare , and I dare a little more as 3. I speak the truth not so much as I would, but {as} much as I {dare}, and I {dare} a little more {as} I grow older. 4. R= 979 S= 0.05% ====*980*====+ 1. >actor >work 2. actors who are interested in working and like to work . To be a working actor 3. There are new ones coming in all the time, who are looking for work, and established {actors} who are interested in {working} and like to {work}. To be a working {actor} in England is a life. 4. R= 980 S= 0.05% ====*981*====+ 1. >world >you 2. world knowing you are loved and you leave this world 3. If you enter this {world} knowing {you} are loved and {you} leave this {world} knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with. 4. R= 981 S= 0.05% ====*982*====+ 1. >he >its 2. his life in its defense and its conscious that he 3. He is willing to risk {his} life in {its} defense and {its} conscious that {he} gains protection while he gives it. 4. R= 982 S= 0.05% ====*983*====+ 1. >thing >by 2. things are not done by impulse , but by a series of small things 3. Great {things} are not done {by} impulse, but {by} a series of small {things} brought together. 4. R= 983 S= 0.05% ====*984*====+ 1. >educate >in 2. educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate 3. To {educate} a man {in} mind and not {in} morals is to {educate} a menace to society. 4. R= 983 S= 0.05% ====*985*====+ 1. >honor >we 2. honor age in our society , and we certainly do n't honor 3. We don't {honor} age in {our} society, and {we} certainly don't {honor} it in Hollywood. 4. R= 983 S= 0.05% ====*986*====+ 1. >come >I 2. comes along I retreat , and I have n't come 3. Every time a wave {comes} along {I} retreat, and {I} haven't {come} to any harm yet. 4. R= 983 S= 0.05% ====*987*====+ 1. >be >know 2. being well known . I know that is 3. I just hate the idea of {being} well {known}. I {know} that {is} almost impossible if you're an actor who has done okay, but I've always fought against it. 4. R= 987 S= 0.05% ====*988*====+ 1. >people >friend 2. people , enlarging my circle of friends . I have great friends now ... really good people 3. I want to keep meeting new {people}, enlarging my circle of {friends}. I have great {friends} now... really good {people}. 4. R= 988 S= 0.05% ====*989*====+ 1. >love >she 2. love her a lot , she loves 3. I {love} {her} a lot, {she} {loves} me. 4. R= 989 S= 0.05% ====*990*====+ 1. >love >as 2. loved to read when I was a kid , and as soon as I realized that an actual person got to make up the books I loved 3. I {loved} to read when I was a kid, and {as} soon {as} I realized that an actual person got to make up the books I {loved} so much, I decided that that was the job for me. 4. R= 990 S= 0.05% ====*991*====+ 1. >be >day 2. be a real good boy and take it day by day and try to concentrate on what 's 3. But I'm going to {be} a real good boy and take it {day} by {day} and try to concentrate on what{'s} most important to me, and that's offering women a service. 4. R= 991 S= 0.05% ====*992*====+ 1. >manage >piece 2. managing the whole ecosystem , because you ca n't pick away at it piece by piece , you have to truly start being coordinated and managing 3. We need to start looking at having a way of {managing} the whole ecosystem, because you can't pick away at it {piece} by {piece}, you have to truly start being coordinated and {managing} our resources as a system. 4. R= 992 S= 0.05% ====*993*====+ 1. >best >failure 2. best . Sometimes I think the only real satisfaction in life is failure , failure in your endeavor to do your best 3. Life is so fresh, life is every day so new if we are fighting, only for the {best}. Sometimes I think the only real satisfaction in life is {failure}, {failure} in your endeavor to do your {best}. 4. R= 993 S= 0.05% ====*994*====+ 1. >machinery >self 2. machineries of self . But in others , the self machinery 3. Some of us, for better or worse, develop very stable, consistent, and largely predictable {machineries} of {self}. But in others, the {self} {machinery} is more flexible and more open to unexpected turns. 4. R= 994 S= 0.05% ====*995*====+ 1. >detective >City 2. detective story in New York City . New York City is itself a detective 3. It is ridiculous to set a {detective} story in New York {City}. New York {City} is itself a {detective} story. 4. R= 995 S= 0.05% ====*996*====+ 1. >a >composer 2. a composer and the composer as a 3. I dream of a collaboration that would finally be total, in which the librettist would often think as {a} {composer} and the {composer} as {a} librettist. 4. R= 996 S= 0.05% ====*997*====+ 1. >to >step 2. to step in and step up to 3. We still find a massive inability {to} {step} in and {step} up {to} the plate, when genocide is happening as we speak. 4. R= 996 S= 0.05% ====*998*====+ 1. >be >poetry 2. is silent poetry , and poetry is 3. Painting {is} silent {poetry}, and {poetry} {is} painting that speaks. 4. R= 996 S= 0.05% ====*999*====+ 1. >be >country 2. is a positive change that our country and other countries in the region ... are 3. It {is} a positive change that our {country} and other {countries} in the region... {are} making by giving a chance to women. 4. R= 996 S= 0.05% ====*1000*====+ 1. >with >personal 2. with age embrace the power of personal growth and personal achievement and begin to replace youth with 3. Those who improve {with} age embrace the power of {personal} growth and {personal} achievement and begin to replace youth {with} wisdom, innocence with understanding, and lack of purpose with self-actualization. 4. R= 996 S= 0.05% ====*1001*====+ 1. >life >career 2. life goes on while you 're trying to pursue this career . I saw my career as everything . But you have this life 3. I'm realizing for the first time, your {life} goes on while you're trying to pursue this {career}. I saw my {career} as everything. But you have this {life}, too. 4. R= 1001 S= 0.05% ====*1002*====+ 1. >government >we 2. Government is necessary for our survival . We need government 3. {Government} is necessary for {our} survival. {We} need {government} in order to survive. 4. R= 1002 S= 0.05% ====*1003*====+ 1. >ought >fear 2. ought to be feared and how not to fear what ought 3. Courage is a special kind of knowledge: the knowledge of how to fear what {ought} to be {feared} and how not to {fear} what {ought} not to be feared. 4. R= 1003 S= 0.05% ====*1004*====+ 1. >ought >fear 2. ought to be feared and how not to fear what ought 3. Courage is... the knowledge of how to fear what {ought} to be {feared} and how not to {fear} what {ought} not to be feared. 4. R= 1003 S= 0.05% ====*1005*====+ 1. >because >infallible 2. because we are infallible , but we are infallible only because 3. We are not final {because} we are {infallible}, but we are {infallible} only {because} we are final. 4. R= 1003 S= 0.05% ====*1006*====+ 1. >I >myself 2. I guess I just like to challenge myself and push myself harder to do things that I 3. {I} guess I just like to challenge {myself} and push {myself} harder to do things that {I} don't think I can, to do things that other people do not think I can. 4. R= 1006 S= 0.05% ====*1007*====+ 1. >woman >the 2. Women have always been the strong ones of the world . The men are always seeking from women 3. {Women} have always been the strong ones of {the} world. {The} men are always seeking from {women} a little pillow to put their heads down on. 4. R= 1007 S= 0.05% ====*1008*====+ 1. >government >want 2. government out of the business of morality - but this is antithetical to what the founders wanted . The founders wanted to keep theology out of government so that government 3. There are some who invoke separation of church and state - to try to get the {government} out of the business of morality - but this is antithetical to what the founders {wanted}. The founders {wanted} to keep theology out of government so that {government} could focus on the proper business of morality. 4. R= 1008 S= 0.05% ====*1009*====+ 1. >have >president 2. have a black president . President Obama has 3. I never thought we'd ever {have} a black {president}. {President} Obama {has} done such a tremendous job... He just has been unable to get what he needs to be moved at the level it should be moved. 4. R= 1009 S= 0.05% ====*1010*====+ 1. >the >happiness 2. the key to happiness . Happiness is the 3. Success is not {the} key to {happiness}. {Happiness} is {the} key to success. 4. R= 1009 S= 0.05% ====*1011*====+ 1. >we >give 2. We gave information , but they never gave us 3. {We} {gave} information, but they never {gave} {us} any information. 4. R= 1011 S= 0.05% ====*1012*====+ 1. >understand >I 2. understand me and I do n't understand 3. The world doesn't {understand} {me} and {I} don't {understand} the world, that's why I've withdrawn from it. 4. R= 1012 S= 0.05% ====*1013*====+ 1. >Yankees >may 2. Yankees , ' you may or may not know that the Yankees 3. Before seeing 'The Pride of the {Yankees},' you {may} or {may} not know that the {Yankees} referred to are the ones who win the World Series each year. 4. R= 1013 S= 0.05% ====*1014*====+ 1. >a >know 2. a medical . So you know , you know you 're alright for a 3. Every time you get a movie, you get {a} medical. So you {know}, you {know} you're alright for {a} couple of weeks. 4. R= 1014 S= 0.05% ====*1015*====+ 1. >live >to 2. live to laugh , and I laugh to live 3. I {live} {to} laugh, and I laugh {to} {live}. 4. R= 1015 S= 0.05% ====*1016*====+ 1. >you >schedule 2. your schedule , but to schedule your 3. The key is not to prioritize what's on {your} {schedule}, but to {schedule} {your} priorities. 4. R= 1016 S= 0.05% ====*1017*====+ 1. >do >work 2. do n't care . I just want to work . I love to work . I want to do 3. I {do}n't care. I just want to {work}. I love to {work}. I want to {do} 500 movies. 4. R= 1017 S= 0.05% ====*1018*====+ 1. >be >record 2. is Michael Jackson . And no matter if he sold 40 million records off of one record and sold 15 off his last or whatever the counts may be 3. Oh, Michael Jackson {is} Michael Jackson. And no matter if he sold 40 million {records} off of one {record} and sold 15 off his last or whatever the counts may {be}, Michael Jackson will be Michael Jackson. 4. R= 1018 S= 0.05% ====*1019*====+ 1. >understand >order 2. understand in order to believe , but I believe in order to understand 3. For I do not seek to {understand} in {order} to believe, but I believe in {order} to {understand}. 4. R= 1019 S= 0.05% ====*1020*====+ 1. >to >goal 2. to work on your goals , your goals will go to 3. If you go {to} work on your {goals}, your {goals} will go {to} work on you. 4. R= 1020 S= 0.05% ====*1021*====+ 1. >to >plan 2. to work on your plan , your plan will go to 3. If you go {to} work on your {plan}, your {plan} will go {to} work on you. 4. R= 1020 S= 0.05% ====*1022*====+ 1. >you >real 2. you as being real they 're real for you 3. If certain things are described to {you} as being {real} they're {real} for {you} whether they're real or not. 4. R= 1020 S= 0.05% ====*1023*====+ 1. >in >bad 2. in the bad , the bad in 3. It is right that he too should have his little chronicle, his memories, his reason, and be able to recognize the good {in} the {bad}, the {bad} {in} the worst, and so grow gently old down all the unchanging days, and die one day like any other day, only shorter. 4. R= 1020 S= 0.05% ====*1024*====+ 1. >the >heart 2. the heart of my heart and the 3. My daughters are still {the} {heart} of my {heart} and {the} center of my world. 4. R= 1020 S= 0.05% ====*1025*====+ 1. >work >idea 2. works best when better ideas win out over worse ideas , harder work 3. The economy {works} best when better {ideas} win out over worse {ideas}, harder {work} wins out over less work, when it's a fair fight in the marketplace. 4. R= 1025 S= 0.05% ====*1026*====+ 1. >to >that 2. to know when worship is over that that leader 's sole purpose was to 3. I want {to} know when worship is over {that} {that} leader's sole purpose was {to} glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. 4. R= 1026 S= 0.05% ====*1027*====+ 1. >want >do 2. want to be doing movies that I do n't want 3. I don't {want} to be {doing} movies that I {do}n't {want} to do. 4. R= 1027 S= 0.05% ====*1028*====+ 1. >score >it 2. score around it and make it work as a score 3. I had to do this very aggressive, big score in a very short time, and knowing that in the beginning, middle, and end would be this very, very famous theme, but I still had to weave a {score} around {it} and make {it} work as a {score} was really challenging. 4. R= 1028 S= 0.05% ====*1029*====+ 1. >with >he 2. with him , and he with 3. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat {with} {him}, and {he} {with} me. 4. R= 1029 S= 0.04% ====*1030*====+ 1. >great >experiment 2. great inspiration is but an experiment - though every experiment we know , is not a great 3. Every {great} inspiration is but an {experiment} - though every {experiment} we know, is not a {great} inspiration. 4. R= 1030 S= 0.04% ====*1031*====+ 1. >child >moment 2. children - that includes your positive moments and your negative moments , and how you overcame them - you give your children 3. If you tell your own story to your {children} - that includes your positive {moments} and your negative {moments}, and how you overcame them - you give your {children} the skills and the confidence they need to feel like they can overcome some hardship that they've felt. 4. R= 1031 S= 0.04% ====*1032*====+ 1. >play >I 2. played to death in malls that make me sad . I try to avoid stores where they 're playing 3. I think that there are a lot of really beautiful Christmas carols, and then sometimes there are horrible renditions of them that are {played} to death in malls that make {me} sad. {I} try to avoid stores where they're {playing} bad versions of Christmas songs on repeat. 4. R= 1032 S= 0.04% ====*1033*====+ 1. >know >be 2. know who I am , but I 'm very suspicious of people who do know 3. Not only don't I {know} who I {am}, but I{'m} very suspicious of people who do {know} who they are. 4. R= 1033 S= 0.04% ====*1034*====+ 1. >live >to 2. live within their income so they can afford to pay taxes to a government that ca n't live 3. People try to {live} within their income so they can afford {to} pay taxes {to} a government that can't {live} within its income. 4. R= 1034 S= 0.04% ====*1035*====+ 1. >sit >abstract 2. sit there . It 's so abstract ... is n't it abstract ? What are these people sitting 3. I can't believe that so many people get together just to {sit} there. It's so {abstract}... isn't it {abstract}? What are these people {sitting} here watching? 4. R= 1035 S= 0.04% ====*1036*====+ 1. >live >act 2. live act . Many current acts are great live 3. Studio-driven, machine-driven music does not always transcend into being a good {live} {act}. Many current {acts} are great {live}, but many cannot cut it live. 4. R= 1036 S= 0.04% ====*1037*====+ 1. >lie >year 2. lied for years and years . And the thing about lies 3. I {lied} for {years} and {years}. And the thing about {lies} and secrets is that they eat you alive from the inside. 4. R= 1037 S= 0.04% ====*1038*====+ 1. >hate >people 2. hate black people , and some white people love black people , some black people hate 3. Some white people {hate} black people, and some white {people} love black {people}, some black people {hate} white people, and some black people love white people. 4. R= 1038 S= 0.04% ====*1039*====+ 1. >drink >do 2. drinking to get drunk . I do n't do that . I never drink 3. I've been drinking tequila for a long time now, and it's never been about {drinking} to get drunk. I {do}n't {do} that. I never {drink} tequila during the day, and I don't drive at night. 4. R= 1039 S= 0.04% ====*1040*====+ 1. >write >book 2. write and writer 's block and publicizing books that are n't books yet . They agonize over how to write 3. Writers are troubled about finding time to {write} and writer's block and publicizing {books} that aren't {books} yet. They agonize over how to {write} and what to write and what not to write. 4. R= 1040 S= 0.04% ====*1041*====+ 1. >or >record 2. or I 'm walking down the street or I 'm in a record store buying a record or I walk into a comic store and I 'm buying comics or 3. Whether I'm doing music {or} I'm walking down the street or I'm in a {record} store buying a {record} or I walk into a comic store and I'm buying comics {or} having a drink with my friends, it's the same me. 4. R= 1041 S= 0.04% ====*1042*====+ 1. >shall >love 2. shall not be loved If I do not love you I shall 3. If you do not love me I {shall} not be {loved} If I do not {love} you I {shall} not love. 4. R= 1042 S= 0.04% ====*1043*====+ 1. >love >I 2. love what I do and I love 3. I {love} what {I} do and {I} {love} the fans. 4. R= 1043 S= 0.04% ====*1044*====+ 1. >love >I 2. love who I am and I love 3. I {love} who {I} am and {I} {love} my life, but if I could be someone else, I'd be Beyonce in two seconds. 4. R= 1043 S= 0.04% ====*1045*====+ 1. >Cipla >team 2. Cipla has a strong professional management team , and we take team decisions . My brother has been working at Cipla 3. {Cipla} has a strong professional management {team}, and we take {team} decisions. My brother has been working at {Cipla} since 1973. 4. R= 1045 S= 0.04% ====*1046*====+ 1. >get >thing 2. get to try new things , do things I would have never got 3. I {get} to try new {things}, do {things} I would have never {got} the chance to do. 4. R= 1046 S= 0.04% ====*1047*====+ 1. >we >dead 2. Our dead are never dead to us 3. {Our} {dead} are never {dead} to {us}, until we have forgotten them. 4. R= 1046 S= 0.04% ====*1048*====+ 1. >to >hint 2. to take a hint when a hint is intended-and not to 3. The greatest thing in family life is {to} take a {hint} when a {hint} is intended-and not {to} take a hint when a hint isn't intended. 4. R= 1046 S= 0.04% ====*1049*====+ 1. >know >you 2. know why something 's happening to you and you do n't know 3. No wonder I became religious, because you don't {know} why something's happening to {you} and {you} don't {know} how you bounced back. 4. R= 1049 S= 0.04% ====*1050*====+ 1. >than >listen 2. than to listen to one , better to listen to one than 3. It is better to make a piece of music than to perform one, better to perform one {than} to {listen} to one, better to {listen} to one {than} to misuse it as a means of distraction, entertainment, or acquisition of 'culture.' 4. R= 1050 S= 0.04% ====*1051*====+ 1. >experience >much 2. experience that does that much good . Failing is a much more sobering and enlightening experience 3. Succeeding is not really a life {experience} that does that {much} good. Failing is a {much} more sobering and enlightening {experience}. 4. R= 1051 S= 0.04% ====*1052*====+ 1. >fact >be 2. fact that it was sci-fi , was the fact 3. What really drew me to 'The 4400,' aside from the {fact} that it {was} sci-fi, {was} the {fact} that it was shot in the city of my dreams: Vancouver. 4. R= 1052 S= 0.04% ====*1053*====+ 1. >artist >to 2. artist because everyone 's always going to compare it to the way the original artists 3. My idea of covers is that you should never cover a song and do it exactly like the {artist} because everyone's always going {to} compare it {to} the way the original {artists} did it, and they're just going to go, 'Oh I like the original better.' 4. R= 1052 S= 0.04% ====*1054*====+ 1. >'s >the 2. 's biocapacity - the capacity of the world 's 3. The G8 nations, together with the five major emerging economies of China, India, South Africa, Brazil, Mexico, use almost three-quarters of the Earth{'s} biocapacity - {the} capacity of {the} world{'s} ecosystems to produce natural resources and to reduce harmful substances. 4. R= 1052 S= 0.04% ====*1055*====+ 1. >hurt >you 2. hurting your creativity , you 're hurting 3. When you start fooling around with drugs, you're {hurting} {your} creativity, {you}'re {hurting} your health. 4. R= 1052 S= 0.04% ====*1056*====+ 1. >I >something 2. me and they want something like this , or something like that that I 3. So I've learned in the past, if a company approaches {me} and they want {something} like this, or {something} like that that {I}'ve done and I turn them down, they're going to do it anyhow. 4. R= 1056 S= 0.04% ====*1057*====+ 1. >the >opinion 2. the media influences public opinion and how much public opinion influences the 3. It is not at all clear how much {the} media influences public {opinion} and how much public {opinion} influences {the} media. 4. R= 1057 S= 0.04% ====*1058*====+ 1. >farming >it 2. farming is not only possible , it is crucial . But it ca n't be like the farming 3. Urban {farming} is not only possible, {it} is crucial. But {it} can't be like the {farming} techniques of yore. 4. R= 1058 S= 0.04% ====*1059*====+ 1. >power >innocent 2. power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent , and that 's power 3. They have the {power} to make the {innocent} guilty and to make the guilty {innocent}, and that's {power}. 4. R= 1059 S= 0.04% ====*1060*====+ 1. >grow >tree 2. grow trees for carbon sequestration are places where trees are n't growing 3. The places that are most likely to {grow} {trees} for carbon sequestration are places where {trees} aren't {growing} now. 4. R= 1060 S= 0.04% ====*1061*====+ 1. >know >we 2. know our son . We know 3. We {know} {our} son. {We} {know} he's not a pedophile like some of these newscasters are saying. 4. R= 1061 S= 0.04% ====*1062*====+ 1. >deliver >be 2. deliver rights . What differentiates the ones where rights are real from where rights are fake is that it 's in the initial interests of the majority to actually deliver 3. The world is littered with constitutions that have written guarantees of rights but that don't actually {deliver} rights. What differentiates the ones where rights are real from where rights {are} fake {is} that it's in the initial interests of the majority to actually {deliver} these rights. 4. R= 1062 S= 0.04% ====*1063*====+ 1. >in >as 2. In fact that is the struggle that most Americans - As rich as this country is , most Americans are very limited in 3. {In} fact that is the struggle that most Americans - {As} rich {as} this country is, most Americans are very limited {in} their interaction with the world, unless the world comes to us in a very shocking way. 4. R= 1063 S= 0.04% ====*1064*====+ 1. >you >best 2. your best to become the best that you 3. Success comes from knowing that you did {your} {best} to become the {best} that {you} are capable of becoming. 4. R= 1064 S= 0.04% ====*1065*====+ 1. >be >feeling 2. are sensitive to and in touch with feelings , but the only feelings they tend to be sensitive to and in touch with are 3. It's true that men who cry {are} sensitive to and in touch with {feelings}, but the only {feelings} they tend to be sensitive to and in touch with {are} their own. 4. R= 1065 S= 0.04% ====*1066*====+ 1. >Cell >Research 2. Cell Research Enhancement Act would expand research on embryonic stem cells 3. The Stem {Cell} {Research} Enhancement Act would expand {research} on embryonic stem {cells} by increasing the number of lines stem cells that would be eligible for federally funded research. 4. R= 1066 S= 0.04% ====*1067*====+ 1. >rank >of 2. ranked everyone in your class into terms of levels of introversion and extroversion you 'd still be the same rank 3. If you went back to your reunion from school, you would probably find that if you {ranked} everyone in your class into terms {of} levels {of} introversion and extroversion you'd still be the same {rank}. 4. R= 1067 S= 0.04% ====*1068*====+ 1. >be >know 2. was on the bestseller list with the first book , everyone who knows me knows that every week it continued to be on the list was 3. When I {was} on the bestseller list with the first book, everyone who {knows} me {knows} that every week it continued to be on the list {was} a very dark week for me. 4. R= 1068 S= 0.04% ====*1069*====+ 1. >play >want 2. playing what I want to play , how I want to play 3. At this stage of my life, I've dedicated myself to {playing} what I {want} to play, how I {want} to {play} it for the rest of my time. 4. R= 1069 S= 0.04% ====*1070*====+ 1. >take >drink 2. takes a drink , then the drink takes 3. First you take a drink, then the drink {takes} a {drink}, then the {drink} {takes} you. 4. R= 1070 S= 0.04% ====*1071*====+ 1. >to >show 2. to others show , that mercy show to 3. Teach me to feel another's woe, to hide the fault I see, that mercy I {to} others {show}, that mercy {show} {to} me. 4. R= 1070 S= 0.04% ====*1072*====+ 1. >name >they 2. name of my forefathers was taken from them when they were brought to America and made slaves , and then the name 3. The last {name} of my forefathers was taken from {them} when {they} were brought to America and made slaves, and then the {name} of the slave master was given, which we refuse, we reject that name today and refuse it. 4. R= 1072 S= 0.04% ====*1073*====+ 1. >that >I 2. that excited me - I wanted that 3. And {that} excited {me} - {I} wanted {that} challenge. 4. R= 1073 S= 0.04% ====*1074*====+ 1. >I >that 2. I now have that memory that might give me 3. {I} now have {that} memory {that} might give {me} the potential desire for having cappuccino, and I walk into Starbucks, and there's karma all over again. 4. R= 1073 S= 0.04% ====*1075*====+ 1. >speak >Americans 2. speak at twice the speed as Americans . Americans speak 3. One of the main things about Cockney is, you {speak} at twice the speed as {Americans}. {Americans} {speak} very slow. 4. R= 1075 S= 0.04% ====*1076*====+ 1. >a >day 2. a day , I swim 250 days a 3. I always walk an hour {a} {day}, I swim 250 {days} {a} year and I do balancing exercises which take me an hour. 4. R= 1076 S= 0.04% ====*1077*====+ 1. >be >complain 2. are days that I wake up and I complain , and when I complain I pinch myself and say , ` that 's 3. There {are} days that I wake up and I {complain}, and when I {complain} I pinch myself and say, 'that{'s} for complaining.' 4. R= 1077 S= 0.04% ====*1078*====+ 1. >one >easy 2. ones look easy and the easy ones 3. Make the hard {ones} look {easy} and the {easy} {ones} look hard. 4. R= 1078 S= 0.04% ====*1079*====+ 1. >be >escapism 2. is escapism , and escapism sometimes is 3. Music and art and culture {is} {escapism}, and {escapism} sometimes {is} healthy for people to get away from reality. 4. R= 1078 S= 0.04% ====*1080*====+ 1. >be >land 2. is your land and this land is 3. This land {is} your {land} and this {land} {is} my land, sure, but the world is run by those that never listen to music anyway. 4. R= 1078 S= 0.04% ====*1081*====+ 1. >be >passion 2. is our passion and our passion is 3. Our doubt {is} our {passion} and our {passion} {is} our task. 4. R= 1078 S= 0.04% ====*1082*====+ 1. >bright >and 2. bright did physics and chemistry , and the least bright 3. In my school, the brightest boys did math and physics, the less {bright} did physics {and} chemistry, {and} the least {bright} did biology. 4. R= 1082 S= 0.04% ====*1083*====+ 1. >next >sound 2. next to the next movement - I 'm actually thinking about what song and what sound sounds right next to the next 3. A lot of the time, when I'm choreographing, I'm not thinking about what movement look best {next} to the next movement - I'm actually thinking about what song and what {sound} {sounds} right next to the {next} thing. 4. R= 1083 S= 0.04% ====*1084*====+ 1. >you >they 2. you try to challenge them , get them to question you 3. If you are giving a graduate course you don't try to impress the students with oratory, {you} try to challenge {them}, get {them} to question {you}. 4. R= 1084 S= 0.04% ====*1085*====+ 1. >great >nothing 2. great and manly . Nothing is so praiseworthy , nothing so clearly shows a great 3. Let us not listen to those who think we ought to be angry with our enemies, and who believe this to be {great} and manly. {Nothing} is so praiseworthy, {nothing} so clearly shows a {great} and noble soul, as clemency and readiness to forgive. 4. R= 1085 S= 0.04% ====*1086*====+ 1. >to >faith 2. to a life of faith . And faith requires us to 3. Retreating to the safety of the familiar is an understandable response, but God has called us {to} a life of {faith}. And {faith} requires us {to} face the unknown while trusting Him completely. 4. R= 1086 S= 0.04% ====*1087*====+ 1. >as >man 2. as cruel as men , and men as tender as 3. I think women can be {as} cruel as {men}, and {men} as tender {as} women, and vice versa. 4. R= 1087 S= 0.04% ====*1088*====+ 1. >the >language 2. the entire ability to think rests on language ... but language is also the crux of the 3. Not only {the} entire ability to think rests on {language}... but {language} is also the crux of {the} misunderstanding of reason with itself. 4. R= 1088 S= 0.04% ====*1089*====+ 1. >you >promise 2. You can not live on other people 's promises , but if you promise others enough , you can live on your 3. {You} cannot live on other people's {promises}, but if you {promise} others enough, you can live on {your} own. 4. R= 1089 S= 0.04% ====*1090*====+ 1. >you >work 2. you go to work , work your 3. When {you} go to {work}, {work} {your} ass off. 4. R= 1090 S= 0.04% ====*1091*====+ 1. >in >failure 2. in life is failure , failure in 3. Sometimes I think the only real satisfaction {in} life is {failure}, {failure} {in} your endeavor to do your best. 4. R= 1090 S= 0.04% ====*1092*====+ 1. >the >fear 2. the inferior man is fear - fear of the 3. The one permanent emotion of {the} inferior man is {fear} - {fear} of {the} unknown, the complex, the inexplicable. 4. R= 1090 S= 0.04% ====*1093*====+ 1. >something >success 2. something that is bestowed upon you because of success . Success is something 3. Fame is {something} that is bestowed upon you because of {success}. {Success} is {something} you have to chase. 4. R= 1093 S= 0.04% ====*1094*====+ 1. >from >man 2. from man to man , from 3. For the meaning of life differs {from} {man} to {man}, {from} day to day and from hour to hour. 4. R= 1094 S= 0.04% ====*1095*====+ 1. >from >person 2. from person to person , from 3. They transcend the limits of nationality and time as they pass {from} {person} to {person}, {from} one heart to another. 4. R= 1094 S= 0.04% ====*1096*====+ 1. >from >hand 2. from hand to hand , from 3. Each of your rays a great idea - O torch which passes {from} {hand} to {hand}, {from} age to age, world without end. 4. R= 1094 S= 0.04% ====*1097*====+ 1. >I >that 2. I made up my mind that that was never going to happen to me 3. {I} made up my mind {that} {that} was never going to happen to {me} again. 4. R= 1097 S= 0.04% ====*1098*====+ 1. >person >the 2. person in the world is the person 3. I think the scariest {person} in {the} world is {the} {person} with no sense of humor. 4. R= 1098 S= 0.04% ====*1099*====+ 1. >forgive >we 2. forgive like knowing in our hearts that we have been forgiven 3. Nothing enables us to {forgive} like knowing in {our} hearts that {we} have been {forgiven}. 4. R= 1098 S= 0.04% ====*1100*====+ 1. >best >to 2. best advice I know is to give is to give those worldly things your best 3. The {best} advice I know is {to} give is {to} give those worldly things your {best} but never your all - reserve the ultimate hope for the only one who can grant it. 4. R= 1098 S= 0.04% ====*1101*====+ 1. >they >goal 2. They simply have impotent goals - that is , goals that do not inspire them 3. {They} simply have impotent {goals} - that is, {goals} that do not inspire {them}. 4. R= 1101 S= 0.04% ====*1102*====+ 1. >thought >to 2. thought when given a chance to survive and thrive to overpower an entire army of negative thoughts 3. It takes but one positive {thought} when given a chance {to} survive and thrive {to} overpower an entire army of negative {thoughts}. 4. R= 1102 S= 0.04% ====*1103*====+ 1. >be >God 2. is God 's . And God is 3. The draft {is} {God}'s. And {God} {is} the thirsty one. 4. R= 1103 S= 0.04% ====*1104*====+ 1. >think >be 2. think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe , to think 3. When you arise in the morning, {think} of what a precious privilege it {is} to {be} alive - to breathe, to {think}, to enjoy, to love. 4. R= 1104 S= 0.04% ====*1105*====+ 1. >be >feel 2. be yourself - and especially to feel . Or , not feel . Whatever you happen to be 3. A true friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to {be} yourself - and especially to {feel}. Or, not {feel}. Whatever you happen to {be} feeling at the moment is fine with them. 4. R= 1105 S= 0.04% ====*1106*====+ 1. >director >want 2. director that an actor wants to work with , you want a director 3. Like any {director} that an actor {wants} to work with, you {want} a {director} who's passionate and believes in the work that he's doing. 4. R= 1106 S= 0.04% ====*1107*====+ 1. >tension >and 2. tension about romanticism is the way it builds and builds , and the moment it 's consummated , the tension 3. I think the whole {tension} about romanticism is the way it builds {and} builds, {and} the moment it's consummated, the {tension}'s over. 4. R= 1107 S= 0.04% ====*1108*====+ 1. >integrity >and 2. Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless , and knowledge without integrity 3. {Integrity} without knowledge is weak {and} useless, {and} knowledge without {integrity} is dangerous and dreadful. 4. R= 1108 S= 0.04% ====*1109*====+ 1. >song >I 2. songs that move me , and what moves me are beautiful songs 3. Specifically for me, I like writing {songs} that move {me}, and what moves {me} are beautiful {songs} on the piano or the guitar and really, really heavy music. 4. R= 1109 S= 0.04% ====*1110*====+ 1. >healthy >as 2. healthy mind as well as a healthy 3. I don't work out as much as I should, but I do believe that it's a {healthy} mind {as} well {as} a {healthy} body that keeps me fit, sound and calm. 4. R= 1110 S= 0.04% ====*1111*====+ 1. >close >as 2. close family members as well as lots of close 3. I have {close} family members {as} well {as} lots of {close} friends who are gay. 4. R= 1110 S= 0.04% ====*1112*====+ 1. >live >you 2. live up to your expectations and you 're not in this world to live 3. I'm not in this world to {live} up to {your} expectations and {you}'re not in this world to {live} up to mine. 4. R= 1112 S= 0.04% ====*1113*====+ 1. >be >very 2. is that if you eat very , very little - if you 're 3. And I tried the calorie restriction diet: The idea {is} that if you eat {very}, {very} little - if you{'re} on the verge of starvation, you will live a very long time, whether or not you want to, of course. 4. R= 1113 S= 0.04% ====*1114*====+ 1. >we >question 2. we are led to question and by questioning we 3. The key to wisdom is this - constant and frequent questioning, for by doubting {we} are led to {question} and by {questioning} {we} arrive at the truth. 4. R= 1114 S= 0.04% ====*1115*====+ 1. >force >decay 2. forces liberated by decay . Which is why total decay has absorbed the forces 3. All satire is blind to the {forces} liberated by {decay}. Which is why total {decay} has absorbed the {forces} of satire. 4. R= 1115 S= 0.04% ====*1116*====+ 1. >of >great 2. of the great , great expressive potential of 3. I've just simply used what I've used because {of} the {great}, {great} expressive potential {of} it. 4. R= 1116 S= 0.04% ====*1117*====+ 1. >you >big 2. You 've got a big , big problem if you 3. {You}'ve got a {big}, {big} problem if {you} get caught up in what people say. 4. R= 1116 S= 0.04% ====*1118*====+ 1. >learn >really 2. Learn to go out and play solo . That 's a really really good thing to learn 3. {Learn} to go out and play solo. That's a {really} {really} good thing to {learn}, if you're a singer-songwriter. 4. R= 1118 S= 0.04% ====*1119*====+ 1. >accord >to 2. according to his abilities , to each according 3. From each {according} {to} his abilities, {to} each {according} to his needs. 4. R= 1119 S= 0.04% ====*1120*====+ 1. >he >record 2. he sold 40 million records off of one record and sold 15 off his 3. And no matter if {he} sold 40 million {records} off of one {record} and sold 15 off {his} last or whatever the counts may be, Michael Jackson will be Michael Jackson. 4. R= 1120 S= 0.04% ====*1121*====+ 1. >I >think 2. I think I think I 3. {I} {think} I {think} {I} am Superwoman sometimes but I am not. 4. R= 1121 S= 0.04% ====*1122*====+ 1. >the >bigger 2. the smile on my face just got bigger and bigger , and I was just beaming through the 3. From about five minutes in, when we knew for sure that we were going to have the weather to go, {the} smile on my face just got {bigger} and {bigger}, and I was just beaming through {the} whole launch. 4. R= 1122 S= 0.04% ====*1123*====+ 1. >count >he 2. count his joys . If he counted 3. Man is fond of counting his troubles, but he does not {count} {his} joys. If {he} {counted} them up as he ought to, he would see that every lot has enough happiness provided for it. 4. R= 1123 S= 0.04% ====*1124*====+ 1. >in >you 2. in you and you in 3. I am {in} {you} and {you} {in} me, mutual in divine love. 4. R= 1124 S= 0.04% ====*1125*====+ 1. >the >student 2. the student is no longer a student the 3. Clearly, once {the} {student} is no longer a {student} {the} possibilities of relationship are enlarged. 4. R= 1125 S= 0.04% ====*1126*====+ 1. >drop >ocean 2. drop in the ocean . But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop 3. We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a {drop} in the {ocean}. But the {ocean} would be less because of that missing {drop}. 4. R= 1126 S= 0.04% ====*1127*====+ 1. >which >a 2. which we have to make a decision in a particular case as to which 3. There are some circumstances in which the First Amendment interest comes up against another interest that is really important and in {which} we have to make {a} decision in {a} particular case as to {which} is more important. 4. R= 1127 S= 0.04% ====*1128*====+ 1. >be >tomorrow 2. be anxious about tomorrow , for tomorrow will be 3. Do not {be} anxious about {tomorrow}, for {tomorrow} will {be} anxious for itself. 4. R= 1128 S= 0.04% ====*1129*====+ 1. >that >man 2. that honor men , but men that 3. It is not titles {that} honor {men}, but {men} {that} honor titles. 4. R= 1128 S= 0.04% ====*1130*====+ 1. >fake >I 2. fake people and I always think I 'm never fake 3. Because I hate {fake} people and {I} always think {I}'m never {fake}. 4. R= 1130 S= 0.04% ====*1131*====+ 1. >be >I 2. 's what they expect from me and I 'm not going to be 3. And mine is to deliver for the people of Northern Ireland, that{'s} what they expect from {me} and {I}'m not going to {be} deflected by interesting academic or media speculation or attempts to take the whole debate back. 4. R= 1131 S= 0.04% ====*1132*====+ 1. >talk >be 2. talk but it is what it is - it 's talk 3. Everybody gets all worked up about trash {talk} but it {is} what it {is} - it's {talk}... You ask any player, honestly, if trash talk's gonna affect how hard they play, because if a little trash talk affects how hard they can play, it just lets us know that they were holding back or weren't playing harder or as hard as they could. 4. R= 1132 S= 0.04% ====*1133*====+ 1. >understand >be 2. understand that one of the key things that 's got to be done in Iraq is to build a mentality of understanding 3. I think you also {understand} that one of the key things that's got to {be} done in Iraq {is} to build a mentality of {understanding} that the military needs to be subordinate to civilian control and respectful of its own people. 4. R= 1133 S= 0.04% ====*1134*====+ 1. >I >it 2. I do n't think about it , it wo n't drive me 3. If {I} don't think about {it}, {it} won't drive {me} crazy. 4. R= 1134 S= 0.04% ====*1135*====+ 1. >woman >you 2. woman ... You can more easily scratch a diamond with your fingernail than you can by any human ingenuity get a woman 3. Even if the whole earth and sea were turned to gold, they could hardly satisfy the avarice of a {woman}... You can more easily scratch a diamond with {your} fingernail than {you} can by any human ingenuity get a {woman} to consent to giving any of her savings. 4. R= 1135 S= 0.04% ====*1136*====+ 1. >read >have 2. read modern novels - I have just had to read 3. I also {read} modern novels - I {have} just {had} to {read} 60 as I am one of the judges for the Orange Fiction Prize. 4. R= 1136 S= 0.04% ====*1137*====+ 1. >power >of 2. power of love overcomes the love of power 3. When the {power} {of} love overcomes the love {of} {power} the world will know peace. 4. R= 1137 S= 0.04% ====*1138*====+ 1. >thing >change 2. things I can not change , the courage to change the things 3. God grant me the serenity to accept the {things} I cannot {change}, the courage to {change} the {things} I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. 4. R= 1138 S= 0.04% ====*1139*====+ 1. >I >genius 2. I 've never met a genius . A genius to me 3. {I}'ve never met a {genius}. A {genius} to {me} is someone who does well at something he hates. 4. R= 1139 S= 0.04% ====*1140*====+ 1. >bind >be 2. bound to be true . I am not bound 3. I am not bound to win, but I am {bound} to {be} true. I {am} not {bound} to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. 4. R= 1140 S= 0.04% ====*1141*====+ 1. >punish >be 2. punished and are not , and people who were punished 3. You see a lot of people who should have been {punished} and {are} not, and people who {were} {punished} wrongfully are not vindicated. 4. R= 1141 S= 0.04% ====*1142*====+ 1. >play >a 2. play a politician or a fireman or a cowboy - you just play 3. You don't {play} a politician or {a} fireman or {a} cowboy - you just {play} a person. 4. R= 1142 S= 0.04% ====*1143*====+ 1. >fool >a 2. fool so great a fool as a knowing fool 3. There is no {fool} so great {a} fool as {a} knowing {fool}. 4. R= 1142 S= 0.04% ====*1144*====+ 1. >be >innovation 2. 's no substitute for innovation , of course , but innovation is no substitute for being 3. There{'s} no substitute for {innovation}, of course, but {innovation} is no substitute for {being} in touch, either. 4. R= 1144 S= 0.04% ====*1145*====+ 1. >charter >percentile 2. charter school , an average student gained 7 percentile points in math and 8 percentile points in reading , while Florida charter 3. In just one year in a Texas {charter} school, an average student gained 7 {percentile} points in math and 8 {percentile} points in reading, while Florida {charter} schools improved student performance by 6 percentile points. 4. R= 1145 S= 0.04% ====*1146*====+ 1. >the >we 2. the ideas of looking back to historical heroes to give us inspiration on how we can be today 's heroes to move forward in the 3. I love {the} ideas of looking back to historical heroes to give {us} inspiration on how {we} can be today's heroes to move forward in {the} future. 4. R= 1146 S= 0.04% ====*1147*====+ 1. >I >they 2. I check them . And then they do n't like me 3. There have been people who try to say things that aren't fair, and {I} check {them}. And then {they} don't like {me} because I checked them. 4. R= 1147 S= 0.04% ====*1148*====+ 1. >phobia >as 2. phobias are usually found as well as snake phobias 3. In neurotics, worm {phobias} are usually found {as} well {as} snake {phobias}. 4. R= 1148 S= 0.04% ====*1149*====+ 1. >start >in 2. started in movies in Mexico and started 3. I {started} {in} movies {in} Mexico and {started} doing telenovelas in Mexico. 4. R= 1148 S= 0.04% ====*1150*====+ 1. >something >to 2. something really thrilling to having to get people laughing about something 3. I think there's {something} really thrilling {to} having {to} get people laughing about {something}, and then, when you have them in that comfort space, you can drop the weight into the texture of the story. 4. R= 1148 S= 0.04% ====*1151*====+ 1. >challenge >to 2. challenge now is to continue to challenge 3. The {challenge} now is {to} continue {to} {challenge} myself. 4. R= 1148 S= 0.04% ====*1152*====+ 1. >more >remember 2. more than I remember , and remember more 3. Like all great travellers, I have seen {more} than I {remember}, and {remember} {more} than I have seen. 4. R= 1152 S= 0.04% ====*1153*====+ 1. >pig >to 2. pigs . The people are going to have to stand up against the pigs 3. And the people are going to have to attack the {pigs}. The people are going {to} have {to} stand up against the {pigs}. 4. R= 1153 S= 0.04% ====*1154*====+ 1. >be >glory 2. is but glory begun , and glory is 3. Grace {is} but {glory} begun, and {glory} {is} but grace perfected. 4. R= 1154 S= 0.04% ====*1155*====+ 1. >a >become 2. a dream becomes reality and reality becomes a 3. There comes a point when {a} dream {becomes} reality and reality {becomes} {a} dream. 4. R= 1154 S= 0.04% ====*1156*====+ 1. >show >top 2. Show me any top entertainer or top business executive , and I 'll show 3. {Show} me any {top} entertainer or {top} business executive, and I'll {show} you a guy who has mapped out his life from the very start. 4. R= 1156 S= 0.04% ====*1157*====+ 1. >I >my 2. I 'll make less mistakes than my dad , my sons hopefully will make less mistakes than me 3. The point is, {I}'ll make less mistakes than {my} dad, {my} sons hopefully will make less mistakes than {me}, and their sons will make less mistakes than their dads. 4. R= 1157 S= 0.04% ====*1158*====+ 1. >be >powerful 2. is just may be powerful , and whatever is powerful may be 3. Justice and power must be brought together, so that whatever {is} just may be {powerful}, and whatever is {powerful} may {be} just. 4. R= 1158 S= 0.04% ====*1159*====+ 1. >character >really 2. character is really well-rounded , and it 's a really strong character 3. If the {character} is {really} well-rounded, and it's a {really} strong {character}, and if the writing is just fantastic, that's the thing that will hook me in, certainly. 4. R= 1159 S= 0.04% ====*1160*====+ 1. >it >that 2. It was suddenly decided that that would be it 3. {It} was suddenly decided {that} {that} would be {it}. 4. R= 1160 S= 0.04% ====*1161*====+ 1. >whip >Orange 2. whip ? Orange whip ? Three orange whips 3. Orange {whip}? {Orange} whip? Three {orange} {whips}. 4. R= 1161 S= 0.04% ====*1162*====+ 1. >practice >perfect 2. Practice does not make perfect . Only perfect practice 3. {Practice} does not make {perfect}. Only {perfect} {practice} makes perfect. 4. R= 1162 S= 0.04% ====*1163*====+ 1. >in >they 2. in junior high school wanted me to be their best friend because they wanted to meet all the girls that I knew in 3. What was really funny is that as I got older all those guys who called me a sissy {in} junior high school wanted me to be {their} best friend because {they} wanted to meet all the girls that I knew {in} figure skating. 4. R= 1163 S= 0.04% ====*1164*====+ 1. >case >the 2. case in the newspapers and on the radio before the facts are heard in a case 3. It's extremely damaging to a fair trial to have people reaching judgment about the {case} in the newspapers and on {the} radio before {the} facts are heard in a {case}. 4. R= 1164 S= 0.04% ====*1165*====+ 1. >be >history 2. are trapped in history and history is 3. People {are} trapped in {history} and {history} {is} trapped in them. 4. R= 1165 S= 0.04% ====*1166*====+ 1. >something >and 2. something helpless and weak and innocent - something 3. Because there is {something} helpless {and} weak {and} innocent - {something} like an infant - deep inside us all that really suffers in ways we would never permit an insect to suffer. 4. R= 1166 S= 0.04% ====*1167*====+ 1. >'ll >and 2. 'll come out of it refreshed and centered and that 's how I 'll 3. I{'ll} come out of it refreshed {and} centered {and} that's how I{'ll} feel and it'll carry through the day. 4. R= 1166 S= 0.04% ====*1168*====+ 1. >Italy >I 2. Italy and I say I am from Italy 3. I love {Italy} and {I} say {I} am from {Italy} wherever I go. 4. R= 1166 S= 0.04% ====*1169*====+ 1. >someone >be 2. someone to be funny is like teaching someone 3. Teaching {someone} to {be} funny {is} like teaching {someone} to be fast. 4. R= 1166 S= 0.04% ====*1170*====+ 1. >do >day 2. do cardio one day and the next day you can do 3. If you {do} cardio one {day} and the next {day} you can {do} weights, do it that way. 4. R= 1170 S= 0.04% ====*1171*====+ 1. >to >word 2. to say . They are the things you get ashamed of because words diminish your feelings - words shrink things that seem timeless when they are in your head to 3. The most important things are the hardest things {to} say. They are the things you get ashamed of because {words} diminish your feelings - {words} shrink things that seem timeless when they are in your head {to} no more than living size when they are brought out. 4. R= 1171 S= 0.04% ====*1172*====+ 1. >speak >I 2. speak to me ? And why should I not speak 3. Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why should you not {speak} to {me}? And why should {I} not {speak} to you? 4. R= 1172 S= 0.04% ====*1173*====+ 1. >plan >vision 2. plans should not be interpreted as a failed vision . Visions do n't change , they are only refined . Plans 3. Failed {plans} should not be interpreted as a failed {vision}. {Visions} don't change, they are only refined. {Plans} rarely stay the same, and are scrapped or adjusted as needed. 4. R= 1173 S= 0.03% ====*1174*====+ 1. >be >it 2. 're going to do it , it has to be 3. I like getting a tan, but I also think that if you{'re} going to do {it}, {it} has to {be} gradual. 4. R= 1174 S= 0.03% ====*1175*====+ 1. >fan >be 2. fans and to the players and the staff how grateful I am to be playing for such a good football club . The fans 3. Every time I score the passion comes out and I try to relay that back to the {fans} and to the players and the staff how grateful I {am} to {be} playing for such a good football club. The {fans} have taken well to me. 4. R= 1175 S= 0.03% ====*1176*====+ 1. >absence >of 2. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence 3. {Absence} {of} evidence is not evidence {of} {absence}. 4. R= 1176 S= 0.03% ====*1177*====+ 1. >eat >to 2. eat to live , not live to eat 3. One should {eat} {to} live, not live {to} {eat}. 4. R= 1176 S= 0.03% ====*1178*====+ 1. >hate >you 2. hate you do n't win unless you hate 3. But those who {hate} {you} don't win unless {you} {hate} them. 4. R= 1176 S= 0.03% ====*1179*====+ 1. >a >toad 2. a worm to a toad , a toad to a 3. Edible, adj.: Good to eat, and wholesome to digest, as {a} worm to a {toad}, a {toad} to {a} snake, a snake to a pig, a pig to a man, and a man to a worm. 4. R= 1179 S= 0.03% ====*1180*====+ 1. >seem >good 2. seemed the world was divided into good and bad people . The good ones slept better while the bad ones seemed 3. It {seemed} the world was divided into {good} and bad people. The {good} ones slept better while the bad ones {seemed} to enjoy the waking hours much more. 4. R= 1180 S= 0.03% ====*1181*====+ 1. >cavity >the 2. cavity and the passage to the nasal cavity 3. Remember that the pharynx is at a crossroads from which leads off, at the top, the passage to the mouth {cavity} and {the} passage to {the} nasal {cavity}, and below, the passage to the larynx. 4. R= 1181 S= 0.03% ====*1182*====+ 1. >people >be 2. people who should have been punished and are not , and people 3. You see a lot of {people} who should have {been} punished and {are} not, and {people} who were punished wrongfully are not vindicated. 4. R= 1182 S= 0.03% ====*1183*====+ 1. >know >be 2. know where Christ is and what faith is in him unless he knew 3. How could anyone {know} where Christ {is} and what faith {is} in him unless he {knew} where his believers are? 4. R= 1183 S= 0.03% ====*1184*====+ 1. >I >it 2. I do n't think of it as work . It 's really fun for me 3. {I} don't think of {it} as work. {It}'s really fun for {me}. 4. R= 1184 S= 0.03% ====*1185*====+ 1. >to >be 2. To be alive is to 3. {To} {be} alive {is} {to} undo your belt and look for trouble. 4. R= 1185 S= 0.03% ====*1186*====+ 1. >be >to 2. was to try to be 3. Something that I think I figured out slowly was if you're playing a show and there's a chatter or there is, you know, a lot of noise - people talking or something - I was never the one whose instinct {was} {to} try {to} {be} louder than them. 4. R= 1185 S= 0.03% ====*1187*====+ 1. >you >be 2. you 're not being you 3. There's no reason to change what you are, but if {you}{'re} not {being} {you}, then you need to acknowledge that. 4. R= 1185 S= 0.03% ====*1188*====+ 1. >do >it 2. do it , it did 3. When I was 13, listening to Choice FM, I would listen to a lot of R&B from America, and whenever a British person tried to {do} {it}, {it} {did}n't really work, they just sounded like they were trying to copy that whole style. 4. R= 1185 S= 0.03% ====*1189*====+ 1. >I >he 2. I had worked with him . He lost a son who had worked for me 3. {I} had worked with {him}. {He} lost a son who had worked for {me}. 4. R= 1189 S= 0.03% ====*1190*====+ 1. >be >for 2. are cleansed and strengthened to live not for ourselves but for God and to be 3. The Eucharistic mystery stands at the heart and center of the liturgy since it is the fount of life by which we {are} cleansed and strengthened to live not {for} ourselves but {for} God and to {be} united in love among ourselves. 4. R= 1190 S= 0.03% ====*1191*====+ 1. >central >to 2. central to medicine and utilized to be central 3. But if you're asking my opinion, I would argue that a social justice approach should be {central} {to} medicine and utilized {to} be {central} to public health. 4. R= 1191 S= 0.03% ====*1192*====+ 1. >enjoy >at 2. enjoyed reading and learning at school , and at university I enjoyed 3. I {enjoyed} reading and learning {at} school, and {at} university I {enjoyed} extending my reading and learning. 4. R= 1191 S= 0.03% ====*1193*====+ 1. >thing >the 2. thing in the world , and the thing 3. Love is the best {thing} in {the} world, and {the} {thing} that lives the longest. 4. R= 1191 S= 0.03% ====*1194*====+ 1. >implant >the 2. implanted in the brain , and the brain is implanted 3. The mind is {implanted} in {the} brain, and {the} brain is {implanted} in the body. 4. R= 1191 S= 0.03% ====*1195*====+ 1. >program >they 2. programs - they are all shutting their doors . And they are all facilities and programs 3. Public swimming pools, recreation centers, summer reading programs, youth jobs {programs} - they are all shutting {their} doors. And {they} are all facilities and {programs} relied on most heavily by low-income children. 4. R= 1195 S= 0.03% ====*1196*====+ 1. >the >build 2. the way it builds and builds , and the 3. I think the whole tension about romanticism is {the} way it {builds} and {builds}, and {the} moment it's consummated, the tension's over. 4. R= 1196 S= 0.03% ====*1197*====+ 1. >work >right 2. work if I could find the right script and the right crew to work 3. I know that I wouldn't mind going back to {work} if I could find the {right} script and the {right} crew to {work} with. 4. R= 1197 S= 0.03% ====*1198*====+ 1. >in >Asia 2. in Asia because Asia is the way forward in 3. It's a massive compliment to me to be known {in} {Asia} because {Asia} is the way forward {in} football, along with the Middle East. 4. R= 1198 S= 0.03% ====*1199*====+ 1. >we >he 2. our neighbor in Him . His providence allows us 3. Above all, remember that God looks for solid virtues in us, such as patience, humility, obedience, abnegation of your own will - that is, the good will to serve Him and {our} neighbor in {Him}. {His} providence allows {us} other devotions only insofar as He sees that they are useful to us. 4. R= 1199 S= 0.03% ====*1200*====+ 1. >source >should 2. source that determines correct morality and everybody should follow that ? Or should individuals come up with following that source 3. Is there one specific {source} that determines correct morality and everybody {should} follow that? Or {should} individuals come up with following that {source} or not depending on their situation? 4. R= 1200 S= 0.03% ====*1201*====+ 1. >we >it 2. We are it . It is up to us 3. {We} are {it}. {It} is up to {us}. 4. R= 1201 S= 0.03% ====*1202*====+ 1. >media >influence 2. media influences public opinion and how much public opinion influences the media 3. It is not at all clear how much the {media} {influences} public opinion and how much public opinion {influences} the {media}. 4. R= 1202 S= 0.03% ====*1203*====+ 1. >you >it 2. you love and why you love it , it will never be far from your 3. As long as you remember what {you} love and why you love {it}, {it} will never be far from {your} heart - or your plate. 4. R= 1203 S= 0.03% ====*1204*====+ 1. >try >little 2. try to act as though there is a little boy or a little girl around , and I try 3. I always {try} to act as though there is a {little} boy or a {little} girl around, and I {try} never to do anything that would give them a bad example. 4. R= 1204 S= 0.03% ====*1205*====+ 1. >thing >never 2. thing I have learned is never say never . I will consider things 3. I don't have a development deal, but the one {thing} I have learned is {never} say {never}. I will consider {things} as they come. 4. R= 1205 S= 0.03% ====*1206*====+ 1. >artist >they 2. artists deserve all the help they can get , so they can focus on being great artists 3. I believe {artists} deserve all the help {they} can get, so {they} can focus on being great {artists}. 4. R= 1206 S= 0.03% ====*1207*====+ 1. >integrity >without 2. Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless , and knowledge without integrity 3. {Integrity} {without} knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge {without} {integrity} is dangerous and dreadful. 4. R= 1207 S= 0.03% ====*1208*====+ 1. >use >steroid 2. using steroids because the owners lost total control of the steroid use 3. This is a cue or a message for you other guys to stop {using} {steroids} because the owners lost total control of the {steroid} {use}. 4. R= 1207 S= 0.03% ====*1209*====+ 1. >sense >the 2. sense of the possible and the limit - and a sense 3. I'd say Harvard graduates leave here with a {sense} of {the} possible and {the} limit - and a {sense} that there are no limits to what humans can do and that you can always be pushing, whatever limit you think might be there. 4. R= 1209 S= 0.03% ====*1210*====+ 1. >to >evasion 2. to serve . Secrecy means evasion , and evasion means a problem to 3. In all secrets there is a kind of guilt, however beautiful or joyful they may be, or for what good end they may be set {to} serve. Secrecy means {evasion}, and {evasion} means a problem {to} the moral mind. 4. R= 1210 S= 0.03% ====*1211*====+ 1. >enter >it 2. enter your heart in an entirely different way to what it normally does . It 's like inviting that energy of the universe to enter 3. I feel like... you sort of summon them and it's like allowing the universe to {enter} your heart in an entirely different way to what {it} normally does. {It}'s like inviting that energy of the universe to {enter} into your craft in a way where it has a meaning. 4. R= 1211 S= 0.03% ====*1212*====+ 1. >be >he 2. were no worse sins laid to his charge , but he had successfully established some claim to being 3. For although Claudius had been accused of gambling and drunkenness, not only {were} no worse sins laid to {his} charge, but {he} had successfully established some claim to {being} considered a learned man. 4. R= 1212 S= 0.03% ====*1213*====+ 1. >it >you 2. it all ' is such an intimidating concept . Just when you think you have all those plates spinning perfectly ... something changes . It 3. 'Having {it} all' is such an intimidating concept. Just when {you} think {you} have all those plates spinning perfectly... something changes. {It} is a constant balancing act. 4. R= 1213 S= 0.03% ====*1214*====+ 1. >be >something 2. are conditioned on something , and that that something must be 3. The Jain thinks that the phenomena of knowledge, feeling, thinking and willing {are} conditioned on {something}, and that that {something} must {be} as real as anything can be. 4. R= 1214 S= 0.03% ====*1215*====+ 1. >to >'s 2. to some degree men 's issues and all men 's issues are to 3. All women's issues are {to} some degree men{'s} issues and all men{'s} issues are {to} some degree women's issues because when either sex wins unilaterally both sexes lose. 4. R= 1214 S= 0.03% ====*1216*====+ 1. >may >powerful 2. may be powerful , and whatever is powerful may 3. Justice and power must be brought together, so that whatever is just {may} be {powerful}, and whatever is {powerful} {may} be just. 4. R= 1214 S= 0.03% ====*1217*====+ 1. >be >somebody 2. be somebody to somebody to be 3. Everybody has to {be} {somebody} to {somebody} to {be} anybody. 4. R= 1217 S= 0.03% ====*1218*====+ 1. >life >miss 2. life . And if you miss love , you miss life 3. Love is {life}. And if you {miss} love, you {miss} {life}. 4. R= 1218 S= 0.03% ====*1219*====+ 1. >school >point 2. school , an average student gained 7 percentile points in math and 8 percentile points in reading , while Florida charter schools 3. In just one year in a Texas charter {school}, an average student gained 7 percentile {points} in math and 8 percentile {points} in reading, while Florida charter {schools} improved student performance by 6 percentile points. 4. R= 1219 S= 0.03% ====*1220*====+ 1. >stoop >it 2. stoop to filthy acts . It makes it easier to stoop 3. To keep your character intact you cannot {stoop} to filthy acts. {It} makes {it} easier to {stoop} the next time. 4. R= 1220 S= 0.03% ====*1221*====+ 1. >you >run 2. you run the day or the day runs you 3. Either {you} {run} the day or the day {runs} {you}. 4. R= 1221 S= 0.03% ====*1222*====+ 1. >really >they 2. really cool to work with them and they were always really 3. So that was really {really} cool to work with {them} and {they} were always {really} happy, and they made everybody really happy on the set too. 4. R= 1222 S= 0.03% ====*1223*====+ 1. >thing >change 2. things that can not be changed , courage to change the things 3. God, give us grace to accept with serenity the {things} that cannot be {changed}, courage to {change} the {things} which should be changed and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other. 4. R= 1223 S= 0.03% ====*1224*====+ 1. >they >God 2. they are very young about the whole universe without God and that God can not be in science . They 3. The public schools tend to teach little kids from when {they} are very young about the whole universe without {God} and that {God} cannot be in science. {They} are indoctrinating children in an atheistic religious view of things. 4. R= 1224 S= 0.03% ====*1225*====+ 1. >be >boy 2. 's okay to be a boy , but for a boy to look like a girl is 3. Girls can wear jeans, cut their hair short, wear shirts and boots, 'cause it{'s} okay to be a {boy}, but for a {boy} to look like a girl {is} degrading. 4. R= 1225 S= 0.03% ====*1226*====+ 1. >deserve >I 2. deserve all the love you can spare me . And I want a lot more than I deserve 3. I {deserve} all the love you can spare {me}. And {I} want a lot more than I {deserve}. 4. R= 1226 S= 0.03% ====*1227*====+ 1. >public >property 2. public property , it is because private property has undermined public 3. If every private life is now potentially {public} {property}, it is because private {property} has undermined {public} responsibility. 4. R= 1227 S= 0.03% ====*1228*====+ 1. >Sunday >you 2. Sunday be taken from you . If your soul has no Sunday 3. Do not let {Sunday} be taken from {you}. If {your} soul has no {Sunday}, it becomes an orphan. 4. R= 1228 S= 0.03% ====*1229*====+ 1. >hard >we 2. hard enough for our best . We do the hard 3. Sometimes it seems that we are successful only because we have not tried {hard} enough for {our} best. {We} do the {hard} thing, and one day we succeed, and many things are made plain to us. 4. R= 1228 S= 0.03% ====*1230*====+ 1. >in >matter 2. in seeking projects no matter where , no matter if it is in 3. I'm interested {in} seeking projects no {matter} where, no {matter} if it is {in} the United States, whether in Chile, whether in Venezuela. 4. R= 1230 S= 0.03% ====*1231*====+ 1. >the >parent 2. The motives of these parents vary , many parents do n't like the 3. {The} motives of these {parents} vary, many {parents} don't like {the} curriculum being taught to their kids, or are wary of the threat of peer pressure or the presence of drugs or violence lurking in too many of our schools today. 4. R= 1230 S= 0.03% ====*1232*====+ 1. >know >you 2. know as much about your cat as your cat knows 3. In nine lifetimes, you'll never {know} as much about {your} cat as {your} cat {knows} about you. 4. R= 1232 S= 0.03% ====*1233*====+ 1. >learn >you 2. learned is that you live and you learn 3. I think the most important thing that I've {learned} is that {you} live and {you} {learn}. 4. R= 1232 S= 0.03% ====*1234*====+ 1. >feel >be 2. felt like I was constantly being described as something I did n't really feel 3. I {felt} like I {was} constantly {being} described as something I didn't really {feel} like I identified with. 4. R= 1234 S= 0.03% ====*1235*====+ 1. >likely >the 2. likely to make the strong weak than the strong are likely 3. The weak are more {likely} to make {the} strong weak than {the} strong are {likely} to make the weak strong. 4. R= 1235 S= 0.03% ====*1236*====+ 1. >anything >desperation 2. anything without desperation . Desperation is a necessary ingredient to learning anything 3. I don't think human beings learn {anything} without {desperation}. {Desperation} is a necessary ingredient to learning {anything} or creating anything. 4. R= 1236 S= 0.03% ====*1237*====+ 1. >to >mine 2. to get on with mine . And mine is to 3. I'm going {to} get on with {mine}. And {mine} is {to} deliver for the people of Northern Ireland, that's what they expect from me and I'm not going to be deflected by interesting academic or media speculation or attempts to take the whole debate back. 4. R= 1237 S= 0.03% ====*1238*====+ 1. >to >time 2. to be happy . I craved female time , and time with my husband to 3. I needed to take a break from performing, and from the Peas, {to} be happy. I craved female {time}, and {time} with my husband {to} feed my soul. 4. R= 1238 S= 0.03% ====*1239*====+ 1. >love >and 2. Love and work ... work and love 3. {Love} {and} work... work {and} {love}, that's all there is. 4. R= 1239 S= 0.03% ====*1240*====+ 1. >Religion >and 2. Religion and philosophy , philosophy and religion 3. {Religion} {and} philosophy, philosophy {and} {religion} - they're two words which are both... different. 4. R= 1239 S= 0.03% ====*1241*====+ 1. >and >philosophy 2. and philosophy , philosophy and 3. Religion {and} {philosophy}, {philosophy} {and} religion - they're two words which are both... different. 4. R= 1241 S= 0.03% ====*1242*====+ 1. >kill >you 2. kill you and you to kill 3. The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion because if a mother can kill her own child, what is left for me to {kill} {you} and {you} to {kill} me? 4. R= 1242 S= 0.03% ====*1243*====+ 1. >progress >we 2. progress that the schools are teaching our students , we want to hold them accountable for the progress 3. Scholarships that allow students to get a good education are important, but first we want to measure the {progress} that the schools are teaching {our} students, {we} want to hold them accountable for the {progress}, we want to hold the schools accountable for teaching the young people in America. 4. R= 1243 S= 0.03% ====*1244*====+ 1. >great >thing 2. great things , do small things in a great 3. If you cannot do {great} {things}, do small {things} in a {great} way. 4. R= 1244 S= 0.03% ====*1245*====+ 1. >mean >I 2. meant what I said and I said what I meant 3. I {meant} what {I} said and {I} said what I {meant}. 4. R= 1245 S= 0.03% ====*1246*====+ 1. >abundance >everything 2. abundance of everything people need . But people need everything except unlimited abundance 3. There came into the world an unlimited {abundance} of {everything} people need. But people need {everything} except unlimited {abundance}. 4. R= 1246 S= 0.03% ====*1247*====+ 1. >something >I 2. something that 's always been there for me , that I have huge blue eyes - it 's been something 3. It's {something} that's always been there for {me}, that {I} have huge blue eyes - it's been {something} that people have always talked about. 4. R= 1247 S= 0.03% ====*1248*====+ 1. >change >mutation 2. change , and people working with plants have picked mutations . Mutations are nothing more than genetic changes 3. And that's because genomes can {change}, and people working with plants have picked {mutations}. {Mutations} are nothing more than genetic {changes}. 4. R= 1248 S= 0.03% ====*1249*====+ 1. >and >try 2. and I try and try and 3. He's there and he loves me, {and} I {try} and {try} {and} try, it's just impossible to have a relationship. 4. R= 1249 S= 0.03% ====*1250*====+ 1. >you >difficult 2. you 're taking the country through difficult times and difficult decisions you 've got to take the country with you 3. When {you}'re taking the country through {difficult} times and {difficult} decisions you've got to take the country with {you}. 4. R= 1250 S= 0.03% ====*1251*====+ 1. >can >change 2. can not change , the courage to change the things I can 3. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I {can}not {change}, the courage to {change} the things I {can}, and the wisdom to know the difference. 4. R= 1251 S= 0.03% ====*1252*====+ 1. >people >live 2. people that you recreate who have actually lived , because you have to live up to people 3. Real-life people are often the hardest to play, {people} that you recreate who have actually {lived}, because you have to {live} up to {people}'s knowledge of those characters. 4. R= 1252 S= 0.03% ====*1253*====+ 1. >white >people 2. white people love black people , some black people hate white 3. Some white people hate black people, and some {white} people love black {people}, some black {people} hate {white} people, and some black people love white people. 4. R= 1253 S= 0.03% ====*1254*====+ 1. >with >love 2. with whom they were compulsively in love did n't love them back . They were killing themselves with 3. I had a great many sex and love cases where people were absolutely devastated when somebody {with} whom they were compulsively in {love} didn't {love} them back. They were killing themselves {with} anxiety and depression. 4. R= 1254 S= 0.03% ====*1255*====+ 1. >think >be 2. think it 's important to be white is that they think 3. The reason people {think} it's important to {be} white {is} that they {think} it's important not to be black. 4. R= 1255 S= 0.03% ====*1256*====+ 1. >day >today 2. day , what I establish today . I am today what I established yesterday or some previous day 3. I am tomorrow, or some future {day}, what I establish {today}. I am {today} what I established yesterday or some previous {day}. 4. R= 1256 S= 0.03% ====*1257*====+ 1. >lead >four 2. led to four , four led 3. But one led to two, two {led} to {four}, {four} {led} to eight, until at the end it was about 85 a day - the doctors could not believe I was taking that much. 4. R= 1257 S= 0.03% ====*1258*====+ 1. >himself >wise 2. himself to be wise , but a wise man knows himself 3. A fool thinks {himself} to be {wise}, but a {wise} man knows {himself} to be a fool. 4. R= 1258 S= 0.03% ====*1259*====+ 1. >do >evil 2. do n't want to do evil for evil 's sake . I do 3. In other words, I {do}n't want to do {evil} for {evil}'s sake. I {do}n't want to do Jason slasher movies. 4. R= 1259 S= 0.03% ====*1260*====+ 1. >leader >he 2. leader who does n't hesitate before he sends his nation into battle is not fit to be a leader 3. A {leader} who doesn't hesitate before {he} sends {his} nation into battle is not fit to be a {leader}. 4. R= 1260 S= 0.03% ====*1261*====+ 1. >you >I 2. You laugh at me because I 'm different , I laugh at you 3. {You} laugh at {me} because {I}'m different, I laugh at {you} because you're all the same. 4. R= 1261 S= 0.03% ====*1262*====+ 1. >better >you 2. better than you . You either play better 3. Acting with Denzel is like playing tennis with someone that's {better} than {you}. {You} either play {better} tennis or get blown off the court. 4. R= 1262 S= 0.03% ====*1263*====+ 1. >point >it 2. point of it . It loses its point 3. Even if it is difficult playing with other people - sometimes it's great, sometimes it isn't, but that is kind of the {point} of {it}. {It} loses its {point} playing solo. 4. R= 1262 S= 0.03% ====*1264*====+ 1. >insane >that 2. insane for expressing that . That 's what 's insane 3. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as {insane} for expressing {that}. {That}'s what's {insane} about it. 4. R= 1262 S= 0.03% ====*1265*====+ 1. >frustrate >I 2. frustrate me . I get frustrated 3. There are a lot of things that {frustrate} {me}. {I} get {frustrated} when I have to wait at a red light. 4. R= 1262 S= 0.03% ====*1266*====+ 1. >we >consciousness 2. our inherited and acquired historical education - aesthetic consciousness and historical consciousness - presented alienated forms of our 3. It was clear to me that the forms of consciousness of {our} inherited and acquired historical education - aesthetic {consciousness} and historical {consciousness} - presented alienated forms of {our} true historical being. 4. R= 1266 S= 0.03% ====*1267*====+ 1. >choice >as 2. choice is the wrong choice as long as you make a choice 3. No {choice} is the wrong choice {as} long {as} you make a {choice}. 4. R= 1267 S= 0.03% ====*1268*====+ 1. >the >thing 2. the good things but the bland things - the 3. It's just that if you're not disruptive everything seems to be repeated endlessly - not so much {the} good {things} but the bland {things} - {the} ordinary things - the weaker things get repeated- the stronger things get suppressed and held down and hidden. 4. R= 1268 S= 0.03% ====*1269*====+ 1. >of >translation 2. of my translation duties included translations of 3. And after I started working for the Bureau, most {of} my {translation} duties included {translations} {of} documents and investigations that actually started way before 9/11. 4. R= 1269 S= 0.03% ====*1270*====+ 1. >a >thousand 2. a letter - two thousand to three thousand words in a 3. As soon as I began, it seemed impossible to write fast enough - I wrote faster than I would write {a} letter - two {thousand} to three {thousand} words in {a} morning, and I cannot help it. 4. R= 1269 S= 0.03% ====*1271*====+ 1. >I >woman 2. I am available to all women - all women who can afford me 3. {I} am available to all {women} - all {women} who can afford {me}, that is. 4. R= 1269 S= 0.03% ====*1272*====+ 1. >for >rights 2. for civil rights , equal rights for 3. It is impossible to struggle {for} civil {rights}, equal {rights} {for} blacks, without including whites. 4. R= 1269 S= 0.03% ====*1273*====+ 1. >this >land 2. This land is your land and this 3. {This} {land} is your {land} and {this} land is my land, sure, but the world is run by those that never listen to music anyway. 4. R= 1269 S= 0.03% ====*1274*====+ 1. >into >abyss 2. into an abyss , the abyss also looks into 3. When you look {into} an {abyss}, the {abyss} also looks {into} you. 4. R= 1269 S= 0.03% ====*1275*====+ 1. >the >strong 2. The weak are more likely to make the strong weak than the strong are likely to make the 3. {The} weak are more likely to make the {strong} weak than the {strong} are likely to make {the} weak strong. 4. R= 1275 S= 0.03% ====*1276*====+ 1. >chef >why 2. Chefs have only been able to work in restaurants , high-end cuisine . Why ? Why have n't they been able to find other scenarios ? For those chefs 3. {Chefs} have only been able to work in restaurants, high-end cuisine. {Why}? {Why} haven't they been able to find other scenarios? For those {chefs} who want to do avant-garde cuisine, should they be finding their income in a restaurant? 4. R= 1276 S= 0.03% ====*1277*====+ 1. >effective >quiet 2. effective action with quiet reflection . From the quiet reflection will come even more effective 3. Follow {effective} action with {quiet} reflection. From the {quiet} reflection will come even more {effective} action. 4. R= 1277 S= 0.03% ====*1278*====+ 1. >society >a 2. society where it 's a crime or a hassle to be different is a society 3. Any {society} where it's {a} crime or {a} hassle to be different is a {society} based on psychological fascism. 4. R= 1278 S= 0.03% ====*1279*====+ 1. >law >to 2. law . They do n't want to have to deal with 50 different state laws 3. A lot of industry groups have said they support a federal {law}. They don't want {to} have {to} deal with 50 different state {laws}. 4. R= 1279 S= 0.03% ====*1280*====+ 1. >thing >the 2. thing and the wife thing and the daughter thing 3. I'm used to getting up at 7, getting breakfast, getting the kids off to school, and doing the mommy {thing} and {the} wife thing and {the} daughter {thing}. 4. R= 1280 S= 0.03% ====*1281*====+ 1. >be >to 2. is to understand and to be 3. One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship {is} {to} understand and {to} {be} understood. 4. R= 1281 S= 0.03% ====*1282*====+ 1. >be >bus 2. 're going to get hit by a bus and the bus is going to back over you . If I 'm 3. Getting ready to work with Brock Lesnar is like knowing you{'re} going to get hit by a {bus} and the {bus} is going to back over you. If I{'m} going to work 'WrestleMania,' 16 weeks out I have to start training like I'm Mayweather getting ready for a fight. 4. R= 1282 S= 0.03% ====*1283*====+ 1. >attain >honest 2. attained . Be honest to those who are honest , and be also honest to those who are not honest . Thus honesty is attained 3. Thus goodness is {attained}. Be honest to those who are {honest}, and be also {honest} to those who are not honest. Thus honesty is {attained}. 4. R= 1283 S= 0.03% ====*1284*====+ 1. >team >the 2. team in the Tour is not the strongest team 3. The strongest {team} in {the} Tour is not {the} strongest {team} on paper. 4. R= 1284 S= 0.03% ====*1285*====+ 1. >'s >the 2. 's boom and bust . But it is economic growth that will create the jobs and the prosperity for the future and enable us to pay down Labour 's 3. Sound public finances are the essential foundation on which to construct a better-balanced economy from the wreckage of Labour{'s} boom and bust. But it is economic growth that will create {the} jobs and {the} prosperity for the future and enable us to pay down Labour{'s} debt. 4. R= 1285 S= 0.03% ====*1286*====+ 1. >raise >wish 2. raised a certain way . I wish I was n't . I wish I was raised 3. I was {raised} a certain way. I {wish} I wasn't. I {wish} I was {raised} by wolves. 4. R= 1286 S= 0.03% ====*1287*====+ 1. >be >have 2. is when I see stuff that I know has had a lot of improv done or is 3. What I don't like {is} when I see stuff that I know {has} {had} a lot of improv done or {is} playing around where there's no purpose to the scene other than to just be funny. 4. R= 1287 S= 0.03% ====*1288*====+ 1. >self-esteem >produce 2. self-esteem produces greater success , and greater success produces more high self-esteem 3. Greater {self-esteem} {produces} greater success, and greater success {produces} more high {self-esteem}, so it keeps on spiraling up. 4. R= 1288 S= 0.03% ====*1289*====+ 1. >Jesse >be 2. Jesse Helm 's political machine in North Carolina , the result of which is I 'm now the senior senator from North Carolina instead of Jesse 3. I actually defeated an incumbent Republican senator who was part of the {Jesse} Helm's political machine in North Carolina, the result of which {is} I{'m} now the senior senator from North Carolina instead of {Jesse} Helms, which is a very good thing for this country. 4. R= 1289 S= 0.03% ====*1290*====+ 1. >to >time 2. to dress up in a tailored suit from time to time , and there 's a tailor I go to 3. I like {to} dress up in a tailored suit from {time} to {time}, and there's a tailor I go {to} in Naples who's fantastic. 4. R= 1290 S= 0.03% ====*1291*====+ 1. >people >black 2. people love black people , some black people 3. Some white people hate black people, and some white {people} love {black} people, some {black} {people} hate white people, and some black people love white people. 4. R= 1291 S= 0.03% ====*1292*====+ 1. >the >Paul 2. the revolution is Ron Paul . Ron Paul is a champion of the 3. I go where the revolution is, and {the} revolution is Ron {Paul}. Ron {Paul} is a champion of {the} Constitution. 4. R= 1292 S= 0.03% ====*1293*====+ 1. >the >people 2. the reason for that is because on this album I plan on introducing to people and reintroducing to people the side of me that they did n't see on the 3. To me, 'Underground Luxury' is kinda like a contrasting title, and {the} reason for that is because on this album I plan on introducing to {people} and reintroducing to {people} the side of me that they didn't see on {the} first album. 4. R= 1293 S= 0.03% ====*1294*====+ 1. >you >they 2. you have stopped leading them . They have either lost confidence that you 3. The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day {you} have stopped leading {them}. {They} have either lost confidence that {you} can help or concluded you do not care. 4. R= 1294 S= 0.03% ====*1295*====+ 1. >do >think 2. do it without thinking about it . I think he does 3. If Judd Apatow called me, I'd {do} it without {thinking} about it. I {think} he {does} really fun movies. 4. R= 1295 S= 0.03% ====*1296*====+ 1. >from >pleasure 2. from pleasure to pleasure , but from 3. The mind is never satisfied with the objects immediately before it, but is always breaking away from the present moment, and losing itself in schemes of future felicity... The natural flights of the human mind are not {from} {pleasure} to {pleasure}, but {from} hope to hope. 4. R= 1296 S= 0.03% ====*1297*====+ 1. >to >wise 2. to be wise , but a wise man knows himself to 3. A fool thinks himself {to} be {wise}, but a {wise} man knows himself {to} be a fool. 4. R= 1297 S= 0.03% ====*1298*====+ 1. >the >fast 2. the right people to be fast acting , and fast moving in the 3. All companies of any size have to continue to push to make sure you get the right leaders, the right team, {the} right people to be {fast} acting, and {fast} moving in {the} marketplace. 4. R= 1297 S= 0.03% ====*1299*====+ 1. >in >kid 2. in love with my kids , and my kids are in 3. They're {in} love with my {kids}, and my {kids} are {in} love with them. 4. R= 1297 S= 0.03% ====*1300*====+ 1. >as >dare 2. as I dare , and I dare a little more as 3. I speak the truth not so much as I would, but as much {as} I {dare}, and I {dare} a little more {as} I grow older. 4. R= 1297 S= 0.03% ====*1301*====+ 1. >feel >want 2. feel - you want them to feel it , you want them to feel 3. No matter what as an artist that's always what you want to do, you want to connect to the audience, you want to be able to send whatever message it is that you're singing about, you want to be able to convey that - and not make them {feel} - you {want} them to feel it, you {want} them to {feel} what you feel. 4. R= 1301 S= 0.03% ====*1302*====+ 1. >of >consciousness 2. of our inherited and acquired historical education - aesthetic consciousness and historical consciousness - presented alienated forms of 3. It was clear to me that the forms of consciousness {of} our inherited and acquired historical education - aesthetic {consciousness} and historical {consciousness} - presented alienated forms {of} our true historical being. 4. R= 1302 S= 0.03% ====*1303*====+ 1. >really >I 2. really complicated film for me . And I 've never been really 3. When I see 'Sunshine,' I see a film that part of me is kind of very proud of and another part of me is very sad about, so it's a {really} complicated film for {me}. And {I}'ve never been {really} able to resolve all that in myself. 4. R= 1303 S= 0.03% ====*1304*====+ 1. >I >specific 2. I do n't know - the idea of a specific wine paired with a specific piece of music seems a little far-fetched to me 3. {I} don't know - the idea of a {specific} wine paired with a {specific} piece of music seems a little far-fetched to {me}. 4. R= 1304 S= 0.03% ====*1305*====+ 1. >real >meaningless 2. real and meaningless in some sense , unreal and meaningless in some sense , and real 3. All phenomena are real in some sense, unreal in some sense, meaningless in some sense, {real} and {meaningless} in some sense, unreal and {meaningless} in some sense, and {real} and unreal and meaningless in some sense. 4. R= 1305 S= 0.03% ====*1306*====+ 1. >be >percent 2. 's about two percent moviemaking and ninety-eight percent hustling It 's 3. It{'s} about two {percent} moviemaking and ninety-eight {percent} hustling It{'s} no way to spend a life. 4. R= 1306 S= 0.03% ====*1307*====+ 1. >degree >'s 2. degree men 's issues and all men 's issues are to some degree 3. All women's issues are to some {degree} men{'s} issues and all men{'s} issues are to some {degree} women's issues because when either sex wins unilaterally both sexes lose. 4. R= 1307 S= 0.03% ====*1308*====+ 1. >the >budget 2. the same as the defense budgets or military budgets of every other country in the 3. Our defense budget is about {the} same as the defense {budgets} or military {budgets} of every other country in {the} world put together. 4. R= 1308 S= 0.03% ====*1309*====+ 1. >form >historical 2. forms of consciousness of our inherited and acquired historical education - aesthetic consciousness and historical consciousness - presented alienated forms 3. It was clear to me that the {forms} of consciousness of our inherited and acquired {historical} education - aesthetic consciousness and {historical} consciousness - presented alienated {forms} of our true historical being. 4. R= 1309 S= 0.03% ====*1310*====+ 1. >blonde >know 2. blonde jokes because I know I 'm not dumb ... and I also know that I 'm not blonde 3. I'm not offended by all the dumb {blonde} jokes because I {know} I'm not dumb... and I also {know} that I'm not {blonde}. 4. R= 1310 S= 0.03% ====*1311*====+ 1. >life >have 2. life is mostly pathos . I 've had a lot of it in my life 3. I'm attracted to pathos, because {life} is mostly pathos. I{'ve} {had} a lot of it in my {life}. 4. R= 1311 S= 0.03% ====*1312*====+ 1. >finish >man 2. finish a man , quit does . A man is not finished 3. Defeat doesn't {finish} a {man}, quit does. A {man} is not {finished} when he's defeated. 4. R= 1312 S= 0.03% ====*1313*====+ 1. >people >you 2. people will always tell you you can do something . It 's the people 3. Successful {people} will always tell {you} {you} can do something. It's the {people} who have never accomplished anything who will always discourage you from trying to achieve excellent things. 4. R= 1313 S= 0.03% ====*1314*====+ 1. >to >enigma 2. to believe that the whole world is an enigma , a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to 3. But now I have come {to} believe that the whole world is an {enigma}, a harmless {enigma} that is made terrible by our own mad attempt {to} interpret it as though it had an underlying truth. 4. R= 1314 S= 0.03% ====*1315*====+ 1. >record >be 2. records have been written to be records 3. All my {records} have {been} written to {be} {records}, rather than writing a group of songs and seeing if they fit together. 4. R= 1315 S= 0.03% ====*1316*====+ 1. >man >a 2. man writing a letter is a man 3. A {man} writing {a} letter is {a} {man} in the act of thinking, and it was an exercise Reagan obviously enjoyed. 4. R= 1315 S= 0.03% ====*1317*====+ 1. >art >in 2. arts and believe in a career in the arts 3. Anything we can do to encourage our young people to celebrate the {arts} and believe {in} a career {in} the {arts} is wonderful for Canada and for Canadian youth. 4. R= 1315 S= 0.03% ====*1318*====+ 1. >walk >the 2. walks in when the rest of the world walks 3. A real friend is one who {walks} in when {the} rest of {the} world {walks} out. 4. R= 1315 S= 0.03% ====*1319*====+ 1. >rejection >the 2. rejection of the dollar , the rejection 3. Believe me, the next step is a currency crisis because there will be a {rejection} of {the} dollar, {the} {rejection} of the dollar is a big, big event, and then your personal liberties are going to be severely threatened. 4. R= 1315 S= 0.03% ====*1320*====+ 1. >nail >to 2. nails and to sit there to get your nails 3. I think it's great to get a man's perspective on {nails} and {to} sit there {to} get your {nails} done with him. 4. R= 1315 S= 0.03% ====*1321*====+ 1. >british >be 2. British you may be , I am more British 3. However {British} you may {be}, I {am} more {British} still. 4. R= 1315 S= 0.03% ====*1322*====+ 1. >time >be 2. time leaving but I 'm going to be a long time 3. I been a long {time} leaving but I{'m} going to {be} a long {time} gone. 4. R= 1315 S= 0.03% ====*1323*====+ 1. >family >be 2. family and what it 's like to be a member of that family 3. I'm attracted to stories that deal with the {family} and what it{'s} like to {be} a member of that {family}, whether it's together or apart, given the pressures that are put on it by the outside world. 4. R= 1315 S= 0.03% ====*1324*====+ 1. >translate >as 2. translated as many books as Spain translates 3. In the last 1,000 years, the Arabs have {translated} {as} many books {as} Spain {translates} in just one year. 4. R= 1315 S= 0.03% ====*1325*====+ 1. >actor >be 2. actors are supposed to be character actors 3. I think all {actors} {are} supposed to {be} character {actors}. 4. R= 1315 S= 0.03% ====*1326*====+ 1. >speed >the 2. speed of the boss is the speed 3. I've always found that the {speed} of {the} boss is {the} {speed} of the team. 4. R= 1315 S= 0.03% ====*1327*====+ 1. >mess >the 2. messes in the world is the mess 3. One of the most glorious {messes} in {the} world is {the} {mess} created in the living room on Christmas day. 4. R= 1315 S= 0.03% ====*1328*====+ 1. >thing >to 2. thing is to know how to take all things 3. The important {thing} is {to} know how {to} take all {things} quietly. 4. R= 1315 S= 0.03% ====*1329*====+ 1. >work >the 2. work for the sake of the work 3. There is always the danger that we may just do the {work} for {the} sake of {the} {work}. 4. R= 1315 S= 0.03% ====*1330*====+ 1. >sadness >the 2. sadness of the incomplete , the sadness 3. The {sadness} of {the} incomplete, {the} {sadness} that is often Life, but should never be Art. 4. R= 1315 S= 0.03% ====*1331*====+ 1. >speed >the 2. speed of the boss is the speed 3. The {speed} of {the} boss is {the} {speed} of the team. 4. R= 1315 S= 0.03% ====*1332*====+ 1. >speed >the 2. speed of the leader is the speed 3. The {speed} of {the} leader is {the} {speed} of the gang. 4. R= 1315 S= 0.03% ====*1333*====+ 1. >truth >the 2. truth and the knowledge of the truth 3. And the {truth} and {the} knowledge of {the} {truth} is what everybody should represent, regardless of the consequences of doing it. 4. R= 1315 S= 0.03% ====*1334*====+ 1. >people >the 2. people in the book are the people 3. When I was writing 'The White Tiger' I lived in a building pretty much exactly like the one I described in this novel, and the {people} in {the} book are {the} {people} I lived with back then. 4. R= 1315 S= 0.03% ====*1335*====+ 1. >think >you 2. think about your heritage , you think 3. When you {think} about {your} heritage, {you} {think} about toughness and hard work. 4. R= 1315 S= 0.03% ====*1336*====+ 1. >time >the 2. times and hold the world during the good times 3. Love will hold you through the hard {times} and hold {the} world during {the} good {times}. 4. R= 1315 S= 0.03% ====*1337*====+ 1. >take >decision 2. take a decision , But once that decision is taken 3. Think 100 times before you {take} a {decision}, But once that {decision} is {taken}, stand by it as one man. 4. R= 1337 S= 0.03% ====*1338*====+ 1. >no >sorry 2. No , sorry , sorry , no 3. First, the newcomers are eager to come in front of the camera, and later they are like, '{No}, {sorry}, {sorry}, {no} pictures'. 4. R= 1338 S= 0.03% ====*1339*====+ 1. >the >be 2. the search engines that are being constructed today for users throughout the 3. That is really not much different from {the} search engines that {are} {being} constructed today for users throughout {the} entire world to allow them to search through databases to access the information that they require. 4. R= 1339 S= 0.03% ====*1340*====+ 1. >some >today 2. some future day , what I establish today . I am today what I established yesterday or some 3. I am tomorrow, or {some} future day, what I establish {today}. I am {today} what I established yesterday or {some} previous day. 4. R= 1340 S= 0.03% ====*1341*====+ 1. >try >comic 2. trying to be a Latino comic instead of just a comic . Now I try 3. In the beginning, when I was doing my shows, I was incorporating a lot of Spanish, just {trying} to be a Latino {comic} instead of just a {comic}. Now I {try} to make the show as broad as possible... I don't want to alienate people. 4. R= 1341 S= 0.03% ====*1342*====+ 1. >Haiti >health 2. Haiti ... This was a big rebuke to all of us working in public health and health care in Haiti 3. And in retrospect, more should have been done to prepare for cholera... which can spread like wildfire in {Haiti}... This was a big rebuke to all of us working in public {health} and {health} care in {Haiti}. 4. R= 1342 S= 0.03% ====*1343*====+ 1. >America >understanding 2. America 's understanding of India as well as India 's understanding of America 3. Hopefully the presence in Congress of an American who happens to be Hindu will increase {America}'s {understanding} of India as well as India's {understanding} of {America}. 4. R= 1343 S= 0.03% ====*1344*====+ 1. >be >hurt 2. 're destroying our trees and destroying our environment and hurting animals and hurting one another and all that stuff , there 's 3. If we{'re} destroying our trees and destroying our environment and {hurting} animals and {hurting} one another and all that stuff, there{'s} got to be a very powerful energy to fight that. 4. R= 1344 S= 0.03% ====*1345*====+ 1. >be >dress 2. 'm not saying you need to dress black . Dress just one color so the colors are 3. I{'m} not saying you need to {dress} black. {Dress} just one color so the colors {are} not breaking your silhouette. 4. R= 1345 S= 0.03% ====*1346*====+ 1. >success >you 2. success is not what you do when you are on top . Success 3. The test of {success} is not what {you} do when {you} are on top. {Success} is how high you bounce when you hit bottom. 4. R= 1346 S= 0.03% ====*1347*====+ 1. >it >without 2. It is important to feel the anger without judging it , without attempting to find meaning in it 3. {It} is important to feel the anger {without} judging it, {without} attempting to find meaning in {it}. 4. R= 1347 S= 0.03% ====*1348*====+ 1. >person >lose 2. person is losing so much of their humanity as they 're dying . Losing your memories , you lose so much of who you are as a person 3. The {person} is losing so much of their humanity as they're dying. {Losing} your memories, you {lose} so much of who you are as a {person}. 4. R= 1348 S= 0.03% ====*1349*====+ 1. >bad >review 2. bad review and a bunch of good reviews the bad 3. With all of my films if I get one {bad} {review} and a bunch of good {reviews} the {bad} one is the only one that will stay with me, which really sucks! 4. R= 1349 S= 0.03% ====*1350*====+ 1. >development >a 2. development strategy for Maine 's Native American communities has always been a priority and a critical element of my administration 's overall economic development 3. The realization of a sustainable economic {development} strategy for Maine's Native American communities has always been {a} priority and {a} critical element of my administration's overall economic {development} strategy. 4. R= 1350 S= 0.03% ====*1351*====+ 1. >look >as 2. looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking 3. I don't believe people are {looking} for the meaning of life {as} much {as} they are {looking} for the experience of being alive. 4. R= 1351 S= 0.03% ====*1352*====+ 1. >choice >as 2. choice as long as you make a choice 3. No choice is the wrong {choice} {as} long {as} you make a {choice}. 4. R= 1351 S= 0.03% ====*1353*====+ 1. >want >to 2. want to go to heaven do n't want 3. Even people who {want} {to} go {to} heaven don't {want} to die to get there. 4. R= 1351 S= 0.03% ====*1354*====+ 1. >occasion >to 2. occasions I did n't manage to rise to the occasion 3. No, only disappointment in myself on those {occasions} I didn't manage {to} rise {to} the {occasion} as I felt I should've done. 4. R= 1351 S= 0.03% ====*1355*====+ 1. >in >believe 2. in order to believe , but I believe in 3. For I do not seek to understand {in} order to {believe}, but I {believe} {in} order to understand. 4. R= 1355 S= 0.03% ====*1356*====+ 1. >go >mother 2. go anywhere without her mother , and her mother will go 3. My wife is the kind of girl who will not {go} anywhere without her {mother}, and her {mother} will {go} anywhere. 4. R= 1355 S= 0.03% ====*1357*====+ 1. >eat >to 2. eat to live , and some people live to eat 3. Some people {eat} {to} live, and some people live {to} {eat}. 4. R= 1357 S= 0.03% ====*1358*====+ 1. >listen >to 2. listen to one , better to listen 3. It is better to make a piece of music than to perform one, better to perform one than to {listen} {to} one, better {to} {listen} to one than to misuse it as a means of distraction, entertainment, or acquisition of 'culture.' 4. R= 1358 S= 0.03% ====*1359*====+ 1. >I >side 2. I had to hide my comic book side , my nerd side from the civilian world so they would n't categorize me 3. In high school, {I} had to hide my comic book {side}, my nerd {side} from the civilian world so they wouldn't categorize {me}. 4. R= 1359 S= 0.03% ====*1360*====+ 1. >Senate >the 2. Senate should vote on each and every judicial appointment made by the President of the United States and that no rule or procedure should ever stop the Senate 3. Let there be no reservation or doubt that I believe the {Senate} should vote on each and every judicial appointment made by {the} President of {the} United States and that no rule or procedure should ever stop the {Senate} from exercising its constitutional responsibility. 4. R= 1360 S= 0.03% ====*1361*====+ 1. >depress >be 2. depressed all the time is it 's the drugs that are depressing 3. Unfortunately, you don't realize this until you're getting sober but the reason why you're {depressed} all the time {is} it{'s} the drugs that are {depressing} you. 4. R= 1361 S= 0.03% ====*1362*====+ 1. >of >discipline 2. of discipline , to turn to discipline of 3. Inasmuch as society cannot go on without discipline of some kind, men were constrained, in the absence of any other form {of} {discipline}, to turn to {discipline} {of} the military type. 4. R= 1362 S= 0.03% ====*1363*====+ 1. >have >something 2. have something behind it - maybe something has 3. The best kisses {have} {something} behind it - maybe {something} {has} been smoldering for a while, and it's about to happen. 4. R= 1362 S= 0.03% ====*1364*====+ 1. >moment >the 2. moment puts you in the best place for the next moment 3. Doing the best at this {moment} puts you in {the} best place for {the} next {moment}. 4. R= 1364 S= 0.03% ====*1365*====+ 1. >love >you 2. love God with all your heart , and you can love 3. You can live a wonderful life, you can {love} God with all {your} heart, and {you} can {love} your husband or wife very passionately and have a balance in your life. 4. R= 1364 S= 0.03% ====*1366*====+ 1. >be >nation 2. is concerned with nations , but nations also need to be 3. God {is} concerned with {nations}, but {nations} also need to {be} concerned with God. 4. R= 1366 S= 0.03% ====*1367*====+ 1. >I >much 2. I was much smarter and much better than I 3. I had a ninth grade teacher who told me {I} was {much} smarter and {much} better than {I} was allowing myself to be. 4. R= 1366 S= 0.03% ====*1368*====+ 1. >you >sin 2. you from sin , or sin will keep you 3. The Bible will keep {you} from {sin}, or {sin} will keep {you} from the Bible. 4. R= 1366 S= 0.03% ====*1369*====+ 1. >full >and 2. full of whole grains and protein , and will keep you full 3. It's {full} of whole grains {and} protein, {and} will keep you {full} for a long time. 4. R= 1369 S= 0.03% ====*1370*====+ 1. >arm >and 2. arm exercises - and then lie and lift my arms 3. I do light weights - 5lb and 10lb {arm} exercises - {and} then lie {and} lift my {arms} and legs. 4. R= 1369 S= 0.03% ====*1371*====+ 1. >love >and 2. love kids and children , and I love 3. I {love} kids {and} children, {and} I {love} being a mom. 4. R= 1369 S= 0.03% ====*1372*====+ 1. >bad >you 2. bad guy you just know you 're bad 3. With a {bad} guy {you} just know {you}'re {bad}. 4. R= 1369 S= 0.03% ====*1373*====+ 1. >coffee >you 2. coffee - you know how you drink coffee 3. And the Cuban {coffee} - {you} know how {you} drink {coffee} at a really young age. 4. R= 1369 S= 0.03% ====*1374*====+ 1. >name >my 2. named after my granddad , my middle name 3. I'm {named} after {my} granddad, {my} middle {name}. 4. R= 1369 S= 0.03% ====*1375*====+ 1. >cost >be 2. costs that are ever real are the costs 3. There's a financial cost, but the only {costs} that {are} ever real {are} the {costs} of our soldiers. 4. R= 1369 S= 0.03% ====*1376*====+ 1. >I >they 2. I hope they know they can look at me 3. But, yeah, as far as Asian Americans go, {I} hope {they} know {they} can look at {me} and see that they can do music on their own, within a band or just on their own, and not feel like there's any barriers. 4. R= 1376 S= 0.03% ====*1377*====+ 1. >building >a 2. building and an urban building as being a major building 3. I've never looked at a suburban building as being a minor {building} and {an} urban building as being {a} major {building}. 4. R= 1377 S= 0.03% ====*1378*====+ 1. >living >be 2. living , for it is being conscious of living 3. It is more than {living}, for it {is} {being} conscious of {living}. 4. R= 1378 S= 0.03% ====*1379*====+ 1. >hair >have 2. hair , and I 've had in between hair 3. I've had long hair, I've had short {hair}, and I{'ve} {had} in between {hair}... and its all good. 4. R= 1378 S= 0.03% ====*1380*====+ 1. >need >of 2. need the help of our friends as the confidence of their help in need 3. We do not so much {need} the help {of} our friends as the confidence {of} their help in {need}. 4. R= 1380 S= 0.03% ====*1381*====+ 1. >life >to 2. life from the unthinking pursuit of pleasure to one committed to enriching our inner lives 3. Genuine happiness can only be achieved when we transform our way of {life} from the unthinking pursuit of pleasure {to} one committed {to} enriching our inner {lives}, when we focus on 'being more' rather than simply having more. 4. R= 1381 S= 0.03% ====*1382*====+ 1. >heroic >age 2. heroic poetry depends on an heroic age , and an age is heroic 3. The reason can only be this: {heroic} poetry depends on an heroic {age}, and an {age} is {heroic} because of what it is, not because of what it does. 4. R= 1382 S= 0.03% ====*1383*====+ 1. >a >have 2. a nice holiday - like I have had in Turkey repeatedly - I go back a 3. I'm one of these people that if I have {a} nice holiday - like I {have} {had} in Turkey repeatedly - I go back {a} lot. 4. R= 1383 S= 0.03% ====*1384*====+ 1. >yes >be 2. yes to be nice , but is saying yes 3. I've been fortunate enough to match up the material I'm producing with the right buyer, the company that will make it and that wants it, and that isn't saying {yes} to {be} nice, but {is} saying {yes} because they want and need that movie and it's going to be important on their slate. 4. R= 1384 S= 0.03% ====*1385*====+ 1. >the >I 2. the music seems to be drawing the steps out of me and I do n't look as if I 'm struggling to fit the 3. The steps must be second nature to me, so that {the} music seems to be drawing the steps out of {me} and {I} don't look as if I'm struggling to fit {the} steps to the music. 4. R= 1385 S= 0.03% ====*1386*====+ 1. >principle >party 2. principle in both parties in America , but there is no party of principle 3. There are many men of {principle} in both {parties} in America, but there is no {party} of {principle}. 4. R= 1386 S= 0.03% ====*1387*====+ 1. >thing >evil 2. things because they are evil . Some people are evil in the way that some things 3. People do evil {things} because they are {evil}. Some people are {evil} in the way that some {things} are coloured indigo. 4. R= 1387 S= 0.03% ====*1388*====+ 1. >fade >be 2. fade away but then when they are truly gone , it 's like they did n't fade 3. Some people seem to {fade} away but then when they {are} truly gone, it{'s} like they didn't {fade} away at all. 4. R= 1388 S= 0.03% ====*1389*====+ 1. >raise >she 2. raised by a lady that was crippled all her life but she did everything for me and she raised 3. I was {raised} by a lady that was crippled all {her} life but {she} did everything for me and she {raised} me. 4. R= 1389 S= 0.03% ====*1390*====+ 1. >might >write 2. might be writing what people expect me to write , writing from that place where I might 3. I {might} be writing what people expect me to {write}, {writing} from that place where I {might} be ruled by economic considerations. 4. R= 1390 S= 0.03% ====*1391*====+ 1. >write >be 2. writing in its entirety was when I was 9 years old . I wrote 3. The first song that I remember {writing} in its entirety {was} when I {was} 9 years old. I {wrote} it on a bus, on a field trip. 4. R= 1391 S= 0.03% ====*1392*====+ 1. >sell >and 2. sell him 12 ounces of paper and ink and glue - you sell 3. When you sell a man a book, you don't {sell} him 12 ounces of paper {and} ink {and} glue - you {sell} him a whole new life. 4. R= 1392 S= 0.03% ====*1393*====+ 1. >she >wear 2. she wears or does not wear is her 3. A woman's body is her body and what {she} {wears} or does not {wear} is {her} choice. 4. R= 1393 S= 0.03% ====*1394*====+ 1. >the >dollar 2. the dumping of big corporate dollars and private donor dollars has totally corrupted the 3. I still think most Americans aren't aware of how {the} dumping of big corporate {dollars} and private donor {dollars} has totally corrupted {the} political system and taken it away from them. 4. R= 1393 S= 0.03% ====*1395*====+ 1. >I >people 2. I plan on introducing to people and reintroducing to people the side of me 3. To me, 'Underground Luxury' is kinda like a contrasting title, and the reason for that is because on this album {I} plan on introducing to {people} and reintroducing to {people} the side of {me} that they didn't see on the first album. 4. R= 1393 S= 0.03% ====*1396*====+ 1. >that >issue 2. that this issue is not a new issue that 3. However, I keep reminding them {that} this {issue} is not a new {issue} {that} has come out for this election. 4. R= 1396 S= 0.03% ====*1397*====+ 1. >that >endure 2. that the manner in which one endures what must be endured is more important than the thing that 3. I learned from the example of my father {that} the manner in which one {endures} what must be {endured} is more important than the thing {that} must be endured. 4. R= 1397 S= 0.03% ====*1398*====+ 1. >lose >they 2. losing so much of their humanity as they 're dying . Losing 3. The person is {losing} so much of {their} humanity as {they}'re dying. {Losing} your memories, you lose so much of who you are as a person. 4. R= 1398 S= 0.03% ====*1399*====+ 1. >play >be 2. play the pieces and studies that are being played 3. I think it is most important for a teacher to {play} the pieces and studies that {are} {being} {played} by the student. 4. R= 1399 S= 0.03% ====*1400*====+ 1. >the >woman 2. the world was run by women . Women who have given birth and know the 3. I wish {the} world was run by {women}. {Women} who have given birth and know {the} value of their creation. 4. R= 1400 S= 0.03% ====*1401*====+ 1. >the >a 2. the best gifts you can give to an animal is a donation of a blanket to your local animal shelter during the 3. One of {the} best gifts you can give to an animal is {a} donation of {a} blanket to your local animal shelter during {the} winter months. 4. R= 1401 S= 0.03% ====*1402*====+ 1. >problem >be 2. problems and it 's disruptive and it 's a problem 3. In China anything less than 6% growth is a recession meaning that it also causes financial {problems} and it{'s} disruptive and it{'s} a {problem}. 4. R= 1402 S= 0.03% ====*1403*====+ 1. >cede >land 2. ceded land - land that belonged to the kingdom and was ceded 3. What I'm talking about here is {ceded} {land} - {land} that belonged to the kingdom and was {ceded} to the republic and then to the state when we achieved statehood. 4. R= 1403 S= 0.03% ====*1404*====+ 1. >want >the 2. wants to go on the journey with him but the studio decides they want 3. Daffy, of course, {wants} to go on {the} journey with him but {the} studio decides they {want} Daffy back, so Bugs and a young studio executive heroine have to go out and try to bring him back. 4. R= 1404 S= 0.03% ====*1405*====+ 1. >artist >be 2. artist and that there are as few as there are any other great artists 3. I have come to believe that a great teacher is a great {artist} and that there {are} as few as there {are} any other great {artists}. 4. R= 1404 S= 0.03% ====*1406*====+ 1. >the >brain 2. The mind is implanted in the brain , and the brain is implanted in the 3. {The} mind is implanted in the {brain}, and the {brain} is implanted in {the} body. 4. R= 1406 S= 0.03% ====*1407*====+ 1. >talk >group 2. talking with each other . There are groups upon groups out there , but they do n't talk 3. Everyone is on the internet but they're not all {talking} with each other. There are {groups} upon {groups} out there, but they don't {talk} to one another. 4. R= 1407 S= 0.03% ====*1408*====+ 1. >be >do 2. are doing and do what 's 3. Stop doing what the record companies {are} {doing} and {do} what{'s} in your heart. 4. R= 1408 S= 0.03% ====*1409*====+ 1. >want >nice 2. want to drive fancy cars and wear nice clothes and live in nice apartments but do n't want 3. We need to steer clear of this poverty of ambition, where people {want} to drive fancy cars and wear {nice} clothes and live in {nice} apartments but don't {want} to work hard to accomplish these things. 4. R= 1409 S= 0.03% ====*1410*====+ 1. >be >purpose 2. am here for a purpose and that purpose is 3. I {am} here for a {purpose} and that {purpose} {is} to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand. 4. R= 1410 S= 0.03% ====*1411*====+ 1. >be >much 2. was much smarter and much better than I was 3. I had a ninth grade teacher who told me I {was} {much} smarter and {much} better than I {was} allowing myself to be. 4. R= 1410 S= 0.03% ====*1412*====+ 1. >the >law 2. the law ' because law is often but the 3. I do not add 'within the limits of {the} {law}' because {law} is often but {the} tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual. 4. R= 1410 S= 0.03% ====*1413*====+ 1. >will >sin 2. will keep you from sin , or sin will 3. The Bible {will} keep you from {sin}, or {sin} {will} keep you from the Bible. 4. R= 1410 S= 0.03% ====*1414*====+ 1. >from >sin 2. from sin , or sin will keep you from 3. The Bible will keep you {from} {sin}, or {sin} will keep you {from} the Bible. 4. R= 1410 S= 0.03% ====*1415*====+ 1. >way >be 2. way the camera is being moved and the way 3. But being on the set, watching the {way} the camera {is} {being} moved and the {way} the light is being used, you do get an idea of it. 4. R= 1415 S= 0.03% ====*1416*====+ 1. >believe >girl 2. believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls . I believe 3. I {believe} that happy {girls} are the prettiest {girls}. I {believe} that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles. 4. R= 1416 S= 0.03% ====*1417*====+ 1. >lose >read 2. lost , and then you read bad reviews and you think that 's true and you read that and you 're lost 3. I've done both theatre and film and the fact is if you start believing, if you start reading things and they're good reviews - you believe that and you're {lost}, and then you {read} bad reviews and you think that's true and you {read} that and you're {lost}. 4. R= 1417 S= 0.03% ====*1418*====+ 1. >about >that 2. about 85 a day - the doctors could not believe I was taking that much . And that was just the valium - I 'm not talking about 3. But one led to two, two led to four, four led to eight, until at the end it was {about} 85 a day - the doctors could not believe I was taking {that} much. And {that} was just the valium - I'm not talking {about} the other pills I went through. 4. R= 1418 S= 0.03% ====*1419*====+ 1. >a >man 2. a man , and a man to a 3. Edible, adj.: Good to eat, and wholesome to digest, as a worm to a toad, a toad to a snake, a snake to a pig, a pig to {a} {man}, and a {man} to {a} worm. 4. R= 1419 S= 0.03% ====*1420*====+ 1. >world >the 2. world is not the enemy . The pioneers invented a world 3. The virtual {world} is not {the} enemy. {The} pioneers invented a {world} they believed in, but the followers must follow that world whether they believe in it or not. 4. R= 1420 S= 0.03% ====*1421*====+ 1. >not >kid 2. not for kids . Kids would not 3. And there are many things in the movie that you saw that are {not} for {kids}. {Kids} would {not} understand certain things. 4. R= 1421 S= 0.03% ====*1422*====+ 1. >give >believe 2. give us salvation because we believe . Our believing is only the normal way of receiving the salvation he freely gives 3. God does not {give} us salvation because we {believe}. Our {believing} is only the normal way of receiving the salvation he freely {gives}. 4. R= 1422 S= 0.03% ====*1423*====+ 1. >to >I 2. to have me and I want to 3. I want to make him the proudest dad {to} have {me} and {I} want {to} show everybody and nearly be as good as him because he was the best. 4. R= 1423 S= 0.03% ====*1424*====+ 1. >into >I 2. into tormenting me and I was into 3. There was a 10- and 8-year difference between us, so my brothers were {into} tormenting {me} and {I} was {into} getting away from them. 4. R= 1423 S= 0.03% ====*1425*====+ 1. >we >on 2. We go on and on about our 3. {We} go {on} and {on} about {our} differences. 4. R= 1423 S= 0.03% ====*1426*====+ 1. >with >review 2. With all of my films if I get one bad review and a bunch of good reviews the bad one is the only one that will stay with 3. {With} all of my films if I get one bad {review} and a bunch of good {reviews} the bad one is the only one that will stay {with} me, which really sucks! 4. R= 1426 S= 0.03% ====*1427*====+ 1. >have >energy 2. have energy , with out energy you have 3. With out passion you don't {have} {energy}, with out {energy} you {have} nothing. 4. R= 1427 S= 0.03% ====*1428*====+ 1. >do >want 2. do what you want them to do because they want to do 3. Motivation is the art of getting people to {do} what you {want} them to do because they {want} to {do} it. 4. R= 1428 S= 0.03% ====*1429*====+ 1. >I >school 2. I was a good student in middle school , but high school was n't so fun . I 3. {I} was a good student in middle {school}, but high {school} wasn't so fun. {I} still pulled through, though! 4. R= 1429 S= 0.03% ====*1430*====+ 1. >personal >network 2. personal computer , and the network . So , the network we had , and the personal 3. The Web is actually a coming together of three technologies, if you like: the hypertext, the {personal} computer, and the {network}. So, the {network} we had, and the {personal} computers were there, but people didn't use them, because they didn't know what to use them for, except maybe for a few games. 4. R= 1430 S= 0.03% ====*1431*====+ 1. >mercy >victim 2. mercy ... often resulted in further crimes which were fatal to innocent victims who need not have been victims if justice had been put first and mercy 3. Too much {mercy}... often resulted in further crimes which were fatal to innocent {victims} who need not have been {victims} if justice had been put first and {mercy} second. 4. R= 1431 S= 0.03% ====*1432*====+ 1. >deceive >you 2. deceive you , as indeed you are not deceived 3. Let not then any one {deceive} {you}, as indeed {you} are not {deceived}, inasmuch as you are wholly devoted to God. 4. R= 1432 S= 0.03% ====*1433*====+ 1. >count >he 2. counting his troubles , but he does not count 3. Man is fond of {counting} {his} troubles, but {he} does not {count} his joys. 4. R= 1432 S= 0.03% ====*1434*====+ 1. >count >he 2. count his troubles , but he does not count 3. Man only likes to {count} {his} troubles, but {he} does not {count} his joys. 4. R= 1432 S= 0.03% ====*1435*====+ 1. >change >they 2. change their climate , but they can not change 3. Men may {change} {their} climate, but {they} cannot {change} their nature. 4. R= 1432 S= 0.03% ====*1436*====+ 1. >understand >culture 2. understand the relationship between their own culture and the dominant culture . When you understand 3. We should never denigrate any other culture but rather help people to {understand} the relationship between their own {culture} and the dominant {culture}. When you {understand} another culture or language, it does not mean that you have to lose your own culture. 4. R= 1436 S= 0.02% ====*1437*====+ 1. >thing >do 2. things your disability does n't prevent you doing well , and do n't regret the things 3. My advice to other disabled people would be, concentrate on {things} your disability doesn't prevent you {doing} well, and {do}n't regret the {things} it interferes with. 4. R= 1437 S= 0.02% ====*1438*====+ 1. >they >love 2. they are committing for a lifetime to love each other and to model what love is and what forgiveness is and what joy is to their 3. God makes it really clear that society and civilization is really held together by the glue of families... When a man and a woman come together and say 'I do,' {they} are committing for a lifetime to {love} each other and to model what {love} is and what forgiveness is and what joy is to {their} kids. 4. R= 1438 S= 0.02% ====*1439*====+ 1. >something >that 2. something in your family or maybe something in your life that happened that really pushes you for a specific cause - as long as there is something 3. Maybe {something} in your family or maybe something in your life {that} happened {that} really pushes you for a specific cause - as long as there is {something} that you're doing. 4. R= 1439 S= 0.02% ====*1440*====+ 1. >something >that 2. something in your family or maybe something in your life that happened that really pushes you for a specific cause - as long as there is something 3. Maybe {something} in your family or maybe something in your life {that} happened {that} really pushes you for a specific cause - as long as there is {something} that you're doing. 4. R= 1439 S= 0.02% ====*1441*====+ 1. >people >thing 2. people from all over the world who have done amazing things . That 's my favorite thing to do : meet new people 3. There is great diversity, and there are {people} from all over the world who have done amazing {things}. That's my favorite {thing} to do: meet new {people}. 4. R= 1441 S= 0.02% ====*1442*====+ 1. >than >never 2. than never , or Better never than 3. Which form of proverb do you prefer Better late {than} {never}, or Better {never} {than} late? 4. R= 1442 S= 0.02% ====*1443*====+ 1. >to >man 2. to some degree men 's issues and all men 's issues are to 3. All women's issues are {to} some degree {men}'s issues and all {men}'s issues are {to} some degree women's issues because when either sex wins unilaterally both sexes lose. 4. R= 1443 S= 0.02% ====*1444*====+ 1. >use >pain 2. use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use 3. The secret of success is learning how to {use} {pain} and pleasure instead of having {pain} and pleasure {use} you. 4. R= 1444 S= 0.02% ====*1445*====+ 1. >I >she 2. I love her a lot , she loves me 3. {I} love {her} a lot, {she} loves {me}. 4. R= 1445 S= 0.02% ====*1446*====+ 1. >try >to 2. try to turn people around , to try 3. You just keep me healthy and I'll do all I can to {try} {to} turn people around, {to} {try} to steer 'em in the right direction.' 4. R= 1446 S= 0.02% ====*1447*====+ 1. >in >Nokia 2. in smart phone software through its deployment on Nokia phones . Nokia is still the global market share leader in 3. Microsoft has one more shot at a role {in} smart phone software through its deployment on {Nokia} phones. {Nokia} is still the global market share leader {in} cell phones. 4. R= 1447 S= 0.02% ====*1448*====+ 1. >boat >the 2. boats in the waters , and the guys in the boats 3. Then, there was Greenpeace, I remember that when they first started out with the {boats} in {the} waters, and {the} guys in the {boats} between the whales and the boats that will hunting the whales with spear guns. 4. R= 1448 S= 0.02% ====*1449*====+ 1. >lady >a 2. lady like a dame , and a dame like a lady 3. You treat a {lady} like {a} dame, and {a} dame like a {lady}. 4. R= 1448 S= 0.02% ====*1450*====+ 1. >hundred >a 2. hundred , a wise man is found among a thousand , but an accomplished one might not be found even among a hundred 3. A hero is born among a {hundred}, a wise man is found among {a} thousand, but {an} accomplished one might not be found even among a {hundred} thousand men. 4. R= 1450 S= 0.02% ====*1451*====+ 1. >that >I 2. that does n't do it for me . I 'm willing to take risks that 3. Just taking risks for risk's sake, {that} doesn't do it for {me}. {I}'m willing to take risks {that} I think are worth it, and I've worked so hard to make sure that I survive. 4. R= 1451 S= 0.02% ====*1452*====+ 1. >that >human 2. that music is written by human beings for human beings and that 3. A composer knows {that} music is written by {human} beings for {human} beings and {that} music is a continuation of life, not something separated from it. 4. R= 1452 S= 0.02% ====*1453*====+ 1. >be >human 2. is written by human beings for human beings and that music is 3. A composer knows that music {is} written by {human} beings for {human} beings and that music {is} a continuation of life, not something separated from it. 4. R= 1452 S= 0.02% ====*1454*====+ 1. >as >food 2. as much raw food and clean food as 3. I also try to eat {as} much raw {food} and clean {food} {as} possible. 4. R= 1452 S= 0.02% ====*1455*====+ 1. >I >overcome 2. I 've been motivated by overcoming challenge and overcoming the hurdles and obstacles that face me 3. {I}'ve been motivated by {overcoming} challenge and {overcoming} the hurdles and obstacles that face {me}. 4. R= 1452 S= 0.02% ====*1456*====+ 1. >in >different 2. in different times and different places than in 3. It is certainly a higher virtue of the soul, and a greater grace, to be able to enjoy the Lord {in} {different} times and {different} places than {in} only one. 4. R= 1452 S= 0.02% ====*1457*====+ 1. >take >difficult 2. taking the country through difficult times and difficult decisions you 've got to take 3. When you're {taking} the country through {difficult} times and {difficult} decisions you've got to {take} the country with you. 4. R= 1452 S= 0.02% ====*1458*====+ 1. >from >aunty 2. from a Faridabad aunty or an aunty from 3. An aunty from Punjabi Bagh will be different {from} a Faridabad {aunty} or an {aunty} {from} Vasant Kunj. 4. R= 1452 S= 0.02% ====*1459*====+ 1. >about >next 2. about what movement look best next to the next movement - I 'm actually thinking about 3. A lot of the time, when I'm choreographing, I'm not thinking {about} what movement look best {next} to the {next} movement - I'm actually thinking {about} what song and what sound sounds right next to the next thing. 4. R= 1459 S= 0.02% ====*1460*====+ 1. >what >be 2. what is moral is what 3. About morals, I know only that {what} {is} moral {is} {what} you feel good after and what is immoral is what you feel bad after. 4. R= 1460 S= 0.02% ====*1461*====+ 1. >what >be 2. what is immoral is what 3. About morals, I know only that what is moral is what you feel good after and {what} {is} immoral {is} {what} you feel bad after. 4. R= 1460 S= 0.02% ====*1462*====+ 1. >have >to 2. have to meet to have 3. Among other things, the Real ID Act sets minimum security criteria that states would {have} {to} meet {to} {have} their driver's licenses accepted as identification to board a commercial flight or enter federal facilities. 4. R= 1460 S= 0.02% ====*1463*====+ 1. >to >be 2. to be liberal was to 3. During the New Deal, people thought {to} {be} liberal {was} {to} reject socialism on one extreme and fascism on the other, and to preserve capitalism through regulation and a social safety net. 4. R= 1460 S= 0.02% ====*1464*====+ 1. >to >be 2. to be happy is to 3. The way {to} {be} happy {is} {to} make others so. 4. R= 1460 S= 0.02% ====*1465*====+ 1. >have >to 2. have to aspire to having 3. We {have} {to} aspire {to} {having} an airport at Heathrow with two runways which is a world-class airport. 4. R= 1460 S= 0.02% ====*1466*====+ 1. >I >be 2. I 'm just being me 3. {I}{'m} just {being} {me}. 4. R= 1460 S= 0.02% ====*1467*====+ 1. >go >to 2. going to have to go 3. I'm {going} {to} have {to} {go} out at age 62 and kind of readdress some of that. 4. R= 1460 S= 0.02% ====*1468*====+ 1. >have >to 2. had to do to have 3. It was something you {had} {to} do {to} {have} your music accepted in the visual medium. 4. R= 1460 S= 0.02% ====*1469*====+ 1. >they >have 2. they 've all had their 3. I've had the opportunity to do a wide range of stuff, a lot of different characters and {they}{'ve} all {had} {their} own kind of thing. 4. R= 1460 S= 0.02% ====*1470*====+ 1. >be >to 2. is to try to be 3. My chief concern {is} {to} try {to} {be} an humble, earnest Christian. 4. R= 1460 S= 0.02% ====*1471*====+ 1. >to >be 2. to be happy is to 3. The way {to} {be} happy {is} {to} make others so. 4. R= 1460 S= 0.02% ====*1472*====+ 1. >you >have 2. you have to have your 3. Obviously, everybody has their own expectations of you, but {you} {have} to {have} {your} own expectations for yourself. 4. R= 1460 S= 0.02% ====*1473*====+ 1. >be >that 2. is that all that is 3. One of the secrets of life {is} {that} all {that} {is} really worth the doing is what we do for others. 4. R= 1460 S= 0.02% ====*1474*====+ 1. >that >be 2. that 's weird is that 3. One of the things about jail {that}{'s} weird {is} {that} you're sent to a place where you're supposed to sit there and think about your actions and their consequences and why you're there. 4. R= 1460 S= 0.02% ====*1475*====+ 1. >to >be 2. to be happy is to 3. Research has shown that the best way {to} {be} happy {is} {to} make each day happy. 4. R= 1460 S= 0.02% ====*1476*====+ 1. >that >be 2. that 's saying is that 3. Say there's a white kid who lives in a nice home, goes to an all-white school, and is pretty much having everything handed to him on a platter - for him to pick up a rap tape is incredible to me, because what {that}{'s} saying {is} {that} he's living a fantasy life of rebellion. 4. R= 1460 S= 0.02% ====*1477*====+ 1. >be >to 2. is to endeavor to be 3. The way to gain a good reputation {is} {to} endeavor {to} {be} what you desire to appear. 4. R= 1460 S= 0.02% ====*1478*====+ 1. >to >be 2. To be angry is to 3. {To} {be} angry {is} {to} revenge the faults of others on ourselves. 4. R= 1460 S= 0.02% ====*1479*====+ 1. >to >be 2. To be free is to 3. {To} {be} free {is} {to} have achieved your life. 4. R= 1460 S= 0.02% ====*1480*====+ 1. >to >be 2. To be human is to 3. {To} {be} human {is} {to} have a collection of memories that tells you who you are and how you got there. 4. R= 1460 S= 0.02% ====*1481*====+ 1. >to >be 2. To be realistic is to 3. {To} {be} realistic {is} {to} be starry-eyed. 4. R= 1460 S= 0.02% ====*1482*====+ 1. >what >be 2. What 's right is what 3. {What}{'s} right {is} {what}'s left if you do everything else wrong. 4. R= 1460 S= 0.02% ====*1483*====+ 1. >you >have 2. You have to have your 3. {You} {have} to {have} {your} wits about you and think quickly on your feet. 4. R= 1460 S= 0.02% ====*1484*====+ 1. >do >to 2. do to want to do 3. You have to love what you {do} {to} want {to} {do} it everyday. 4. R= 1460 S= 0.02% ====*1485*====+ 1. >live >and 2. live and let live and live 3. I just {live} {and} let live {and} {live} my life pretty much according to the Golden Rule. 4. R= 1485 S= 0.02% ====*1486*====+ 1. >be >live 2. were doing something else at the moment you are living . You have n't lived in the moment that you are 3. It's ungrateful to be wishing you {were} doing something else at the moment you are {living}. You haven't {lived} in the moment that you {are} really living, you are wishing you were somewhere else. 4. R= 1486 S= 0.02% ====*1487*====+ 1. >the >'s 2. the victim to blaming the victim 's advocate 's statistics . Irrespective of what the 3. The opposition has moved from a blaming {the} victim to blaming the victim{'s} advocate{'s} statistics. Irrespective of what {the} numbers are, it's far too many. 4. R= 1487 S= 0.02% ====*1488*====+ 1. >be >woman 2. be done for women . Women are 3. Women in Africa, generally a lot needs to {be} done for {women}. {Women} {are} not being educated, not only in Angola but my trip to Nigeria, one point I would make over and over again was that women need to be educated too. 4. R= 1488 S= 0.02% ====*1489*====+ 1. >spend >more 2. spent making mistakes is not only more honorable , but more useful than a life spent 3. A life {spent} making mistakes is not only {more} honorable, but {more} useful than a life {spent} doing nothing. 4. R= 1489 S= 0.02% ====*1490*====+ 1. >of >role 2. of being a successful actor , jumping from role to role , and trying to have some kind of 3. When you're younger, the mental strain {of} being a successful actor, jumping from {role} to {role}, and trying to have some kind {of} personal life, can really be terrible. 4. R= 1490 S= 0.02% ====*1491*====+ 1. >on >by 2. on the Sabbath day will have to be judged by each of us by trying to be honest with the Lord . On 3. What is worthy or unworthy {on} the Sabbath day will have to be judged {by} each of us {by} trying to be honest with the Lord. {On} the Sabbath day, we should do what we have to do and what we ought to do in an attitude of worshipfulness and then limit our other activities. 4. R= 1491 S= 0.02% ====*1492*====+ 1. >the >court 2. the trial court to the intermediate court to the 3. They went from {the} trial {court} to the intermediate {court} to {the} highest court. 4. R= 1492 S= 0.02% ====*1493*====+ 1. >when >greedy 2. when others are greedy and to be greedy only when 3. We simply attempt to be fearful {when} others are {greedy} and to be {greedy} only {when} others are fearful. 4. R= 1493 S= 0.02% ====*1494*====+ 1. >other >greedy 2. others are greedy and to be greedy only when others 3. We simply attempt to be fearful when {others} are {greedy} and to be {greedy} only when {others} are fearful. 4. R= 1493 S= 0.02% ====*1495*====+ 1. >we >competitiveness 2. Our success depends on our competitiveness and our competitiveness depends on raising our 3. {Our} success depends on our {competitiveness} and our {competitiveness} depends on raising {our} productivity, as our competitors are raising theirs. 4. R= 1495 S= 0.02% ====*1496*====+ 1. >public >poor 2. public health is services for poor people , and since most Americans hate poor people and want all poor people 's services destroyed , they hate public 3. Most Americans think that {public} health is services for poor people, and since most Americans hate {poor} people and want all {poor} people's services destroyed, they hate {public} health. 4. R= 1496 S= 0.02% ====*1497*====+ 1. >to >really 2. to focus on hiring - ensuring that every person we hire is both a really good fit and really good - and also that everything we put out to 3. I tend {to} focus on hiring - ensuring that every person we hire is both a {really} good fit and {really} good - and also that everything we put out {to} our users is very high-quality. 4. R= 1497 S= 0.02% ====*1498*====+ 1. >live >I 2. live setting is always better for me . I usually thrive at live 3. The {live} setting is always better for {me}. {I} usually thrive at {live}. 4. R= 1498 S= 0.02% ====*1499*====+ 1. >country >have 2. country embraced the spirit of Earth Day and embraced this concept that we have to have forward-looking , visionary environmental policy and energy policy in this country 3. We had some major successes and we did so because the {country} embraced the spirit of Earth Day and embraced this concept that we {have} to {have} forward-looking, visionary environmental policy and energy policy in this {country}. 4. R= 1499 S= 0.02% ====*1500*====+ 1. >art >movie 2. arts movie ... I really like movies that are n't just martial arts 3. I watch mostly every martial {arts} {movie}... I really like {movies} that aren't just martial {arts}. 4. R= 1500 S= 0.02% ====*1501*====+ 1. >always >my 2. always there and my dream and my ambition was always 3. But my voice was {always} there and {my} dream and {my} ambition was {always} there when I went through bad times. 4. R= 1501 S= 0.02% ====*1502*====+ 1. >see >constant 2. saw when was small after my grandmother died was my father in constant - constant combat with the system in India , and then I saw 3. What I saw when I was a child was my father who was a pilot, and because of circumstances was thrown into the political system, and all I {saw} when was small after my grandmother died was my father in {constant} - {constant} combat with the system in India, and then I {saw} him die, actually. 4. R= 1502 S= 0.02% ====*1503*====+ 1. >be >clock 2. is running down like a clock , the clock must have been 3. If the universe {is} running down like a {clock}, the {clock} must have {been} wound up at a date which we could name if we knew it. 4. R= 1503 S= 0.02% ====*1504*====+ 1. >at >thing 2. at things , the things you look at 3. If you change the way you look {at} {things}, the {things} you look {at} change. 4. R= 1503 S= 0.02% ====*1505*====+ 1. >be >beginning 2. is the beginning of the beginning and all that is 3. The past {is} the {beginning} of the {beginning} and all that {is} and has been is but the twilight of the dawn. 4. R= 1503 S= 0.02% ====*1506*====+ 1. >do >I 2. do is a dream role for me because I ca n't imagine I 'm doing 3. Every role I {do} is a dream role for {me} because {I} can't imagine I'm {doing} it. 4. R= 1506 S= 0.02% ====*1507*====+ 1. >need >help 2. need the help of our friends as the confidence of their help in need 3. We do not so much {need} the {help} of our friends as the confidence of their {help} in {need}. 4. R= 1507 S= 0.02% ====*1508*====+ 1. >root >state 2. root of the kingdom is in the state . The root of the state is in the family . The root 3. The {root} of the kingdom is in the {state}. The root of the {state} is in the family. The {root} of the family is in the person of its head. 4. R= 1508 S= 0.02% ====*1509*====+ 1. >it >I 2. it when people are deferential to me because I 'm an established filmmaker . It 3. Personally, I don't like {it} when people are deferential to {me} because {I}'m an established filmmaker. {It}'s a blue-collar sensibility. 4. R= 1509 S= 0.02% ====*1510*====+ 1. >act >be 2. acting because if you 're running , you 're not acting 3. I love doing action scenes, there's that great thing when you sort of stop {acting} because if you{'re} running, you{'re} not {acting} like you're running, you are just actually running. 4. R= 1510 S= 0.02% ====*1511*====+ 1. >deal >be 2. deal with on a daily basis . I 'd like to tell the kids that are being bullied that no one should have to deal 3. I have suffered from bullying in many ways, from bullying in school due to my disability in reading, to digital abuse that I {deal} with on a daily basis. I'd like to tell the kids that {are} {being} bullied that no one should have to {deal} with the abuse, ever! 4. R= 1511 S= 0.02% ====*1512*====+ 1. >do >be 2. do n't I know who I am , but I 'm very suspicious of people who do 3. Not only {do}n't I know who I {am}, but I{'m} very suspicious of people who {do} know who they are. 4. R= 1512 S= 0.02% ====*1513*====+ 1. >he >as 2. his tent and be working on the first episodes of ` Lost ' as well as the cliffhanger for the eighth season of ` Alias . ' He 3. When he was shooting the pilot on 'Lost,' we'd do a take and he'd go back to {his} tent and be working on the first episodes of 'Lost' {as} well {as} the cliffhanger for the eighth season of 'Alias.' {He}'s an incredible multitasker. 4. R= 1513 S= 0.02% ====*1514*====+ 1. >do >that 2. did I know in those days that that 's what it was but I did 3. As a teenager, even as a younger girl, I had some depression but no one really noticed that it was depression nor {did} I know in those days {that} {that}'s what it was but I {did} feel different from other people. 4. R= 1514 S= 0.02% ====*1515*====+ 1. >it >the 2. it . Whoever does not know how to hit the nail on the head should be asked not to hit it 3. There are horrible people who, instead of solving a problem, tangle it up and make it harder to solve for anyone who wants to deal with {it}. Whoever does not know how to hit {the} nail on {the} head should be asked not to hit {it} at all. 4. R= 1515 S= 0.02% ====*1516*====+ 1. >star >movie 2. star and a movie actor is this - a movie star 3. The difference between a movie {star} and a {movie} actor is this - a {movie} {star} will say, 'How can I change the script to suit me?' 4. R= 1516 S= 0.02% ====*1517*====+ 1. >guy >you 2. guy yelling at you . You want some guy 3. It's 12:30 at night, you don't want some {guy} yelling at {you}. {You} want some {guy} just talking to you. 4. R= 1517 S= 0.02% ====*1518*====+ 1. >the >think 2. The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically . Intelligence plus character - that is the 3. {The} function of education is to teach one to {think} intensively and to {think} critically. Intelligence plus character - that is {the} goal of true education. 4. R= 1518 S= 0.02% ====*1519*====+ 1. >line >be 2. lines you say that are important - it 's what exists between the lines 3. I've always believed that if you are precise in your thoughts, it's not the {lines} you say that {are} important - it{'s} what exists between the {lines}. 4. R= 1519 S= 0.02% ====*1520*====+ 1. >know >a 2. know me as a dancer , do n't know that I 'm a singer , and a lot of people that know I can sing do n't know 3. It's funny because a lot of people that {know} me as a dancer, don't know that I'm {a} singer, and {a} lot of people that know I can sing don't {know} I can dance. 4. R= 1520 S= 0.02% ====*1521*====+ 1. >writer >film 2. writer , and he 's got an executive producing credit on this film . We 've made three films together and I would never underestimate the impact of a writer 3. My creative partner is a {writer}, and he's got an executive producing credit on this {film}. We've made three {films} together and I would never underestimate the impact of a {writer}. 4. R= 1521 S= 0.02% ====*1522*====+ 1. >leave >be 2. Left Behind ' requires states and school districts to ensure that all students are learning and are reaching their highest potential . Special education students should not be left 3. 'No Child {Left} Behind' requires states and school districts to ensure that all students {are} learning and {are} reaching their highest potential. Special education students should not be {left} out of these accountability mechanisms. 4. R= 1522 S= 0.02% ====*1523*====+ 1. >be >want 2. is something that people want , so when they want it and it is 3. You don't have to work so hard at being successful at it, because it {is} something that people {want}, so when they {want} it and it {is} good, then they're going to get it and continue to give it to other people. 4. R= 1523 S= 0.02% ====*1524*====+ 1. >the >opinion 2. the supposedly definitive and unanswerable statement that such is their opinion , and their opinion is just as valid as anyone else 's . The 3. Many young people now end a discussion with {the} supposedly definitive and unanswerable statement that such is their {opinion}, and their {opinion} is just as valid as anyone else's. {The} fact is that our opinion on an infinitely large number of questions is not worth having, because everyone is infinitely ignorant. 4. R= 1524 S= 0.02% ====*1525*====+ 1. >to >somebody 2. to be somebody to somebody to 3. Everybody has {to} be {somebody} to {somebody} {to} be anybody. 4. R= 1525 S= 0.02% ====*1526*====+ 1. >be >land 2. 'm talking about here is ceded land - land that belonged to the kingdom and was 3. What I{'m} talking about here is ceded {land} - {land} that belonged to the kingdom and {was} ceded to the republic and then to the state when we achieved statehood. 4. R= 1525 S= 0.02% ====*1527*====+ 1. >feel >be 2. feel more like a dancer than an actor , because there are things implied about being an actor that I do n't really like . I feel 3. Sometimes I say I {feel} more like a dancer than an actor, because there {are} things implied about {being} an actor that I don't really like. I {feel} more comfortable with the word 'performer'. 4. R= 1527 S= 0.02% ====*1528*====+ 1. >'ll >watch 2. 'll look around and they watch you when you 're not even thinking they 're watching you and they 'll 3. You know, all writers are vampires and they{'ll} look around and they {watch} you when you're not even thinking they're {watching} you and they{'ll} slip stuff in. 4. R= 1528 S= 0.02% ====*1529*====+ 1. >store >a 2. store buying a record or I walk into a comic store 3. Whether I'm doing music or I'm walking down the street or I'm in a record {store} buying {a} record or I walk into {a} comic {store} and I'm buying comics or having a drink with my friends, it's the same me. 4. R= 1529 S= 0.02% ====*1530*====+ 1. >door >you 2. doors before you get to your open doors 3. You have to come to your closed {doors} before {you} get to {your} open {doors}... What if you knew you had to go through 32 closed doors before you got to your open door? 4. R= 1530 S= 0.02% ====*1531*====+ 1. >quality >meaner 2. quality even meaner than outright ugliness or disorder , and this meaner quality 3. There is a {quality} even {meaner} than outright ugliness or disorder, and this {meaner} {quality} is the dishonest mask of pretended order, achieved by ignoring or suppressing the real order that is struggling to exist and to be served. 4. R= 1531 S= 0.02% ====*1532*====+ 1. >the >show 2. The best of Your Show of Shows . That 's the 3. {The} best of Your {Show} of {Shows}. That's {the} greatest sketch comedy you'll ever see on television. 4. R= 1532 S= 0.02% ====*1533*====+ 1. >proud >be 2. proud I was ? I was so proud 3. Do you know how {proud} I {was}? I {was} so {proud} that I walked around with an American flag around my shoulders all day long. 4. R= 1533 S= 0.02% ====*1534*====+ 1. >ballplayer >the 2. ballplayer is the jersey . The old ballplayer 3. The difference between the old ballplayer and the new {ballplayer} is {the} jersey. {The} old {ballplayer} cared about the name on the front. 4. R= 1533 S= 0.02% ====*1535*====+ 1. >Carolina >be 2. Carolina , the result of which is I 'm now the senior senator from North Carolina 3. I actually defeated an incumbent Republican senator who was part of the Jesse Helm's political machine in North {Carolina}, the result of which {is} I{'m} now the senior senator from North {Carolina} instead of Jesse Helms, which is a very good thing for this country. 4. R= 1535 S= 0.02% ====*1536*====+ 1. >a >show 2. a really great job doing our show , and other shows are doing a 3. I think we're really - we're doing {a} really great job doing our {show}, and other {shows} are doing {a} great job doing theirs, and we'll just see what people have to say. 4. R= 1536 S= 0.02% ====*1537*====+ 1. >be >enigma 2. is an enigma , a harmless enigma that is 3. But now I have come to believe that the whole world {is} an {enigma}, a harmless {enigma} that {is} made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth. 4. R= 1537 S= 0.02% ====*1538*====+ 1. >the >endure 2. the manner in which one endures what must be endured is more important than the 3. I learned from the example of my father that {the} manner in which one {endures} what must be {endured} is more important than {the} thing that must be endured. 4. R= 1537 S= 0.02% ====*1539*====+ 1. >of >power 2. of the law-making power to the executive power was one of 3. Loyalty {of} the law-making {power} to the executive {power} was one {of} the dangers the political fathers foretold. 4. R= 1537 S= 0.02% ====*1540*====+ 1. >the >endure 2. The manner in which one endures what must be endured is more important than the 3. {The} manner in which one {endures} what must be {endured} is more important than {the} thing that must be endured. 4. R= 1537 S= 0.02% ====*1541*====+ 1. >now >right 2. now . Right here , right now 3. What we don't realize is that they actually can happen right {now}. {Right} here, {right} {now}, while we're alive, in our own hours and days and months and years. 4. R= 1541 S= 0.02% ====*1542*====+ 1. >the >of 2. the top 25 companies in our industry to 23 % of the profits of the top 25 companies in our industry over the 3. We've grown from 18% of the profits of {the} top 25 companies in our industry to 23% {of} the profits {of} the top 25 companies in our industry over {the} last five years. 4. R= 1542 S= 0.02% ====*1543*====+ 1. >rightfully >as 2. rightfully claim , as much as anyone can rightfully 3. Many people can {rightfully} claim, {as} much {as} anyone can {rightfully} claim anything, that much of their lives have been spent stumbling through a cloud of cluelessness. 4. R= 1543 S= 0.02% ====*1544*====+ 1. >actor >to 2. actors and that movie was my inspiration to want to be an actor 3. Those two {actors} and that movie was my inspiration {to} want {to} be an {actor}. 4. R= 1544 S= 0.02% ====*1545*====+ 1. >be >happen 2. be , for what happened in Rwanda happened to us all - humanity was 3. And that's as it should {be}, for what {happened} in Rwanda {happened} to us all - humanity {was} wounded by the genocide. 4. R= 1545 S= 0.02% ====*1546*====+ 1. >they >you 2. they boo you , you know they 3. When {they} boo {you}, {you} know {they} mean you. 4. R= 1546 S= 0.02% ====*1547*====+ 1. >they >you 2. they boo you , you know they 3. When {they} boo {you}, {you} know {they} mean you. 4. R= 1546 S= 0.02% ====*1548*====+ 1. >if >Abraham 2. If Abraham was real , then from Abraham if 3. {If} {Abraham} was real, then from {Abraham} {if} Adam isn't real, if it's just an allegory, it's just a story, then what's the real Adam who really fell in a garden and really sinned? 4. R= 1548 S= 0.02% ====*1549*====+ 1. >story >York 2. story in New York City . New York City is itself a detective story 3. It is ridiculous to set a detective {story} in New {York} City. New {York} City is itself a detective {story}. 4. R= 1549 S= 0.02% ====*1550*====+ 1. >a >much 2. a lot , he will have much to fight for , so much that he will be called a 3. Cognition is not fighting, but once someone knows {a} lot, he will have {much} to fight for, so {much} that he will be called {a} relativist because of it. 4. R= 1550 S= 0.02% ====*1551*====+ 1. >game >I 2. game home with me . I might play some video games 3. I try not to bring the {game} home with {me}. {I} might play some video {games} that are, let's just say, for mature audiences only. 4. R= 1551 S= 0.02% ====*1552*====+ 1. >know >I 2. know why he 's with me . I do n't know 3. Sometimes I think my husband is so amazing that I don't {know} why he's with {me}. {I} don't {know} whether I'm good enough. 4. R= 1551 S= 0.02% ====*1553*====+ 1. >'ll >you 2. 'll never leave you . You 'll 3. But I kissed him on his forehead, and I hugged him, and I touched him and I said, 'Michael, I{'ll} never leave {you}. {You}{'ll} never leave me.' 4. R= 1551 S= 0.02% ====*1554*====+ 1. >next >sound 2. next movement - I 'm actually thinking about what song and what sound sounds right next to the next 3. A lot of the time, when I'm choreographing, I'm not thinking about what movement look best next to the {next} movement - I'm actually thinking about what song and what {sound} {sounds} right next to the {next} thing. 4. R= 1554 S= 0.02% ====*1555*====+ 1. >court >the 2. court to the intermediate court to the highest court 3. They went from the trial {court} to {the} intermediate court to {the} highest {court}. 4. R= 1555 S= 0.02% ====*1556*====+ 1. >government >want 2. government out of the business of morality - but this is antithetical to what the founders wanted . The founders wanted to keep theology out of government 3. There are some who invoke separation of church and state - to try to get the {government} out of the business of morality - but this is antithetical to what the founders {wanted}. The founders {wanted} to keep theology out of {government} so that government could focus on the proper business of morality. 4. R= 1556 S= 0.02% ====*1557*====+ 1. >in >I 2. in her entirety because a lot of people just do n't like me and I do n't think they would be interested in 3. It would have been easier to have a male protagonist, but I didn't want people to assume that Nikki Hill was me {in} her entirety because a lot of people just don't like {me} and {I} don't think they would be interested {in} reading about me, even in the fictional context. 4. R= 1557 S= 0.02% ====*1558*====+ 1. >do >this 2. do this ? This does 3. My character wouldn't {do} {this}? {This} {does}n't make sense.' 4. R= 1558 S= 0.02% ====*1559*====+ 1. >really >hot 2. really need is for me to get hot and stay hot . When I go , this team really 3. What we {really} need is for me to get {hot} and stay {hot}. When I go, this team {really} takes off. 4. R= 1559 S= 0.02% ====*1560*====+ 1. >past >control 2. past controls the future . Who controls the present controls the past 3. Who controls the {past} controls the future. Who {controls} the present {controls} the {past}. 4. R= 1560 S= 0.02% ====*1561*====+ 1. >want >do 2. wanted to do was sing . I do n't want 3. All I've ever {wanted} to {do} was sing. I {do}n't {want} to be a celebrity. 4. R= 1561 S= 0.02% ====*1562*====+ 1. >not >math 2. not exactly a maths genius - I 'm really good at maths , maths was my favorite subject in school , but I was n't 3. I'm {not} exactly a maths genius - I'm really good at {maths}, {maths} was my favorite subject in school, but I was{n't} a genius. 4. R= 1562 S= 0.02% ====*1563*====+ 1. >you >to 2. you had to do to have your 3. It was something {you} had {to} do {to} have {your} music accepted in the visual medium. 4. R= 1563 S= 0.02% ====*1564*====+ 1. >play >very 2. plays and theater from the time I was a day old - I was very , very early on in love with movies and I loved plays 3. Oh, I was completely hooked on movies and {plays} and theater from the time I was a day old - I was {very}, {very} early on in love with movies and I loved {plays}. 4. R= 1564 S= 0.02% ====*1565*====+ 1. >fun >to 2. fun to be able to have a fun 3. It's {fun} {to} be able {to} have a {fun} palate, and the way I say that, you think about it and it sounds funny, but it's true. 4. R= 1565 S= 0.02% ====*1566*====+ 1. >God >be 2. God we 're said to be praying but when God 3. Why is it that when we talk to {God} we{'re} said to {be} praying but when {God} talks to us we're schizophrenic? 4. R= 1565 S= 0.02% ====*1567*====+ 1. >it >I 2. it occurred to me I did n't know what it 3. But the next morning, {it} occurred to {me} {I} didn't know what {it} was, so I called my agent and asked what being a 'New York Times' bestselling author really meant. 4. R= 1567 S= 0.02% ====*1568*====+ 1. >some >'s 2. some degree men 's issues and all men 's issues are to some 3. All women's issues are to {some} degree men{'s} issues and all men{'s} issues are to {some} degree women's issues because when either sex wins unilaterally both sexes lose. 4. R= 1568 S= 0.02% ====*1569*====+ 1. >some >issue 2. some degree men 's issues and all men 's issues are to some 3. All women's issues are to {some} degree men's {issues} and all men's {issues} are to {some} degree women's issues because when either sex wins unilaterally both sexes lose. 4. R= 1568 S= 0.02% ====*1570*====+ 1. >a >knowledge 2. a lot of knowledge , and all that knowledge is just like a 3. When we are educated, we accumulate {a} lot of {knowledge}, and all that {knowledge} is just like {a} wall of fog that doesn't allow us to perceive the truth, what really is. 4. R= 1568 S= 0.02% ====*1571*====+ 1. >she >sing 2. she would sing and I learned to sing along with her 3. My mother played a guitar and I would sit with her and {she} would {sing} and I learned to {sing} along with {her}. 4. R= 1568 S= 0.02% ====*1572*====+ 1. >be >dream 2. are public dreams , dreams are 3. Myths {are} public {dreams}, {dreams} {are} private myths. 4. R= 1572 S= 0.02% ====*1573*====+ 1. >and >song 2. and sing song after song and 3. There are so many songs out there in the world that - if I know we have to come up with a new cover, then I'll just sit in my room {and} sing {song} after {song} {and} figure out which one I can kind of sing the best. 4. R= 1572 S= 0.02% ====*1574*====+ 1. >success >he 2. success to his first wife and his second wife to his success 3. Many a man owes his {success} to {his} first wife and {his} second wife to his {success}. 4. R= 1574 S= 0.02% ====*1575*====+ 1. >of >to 2. of its substance is the right to differ as to things that touch the heart of 3. The test {of} its substance is the right {to} differ as {to} things that touch the heart {of} the existing order. 4. R= 1575 S= 0.02% ====*1576*====+ 1. >we >house 2. We are used to cleaning the outside house , but the most important house to clean is yourself - your own house - which we 3. {We} are used to cleaning the outside {house}, but the most important {house} to clean is yourself - your own house - which {we} never do. 4. R= 1576 S= 0.02% ====*1577*====+ 1. >thing >they 2. things are bad , we take comfort in the thought that they could always get worse . And when they are , we find hope in the thought that things 3. When {things} are bad, we take comfort in the thought that {they} could always get worse. And when {they} are, we find hope in the thought that {things} are so bad they have to get better. 4. R= 1577 S= 0.02% ====*1578*====+ 1. >lose >knowledge 2. lost in knowledge ? Where is the knowledge we have lost 3. Where is the wisdom we have {lost} in {knowledge}? Where is the {knowledge} we have {lost} in information? 4. R= 1578 S= 0.02% ====*1579*====+ 1. >a >the 2. A lot of it was n't high fashion because I do n't have the body or the face for high fashion modeling . I did a 3. {A} lot of it wasn't high fashion because I don't have {the} body or {the} face for high fashion modeling. I did {a} lot of sportswear, swimwear, and beachwear. 4. R= 1579 S= 0.02% ====*1580*====+ 1. >people >be 2. people . It 's about networking and being nice to people 3. It's all about {people}. It{'s} about networking and {being} nice to {people} and not burning any bridges. 4. R= 1580 S= 0.02% ====*1581*====+ 1. >fight >capitalism 2. fight with solidarity . We say we 're not going to fight capitalism with black capitalism , but we 're going to fight 3. We're going to fight racism not with racism, but we're going to {fight} with solidarity. We say we're not going to fight {capitalism} with black {capitalism}, but we're going to {fight} it with socialism. 4. R= 1581 S= 0.02% ====*1582*====+ 1. >Obama >we 2. Obama . I do n't know if that 's the right move ... We need to play our cards very carefully and beware of the mouse trap that Obama 3. I know within my organization, within the grassroots of my organization of the Tea Party movement generally, there's going to be a big drive for impeaching {Obama}. I don't know if that's the right move... {We} need to play {our} cards very carefully and beware of the mouse trap that {Obama} might be trying to set for us. 4. R= 1582 S= 0.02% ====*1583*====+ 1. >be >song 2. 'm doing is basically the same as Bob Dylan did with folk songs and Woody Guthrie songs , the same as folk music 's always done . I 'm 3. What I{'m} doing is basically the same as Bob Dylan did with folk {songs} and Woody Guthrie {songs}, the same as folk music's always done. I{'m} not going to sing about ploughing, but I'll write a song that sounds like it should be about ploughing. 4. R= 1583 S= 0.02% ====*1584*====+ 1. >the >as 2. the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties as king as I would wish to do without the help and support of the 3. I have found it impossible to carry {the} heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties {as} king {as} I would wish to do without the help and support of {the} woman I love. 4. R= 1584 S= 0.02% ====*1585*====+ 1. >forth >you 2. forth what is within you , what you do not bring forth 3. If you do not bring {forth} what is within {you}, what {you} do not bring {forth} will destroy you. 4. R= 1585 S= 0.02% ====*1586*====+ 1. >golden >be 2. golden rule is that there are no golden 3. The {golden} rule {is} that there {are} no {golden} rules. 4. R= 1585 S= 0.02% ====*1587*====+ 1. >be >small 2. 's not just about the small keyboard and the small screen - though that 's 3. And it{'s} not just about the {small} keyboard and the {small} screen - though that{'s} awful. 4. R= 1587 S= 0.02% ====*1588*====+ 1. >you >I 2. you do not love me I shall not be loved If I do not love you 3. If {you} do not love {me} {I} shall not be loved If I do not love {you} I shall not love. 4. R= 1588 S= 0.02% ====*1589*====+ 1. >believe >it 2. believe in it . And it is n't enough to believe 3. One must {believe} in {it}. And {it} isn't enough to {believe} in it. 4. R= 1589 S= 0.02% ====*1590*====+ 1. >yes >I 2. yes and then he asked me would I yes to say yes 3. I asked him with my eyes to ask again {yes} and then he asked {me} would {I} yes to say {yes} my mountain flower and first I put my arms around him yes and drew him down to me so he could feel my breasts all perfume yes and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes. 4. R= 1590 S= 0.02% ====*1591*====+ 1. >a >cop 2. a racist cop or a trigger-happy cop or a 3. If I play a cop, it's always {a} racist {cop} or a trigger-happy {cop} or {a} crooked cop - but by and large I play cowboys, bikers, and convicts. 4. R= 1591 S= 0.02% ====*1592*====+ 1. >be >gay 2. is so much work to be done to treat gays and lesbians and gay and lesbian couples with the respect that they 're 3. There {is} so much work to be done to treat {gays} and lesbians and {gay} and lesbian couples with the respect that they{'re} entitled to. 4. R= 1591 S= 0.02% ====*1593*====+ 1. >he >I 2. he loved me , and consequently I told Scott I loved him 3. My dad never told me {he} loved {me}, and consequently {I} told Scott I loved {him} every other minute. 4. R= 1593 S= 0.02% ====*1594*====+ 1. >be >fear 2. is to fear life , and those who fear life are 3. To fear love {is} to {fear} life, and those who {fear} life {are} already three parts dead. 4. R= 1594 S= 0.02% ====*1595*====+ 1. >Babylon >wrong 2. Babylon is everywhere . You have wrong and you have right . Wrong is what we call Babylon 3. {Babylon} is everywhere. You have {wrong} and you have right. {Wrong} is what we call {Babylon}, wrong things. 4. R= 1595 S= 0.02% ====*1596*====+ 1. >want >give 2. want to come to Pakistan but are not given visas . We wish for visas to be given to those people who want 3. People {want} to come to Pakistan but are not {given} visas. We wish for visas to be {given} to those people who {want} to come to Pakistan. 4. R= 1596 S= 0.02% ====*1597*====+ 1. >continue >weapon 2. continue to have nuclear weapons relied on as a weapon of choice . If that policy were to continue 3. We {continue} to have nuclear {weapons} relied on as a {weapon} of choice. If that policy were to {continue}, we continue to have countries who are in a security bind, if you like, or perceive themselves to be in security bind to look for acquisition of nuclear weapons. 4. R= 1597 S= 0.02% ====*1598*====+ 1. >know >do 2. know what to do . I did n't know 3. I didn't {know} what to {do}. I {did}n't {know} what it meant, so I instantly grabbed her face and kissed her on the lips. 4. R= 1598 S= 0.02% ====*1599*====+ 1. >in >dream 2. in dreaming dreams , but in 3. The life of a man consists not in seeing visions and {in} {dreaming} {dreams}, but {in} active charity and in willing service. 4. R= 1599 S= 0.02% ====*1600*====+ 1. >that >you 2. that makes you who you are in that 3. When you are cast for a role, it's because of everything {that} makes {you} who {you} are in {that} moment in time. 4. R= 1600 S= 0.02% ====*1601*====+ 1. >be >reputation 2. is your reputation and your reputation with knowing what 's 3. One of the biggest things you have {is} your {reputation} and your {reputation} with knowing what{'s} good and what's not good. 4. R= 1601 S= 0.02% ====*1602*====+ 1. >be >not 2. is not and should not be 3. A healthy love life {is} {not} and should {not} {be} the preserve of those in their 20s and 30s. 4. R= 1602 S= 0.02% ====*1603*====+ 1. >that >as 2. that it 's a healthy mind as well as a healthy body that 3. I don't work out as much as I should, but I do believe {that} it's a healthy mind {as} well {as} a healthy body {that} keeps me fit, sound and calm. 4. R= 1603 S= 0.02% ====*1604*====+ 1. >problem >be 2. problems we 're facing with debt are manmade problems 3. All of the {problems} we{'re} facing with debt {are} manmade {problems}. 4. R= 1604 S= 0.02% ====*1605*====+ 1. >always >of 2. Always carry a flagon of whiskey in case of snakebite and furthermore always 3. {Always} carry a flagon {of} whiskey in case {of} snakebite and furthermore {always} carry a small snake. 4. R= 1604 S= 0.02% ====*1606*====+ 1. >learn >a 2. learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn 3. A wise man can {learn} more from {a} foolish question than {a} fool can {learn} from a wise answer. 4. R= 1604 S= 0.02% ====*1607*====+ 1. >company >a 2. company at a fair price than a fair company 3. It's far better to buy a wonderful {company} at {a} fair price than {a} fair {company} at a wonderful price. 4. R= 1604 S= 0.02% ====*1608*====+ 1. >fear >love 2. fear of punishment and the other by acts of love . Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent then the one derived from fear 3. One is obtained by the {fear} of punishment and the other by acts of {love}. Power based on {love} is a thousand times more effective and permanent then the one derived from {fear} of punishment. 4. R= 1608 S= 0.02% ====*1609*====+ 1. >man >angel 2. men were angels , no government would be necessary . If angels were to govern men 3. If {men} were {angels}, no government would be necessary. If {angels} were to govern {men}, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. 4. R= 1609 S= 0.02% ====*1610*====+ 1. >I >write 2. me to write , writing from that place where I 3. I might be writing what people expect {me} to {write}, {writing} from that place where {I} might be ruled by economic considerations. 4. R= 1610 S= 0.02% ====*1611*====+ 1. >I >work 2. I must work the works of Him Who sent me 3. {I} must {work} the {works} of Him Who sent {me} while it is yet day. 4. R= 1610 S= 0.02% ====*1612*====+ 1. >we >grief 2. we are continually adding grief to grief and aggravating the common calamity by our 3. Man is subject to innumerable pains and sorrows by the very condition of humanity, and yet, as if nature had not sown evils enough in life, {we} are continually adding {grief} to {grief} and aggravating the common calamity by {our} cruel treatment of one another. 4. R= 1610 S= 0.02% ====*1613*====+ 1. >the >year 2. the same tournaments year after year and we go back to the 3. We played {the} same tournaments {year} after {year} and we go back to {the} same place and many times the seats have been full and that has meant the world to me for sure. 4. R= 1610 S= 0.02% ====*1614*====+ 1. >a >toad 2. a toad , a toad to a 3. Edible, adj.: Good to eat, and wholesome to digest, as a worm to {a} {toad}, a {toad} to {a} snake, a snake to a pig, a pig to a man, and a man to a worm. 4. R= 1614 S= 0.02% ====*1615*====+ 1. >a >snake 2. a snake , a snake to a 3. Edible, adj.: Good to eat, and wholesome to digest, as a worm to a toad, a toad to {a} {snake}, a {snake} to {a} pig, a pig to a man, and a man to a worm. 4. R= 1614 S= 0.02% ====*1616*====+ 1. >a >pig 2. a pig , a pig to a 3. Edible, adj.: Good to eat, and wholesome to digest, as a worm to a toad, a toad to a snake, a snake to {a} {pig}, a {pig} to {a} man, and a man to a worm. 4. R= 1614 S= 0.02% ====*1617*====+ 1. >want >be 2. wanted to be an actor is that I do n't want 3. The reason I {wanted} to {be} an actor {is} that I don't {want} to play me for the rest of my life and make money out of that. 4. R= 1617 S= 0.02% ====*1618*====+ 1. >be >low 2. are very high and the lows are very low and then there is 3. When I talk to young people who want to go to Broadway or whatever, I say, 'The highs {are} very high and the {lows} are very {low} and then there {is} a lot in between.' 4. R= 1618 S= 0.02% ====*1619*====+ 1. >the >English 2. the French and the English is that the English are intelligent and the 3. It was always said that the big distinction between {the} French and the {English} is that the {English} are intelligent and {the} French are intellectual. 4. R= 1619 S= 0.02% ====*1620*====+ 1. >people >the 2. people . Instead , you have to inspire the next guy down the line and get him to inspire his people 3. You can do the work of two people, but you can't be two {people}. Instead, you have to inspire {the} next guy down {the} line and get him to inspire his {people}. 4. R= 1620 S= 0.02% ====*1621*====+ 1. >people >some 2. people some of the time , and some of the people 3. You can fool all the {people} {some} of the time, and {some} of the {people} all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. 4. R= 1621 S= 0.02% ====*1622*====+ 1. >sexual >love 2. sexual love can truly be love if it is not selfishly sexual 3. Erotic or {sexual} {love} can truly be {love} if it is not selfishly {sexual} or lustful. 4. R= 1622 S= 0.02% ====*1623*====+ 1. >be >in 2. was living in in Madrid is 3. The house I {was} living {in} {in} Madrid {is} 350 years old! 4. R= 1623 S= 0.02% ====*1624*====+ 1. >the >be 2. the same message is being given to the 3. Increasingly {the} same message {is} {being} given to {the} parents of tweens. 4. R= 1623 S= 0.02% ====*1625*====+ 1. >the >be 2. The courage to be is rooted in the 3. {The} courage to {be} {is} rooted in {the} God who appears when God has disappeared in the anxiety of doubt. 4. R= 1623 S= 0.02% ====*1626*====+ 1. >the >be 2. The death penalty is being applied in the 3. {The} death penalty {is} {being} applied in {the} United States as a fatal lottery. 4. R= 1623 S= 0.02% ====*1627*====+ 1. >the >that 2. The fact that that 's the 3. {The} fact {that} {that}'s {the} difference between Mexicans and Cubans is pronounced. 4. R= 1623 S= 0.02% ====*1628*====+ 1. >the >have 2. the heart of him who has had frequent occasion to test the 3. There is something in the unselfish and self-sacrificing love of a brute, which goes directly to {the} heart of him who {has} {had} frequent occasion to test {the} paltry friendship and gossamer fidelity of mere Man. 4. R= 1623 S= 0.02% ====*1629*====+ 1. >to >be 2. to do is be fair to 3. What a country needs {to} do {is} {be} fair {to} all its citizens - whether people are of a different ethnicity or gender. 4. R= 1623 S= 0.02% ====*1630*====+ 1. >do >have 2. do n't have a bad temper , or that they have never done 3. It doesn't mean they have no nasty side, or that they {do}n't {have} a bad temper, or that they {have} never {done} anything they feel ashamed of. 4. R= 1630 S= 0.02% ====*1631*====+ 1. >be >do 2. were to ask me what I want to do - I do n't want to be 3. If you {were} to ask me what I want to {do} - I {do}n't want to {be} a celebrity, I want to make a difference. 4. R= 1631 S= 0.02% ====*1632*====+ 1. >form >consciousness 2. forms of consciousness of our inherited and acquired historical education - aesthetic consciousness and historical consciousness - presented alienated forms 3. It was clear to me that the {forms} of consciousness of our inherited and acquired historical education - aesthetic {consciousness} and historical {consciousness} - presented alienated {forms} of our true historical being. 4. R= 1632 S= 0.02% ====*1633*====+ 1. >price >a 2. price than a fair company at a wonderful price 3. It's far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair {price} than {a} fair company at {a} wonderful {price}. 4. R= 1633 S= 0.02% ====*1634*====+ 1. >year >the 2. year into the bottom stream of the next year 3. So I continued through my next school, which takes me up to the age of 17, moving from the bottom stream of one {year} into {the} bottom stream of {the} next {year}, all the way through. 4. R= 1633 S= 0.02% ====*1635*====+ 1. >to >run 2. to run , run , run to 3. You've got {to} {run}, run, {run} {to} stay in shape. 4. R= 1635 S= 0.02% ====*1636*====+ 1. >yes >he 2. yes my mountain flower and first I put my arms around him yes and drew him down to me so he could feel my breasts all perfume yes 3. I asked him with my eyes to ask again yes and then he asked me would I yes to say {yes} my mountain flower and first I put my arms around {him} yes and drew {him} down to me so he could feel my breasts all perfume {yes} and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes. 4. R= 1636 S= 0.02% ====*1637*====+ 1. >be >blue 2. is really Columbia blue or sky blue . But there is 3. They are always telling us that Carolina Blue is not a color, that it {is} really Columbia {blue} or sky {blue}. But there {is} no bad blood amongst the teammates. 4. R= 1637 S= 0.02% ====*1638*====+ 1. >thing >the 2. thing to call the future . And the important thing 3. The future is called 'perhaps,' which is the only possible {thing} to call {the} future. And {the} important {thing} is not to allow that to scare you. 4. R= 1638 S= 0.02% ====*1639*====+ 1. >I >it 2. I 'd do it , but it really means very little to me 3. If I somehow felt like having a site which strictly validates was an indication of my manhood, maybe {I}'d do {it}, but {it} really means very little to {me}. 4. R= 1639 S= 0.02% ====*1640*====+ 1. >artist >be 2. artist is not like being a real artist 3. Being a cover {artist} {is} not like {being} a real {artist}. 4. R= 1640 S= 0.02% ====*1641*====+ 1. >bring >you 2. bring forth what is within you , what you do not bring 3. If you do not {bring} forth what is within {you}, what {you} do not {bring} forth will destroy you. 4. R= 1640 S= 0.02% ====*1642*====+ 1. >thing >be 2. thing about suicide is that it 's not one of those things 3. The great {thing} about suicide {is} that it{'s} not one of those {things} you have to do now or you lose your chance. 4. R= 1640 S= 0.02% ====*1643*====+ 1. >can >kid 2. can write decent kids ' dialog and finding kids that can 3. Finding a writer who {can} write decent {kids}' dialog and finding {kids} that {can} act realistically and not 'cute' is an effort. 4. R= 1643 S= 0.02% ====*1644*====+ 1. >a >education 2. an education , for of necessity education is a 3. No one can get {an} {education}, for of necessity {education} is {a} continuing process. 4. R= 1643 S= 0.02% ====*1645*====+ 1. >he >I 2. he was just a statue to me . I wanted to make him 3. I can only speak for myself, but when I was growing up in Memphis - and having the Martin Luther King holiday and the moment of pause on April 4th - {he} was just a statue to {me}. {I} wanted to make {him} a little bit more real to me as a human being. 4. R= 1645 S= 0.02% ====*1646*====+ 1. >carry >I 2. carried throughout my life that I just thought , ' I do n't have to carry 3. I went to a great church here in L.A., gave my heart to the Lord and felt freedom from things I've {carried} throughout my life that {I} just thought, '{I} don't have to {carry} them any more.' 4. R= 1646 S= 0.02% ====*1647*====+ 1. >the >nature 2. The best standardisation committee in the world is nature herself , but in nature standardisation occurs mainly in connection with the 3. {The} best standardisation committee in the world is {nature} herself, but in {nature} standardisation occurs mainly in connection with {the} smallest possible units: cells. 4. R= 1647 S= 0.02% ====*1648*====+ 1. >a >continue 2. a weapon of choice . If that policy were to continue , we continue to have countries who are in a 3. We continue to have nuclear weapons relied on as {a} weapon of choice. If that policy were to {continue}, we {continue} to have countries who are in {a} security bind, if you like, or perceive themselves to be in security bind to look for acquisition of nuclear weapons. 4. R= 1648 S= 0.02% ====*1649*====+ 1. >Cab >be 2. Cab was very popular and everybody was doing Cab 3. I was still in school at the time and {Cab} {was} very popular and everybody {was} doing {Cab} Calloway so I did. 4. R= 1649 S= 0.02% ====*1650*====+ 1. >dollar >the 2. dollar at home are compatible in both the long run and during the transition to a more competitive dollar 3. The good news is that a competitive dollar in the global market and a strong {dollar} at home are compatible in both {the} long run and during {the} transition to a more competitive {dollar}. 4. R= 1649 S= 0.02% ====*1651*====+ 1. >Chief >as 2. Chief Cabinet Secretary as well as the Chief 3. During the Koizumi administration, I served as the Deputy {Chief} Cabinet Secretary {as} well {as} the {Chief} Cabinet Secretary. 4. R= 1651 S= 0.02% ====*1652*====+ 1. >Cabinet >as 2. Cabinet Secretary as well as the Chief Cabinet 3. During the Koizumi administration, I served as the Deputy Chief {Cabinet} Secretary {as} well {as} the Chief {Cabinet} Secretary. 4. R= 1651 S= 0.02% ====*1653*====+ 1. >greatest >as 2. greatest vices as well as of the greatest 3. The greatest minds are capable of the {greatest} vices {as} well {as} of the {greatest} virtues. 4. R= 1651 S= 0.02% ====*1654*====+ 1. >science >as 2. science adviser is only as good as ears open to that science 3. The influence of a {science} adviser is only {as} good {as} ears open to that {science} advice. 4. R= 1651 S= 0.02% ====*1655*====+ 1. >improve >the 2. improve efficiency in the way the government operates and improve 3. There's huge opportunities to continue to {improve} efficiency in {the} way {the} government operates and {improve} the way government provides services to its citizens. 4. R= 1651 S= 0.02% ====*1656*====+ 1. >be >people 2. 'm with funny people , or people who are 3. I love funny people, and when I{'m} with funny {people}, or {people} who {are} amusing in their weirdness, I love it. 4. R= 1656 S= 0.02% ====*1657*====+ 1. >people >I 2. people saw me on TV than will ever get to see me on stage , but I do love being in the same room as the people 3. Many more {people} saw me on TV than will ever get to see {me} on stage, but {I} do love being in the same room as the {people} I'm telling the story to. 4. R= 1657 S= 0.02% ====*1658*====+ 1. >we >good 2. we hire is both a really good fit and really good - and also that everything we 3. I tend to focus on hiring - ensuring that every person {we} hire is both a really {good} fit and really {good} - and also that everything {we} put out to our users is very high-quality. 4. R= 1658 S= 0.02% ====*1659*====+ 1. >be >role 2. be great at every role , because every role in my life is 3. I want to {be} great at every {role}, because every {role} in my life {is} as important as being Jessie J.. 4. R= 1658 S= 0.02% ====*1660*====+ 1. >the >change 2. the things that can not be changed , courage to change the things which should be changed and the 3. God, give us grace to accept with serenity {the} things that cannot be {changed}, courage to {change} the things which should be changed and {the} wisdom to distinguish the one from the other. 4. R= 1660 S= 0.02% ====*1661*====+ 1. >you >reality 2. you deal with what is the reality , or you can be sure that the reality is going to deal with you 3. Either {you} deal with what is the {reality}, or you can be sure that the {reality} is going to deal with {you}. 4. R= 1661 S= 0.02% ====*1662*====+ 1. >much >to 2. much you reveal to people that look up to you so much 3. You have to be careful about how {much} you reveal {to} people that look up {to} you so {much}. 4. R= 1662 S= 0.02% ====*1663*====+ 1. >english >as 2. English language begins , and it extends as far as we decide to say that the English 3. English poetry begins whenever we decide to say the modern {English} language begins, and it extends {as} far {as} we decide to say that the {English} language extends. 4. R= 1663 S= 0.02% ====*1664*====+ 1. >let >as 2. let your interests be as wide as possible , and let 3. The secret of happiness is this: {let} your interests be {as} wide {as} possible, and {let} your reactions to the things and persons that interest you be as far as possible friendly rather than hostile. 4. R= 1663 S= 0.02% ====*1665*====+ 1. >love >arm 2. Love is always open arms . If you close your arms about love 3. {Love} is always open {arms}. If you close your {arms} about {love} you will find that you are left holding only yourself. 4. R= 1665 S= 0.02% ====*1666*====+ 1. >Christian >of 2. Christian faith was that not one of the first six Presidents of the United States was an orthodox Christian 3. One of the embarrassing problems for the early nineteenth-century champions of the {Christian} faith was that not one {of} the first six Presidents {of} the United States was an orthodox {Christian}. 4. R= 1666 S= 0.02% ====*1667*====+ 1. >Christian >the 2. Christian faith was that not one of the first six Presidents of the United States was an orthodox Christian 3. One of the embarrassing problems for the early nineteenth-century champions of the {Christian} faith was that not one of {the} first six Presidents of {the} United States was an orthodox {Christian}. 4. R= 1666 S= 0.02% ====*1668*====+ 1. >the >always 2. the theatre and I would always , always fall in love with somebody on the 3. As a child I was taken to the pantomime or {the} theatre and I would {always}, {always} fall in love with somebody on {the} stage. 4. R= 1668 S= 0.02% ====*1669*====+ 1. >be >always 2. 're always , always going to be 3. You{'re} {always}, {always} going to {be} dissatisfied in something, and that always draws you back to try to retry that the next time you do a decathlon. 4. R= 1668 S= 0.02% ====*1670*====+ 1. >get >big 2. got a big , big problem if you get 3. You've {got} a {big}, {big} problem if you {get} caught up in what people say. 4. R= 1668 S= 0.02% ====*1671*====+ 1. >know >do 2. know what I 'm supposed to do , but I do n't know 3. I {know} what I'm supposed to {do}, but I {do}n't {know} how to make it interesting. 4. R= 1671 S= 0.02% ====*1672*====+ 1. >rights >the 2. rights are fake is that it 's in the initial interests of the majority to actually deliver these rights 3. What differentiates the ones where rights are real from where {rights} are fake is that it's in {the} initial interests of {the} majority to actually deliver these {rights}. 4. R= 1672 S= 0.02% ====*1673*====+ 1. >be >belief 2. is not belief . Belief is 3. Faith {is} not {belief}. {Belief} {is} passive. 4. R= 1673 S= 0.02% ====*1674*====+ 1. >talk >God 2. talk to God we 're said to be praying but when God talks 3. Why is it that when we {talk} to {God} we're said to be praying but when {God} {talks} to us we're schizophrenic? 4. R= 1674 S= 0.02% ====*1675*====+ 1. >common >without 2. common sense without education than to have education without common 3. It is a thousand times better to have {common} sense {without} education than to have education {without} {common} sense. 4. R= 1675 S= 0.02% ====*1676*====+ 1. >deal >reality 2. deal with what is the reality , or you can be sure that the reality is going to deal 3. Either you {deal} with what is the {reality}, or you can be sure that the {reality} is going to {deal} with you. 4. R= 1676 S= 0.02% ====*1677*====+ 1. >I >they 2. I ask , and go on cursing them there , and them look down and hear me 3. Let me go to hell, that's all {I} ask, and go on cursing {them} there, and {them} look down and hear {me}, that might take some of the shine off their bliss. 4. R= 1677 S= 0.02% ====*1678*====+ 1. >the >I 2. the job fits me and I like the 3. I think of myself as an actor, and if {the} job fits {me} and {I} like {the} story, I will go for it. 4. R= 1678 S= 0.02% ====*1679*====+ 1. >be >song 2. is basically the same as Bob Dylan did with folk songs and Woody Guthrie songs , the same as folk music 's always done . I 'm 3. What I'm doing {is} basically the same as Bob Dylan did with folk {songs} and Woody Guthrie {songs}, the same as folk music's always done. I{'m} not going to sing about ploughing, but I'll write a song that sounds like it should be about ploughing. 4. R= 1679 S= 0.02% ====*1680*====+ 1. >write >mother 2. write . When I write a poem about my mother , Palestinians think my mother is a symbol for Palestine . But I write 3. Sometimes I feel as if I am read before I {write}. When I write a poem about my {mother}, Palestinians think my {mother} is a symbol for Palestine. But I {write} as a poet, and my mother is my mother. 4. R= 1680 S= 0.02% ====*1681*====+ 1. >read >lot 2. read a lot . I know a lot of people who read 3. I do {read} a {lot}. I know a {lot} of people who {read} more, but I do try to keep a book in my hand most of the time, and I think that informs any kind of output that I'm going to have. 4. R= 1681 S= 0.02% ====*1682*====+ 1. >of >as 2. of the economy as well as the quality of 3. Population is a strong driver {of} the economy {as} well {as} the quality {of} the labor force. 4. R= 1682 S= 0.02% ====*1683*====+ 1. >of >as 2. of the inner as well as the features of 3. When I have had such men before my camera my whole soul has endeavored to do its duty towards them in recording faithfully the greatness {of} the inner {as} well {as} the features {of} the outer man. 4. R= 1682 S= 0.02% ====*1684*====+ 1. >write >as 2. Writing fiction , there are no limits to what you write as long as it increases the value of the paper you are writing 3. {Writing} fiction, there are no limits to what you write {as} long {as} it increases the value of the paper you are {writing} on. 4. R= 1684 S= 0.02% ====*1685*====+ 1. >the >day 2. the Internet - 24 hours a day , seven days a week . Because of the 3. Pre-teens, teens and college students have unlimited access to {the} Internet - 24 hours a {day}, seven {days} a week. Because of {the} repeated exposure they have to illegal Internet gambling sites, they fall victim by the thousands. 4. R= 1685 S= 0.02% ====*1686*====+ 1. >cop >a 2. cop or a trigger-happy cop or a crooked cop 3. If I play a cop, it's always a racist {cop} or {a} trigger-happy cop or {a} crooked {cop} - but by and large I play cowboys, bikers, and convicts. 4. R= 1686 S= 0.02% ====*1687*====+ 1. >re-release >stuff 2. re-releasing all of their catalog . So there 's the Warner Bros. stuff and the stuff that we have control over , we 're gradually re-releasing 3. And Warner Bros. seems to be pretty much into {re-releasing} all of their catalog. So there's the Warner Bros. {stuff} and the {stuff} that we have control over, we're gradually {re-releasing} it. 4. R= 1687 S= 0.02% ====*1688*====+ 1. >try >not 2. try and fall than not not try 3. I have never sung a whole song on my own before and I am not the best dancer in the world, but I would rather {try} and fall than {not} {not} {try} at all. 4. R= 1688 S= 0.02% ====*1689*====+ 1. >be >run 2. is why Callaway sells golf clubs and Nike sells running shoes . But running is unique in that the world 's best racers are 3. That {is} why Callaway sells golf clubs and Nike sells {running} shoes. But {running} is unique in that the world's best racers {are} on the same course, at the same time, as amateurs, who have as much chance of winning as your average weekend warrior would scoring a touchdown in the NFL. 4. R= 1689 S= 0.02% ====*1690*====+ 1. >also >else 2. also obligated to realize and remember that everyone else and everything else are also 3. While I know myself as a creation of God, I am {also} obligated to realize and remember that everyone {else} and everything {else} are {also} God's creation. 4. R= 1690 S= 0.02% ====*1691*====+ 1. >problem >no 2. problems - no man , no problem 3. Death solves all {problems} - {no} man, {no} {problem}. 4. R= 1691 S= 0.02% ====*1692*====+ 1. >enough >and 2. enough to learn and know - and yet not wise enough 3. Suppose that we are wise {enough} to learn {and} know - {and} yet not wise {enough} to control our learning and knowledge, so that we use it to destroy ourselves? 4. R= 1691 S= 0.02% ====*1693*====+ 1. >people >you 2. people disagree with you , what you ultimately have to do is persuade people 3. When {people} disagree with {you}, what {you} ultimately have to do is persuade {people} to agree with you - period. 4. R= 1693 S= 0.02% ====*1694*====+ 1. >thus >honest 2. Thus goodness is attained . Be honest to those who are honest , and be also honest to those who are not honest . Thus 3. {Thus} goodness is attained. Be honest to those who are {honest}, and be also {honest} to those who are not honest. {Thus} honesty is attained. 4. R= 1694 S= 0.02% ====*1695*====+ 1. >to >nice 2. to drive fancy cars and wear nice clothes and live in nice apartments but do n't want to 3. We need to steer clear of this poverty of ambition, where people want {to} drive fancy cars and wear {nice} clothes and live in {nice} apartments but don't want {to} work hard to accomplish these things. 4. R= 1695 S= 0.02% ====*1696*====+ 1. >and >low 2. and the lows are very low and 3. When I talk to young people who want to go to Broadway or whatever, I say, 'The highs are very high {and} the {lows} are very {low} {and} then there is a lot in between.' 4. R= 1696 S= 0.02% ====*1697*====+ 1. >actor >be 2. actor , and I am being an actor 3. I want to be an {actor}, and I {am} {being} an {actor}. 4. R= 1697 S= 0.02% ====*1698*====+ 1. >be >circumstance 2. are given circumstances . Given circumstances are 3. Because what the script gives you {are} given {circumstances}. Given {circumstances} {are} all the facts of your character. 4. R= 1698 S= 0.02% ====*1699*====+ 1. >you >know 2. You know , once somebody knows you 3. {You} {know}, once somebody {knows} {you} can sing Elphaba, it's like being able to sing Evita - people shut up about it already. 4. R= 1699 S= 0.02% ====*1700*====+ 1. >unreal >meaningless 2. unreal in some sense , meaningless in some sense , real and meaningless in some sense , unreal and meaningless in some sense , and real and unreal 3. All phenomena are real in some sense, {unreal} in some sense, meaningless in some sense, real and {meaningless} in some sense, unreal and {meaningless} in some sense, and real and {unreal} and meaningless in some sense. 4. R= 1700 S= 0.02% ====*1701*====+ 1. >life >that 2. lives and create a meaning that disempowers them or one that can literally save their lives 3. Human beings have the awesome ability to take any experience of their {lives} and create a meaning {that} disempowers them or one {that} can literally save their {lives}. 4. R= 1701 S= 0.02% ====*1702*====+ 1. >a >government 2. a real sense of anger among many people who are married that the government , any government , thinks it has the ability to change the definition of an 3. There is {a} real sense of anger among many people who are married that the {government}, any {government}, thinks it has the ability to change the definition of {an} institution like marriage. 4. R= 1702 S= 0.02% ====*1703*====+ 1. >play >cop 2. play a cop , it 's always a racist cop or a trigger-happy cop or a crooked cop - but by and large I play 3. If I {play} a cop, it's always a racist {cop} or a trigger-happy {cop} or a crooked cop - but by and large I {play} cowboys, bikers, and convicts. 4. R= 1703 S= 0.02% ====*1704*====+ 1. >I >word 2. I write it out word for word , and when I 3. So {I} write it out {word} for {word}, and when {I}'m onstage I'll improvise around it. 4. R= 1704 S= 0.02% ====*1705*====+ 1. >the >a 2. The role of a clown and a physician are the 3. {The} role of {a} clown and {a} physician are {the} same - it's to elevate the possible and to relieve suffering. 4. R= 1705 S= 0.02% ====*1706*====+ 1. >'s >be 2. 's shows was over and the networks were not and are not interested in children 's 3. The era of locally produced children{'s} shows was over and the networks {were} not and {are} not interested in children{'s} television. 4. R= 1706 S= 0.02% ====*1707*====+ 1. >funny >as 2. funny as well as his mind being funny 3. A comedian's body is {funny} {as} well {as} his mind being {funny}, his whole personage is funny. 4. R= 1707 S= 0.02% ====*1708*====+ 1. >love >as 2. love a big studio comedy as much as I love 3. I {love} a big studio comedy {as} much {as} I {love} the teeniest tiniest of indie. 4. R= 1707 S= 0.02% ====*1709*====+ 1. >lie >as 2. lie of silence to be as evil as the lie 3. He knew the {lie} of silence to be {as} evil {as} the {lie} of speech. 4. R= 1707 S= 0.02% ====*1710*====+ 1. >whatever >we 2. whatever genetic limitations were given to us by our parents and whatever 3. I align myself with almost all researchers in assuming that anything we do is a composite of {whatever} genetic limitations were given to {us} by {our} parents and {whatever} kinds of environmental opportunities are available. 4. R= 1707 S= 0.02% ====*1711*====+ 1. >active >as 2. active as well as socially and culturally active 3. I'm not saying that people on welfare don't contribute in their own way, but as many as possible should be encouraged to be economically {active} {as} well {as} socially and culturally {active}. 4. R= 1707 S= 0.02% ====*1712*====+ 1. >thing >I 2. things that 's interesting to me is I find things 3. One of the {things} that's interesting to {me} is {I} find {things} like caffeine and stunts actually relax me. 4. R= 1707 S= 0.02% ====*1713*====+ 1. >time >to 2. time to go to a restaurant two times 3. We take {time} {to} go {to} a restaurant two {times} a week. 4. R= 1707 S= 0.02% ====*1714*====+ 1. >cheer >to 2. cheer yourself up is to try to cheer 3. The best way to {cheer} yourself up is {to} try {to} {cheer} somebody else up. 4. R= 1707 S= 0.02% ====*1715*====+ 1. >live >to 2. live without Hope is to Cease to live 3. To {live} without Hope is {to} Cease {to} {live}. 4. R= 1707 S= 0.02% ====*1716*====+ 1. >with >kid 2. with my kids , and my kids are in love with 3. They're in love {with} my {kids}, and my {kids} are in love {with} them. 4. R= 1716 S= 0.02% ====*1717*====+ 1. >to >game 2. to the game , because the game will be true to 3. Be true {to} the {game}, because the {game} will be true {to} you. 4. R= 1716 S= 0.02% ====*1718*====+ 1. >to >believe 2. to believe , but I believe in order to 3. For I do not seek to understand in order {to} {believe}, but I {believe} in order {to} understand. 4. R= 1716 S= 0.02% ====*1719*====+ 1. >must >content 2. must have a content , and that content must 3. Form {must} have a {content}, and that {content} {must} be linked with nature. 4. R= 1716 S= 0.02% ====*1720*====+ 1. >of >India 2. of India as well as India 's understanding of 3. Hopefully the presence in Congress of an American who happens to be Hindu will increase America's understanding {of} {India} as well as {India}'s understanding {of} America. 4. R= 1716 S= 0.02% ====*1721*====+ 1. >with >stand 2. with anybody that stands right , and stand with 3. I must stand {with} anybody that {stands} right, and {stand} {with} him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong. 4. R= 1716 S= 0.02% ====*1722*====+ 1. >do >stuff 2. done very good stuff and very crazy stuff , and I do 3. Believe me - I've {done} very good {stuff} and very crazy {stuff}, and I {do}n't regret the crazy stuff. 4. R= 1722 S= 0.02% ====*1723*====+ 1. >play >to 2. playing ten years older . I did n't want to have to wait until I was an old lady to play 3. I decided to get through the really tough patch, around 50, by just cutting my price and {playing} ten years older. I didn't want {to} have {to} wait until I was an old lady to {play} one. 4. R= 1723 S= 0.02% ====*1724*====+ 1. >keep >the 2. keep sailing on in this middle passage . I am sailing into the wind and the dark . But I am doing my best to keep 3. I {keep} sailing on in this middle passage. I am sailing into {the} wind and {the} dark. But I am doing my best to {keep} my boat steady and my sails full. 4. R= 1724 S= 0.02% ====*1725*====+ 1. >how >fear 2. how to fear what ought to be feared and how 3. Courage is... the knowledge of {how} to {fear} what ought to be {feared} and {how} not to fear what ought not to be feared. 4. R= 1725 S= 0.02% ====*1726*====+ 1. >just >part 2. just went on from there - singing violin parts and trumpet parts and just 3. And then it {just} went on from there - singing violin {parts} and trumpet {parts} and {just} trying to emulate the sounds of the instruments. 4. R= 1726 S= 0.02% ====*1727*====+ 1. >South >eye 2. South is the home of ` an eye for an eye . ' ` Turning the other cheek ' ? The South 3. The {South} is the home of 'an {eye} for an {eye}.' 'Turning the other cheek'? The {South} can't see that. 4. R= 1727 S= 0.02% ====*1728*====+ 1. >run >you 2. runs but how you feel about your game . Sometimes the runs 3. To me, form is not about scoring {runs} but how {you} feel about {your} game. Sometimes the {runs} are not there, but you know you are batting well, and that is good form for me. 4. R= 1728 S= 0.02% ====*1729*====+ 1. >priority >they 2. priorities of the organization and team they work with and prioritized their work around those top priorities 3. The bottom line is, when people are crystal clear about the most important {priorities} of the organization and team {they} work with and prioritized {their} work around those top {priorities}, not only are they many times more productive, they discover they have the time they need to have a whole life. 4. R= 1729 S= 0.02% ====*1730*====+ 1. >force >see 2. force you can not see , but you can see the manifestation of that force 3. The word is a {force} you cannot {see}, but you can {see} the manifestation of that {force}, the expression of the word, which is your own life. 4. R= 1729 S= 0.02% ====*1731*====+ 1. >know >we 2. know what our taste is , and we do n't know 3. We don't {know} what {our} taste is, and {we} don't {know} what we are seeing. 4. R= 1729 S= 0.02% ====*1732*====+ 1. >we >show 2. we 're really - we 're doing a really great job doing our show , and other shows are doing a great job doing theirs , and we 3. I think {we}'re really - we're doing a really great job doing our {show}, and other {shows} are doing a great job doing theirs, and {we}'ll just see what people have to say. 4. R= 1732 S= 0.02% ====*1733*====+ 1. >baseball >color 2. baseball owes colored people anything . I do n't think colored people owe baseball 3. I don't think {baseball} owes {colored} people anything. I don't think {colored} people owe {baseball} anything, either. 4. R= 1733 S= 0.02% ====*1734*====+ 1. >I >of 2. me in the direction of some of the work that I 3. I have always admired the humanitarians that I knew growing up in Derry whose influence steered {me} in the direction {of} some {of} the work that {I} have chosen in the past. 4. R= 1734 S= 0.02% ====*1735*====+ 1. >do >song 2. doing is basically the same as Bob Dylan did with folk songs and Woody Guthrie songs , the same as folk music 's always done 3. What I'm {doing} is basically the same as Bob Dylan did with folk {songs} and Woody Guthrie {songs}, the same as folk music's always {done}. 4. R= 1735 S= 0.02% ====*1736*====+ 1. >be >opportunity 2. are n't given certain opportunities or any opportunities , and that are 3. I know a lot of incredibly, profoundly talented, skilled people that {are}n't given certain {opportunities} or any {opportunities}, and that {are}n't working. 4. R= 1736 S= 0.02% ====*1737*====+ 1. >either >partner 2. either a strong spousal partner over many years or a business partner who 's either 3. Many people you think are individual achievers in fact have {either} a strong spousal {partner} over many years or a business {partner} who's {either} in the background, not given enough publicity or less egocentric. 4. R= 1737 S= 0.02% ====*1738*====+ 1. >a >purpose 2. a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a 3. I am here for {a} {purpose} and that {purpose} is to grow into {a} mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand. 4. R= 1738 S= 0.02% ====*1739*====+ 1. >the >language 2. the entire ability to think rests on language ... but language is also the 3. Not only {the} entire ability to think rests on {language}... but {language} is also {the} crux of the misunderstanding of reason with itself. 4. R= 1738 S= 0.02% ====*1740*====+ 1. >would >wish 2. would express a wish . And their wish would 3. They would come together as a community, and they {would} express a {wish}. And their {wish} {would} then be brought to a priest, who would find a ritual object, and the appropriate sacrifices would be made, and the shrine would be built for the god. 4. R= 1740 S= 0.02% ====*1741*====+ 1. >to >the 2. to make it very clear to the Iranians , the same way we made it clear to 3. We need {to} make it very clear to {the} Iranians, {the} same way we made it clear {to} the Soviet Union and China, that their first use of nuclear weapons would result in the devastation of their nation. 4. R= 1741 S= 0.02% ====*1742*====+ 1. >day >spring 2. day of spring is one thing , and the first spring day 3. The first {day} of {spring} is one thing, and the first {spring} {day} is another. 4. R= 1742 S= 0.02% ====*1743*====+ 1. >of >important 2. of a love is not important - what is important is that one is capable of 3. And the story {of} a love is not {important} - what is {important} is that one is capable {of} love. 4. R= 1743 S= 0.02% ====*1744*====+ 1. >to >year 2. to a movie . Years and years of work come down to 3. No one prepared me for the stress and insanity of a week leading up {to} a movie. {Years} and {years} of work come down {to} three days. 4. R= 1744 S= 0.02% ====*1745*====+ 1. >want >be 2. want me to be . I 'm free to be what I want 3. I know where I'm going and I know the truth, and I don't have to be what you {want} me to {be}. I{'m} free to be what I {want}. 4. R= 1745 S= 0.02% ====*1746*====+ 1. >entrepreneurship >with 2. entrepreneurship and changing the world with technology and with entrepreneurship 3. I am a huge fan of capitalism and a huge fan of {entrepreneurship} and changing the world {with} technology and {with} {entrepreneurship}. 4. R= 1746 S= 0.02% ====*1747*====+ 1. >funny >I 2. funny with me , and I started to be charming and funny 3. When I was little, my mother was {funny} with {me}, and {I} started to be charming and {funny} for her, and I learned that by being entertaining, you make a connection with another person. 4. R= 1746 S= 0.02% ====*1748*====+ 1. >to >people 2. to be the best group of people in the world . People with the presence of mind to 3. Throughout my years, I've had the pleasure of assembling and training what I believe {to} be the best group of {people} in the world. {People} with the presence of mind {to} deal with any flare-up, including my own. 4. R= 1748 S= 0.02% ====*1749*====+ 1. >much >and 2. much time and effort and that they 'd much 3. People could rationally decide that prolonged relationships take up too {much} time {and} effort {and} that they'd {much} rather do other kinds of things. 4. R= 1749 S= 0.02% ====*1750*====+ 1. >paint >he 2. painting broken pieces of the crockery that his wife had thrown at him for painting broken pieces of crockery instead of painting 3. Like most sensible people, you probably lost interest in modern art about the time that Julian Schnabel was {painting} broken pieces of the crockery that {his} wife had thrown at {him} for painting broken pieces of crockery instead of {painting} the bathroom and hall. 4. R= 1750 S= 0.02% ====*1751*====+ 1. >you >better 2. your time and energy making a better state and a better country - which is the reason you 3. You're diverted into preservation when you really want to spend {your} time and energy making a {better} state and a {better} country - which is the reason {you} ran in the first place. 4. R= 1751 S= 0.02% ====*1752*====+ 1. >they >work 2. they work outside and often work without their 3. And the poor are darker-skinned because {they} {work} outside and often {work} without {their} tops on so you can see their ribs. 4. R= 1751 S= 0.02% ====*1753*====+ 1. >to >foreign 2. to play in the formulation of foreign policy , and foreign policy is too important to 3. It has too big a role {to} play in the formulation of {foreign} policy, and {foreign} policy is too important {to} be left up to foreign service officers. 4. R= 1751 S= 0.02% ====*1754*====+ 1. >to >life 2. to give us life and a better life and is supposed to 3. We're all sick of holy wars and bloodshed because religion is supposed {to} give us {life} and a better {life} and is supposed {to} bring out our best self. 4. R= 1751 S= 0.02% ====*1755*====+ 1. >we >be 2. we talk to God we 're said to be praying but when God talks to us 3. Why is it that when {we} talk to God we{'re} said to {be} praying but when God talks to {us} we're schizophrenic? 4. R= 1755 S= 0.02% ====*1756*====+ 1. >always >I 2. always guided me . I did n't always 3. He {always} guided {me}. {I} didn't {always} go where he wanted me to go. 4. R= 1756 S= 0.02% ====*1757*====+ 1. >you >they 2. you fall in love with their personalities , and it makes them become attractive to you in your 3. I usually end up falling for one of my really good guy friends because I know everything about them, and {you} fall in love with {their} personalities, and it makes {them} become attractive to you in {your} eyes. 4. R= 1757 S= 0.02% ====*1758*====+ 1. >of >as 2. of responsibility and to discharge my duties as king as I would wish to do without the help and support of 3. I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden {of} responsibility and to discharge my duties {as} king {as} I would wish to do without the help and support {of} the woman I love. 4. R= 1758 S= 0.02% ====*1759*====+ 1. >life >environment 2. life upon the environment . Environment modifies life but does not govern life 3. It is a common habit to blame {life} upon the {environment}. {Environment} modifies life but does not govern {life}. 4. R= 1759 S= 0.02% ====*1760*====+ 1. >the >of 2. The work with which we embark on this first volume of a series of theological studies is a work with which the 3. {The} work with which we embark on this first volume {of} a series {of} theological studies is a work with which {the} philosophical person does not begin, but rather concludes. 4. R= 1760 S= 0.02% ====*1761*====+ 1. >character >I 2. character is a woman . I know I can direct a film where the main character 3. I would love to write a script where the main {character} is a woman. {I} know {I} can direct a film where the main {character} is a woman. 4. R= 1761 S= 0.02% ====*1762*====+ 1. >be >want 2. 's not that they do n't want to read in-depth content , but they want to evaluate what the content is 3. It{'s} not that they don't {want} to read in-depth content, but they {want} to evaluate what the content {is} before they commit time. 4. R= 1762 S= 0.02% ====*1763*====+ 1. >tennis >you 2. tennis with someone that 's better than you . You either play better tennis 3. Acting with Denzel is like playing {tennis} with someone that's better than {you}. {You} either play better {tennis} or get blown off the court. 4. R= 1763 S= 0.02% ====*1764*====+ 1. >of >to 2. of the educational system is to shift to the individual the burden of 3. The ultimate goal {of} the educational system is {to} shift {to} the individual the burden {of} pursing his own education. 4. R= 1764 S= 0.02% ====*1765*====+ 1. >be >rule 2. be ruling in or ruling out anything while we are 3. I don't think that anybody should {be} {ruling} in or {ruling} out anything while we {are} conducting diplomacy. 4. R= 1765 S= 0.02% ====*1766*====+ 1. >of >humility 2. of a truly great man is his humility . By humility I do n't mean doubt of 3. The first test {of} a truly great man is his {humility}. By {humility} I don't mean doubt {of} his powers or hesitation in speaking his opinion, but merely an understanding of the relationship of what he can say and what he can do. 4. R= 1766 S= 0.02% ====*1767*====+ 1. >be >sellout 2. 's a sellout . A sellout is 3. As long as the creativity exists, then I don't think it{'s} a {sellout}. A {sellout} {is} putting your name on any piece of crap and then expecting people to buy it because it's got your name on it. 4. R= 1766 S= 0.02% ====*1768*====+ 1. >be >bully 2. be bullied . Bullying and being 3. You know, you don't have to be the loser kid in high school to {be} {bullied}. {Bullying} and {being} picked on comes in so many different forms. 4. R= 1768 S= 0.02% ====*1769*====+ 1. >along >the 2. along with rich people . I get along with the middle class and the poor people better than I get along 3. You know the funny thing, I don't get {along} with rich people. I get along with {the} middle class and {the} poor people better than I get {along} with the rich people. 4. R= 1769 S= 0.02% ====*1770*====+ 1. >I >work 2. I care about my work , my work is first . I 3. {I} care about my {work}, my {work} is first. {I} don't care about what kind of dress I wear... That's so secondary to me.' 4. R= 1770 S= 0.02% ====*1771*====+ 1. >product >and 2. product - as Evernote does for all above its most basic service , and same for Dropbox and SugarSync - you understand its incentive for sticking with that product 3. When a company is charging money for a {product} - as Evernote does for all above its most basic service, {and} same for Dropbox {and} SugarSync - you understand its incentive for sticking with that {product}. 4. R= 1771 S= 0.02% ====*1772*====+ 1. >song >and 2. song is a lifetime , it begins and ends , and there 's a journey taken within the songs 3. Each {song} is a lifetime, it begins {and} ends, {and} there's a journey taken within the {songs}. 4. R= 1772 S= 0.02% ====*1773*====+ 1. >produce >neutron 2. produces a certain number of neutrons and some of these neutrons will again produce 3. The fundamental point in fabricating a chain reacting machine is of course to see to it that each fission {produces} a certain number of {neutrons} and some of these {neutrons} will again {produce} fission. 4. R= 1773 S= 0.02% ====*1774*====+ 1. >you >horse 2. your horse , and your horse took care of you 3. You took care of {your} {horse}, and your {horse} took care of {you}. 4. R= 1774 S= 0.02% ====*1775*====+ 1. >understand >believe 2. understand . For I believe this : unless I believe , I will not understand 3. For I do not seek to understand in order to believe, but I believe in order to {understand}. For I {believe} this: unless I {believe}, I will not {understand}. 4. R= 1775 S= 0.02% ====*1776*====+ 1. >a >woman 2. a power in women being women . There 's a 3. There's {a} power in {women} being {women}. There's {a} role for men, but we don't have to be men, because we're women. 4. R= 1776 S= 0.02% ====*1777*====+ 1. >man >year 2. man I was 35 years ago . And I hope that five years and ten years from now , I 'll be a better man 3. I am not the same {man} I was 35 years ago. And I hope that five {years} and ten {years} from now, I'll be a better {man}, a more mature man, a wiser man, a more humble man and a more spirited man to serve the good of my people and the good of humanity. 4. R= 1777 S= 0.02% ====*1778*====+ 1. >people >be 2. people who do know who they are . I am sometimes ten or twelve people 3. Not only don't I know who I am, but I'm very suspicious of {people} who do know who they {are}. I {am} sometimes ten or twelve {people} a day, and sometimes four or five people an hour! 4. R= 1778 S= 0.02% ====*1779*====+ 1. >phone >Nokia 2. phone software through its deployment on Nokia phones . Nokia is still the global market share leader in cell phones 3. Microsoft has one more shot at a role in smart {phone} software through its deployment on {Nokia} phones. {Nokia} is still the global market share leader in cell {phones}. 4. R= 1779 S= 0.02% ====*1780*====+ 1. >the >keep 2. the ones that keep you humble , keep your feet on the 3. I've gone really far in my career, so they're {the} ones that {keep} you humble, {keep} your feet on {the} ground. 4. R= 1780 S= 0.02% ====*1781*====+ 1. >put >pressure 2. putting us under pressure , that 's the pressure we put 3. That's not the fans or the media {putting} us under {pressure}, that's the {pressure} we {put} ourselves under. 4. R= 1781 S= 0.02% ====*1782*====+ 1. >say >over 2. saying over and over the things I said 3. I do talk less now because the sound of my voice {saying} {over} and {over} the things I {said} years ago embarrasses and depresses me. 4. R= 1782 S= 0.02% ====*1783*====+ 1. >the >million 2. the Big Bang had been smaller by even one part in a hundred thousand million million , it would have recollapsed before it reached its present size . On the 3. If the rate of expansion one second after {the} Big Bang had been smaller by even one part in a hundred thousand {million} {million}, it would have recollapsed before it reached its present size. On {the} other hand, if it had been greater by a part in a million, the universe would have expanded too rapidly for stars and planets to form. 4. R= 1783 S= 0.02% ====*1784*====+ 1. >knock >work 2. knock his competitors . The sensible worker does not work those who work with him . Do n't knock your friends . Do n't knock 3. The intelligent merchant does not {knock} his competitors. The sensible worker does not {work} those who {work} with him. Don't knock your friends. Don't {knock} your enemies. 4. R= 1784 S= 0.02% ====*1785*====+ 1. >true >the 2. true to the game , because the game will be true 3. Be {true} to {the} game, because {the} game will be {true} to you. 4. R= 1785 S= 0.02% ====*1786*====+ 1. >woman >as 2. women that are as complicated and interesting as women 3. I try to write parts for {women} that are {as} complicated and interesting {as} {women} actually are. 4. R= 1785 S= 0.02% ====*1787*====+ 1. >Java >the 2. Java the beginning , but the problem with Java 3. I was interested in {Java} {the} beginning, but {the} problem with {Java} is you do have to switch your platform. 4. R= 1785 S= 0.02% ====*1788*====+ 1. >life >a 2. life as a service and have a definite object in life 3. Joy can only be real if people look upon their {life} as {a} service and have {a} definite object in {life} outside themselves and their personal happiness. 4. R= 1785 S= 0.02% ====*1789*====+ 1. >in >dream 2. in seeing visions and in dreaming dreams , but in active charity and in 3. The life of a man consists not {in} seeing visions and in {dreaming} {dreams}, but in active charity and {in} willing service. 4. R= 1789 S= 0.02% ====*1790*====+ 1. >the >round 2. the playoffs and win the first round , second round , and not win the 3. I don't want to just go to the playoffs, I don't want to go to {the} playoffs and win the first {round}, second {round}, and not win {the} whole thing because it's bittersweet. 4. R= 1790 S= 0.02% ====*1791*====+ 1. >read >I 2. read . I was told I could read 3. Well, I can't remember not being able to {read}. {I} was told {I} could {read} by myself very well at the age of three. 4. R= 1791 S= 0.02% ====*1792*====+ 1. >without >and 2. without knowledge is weak and useless , and knowledge without 3. Integrity {without} knowledge is weak {and} useless, {and} knowledge {without} integrity is dangerous and dreadful. 4. R= 1792 S= 0.02% ====*1793*====+ 1. >you >judge 2. your job to judge it or not judge it . You 3. You get the information, and it's not {your} job to {judge} it or not {judge} it. {You} adapt, and you do it. 4. R= 1793 S= 0.02% ====*1794*====+ 1. >money >everything 2. money will do everything may reasonably be expected to do everything for money 3. Those who are of the opinion that {money} will do {everything} may reasonably be expected to do {everything} for {money}. 4. R= 1794 S= 0.02% ====*1795*====+ 1. >power >corrupt 2. Power does not corrupt . Fear corrupts ... perhaps the fear of a loss of power 3. {Power} does not {corrupt}. Fear {corrupts}... perhaps the fear of a loss of {power}. 4. R= 1795 S= 0.02% ====*1796*====+ 1. >life >risk 2. life if you 're not willing to take a risk , and it 's easier to risk your own life 3. You can't do things unexpected in {life} if you're not willing to take a {risk}, and it's easier to {risk} your own {life} than it is for your parent to watch you take risks. 4. R= 1796 S= 0.02% ====*1797*====+ 1. >do >we 2. done our job , and we did 3. If we deliver on those promises, we'll have {done} {our} job, and {we} {did} it with PSOne, and we certainly did it with PS2, and we are about to do it very rapidly with PSP. 4. R= 1797 S= 0.02% ====*1798*====+ 1. >to >thing 2. to play . I get to try new things , do things I would have never got the chance to 3. Genre stuff is the most exciting stuff for an actor {to} play. I get to try new {things}, do {things} I would have never got the chance {to} do. 4. R= 1798 S= 0.02% ====*1799*====+ 1. >you >job 2. you a job because jobs are something that are given to you 3. Their idea is it takes a rich person to give {you} a {job} because {jobs} are something that are given to {you}, an inferior, from on high. 4. R= 1799 S= 0.02% ====*1800*====+ 1. >a >novel 2. a 19th century novel and novels that really are short stories filled with a 3. I've read short stories that are as dense as {a} 19th century {novel} and {novels} that really are short stories filled with {a} lot of helium. 4. R= 1799 S= 0.02% ====*1801*====+ 1. >try >and 2. try and try and try 3. He's there and he loves me, and I {try} {and} try {and} {try}, it's just impossible to have a relationship. 4. R= 1801 S= 0.02% ====*1802*====+ 1. >attack >and 2. attack and attack and attack 3. Nobody ever defended anything successfully, there is only {attack} {and} attack {and} {attack} some more. 4. R= 1801 S= 0.02% ====*1803*====+ 1. >purify >religion 2. purify religion from error and superstition . Religion can purify 3. Science can {purify} {religion} from error and superstition. {Religion} can {purify} science from idolatry and false absolutes. 4. R= 1803 S= 0.02% ====*1804*====+ 1. >time >you 2. time honored tradition in movies in America that if you kill enough people in your 30s and 40s and 50s that by the time 3. You know what, it's a {time} honored tradition in movies in America that if {you} kill enough people in {your} 30s and 40s and 50s that by the {time} you get into your 60s you become loveable. 4. R= 1804 S= 0.02% ====*1805*====+ 1. >be >light 2. is no light , and without light , there is 3. Listen, the obvious thing to remember is without dark, there {is} no {light}, and without {light}, there {is} no dark. 4. R= 1805 S= 0.02% ====*1806*====+ 1. >you >write 2. your story as it needs to be written . Write it honestly , and tell it as best you 3. Write {your} story as it needs to be {written}. {Write} it honestly, and tell it as best {you} can. 4. R= 1806 S= 0.02% ====*1807*====+ 1. >hate >you 2. hate you do n't win unless you hate 3. Always remember that others may hate you but those who {hate} {you} don't win unless {you} {hate} them. 4. R= 1807 S= 0.02% ====*1808*====+ 1. >of >life 2. of education is happiness or a good human life , a life enriched by the possession of every kind of 3. The ultimate end {of} education is happiness or a good human {life}, a {life} enriched by the possession of every kind {of} good, by the enjoyment of every type of satisfaction. 4. R= 1808 S= 0.02% ====*1809*====+ 1. >not >evil 2. n't want to do evil for evil 's sake . I do n't 3. In other words, I do{n't} want to do {evil} for {evil}'s sake. I do{n't} want to do Jason slasher movies. 4. R= 1809 S= 0.02% ====*1810*====+ 1. >really >I 2. really always expected to somebody to make me happy and I do n't think you can really 3. I {really} always expected to somebody to make {me} happy and {I} don't think you can {really} enter into a relationship until you are happy. 4. R= 1810 S= 0.02% ====*1811*====+ 1. >to >be 2. to tell the kids that are being bullied that no one should have to 3. I'd like {to} tell the kids that {are} {being} bullied that no one should have {to} deal with the abuse, ever! 4. R= 1811 S= 0.02% ====*1812*====+ 1. >God >you 2. God 's gift to you . What you do with it is your gift back to God 3. Your talent is {God}'s gift to {you}. What {you} do with it is your gift back to {God}. 4. R= 1812 S= 0.02% ====*1813*====+ 1. >all >highest 2. all the bodies that are moved , the lowest by the highest and the highest in their turn unto the Supreme Mover of all 3. Even in the angels there is the subordination of one hierarchy to another, and in the heavens, and {all} the bodies that are moved, the lowest by the {highest} and the {highest} in their turn unto the Supreme Mover of {all}. 4. R= 1813 S= 0.02% ====*1814*====+ 1. >email >States 2. emails from the United States . It 's not easy in the United States to find out the email 3. I've had more than 12,000 {emails} from the United {States}. It's not easy in the United {States} to find out the {email} address of a British parliamentarian. 4. R= 1814 S= 0.02% ====*1815*====+ 1. >day >be 2. days a year , so it was - it was a place we played every day 3. My father actually moved out from Chicago just so he could play tennis 365 {days} a year, so it {was} - it {was} a place we played every {day}. 4. R= 1815 S= 0.02% ====*1816*====+ 1. >real >sense 2. real and meaningless in some sense , unreal and meaningless in some sense , and real 3. All phenomena are real in some sense, unreal in some sense, meaningless in some sense, {real} and meaningless in some {sense}, unreal and meaningless in some {sense}, and {real} and unreal and meaningless in some sense. 4. R= 1816 S= 0.02% ====*1817*====+ 1. >I >time 2. I 'm not guilty of doing the odd idiotic thing myself from time to time , but when people say stupid things , it stresses me 3. When people are acting like idiots, not that {I}'m not guilty of doing the odd idiotic thing myself from {time} to {time}, but when people say stupid things, it stresses {me} out. 4. R= 1817 S= 0.02% ====*1818*====+ 1. >reduce >of 2. reduce our financial dependence on the inflow of funds from the rest of the world is to reduce 3. The only way that we can {reduce} our financial dependence on the inflow {of} funds from the rest {of} the world is to {reduce} our trade deficit. 4. R= 1818 S= 0.02% ====*1819*====+ 1. >it >settle 2. It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it 3. {It} is better to debate a question without {settling} it than to {settle} a question without debating {it}. 4. R= 1819 S= 0.02% ====*1820*====+ 1. >the >important 2. the world and put a mark over what is more important and less important . It 's a way of classifying the 3. Having a self, even a simple self, allows you to look into {the} world and put a mark over what is more {important} and less {important}. It's a way of classifying {the} world in terms of your own needs. 4. R= 1820 S= 0.02% ====*1821*====+ 1. >at >fair 2. at a fair price than a fair company at 3. It's far better to buy a wonderful company {at} a {fair} price than a {fair} company {at} a wonderful price. 4. R= 1821 S= 0.02% ====*1822*====+ 1. >feel >be 2. feel when I 'm late is nothing like the anxiety I feel 3. The anxiety I {feel} when I{'m} late {is} nothing like the anxiety I {feel} when I'm on time. 4. R= 1822 S= 0.02% ====*1823*====+ 1. >talent >interesting 2. Talent is always more interesting - ambition is not interesting . If you have talent 3. {Talent} is always more {interesting} - ambition is not {interesting}. If you have {talent}, you have to find ways of expressing it, but you may not be a success in the world's terms. 4. R= 1823 S= 0.02% ====*1824*====+ 1. >a >time 2. a tailored suit from time to time , and there 's a 3. I like to dress up in {a} tailored suit from {time} to {time}, and there's {a} tailor I go to in Naples who's fantastic. 4. R= 1824 S= 0.02% ====*1825*====+ 1. >white >black 2. white people hate black people , and some white people love black people , some black people hate white 3. Some {white} people hate {black} people, and some white people love black people, some {black} people hate {white} people, and some black people love white people. 4. R= 1825 S= 0.02% ====*1826*====+ 1. >to >snake 2. to a toad , a toad to a snake , a snake to a pig , a pig to 3. Edible, adj.: Good to eat, and wholesome to digest, as a worm {to} a toad, a toad to a {snake}, a {snake} to a pig, a pig {to} a man, and a man to a worm. 4. R= 1826 S= 0.02% ====*1827*====+ 1. >the >bond 2. the origin story of Bond . Bond had the 3. We were lucky on 'Casino Royale:' it was {the} origin story of {Bond}. {Bond} had {the} one and only affair that meant anything to him, and affected him throughout the rest of the series. 4. R= 1827 S= 0.02% ====*1828*====+ 1. >to >pig 2. to a snake , a snake to a pig , a pig to a man , and a man to 3. Edible, adj.: Good to eat, and wholesome to digest, as a worm to a toad, a toad {to} a snake, a snake to a {pig}, a {pig} to a man, and a man {to} a worm. 4. R= 1828 S= 0.02% ====*1829*====+ 1. >fearful >be 2. fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful 3. We simply attempt to be {fearful} when others {are} greedy and to {be} greedy only when others are {fearful}. 4. R= 1829 S= 0.02% ====*1830*====+ 1. >character >you 2. character than your reputation , because your character 3. Be more concerned with your {character} than {your} reputation, because {your} {character} is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are. 4. R= 1830 S= 0.02% ====*1831*====+ 1. >know >I 2. know where I 'm going and I know 3. I {know} where {I}'m going and {I} {know} the truth, and I don't have to be what you want me to be. 4. R= 1830 S= 0.02% ====*1832*====+ 1. >problem >it 2. problems and it 's disruptive and it 's a problem 3. In China anything less than 6% growth is a recession meaning that it also causes financial {problems} and {it}'s disruptive and {it}'s a {problem}. 4. R= 1830 S= 0.02% ====*1833*====+ 1. >fruit >I 2. fruit and to this day , that has saved me because I 'd much rather have fruit 3. I'm very lucky because I love {fruit} and to this day, that has saved {me} because {I}'d much rather have {fruit} than cookies. 4. R= 1833 S= 0.02% ====*1834*====+ 1. >music >of 2. music that will not make people think only of the song or even of the singer ... not music 3. Let's have the music that will open the door to millions of people... the kind of {music} that will not make people think only {of} the song or even {of} the singer... not {music} that is confined to the merely personal. 4. R= 1834 S= 0.02% ====*1835*====+ 1. >I >movie 2. I did n't know anything about movies or movie stars or the Academy or anything . I 3. {I} didn't know anything about {movies} or {movie} stars or the Academy or anything. {I} was just a blank sheet of paper. 4. R= 1835 S= 0.02% ====*1836*====+ 1. >virtue >in 2. virtues hence , in the soul in which this virtue 3. Humility is the foundation of all the other {virtues} hence, {in} the soul {in} which this {virtue} does not exist there cannot be any other virtue except in mere appearance. 4. R= 1836 S= 0.02% ====*1837*====+ 1. >a >dame 2. a dame , and a dame like a 3. You treat a lady like {a} {dame}, and a {dame} like {a} lady. 4. R= 1837 S= 0.02% ====*1838*====+ 1. >bring >you 2. bring forth will save you . If you do not bring 3. If you bring forth what is within you, what you {bring} forth will save {you}. If {you} do not {bring} forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you. 4. R= 1838 S= 0.02% ====*1839*====+ 1. >attempt >to 2. attempt to do something great and fail than to attempt 3. I'd rather {attempt} {to} do something great and fail than {to} {attempt} to do nothing and succeed. 4. R= 1839 S= 0.02% ====*1840*====+ 1. >control >life 2. control of your life . If you do n't , life controls 3. If you do that, you're in {control} of your {life}. If you don't, {life} {controls} you. 4. R= 1840 S= 0.02% ====*1841*====+ 1. >the >dream 2. the cure for it is not to dream less but to dream more , to dream all the 3. If a little dreaming is dangerous, {the} cure for it is not to {dream} less but to {dream} more, to dream all {the} time. 4. R= 1841 S= 0.02% ====*1842*====+ 1. >in >life 2. in your business life if your home life is in 3. You can't truly be considered successful {in} your business {life} if your home {life} is {in} shambles. 4. R= 1842 S= 0.02% ====*1843*====+ 1. >to >idea 2. to die for an idea , provided that idea is not quite clear to 3. Man is ready {to} die for an {idea}, provided that {idea} is not quite clear {to} him. 4. R= 1842 S= 0.02% ====*1844*====+ 1. >the >copyright 2. the legal definition of copyright outside of actual copyright infringement is the 3. But I don't think that expanding {the} legal definition of {copyright} outside of actual {copyright} infringement is {the} right move. 4. R= 1842 S= 0.02% ====*1845*====+ 1. >you >that 2. your life that happened that really pushes you 3. Maybe something in your family or maybe something in {your} life {that} happened {that} really pushes {you} for a specific cause - as long as there is something that you're doing. 4. R= 1845 S= 0.02% ====*1846*====+ 1. >you >that 2. your life that happened that really pushes you 3. Maybe something in your family or maybe something in {your} life {that} happened {that} really pushes {you} for a specific cause - as long as there is something that you're doing. 4. R= 1845 S= 0.02% ====*1847*====+ 1. >have >be 2. 've cut scenes out that I was in and that 's when you realize that you 've 3. I've cut myself out... I{'ve} cut scenes out that I {was} in and that{'s} when you realize that you{'ve} got to make the best movie you can. 4. R= 1847 S= 0.02% ====*1848*====+ 1. >people >million 2. people , unscripted , working with each other - and millions and millions of people 3. When you think about it, that was human emotion and {people}, unscripted, working with each other - and {millions} and {millions} of {people} around the world, glued to their television sets to share real-time in a brand new, fascinating human experience. 4. R= 1848 S= 0.02% ====*1849*====+ 1. >decide >we 2. decided to develop our tourism sector , we have decided 3. So we have decided to diversify agriculture, we {decided} to develop {our} tourism sector, {we} have {decided} to develop our mining sector. 4. R= 1849 S= 0.02% ====*1850*====+ 1. >say >British 2. say the British did it and the British say 3. And the French {say} the {British} did it and the {British} {say} the French did it, but he died before the test for arsenic was available. 4. R= 1850 S= 0.02% ====*1851*====+ 1. >you >part 2. you are part of me and I am part of you 3. I know that {you} are {part} of me and I am {part} of {you} because we are all aspects of the same infinite consciousness that we call God and Creation. 4. R= 1851 S= 0.02% ====*1852*====+ 1. >to >corn 2. to candy corn , if only because candy corn used to 3. And all Halloween candy pales next {to} candy {corn}, if only because candy {corn} used {to} appear, like the Great Pumpkin, solely on Halloween. 4. R= 1851 S= 0.02% ====*1853*====+ 1. >you >part 2. you are part of me and I am part of you 3. We are reflections of one another, therefore I know that {you} are {part} of me and I am {part} of {you} because we are all projections of the universal principles of creation/destruction polarities of the same infinite consciousness that we call God. 4. R= 1851 S= 0.02% ====*1854*====+ 1. >distance >side 2. distances continue , a wonderful living side by side can grow , if they succeed in loving the distance 3. Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite {distances} continue, a wonderful living {side} by {side} can grow, if they succeed in loving the {distance} between them which makes it possible for each to see the other whole against the sky. 4. R= 1854 S= 0.02% ====*1855*====+ 1. >you >I 2. you are a good writer - and I think I am - you 3. If {you} are a good writer - and {I} think {I} am - {you} are able to handle any kind of group and imagine their lives. 4. R= 1855 S= 0.02% ====*1856*====+ 1. >actor >the 2. actor to acquire a sense of the period . And the other thing I think is that an actor 3. Ellis Peters's historical detail is very accurate and very minute, and therefore is not only interesting to read but good for an {actor} to acquire a sense of {the} period. And {the} other thing I think is that an {actor} lives in the land of imagination. 4. R= 1856 S= 0.02% ====*1857*====+ 1. >be >as 2. 's very difficult to do the job I want to do and spend as much time as I want with my kids ... It is time for me to be 3. It{'s} very difficult to do the job I want to do and spend {as} much time {as} I want with my kids... It is time for me to {be} a father first to them, and I realize as I watch them grow and become young adults that I won't be able to get this time back. 4. R= 1857 S= 0.02% ====*1858*====+ 1. >Eddie >we 2. Eddie had a lighter and kept us lit backstage . We became very good friends and spent a lot of time together including hearing Eddie 3. {Eddie} had a lighter and kept {us} lit backstage. {We} became very good friends and spent a lot of time together including hearing {Eddie} sing in some of the bands he was in at the time. 4. R= 1858 S= 0.02% ====*1859*====+ 1. >that >motion 2. that line from absolutely primitive motion to motion that 3. Robotics are beginning to cross {that} line from absolutely primitive {motion} to {motion} {that} resembles animal or human behavior. 4. R= 1859 S= 0.02% ====*1860*====+ 1. >successful >use 2. successful man does n't use others , other people use the successful 3. The {successful} man doesn't {use} others, other people {use} the {successful} man, for above all the success is of service. 4. R= 1860 S= 0.02% ====*1861*====+ 1. >be >set 2. was the kid getting dragged around from this set to that set and I loved it . There 's 3. I grew up the son of a director and grew up on sets myself, so I {was} the kid getting dragged around from this {set} to that {set} and I loved it. There{'s} something about it which is really interesting. 4. R= 1861 S= 0.02% ====*1862*====+ 1. >year >as 2. year , but we do not believe revenues will grow as fast as we hoped for the rest of the year 3. I had hoped to let the one-half cent sales tax sunset this {year}, but we do not believe revenues will grow {as} fast {as} we hoped for the rest of the {year}. 4. R= 1862 S= 0.02% ====*1863*====+ 1. >I >that 2. I do n't want to be that parent that puts my kids into what I 3. {I} don't want to be {that} parent {that} puts my kids into what {I} think they should be in, you know what I mean? 4. R= 1863 S= 0.02% ====*1864*====+ 1. >rat >you 2. rat race is that even if you win , you 're still a rat 3. The trouble with the {rat} race is that even if {you} win, {you}'re still a {rat}. 4. R= 1864 S= 0.02% ====*1865*====+ 1. >be >form 2. is the means by which bodies display their form . The forms of bodies could not be 3. Shadow {is} the means by which bodies display their {form}. The {forms} of bodies could not {be} understood in detail but for shadow. 4. R= 1865 S= 0.02% ====*1866*====+ 1. >be >they 2. 's a question of whether I like their music and their look and if I think there 's 3. There are people that bring artists to me to look at it and it{'s} a question of whether I like {their} music and {their} look and if I think there{'s} something they have that makes them different and commercial. 4. R= 1866 S= 0.02% ====*1867*====+ 1. >people >black 2. people love black people , some black people hate white people 3. Some white people hate black people, and some white {people} love {black} people, some {black} people hate white {people}, and some black people love white people. 4. R= 1867 S= 0.02% ====*1868*====+ 1. >be >the 2. are conductors - we set the pace for the music - so if you 're 3. Drummers {are} conductors - we set {the} pace for {the} music - so if you{'re} not relaxed and feeling right, the whole thing goes out the window. 4. R= 1868 S= 0.02% ====*1869*====+ 1. >heaven >horse 2. heaven , he might better stick to the horse , and some day the horse may carry him into heaven 3. If a poet knows more about a horse than he does about {heaven}, he might better stick to the {horse}, and some day the {horse} may carry him into {heaven}. 4. R= 1869 S= 0.02% ====*1870*====+ 1. >the >thing 2. the mommy thing and the wife thing and the 3. I'm used to getting up at 7, getting breakfast, getting the kids off to school, and doing {the} mommy {thing} and the wife {thing} and {the} daughter thing. 4. R= 1870 S= 0.02% ====*1871*====+ 1. >the >ballplayer 2. the old ballplayer and the new ballplayer is the 3. The difference between {the} old {ballplayer} and the new {ballplayer} is {the} jersey. 4. R= 1870 S= 0.02% ====*1872*====+ 1. >any >club 2. any clubs , and I dislike club mentality of any 3. I don't belong to {any} {clubs}, and I dislike {club} mentality of {any} kind, even feminism - although I do relate to the purpose and point of feminism. 4. R= 1872 S= 0.02% ====*1873*====+ 1. >other >promise 2. other people 's promises , but if you promise others 3. You cannot live on {other} people's {promises}, but if you {promise} {others} enough, you can live on your own. 4. R= 1872 S= 0.02% ====*1874*====+ 1. >there >to 2. there to here , and here to there 3. From {there} {to} here, and here {to} {there}, funny things are everywhere. 4. R= 1874 S= 0.02% ====*1875*====+ 1. >a >'s 2. a child should be allowed to take his father 's or mother 's name at will on coming of age . Paternity is a 3. I think {a} child should be allowed to take his father{'s} or mother{'s} name at will on coming of age. Paternity is {a} legal fiction. 4. R= 1875 S= 0.02% ====*1876*====+ 1. >loneliness >you 2. loneliness you get by the sea is personal and alive . It does n't subdue you and make you feel abject . It 's stimulating loneliness 3. The {loneliness} you get by the sea is personal and alive. It doesn't subdue {you} and make {you} feel abject. It's stimulating {loneliness}. 4. R= 1876 S= 0.02% ====*1877*====+ 1. >be >love 2. is the America that I have really loved and love . But a good half of it is 3. A quarter of America is a dramatic, tense, violent country, exploding with contradictions, full of brutal, physiological vitality, and that {is} the America that I have really {loved} and {love}. But a good half of it {is} a country of boredom, emptiness, monotony, brainless production, and brainless consumption, and this is the American inferno. 4. R= 1877 S= 0.02% ====*1878*====+ 1. >it >I 2. It 's weird when I say I 'm 53 . It 3. {It}'s weird when {I} say {I}'m 53. {It} just is crazy that I'm 53. 4. R= 1878 S= 0.02% ====*1879*====+ 1. >to >start 2. to start , but you have to start to 3. You don't have to be great {to} {start}, but you have to {start} {to} be great. 4. R= 1879 S= 0.02% ====*1880*====+ 1. >Rothschilds >Marx 2. Rothschilds appreciate the merits of Marx , and that on the other hand , Marx feels an instinctive inclination and a great respect for the Rothschilds 3. I am sure that, on the one hand, the {Rothschilds} appreciate the merits of {Marx}, and that on the other hand, {Marx} feels an instinctive inclination and a great respect for the {Rothschilds}. 4. R= 1880 S= 0.02% ====*1881*====+ 1. >scene >funny 2. scene , funny scene , funny scene 3. What you don't want is funny {scene}, {funny} scene, {funny} {scene}, and now here's the epiphany scene and then the movie's over. 4. R= 1881 S= 0.02% ====*1882*====+ 1. >the >they 2. the film is going to have any meaning for them . If they are going to empathize with the 3. The audience has to understand that if {the} film is going to have any meaning for {them}. If {they} are going to empathize with {the} characters, they have to visualize the process of concentration involved in making every move. 4. R= 1882 S= 0.02% ====*1883*====+ 1. >life >you 2. life will be no better than the plans you make and the action you take . You are the architect and builder of your own life 3. Your {life} will be no better than the plans you make and the action {you} take. {You} are the architect and builder of your own {life}, fortune, destiny. 4. R= 1883 S= 0.02% ====*1884*====+ 1. >I >love 2. I love her a lot , she loves me 3. {I} {love} her a lot, she {loves} {me}. 4. R= 1884 S= 0.02% ====*1885*====+ 1. >we >investigate 2. we come to investigate , and by investigating that we 3. It is by doubting that {we} come to {investigate}, and by {investigating} that {we} recognize the truth. 4. R= 1885 S= 0.02% ====*1886*====+ 1. >be >opinion 2. is their opinion , and their opinion is 3. Many young people now end a discussion with the supposedly definitive and unanswerable statement that such {is} their {opinion}, and their {opinion} {is} just as valid as anyone else's. 4. R= 1885 S= 0.02% ====*1887*====+ 1. >hundred >to 2. hundred , I want to live to be a hundred 3. If you live to be a {hundred}, I want {to} live {to} be a {hundred} minus one day so I never have to live without you. 4. R= 1887 S= 0.02% ====*1888*====+ 1. >happen >they 2. happen to them . They went out and happened 3. It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things {happen} to {them}. {They} went out and {happened} to things. 4. R= 1888 S= 0.02% ====*1889*====+ 1. >really >have 2. really burnt out of it . I had had enough . I do n't really 3. By the time I finished comedy, I was {really} burnt out of it. I {had} {had} enough. I don't {really} have a strong desire to prove myself in that area, or to go back to it in any great way. 4. R= 1889 S= 0.02% ====*1890*====+ 1. >be >western 2. are westerns . So the western genre is 3. Two of those {are} {westerns}. So the {western} genre {is} emblazoned on my memory from childhood, and those are two great movies. 4. R= 1890 S= 0.02% ====*1891*====+ 1. >music >be 2. music was being called was n't really the music 3. What my {music} was {being} called {was}n't really the {music} I was always listening to. 4. R= 1891 S= 0.02% ====*1892*====+ 1. >feel >to 2. feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices - today I choose to feel 3. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain... To {feel} the freedom that comes from being able {to} continue {to} make mistakes and choices - today I choose to {feel} life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it. 4. R= 1891 S= 0.02% ====*1893*====+ 1. >brother >and 2. brother and sister , or the brother and brother 3. The kind of issues that we face as detectives are similar to what the other married couples out there are facing, or the {brother} {and} sister, or the brother {and} {brother} are facing. 4. R= 1893 S= 0.02% ====*1894*====+ 1. >be >really 2. was really , really hard because I was 3. I unfortunately - I saw it happen before it happened, which {was} {really}, {really} hard because I {was} 16 years old and I thought, like, Well, I'm seeing this. 4. R= 1894 S= 0.02% ====*1895*====+ 1. >with >stick 2. with the kali stick - a stick with 3. On element of Jeet Kune Do is that I had several of years of practice {with} the kali {stick} - a {stick} {with} a size and length similar to a baseball bat. 4. R= 1895 S= 0.02% ====*1896*====+ 1. >of >taste 2. of taste , the taste for emotions of 3. There are two kinds {of} {taste}, the {taste} for emotions {of} surprise and the taste for emotions of recognition. 4. R= 1895 S= 0.02% ====*1897*====+ 1. >into >abyss 2. into an abyss , the abyss will gaze back into 3. And if you gaze long enough {into} an {abyss}, the {abyss} will gaze back {into} you. 4. R= 1895 S= 0.02% ====*1898*====+ 1. >you >boss 2. you have one boss and that boss does n't like you or wants to get rid of you 3. If you work for a company and {you} have one {boss} and that {boss} doesn't like you or wants to get rid of {you}, you're in trouble. 4. R= 1898 S= 0.02% ====*1899*====+ 1. >care >work 2. care about my work , my work is first . I do n't care 3. I {care} about my {work}, my {work} is first. I don't {care} about what kind of dress I wear... That's so secondary to me.' 4. R= 1899 S= 0.02% ====*1900*====+ 1. >Thor >I 2. Thor . ' When my manager told me I booked ` Thor 3. Obviously, Marvel is such a huge name, but for me, to book a role in a Marvel movie, and for it to be '{Thor}.' When my manager told {me} {I} booked '{Thor},' I literally didn't know what to say. 4. R= 1900 S= 0.02% ====*1901*====+ 1. >vice >president 2. vice president , running for president , being a vice 3. I went from being a senator, a young senator, to being considered for {vice} {president}, running for {president}, being a {vice} presidential candidate, and becoming a national public figure. 4. R= 1901 S= 0.02% ====*1902*====+ 1. >be >happen 2. was not what happened , but what continues to happen and how it is 3. When I began to understand the details of the history, I felt that the most compelling aspect {was} not what {happened}, but what continues to {happen} and how it {is} denied. 4. R= 1902 S= 0.02% ====*1903*====+ 1. >get >work 2. get all they work for in this world , but they must certainly work for all they get 3. People might not {get} all they {work} for in this world, but they must certainly {work} for all they {get}. 4. R= 1903 S= 0.02% ====*1904*====+ 1. >see >be 2. see is the change they 're seeing 3. If the President says, oh, Washington's got to change, and people are doubting whether my change can really happen, I think instead what the public's begun to {see} {is} the change they{'re} {seeing} is not the change they voted for. 4. R= 1904 S= 0.02% ====*1905*====+ 1. >singer >to 2. singers . They always seem to choose to pick people that are great singers 3. A lot of the new people they choose on shows like 'American Idol' and things like that - I don't ever hear lead {singers}. They always seem {to} choose {to} pick people that are great {singers}, fabulous singers, but they've never got the voice that makes a great lead singer. 4. R= 1905 S= 0.02% ====*1906*====+ 1. >lot >do 2. lot . I do n't do a lot 3. I do Pilates a {lot}. I {do}n't {do} a {lot} of cardiovascular stuff. 4. R= 1905 S= 0.02% ====*1907*====+ 1. >find >the 2. finding the way to the heart , as the feeblest insect finds 3. Love has its own instinct, {finding} the way to {the} heart, as {the} feeblest insect {finds} the way to its flower, with a will which nothing can dismay nor turn aside. 4. R= 1907 S= 0.02% ====*1908*====+ 1. >you >closer 2. you play gets you closer and closer to the roles that you 3. It's what I've always wanted to do and each part {you} play gets you {closer} and {closer} to the roles that {you} dreamed of playing. 4. R= 1908 S= 0.02% ====*1909*====+ 1. >for >to 2. for the Sydney Festival and I am just so pleased to be returning to the wonderful Sydney Opera House and also performing in Melbourne for 3. I performed in Sydney some years ago {for} the Sydney Festival and I am just so pleased {to} be returning {to} the wonderful Sydney Opera House and also performing in Melbourne {for} the first time. 4. R= 1909 S= 0.02% ====*1910*====+ 1. >it >we 2. it has been our lives , and we must take care of it 3. It is our profession, {it} has been {our} lives, and {we} must take care of {it} a little. 4. R= 1910 S= 0.02% ====*1911*====+ 1. >full >of 2. full of things is to be empty of God . To be empty of things is to be full 3. To be {full} of things is to be empty {of} God. To be empty {of} things is to be {full} of God. 4. R= 1911 S= 0.02% ====*1912*====+ 1. >form >be 2. form of dancing ca n't be dated , it 's such an intriguing form 3. This {form} of dancing can't {be} dated, it{'s} such an intriguing {form} of dance because the feet are also an an instrument. 4. R= 1912 S= 0.02% ====*1913*====+ 1. >attitude >the 2. attitude of the salesman - not the attitude 3. Sales are contingent upon the {attitude} of {the} salesman - not {the} {attitude} of the prospect. 4. R= 1912 S= 0.02% ====*1914*====+ 1. >we >of 2. we are hoping that the power of the community of free nations is such that our 3. Well {we} are hoping that the power {of} the community {of} free nations is such that {our} sovereignty our rights are not going to be challenged by anybody who's going try to undermine the freedom, the openness of our societies and our security. 4. R= 1914 S= 0.02% ====*1915*====+ 1. >between >side 2. between the closest human beings infinite distances continue , a wonderful living side by side can grow , if they succeed in loving the distance between 3. Once the realization is accepted that even {between} the closest human beings infinite distances continue, a wonderful living {side} by {side} can grow, if they succeed in loving the distance {between} them which makes it possible for each to see the other whole against the sky. 4. R= 1915 S= 0.02% ====*1916*====+ 1. >live >day 2. live each endless day in grief , but live each day thinking about living 3. I not only {live} each endless {day} in grief, but live each {day} thinking about {living} each day in grief. 4. R= 1916 S= 0.02% ====*1917*====+ 1. >I >movie 2. I 've been very lucky enough to do all kinds of movies . All the movies that I 've done have been very different , and all the characters I 3. {I}'ve been very lucky enough to do all kinds of {movies}. All the {movies} that I've done have been very different, and all the characters {I}'ve done have been very different. 4. R= 1917 S= 0.02% ====*1918*====+ 1. >I >that 2. I know in those days that that 's what it was but I 3. As a teenager, even as a younger girl, I had some depression but no one really noticed that it was depression nor did {I} know in those days {that} {that}'s what it was but {I} did feel different from other people. 4. R= 1918 S= 0.02% ====*1919*====+ 1. >write >book 2. write and writer 's block and publicizing books that are n't books yet . They agonize over how to write and what to write 3. Writers are troubled about finding time to {write} and writer's block and publicizing {books} that aren't {books} yet. They agonize over how to write and what to {write} and what not to write. 4. R= 1919 S= 0.02% ====*1920*====+ 1. >one >market 2. One way to express choice is through the market . Well-functioning markets provide choices and , ultimately , the ability to express one 3. {One} way to express choice is through the {market}. Well-functioning {markets} provide choices and, ultimately, the ability to express {one}'s pursuit for happiness. 4. R= 1920 S= 0.02% ====*1921*====+ 1. >meet >performance 2. meet your performance . Raise your level of performance to meet 3. Don't lower your expectations to {meet} your {performance}. Raise your level of {performance} to {meet} your expectations. 4. R= 1921 S= 0.02% ====*1922*====+ 1. >meet >performance 2. meet your performance . Raise your level of performance to meet 3. Don't lower your expectations to {meet} your {performance}. Raise your level of {performance} to {meet} your expectations. 4. R= 1921 S= 0.02% ====*1923*====+ 1. >you >people 2. you allow therapeutic , what people people are calling therapeutic cloning , then you 3. The argument has been made in Congress that it is slippery slope if {you} allow therapeutic, what {people} {people} are calling therapeutic cloning, then {you} will get reproductive cloning. 4. R= 1923 S= 0.02% ====*1924*====+ 1. >free >plane 2. free of the physical plane , the psychological plane , and when I got free 3. When I look at my life, I see that I wanted to be {free} of the physical {plane}, the psychological {plane}, and when I got {free} of those, I didn't want to go anywhere near them. 4. R= 1924 S= 0.02% ====*1925*====+ 1. >happen >Vegas 2. happens in Vegas may stay in Vegas , but what happens 3. What {happens} in {Vegas} may stay in {Vegas}, but what {happens} in New Orleans, goes home with you. 4. R= 1924 S= 0.02% ====*1926*====+ 1. >good >life 2. good human life , a life enriched by the possession of every kind of good 3. The ultimate end of education is happiness or a {good} human {life}, a {life} enriched by the possession of every kind of {good}, by the enjoyment of every type of satisfaction. 4. R= 1926 S= 0.02% ====*1927*====+ 1. >idiot >the 2. idiots of the cleverest men , and makes the biggest idiots 3. Passion makes {idiots} of {the} cleverest men, and makes {the} biggest {idiots} clever. 4. R= 1927 S= 0.02% ====*1928*====+ 1. >people >have 2. people that you recreate who have actually lived , because you have to live up to people 3. Real-life people are often the hardest to play, {people} that you recreate who {have} actually lived, because you {have} to live up to {people}'s knowledge of those characters. 4. R= 1927 S= 0.02% ====*1929*====+ 1. >life >have 2. life we have planned , so as to have the life 3. We must be willing to let go of the {life} we {have} planned, so as to {have} the {life} that is waiting for us. 4. R= 1927 S= 0.02% ====*1930*====+ 1. >people >of 2. people some of the time , and some of the people 3. You can fool all the {people} some {of} the time, and some {of} the {people} all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. 4. R= 1927 S= 0.02% ====*1931*====+ 1. >right >as 2. right questions takes as much skill as giving the right 3. Asking the {right} questions takes {as} much skill {as} giving the {right} answers. 4. R= 1931 S= 0.02% ====*1932*====+ 1. >man >the 2. man gets the oyster , the second man 3. The first {man} gets {the} oyster, {the} second {man} gets the shell. 4. R= 1931 S= 0.02% ====*1933*====+ 1. >leave >let 2. leave . They want to leave - so let us let them leave 3. We want the Israelis to {leave}. They want to leave - so {let} us {let} them {leave}. 4. R= 1933 S= 0.02% ====*1934*====+ 1. >love >clothes 2. love shopping for clothes , I love wearing clothes , I love 3. I love clothes - I {love} shopping for {clothes}, I love wearing {clothes}, I {love} talking about clothes - but oddly, putting on the dress and walking around in front of people, that's the place where I'm most uncomfortable. 4. R= 1934 S= 0.02% ====*1935*====+ 1. >dance >be 2. dance to . Even if they 're sitting , they like being made to want to dance 3. People like to hear songs that they can {dance} to. Even if they{'re} sitting, they like {being} made to want to {dance} and move. 4. R= 1935 S= 0.02% ====*1936*====+ 1. >that >be 2. that are being bullied that 3. I'd like to tell the kids {that} {are} {being} bullied {that} no one should have to deal with the abuse, ever! 4. R= 1936 S= 0.02% ====*1937*====+ 1. >the >have 2. the press I 've had over the 3. I appreciate {the} press I{'ve} {had} over {the} years. 4. R= 1936 S= 0.02% ====*1938*====+ 1. >be >that 2. was suddenly decided that that would be 3. It {was} suddenly decided {that} {that} would {be} it. 4. R= 1936 S= 0.02% ====*1939*====+ 1. >it >do 2. it to do does n't mean it 3. Just because something doesn't do what you planned {it} to {do} {does}n't mean {it}'s useless. 4. R= 1936 S= 0.02% ====*1940*====+ 1. >that >have 2. that they 've had no sense that 3. People keep telling us, that they didn't know when they were booking tickets for it, but afterwards they say {that} they{'ve} {had} no sense {that} they were watching an old fashioned play. 4. R= 1936 S= 0.02% ====*1941*====+ 1. >than >have 2. than any other science has had its pseudo-scientific no less than 3. Psychology more {than} any other science {has} {had} its pseudo-scientific no less {than} its scientific period. 4. R= 1936 S= 0.02% ====*1942*====+ 1. >think >I 2. think I definitely enjoy recording , but I think 3. I {think} {I} definitely enjoy recording, but {I} {think} it's more fun to go out and perform live, because it's like instant gratification, you know? 4. R= 1942 S= 0.02% ====*1943*====+ 1. >be >theory 2. is a conflict between theory and practice , theory is 3. Whenever there {is} a conflict between {theory} and practice, {theory} {is} wrong. 4. R= 1943 S= 0.02% ====*1944*====+ 1. >that >investigate 2. that we come to investigate , and by investigating that 3. It is by doubting {that} we come to {investigate}, and by {investigating} {that} we recognize the truth. 4. R= 1943 S= 0.02% ====*1945*====+ 1. >take >horse 2. took care of your horse , and your horse took 3. You {took} care of your {horse}, and your {horse} {took} care of you. 4. R= 1943 S= 0.02% ====*1946*====+ 1. >that >sport 2. that you ca n't go far in life because after sports the only thing you know is sports and you ca n't do anything else with that 3. Don't sell yourself short because without {that} you can't go far in life because after {sports} the only thing you know is {sports} and you can't do anything else with {that}. 4. R= 1946 S= 0.02% ====*1947*====+ 1. >to >it 2. to look at it , because it can lead to 3. If you stop enjoying things, you've got {to} look at {it}, because {it} can lead {to} all kinds of depressing scenarios. 4. R= 1947 S= 0.01% ====*1948*====+ 1. >know >phone 2. know , I need to - I needed to take my cell phone and eliminate all the phone numbers , change the phone numbers so no one I knew 3. For me, for the type of addict I am, when I start getting those swirly thoughts and stuff, and they talk about slippery places, slippery people and slippery things, you {know}, I need to - I needed to take my cell {phone} and eliminate all the {phone} numbers, change the phone numbers so no one I {knew} before could call me or reach me. 4. R= 1948 S= 0.01% ====*1949*====+ 1. >you >know 2. you know , you know you 3. So {you} {know}, you {know} {you}'re alright for a couple of weeks. 4. R= 1949 S= 0.01% ====*1950*====+ 1. >be >work 2. being able to see how the system works or does n't work , so I think there 's 3. So I think there's a lot of value in the public {being} able to see how the system {works} or doesn't {work}, so I think there{'s} a definite value there. 4. R= 1950 S= 0.01% ====*1951*====+ 1. >you >be 2. you 're depressed all the time is it 's the drugs that are depressing you 3. Unfortunately, you don't realize this until you're getting sober but the reason why {you}'re depressed all the time {is} it{'s} the drugs that are depressing {you}. 4. R= 1951 S= 0.01% ====*1952*====+ 1. >hear >nothing 2. heard of nothing coming from nothing , but I 've never heard 3. I've {heard} of {nothing} coming from {nothing}, but I've never {heard} of absolutely nothing coming from hard work. 4. R= 1952 S= 0.01% ====*1953*====+ 1. >I >camera 2. I 'm comfortable with cameras so when the camera goes on , I 3. So with 20 years being MC Hammer, {I}'m comfortable with {cameras} so when the {camera} goes on, {I} continue doing what I'm doing. 4. R= 1953 S= 0.01% ====*1954*====+ 1. >I >my 2. I take care of my character , my reputation will take care of me 3. If {I} take care of {my} character, {my} reputation will take care of {me}. 4. R= 1954 S= 0.01% ====*1955*====+ 1. >style >a 2. style alone by which posterity will judge of a great work , for an author can have nothing truly his own but his style 3. After all, it is {style} alone by which posterity will judge of {a} great work, for {an} author can have nothing truly his own but his {style}. 4. R= 1955 S= 0.01% ====*1956*====+ 1. >live >another 2. live for the sake of another man , nor ask another man to live 3. I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never {live} for the sake of {another} man, nor ask {another} man to {live} for mine. 4. R= 1955 S= 0.01% ====*1957*====+ 1. >case >have 2. case have not had enough hard cases 3. Most lawyers who have never lost a {case} {have} not {had} enough hard {cases}. 4. R= 1957 S= 0.01% ====*1958*====+ 1. >what >measurable 2. what is measurable , and make measurable what 3. Measure {what} is {measurable}, and make {measurable} {what} is not so. 4. R= 1958 S= 0.01% ====*1959*====+ 1. >act >you 2. acting because if you 're running , you 're not acting 3. I love doing action scenes, there's that great thing when you sort of stop {acting} because if {you}'re running, {you}'re not {acting} like you're running, you are just actually running. 4. R= 1959 S= 0.01% ====*1960*====+ 1. >show >time 2. show is that you spend too much time on the ` niche ' and not enough time on the ` show 3. One of the main pitfalls of any theoretically 'niche' {show} is that you spend too much {time} on the 'niche' and not enough {time} on the '{show}.' 4. R= 1960 S= 0.01% ====*1961*====+ 1. >older >cool 2. older friends , because they 're cool . Get cool older 3. So get {older} friends, because they're {cool}. Get {cool} {older} friends. 4. R= 1961 S= 0.01% ====*1962*====+ 1. >a >from 2. a real lack of evidence from change from actual species to a 3. There's {a} real lack of evidence {from} change {from} actual species to {a} different type of species. 4. R= 1962 S= 0.01% ====*1963*====+ 1. >be >comic 2. be eroded is comics , because comics are 3. A nice, easy place for freedom of speech to {be} eroded is {comics}, because {comics} {are} a natural target whenever an election comes up. 4. R= 1963 S= 0.01% ====*1964*====+ 1. >as >man 2. as cruel as men , and men as 3. I think women can be {as} cruel as {men}, and {men} {as} tender as women, and vice versa. 4. R= 1963 S= 0.01% ====*1965*====+ 1. >as >man 2. as men , and men as tender as 3. I think women can be as cruel {as} {men}, and {men} as tender {as} women, and vice versa. 4. R= 1963 S= 0.01% ====*1966*====+ 1. >to >fight 2. to fight and to fight you have to 3. To survive it is often necessary {to} {fight} and to {fight} you have {to} dirty yourself. 4. R= 1963 S= 0.01% ====*1967*====+ 1. >I >he 2. I needed him . He listened to me and taught me 3. He was always there for me when {I} needed {him}. {He} listened to me and taught {me} so many things. 4. R= 1967 S= 0.01% ====*1968*====+ 1. >work >without 2. work without talent is a shame , but talent without hard work 3. Hard {work} {without} talent is a shame, but talent {without} hard {work} is a tragedy. 4. R= 1968 S= 0.01% ====*1969*====+ 1. >think >give 2. thought I would give out mentally before I gave out physically , but I think 3. In my situation, unlike some players who retire because they have no choice - either teams don't want them or injuries have caused them to retire, and they just can't do it - for me, I really had never {thought} I would {give} out mentally before I {gave} out physically, but I {think} that was the case. 4. R= 1969 S= 0.01% ====*1970*====+ 1. >have >we 2. have we ? We have 3. Without libraries what {have} {we}? {We} {have} no past and no future. 4. R= 1970 S= 0.01% ====*1971*====+ 1. >power >of 2. Power of Love will replace the Love of Power 3. We look forward to the time when the {Power} {of} Love will replace the Love {of} {Power}. 4. R= 1971 S= 0.01% ====*1972*====+ 1. >time >be 2. times to be mature and there are times 3. Not that being so mature is a bad thing, but there are {times} to {be} mature and there {are} {times} to be loose. 4. R= 1972 S= 0.01% ====*1973*====+ 1. >they >word 2. They are the things you get ashamed of because words diminish your feelings - words shrink things that seem timeless when they 3. {They} are the things you get ashamed of because {words} diminish your feelings - {words} shrink things that seem timeless when {they} are in your head to no more than living size when they are brought out. 4. R= 1973 S= 0.01% ====*1974*====+ 1. >want >do 2. want to do films about . I do n't want 3. I like to see a few pictures now and then that have to do with people and have relationships, and that's what I {want} to {do} films about. I {do}n't {want} to see these sci-fi movies, and I don't want to do one of those. 4. R= 1974 S= 0.01% ====*1975*====+ 1. >people >there 2. People think that there is a country there that these people 3. {People} think that {there} is a country {there} that these {people} are only around when they are on CNN. 4. R= 1975 S= 0.01% ====*1976*====+ 1. >I >that 2. I decided that that was the job for me 3. I loved to read when I was a kid, and as soon as I realized that an actual person got to make up the books I loved so much, {I} decided {that} {that} was the job for {me}. 4. R= 1976 S= 0.01% ====*1977*====+ 1. >I >he 2. I sit on a man 's back , choking him and making him carry me 3. {I} sit on a man's back, choking {him} and making {him} carry {me}, and yet assure myself and others that I am very sorry for him and wish to ease his lot by all possible means - except by getting off his back. 4. R= 1977 S= 0.01% ====*1978*====+ 1. >have >standard 2. have such a discipline we must have standards , and to get our standards under existing conditions we must have 3. If we are to {have} such a discipline we must have {standards}, and to get our {standards} under existing conditions we must {have} criticism. 4. R= 1978 S= 0.01% ====*1979*====+ 1. >'ll >I 2. 'll train me for that . I 'll 3. I'm involved in some action scenes, so they{'ll} train {me} for that. {I}{'ll} be working with my acting coach to prepare for my character. 4. R= 1979 S= 0.01% ====*1980*====+ 1. >building >a 2. building as being a minor building and an urban building 3. I've never looked at a suburban {building} as being {a} minor building and {an} urban {building} as being a major building. 4. R= 1980 S= 0.01% ====*1981*====+ 1. >terrorist >the 2. terrorists is complicit in the murder of the innocent and equally guilty of terrorist 3. Any government that supports, protects or harbours {terrorists} is complicit in {the} murder of {the} innocent and equally guilty of {terrorist} crimes. 4. R= 1981 S= 0.01% ====*1982*====+ 1. >director >a 2. director coupled with a producer , a director 3. Filmmaking has always involved pairs: a {director} coupled with {a} producer, {a} {director} alongside an editor... The notion of couples is not foreign to cinema. 4. R= 1981 S= 0.01% ====*1983*====+ 1. >people >the 2. people - to be treated fairly before the law in the same way that upper-class people 3. I think it's difficult for 'poor people' - poor white people, brown {people} - to be treated fairly before {the} law in {the} same way that upper-class {people} are. 4. R= 1981 S= 0.01% ====*1984*====+ 1. >time >you 2. time for you to hold your tongue is the time 3. The best {time} for {you} to hold {your} tongue is the {time} you feel you must say something or bust. 4. R= 1981 S= 0.01% ====*1985*====+ 1. >you >I 2. you gave me so much happiness I can never repay you 3. When we were together, I loved you deeply and {you} gave {me} so much happiness {I} can never repay {you}. 4. R= 1985 S= 0.01% ====*1986*====+ 1. >to >wife 2. to his first wife and his second wife to 3. Many a man owes his success {to} his first {wife} and his second {wife} {to} his success. 4. R= 1986 S= 0.01% ====*1987*====+ 1. >to >school 2. to school , and too many schools continue to 3. Mr. Speaker, less than 10 percent of our Nation's children walk or ride their bicycles {to} {school}, and too many {schools} continue {to} invite fast-food vendors into their cafeterias. 4. R= 1987 S= 0.01% ====*1988*====+ 1. >for >tear 2. for self are tears of weakness , but tears shed for 3. Tears shed {for} self are {tears} of weakness, but {tears} shed {for} others are a sign of strength. 4. R= 1987 S= 0.01% ====*1989*====+ 1. >be >people 2. are people who have money and people who are 3. There {are} {people} who have money and {people} who {are} rich. 4. R= 1987 S= 0.01% ====*1990*====+ 1. >be >love 2. are the loved to die , for love is 3. Unable {are} the {loved} to die, for {love} {is} immortality. 4. R= 1987 S= 0.01% ====*1991*====+ 1. >boat >as 2. boat calls for quick action , a blending of feeling with the wind and water as well as with the very heart and soul of the boat 3. Sailing a {boat} calls for quick action, a blending of feeling with the wind and water {as} well {as} with the very heart and soul of the {boat} itself. 4. R= 1991 S= 0.01% ====*1992*====+ 1. >one >review 2. one bad review and a bunch of good reviews the bad one 3. With all of my films if I get {one} bad {review} and a bunch of good {reviews} the bad {one} is the only one that will stay with me, which really sucks! 4. R= 1992 S= 0.01% ====*1993*====+ 1. >not >hint 2. not to take a hint when a hint is n't 3. The greatest thing in family life is to take a hint when a hint is intended-and {not} to take a {hint} when a {hint} is{n't} intended. 4. R= 1993 S= 0.01% ====*1994*====+ 1. >owe >color 2. owes colored people anything . I do n't think colored people owe 3. I don't think baseball {owes} {colored} people anything. I don't think {colored} people {owe} baseball anything, either. 4. R= 1994 S= 0.01% ====*1995*====+ 1. >not >know 2. n't pretend I know . I just know I do n't 3. I ca{n't} pretend I {know}. I just {know} I do{n't} like it. 4. R= 1995 S= 0.01% ====*1996*====+ 1. >we >as 2. we have in our pockets half as much as they want what is in our 3. People do not want what {we} have in our pockets half {as} much {as} they want what is in {our} hearts. 4. R= 1996 S= 0.01% ====*1997*====+ 1. >I >another 2. me , and another , and another , and I 3. I was walking along and this chair came flying past {me}, and {another}, and {another}, and {I} thought, man, is this gonna be a good night. 4. R= 1997 S= 0.01% ====*1998*====+ 1. >effective >reflection 2. effective action with quiet reflection . From the quiet reflection will come even more effective 3. Follow {effective} action with quiet {reflection}. From the quiet {reflection} will come even more {effective} action. 4. R= 1998 S= 0.01% ====*1999*====+ 1. >white >black 2. white people love black people , some black people hate white people , and some black people love white 3. Some white people hate black people, and some {white} people love black people, some {black} people hate white people, and some {black} people love {white} people. 4. R= 1999 S= 0.01% ====*2000*====+ 1. >important >a 2. important for people to understand that whether a good-guy or a bad-guy wins a case is less important 3. I think that it is {important} for people to understand that whether {a} good-guy or {a} bad-guy wins a case is less {important} than what the law is that the case results in. 4. R= 2000 S= 0.01% ====*2001*====+ 1. >it >to 2. it might be difficult in some way to talk to one 's wife in a different way but it 3. I thought {it} might be difficult in some way {to} talk {to} one's wife in a different way but {it} was so not forced. 4. R= 2001 S= 0.01% ====*2002*====+ 1. >act >it 2. act like I have n't spent enough time on it , it seems to go better . If I act 3. There's something about acting like I don't care, or if I {act} like I haven't spent enough time on {it}, {it} seems to go better. If I {act} like I'm really trying to sell it, it doesn't go as well. 4. R= 2002 S= 0.01% ====*2003*====+ 1. >use >card 2. use a debit card . The safest thing is a credit card because you 're using 3. I don't {use} a debit {card}. The safest thing is a credit {card} because you're {using} the bank's money. 4. R= 2003 S= 0.01% ====*2004*====+ 1. >man >be 2. man can avoid being born average , but there ai n't no man 3. Ain't no {man} can avoid {being} born average, but there {ai}n't no {man} got to be common. 4. R= 2004 S= 0.01% ====*2005*====+ 1. >thing >the 2. Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things 3. {Things} turn out best for {the} people who make {the} best of the way {things} turn out. 4. R= 2005 S= 0.01% ====*2006*====+ 1. >we >that 2. we are consuming oil that either comes from places that are bent on our 3. The more {we} are consuming oil {that} either comes from places {that} are bent on {our} destruction or helping those who are... the more we are enabling those who are trying to kill us. 4. R= 2006 S= 0.01% ====*2007*====+ 1. >a >to 2. an information architect face exactly the same problem - how to give shape to the pile of information in front of you in a 3. A journalist and {an} information architect face exactly the same problem - how {to} give shape {to} the pile of information in front of you in {a} way that will make it easy and natural for people to comprehend. 4. R= 2007 S= 0.01% ====*2008*====+ 1. >act >be 2. act crazy is really fun for me , to be able to be acting like you 'd never be able to act 3. To be an actress and {act} crazy is really fun for me, to {be} able to {be} acting like you'd never be able to {act} in your real life and scream and freak out. 4. R= 2008 S= 0.01% ====*2009*====+ 1. >surprise >I 2. surprise to me or the other Isley brothers that I can sing , because I used to sing all the time in practice . The surprise 3. It's no {surprise} to me or the other Isley brothers that {I} can sing, because {I} used to sing all the time in practice. The {surprise} is that somebody else likes it. 4. R= 2009 S= 0.01% ====*2010*====+ 1. >in >be 2. in Sydney some years ago for the Sydney Festival and I am just so pleased to be returning to the wonderful Sydney Opera House and also performing in 3. I performed {in} Sydney some years ago for the Sydney Festival and I {am} just so pleased to {be} returning to the wonderful Sydney Opera House and also performing {in} Melbourne for the first time. 4. R= 2010 S= 0.01% ====*2011*====+ 1. >do >go 2. do n't think anyone out there believes that we 're going to go back to doing business the way we used to do 3. Certainly there are bubble-like valuations of certain companies, but I {do}n't think anyone out there believes that we're {going} to {go} back to doing business the way we used to {do} business. 4. R= 2011 S= 0.01% ====*2012*====+ 1. >it >you 2. it not harden you and make you think lightly of it 3. If you see most people neglect the Bible, and many that can read never look into it, let {it} not harden {you} and make {you} think lightly of {it}, and that it is a book of no worth. 4. R= 2012 S= 0.01% ====*2013*====+ 1. >they >it 2. they look at it and raise it to their 3. When I give a lecture, I accept that people look at their watches, but what I do not tolerate is when {they} look at {it} and raise {it} to {their} ear to find out if it stopped. 4. R= 2012 S= 0.01% ====*2014*====+ 1. >be >whose 2. is strong nationalistic feeling for a country whose borders and whose legitimacy and whose ethnic composition is 3. Patriotism {is} strong nationalistic feeling for a country {whose} borders and {whose} legitimacy and whose ethnic composition {is} taken for granted. 4. R= 2014 S= 0.01% ====*2015*====+ 1. >for >whose 2. for a country whose borders and whose legitimacy and whose ethnic composition is taken for 3. Patriotism is strong nationalistic feeling {for} a country whose borders and {whose} legitimacy and {whose} ethnic composition is taken {for} granted. 4. R= 2014 S= 0.01% ====*2016*====+ 1. >the >freedom 2. the EU is to form a region of freedom , security and justice . Freedom in this connection can not be just the 3. The goal of {the} EU is to form a region of {freedom}, security and justice. {Freedom} in this connection cannot be just {the} freedom of the strong, but it must be combined with fraternity and equality. 4. R= 2016 S= 0.01% ====*2017*====+ 1. >no >read 2. no matter whether you could read or not . Reading other books would do you no 3. If there was no Bible, it would be {no} matter whether you could {read} or not. {Reading} other books would do you {no} good. 4. R= 2017 S= 0.01% ====*2018*====+ 1. >be >care 2. am a real person that cares about his art and cares about what he 's 3. I {am} a real person that {cares} about his art and {cares} about what he{'s} doing - I have a heart and a soul and want to touch people and give. 4. R= 2018 S= 0.01% ====*2019*====+ 1. >we >knowledge 2. we accumulate a lot of knowledge , and all that knowledge is just like a wall of fog that does n't allow us 3. When we are educated, {we} accumulate a lot of {knowledge}, and all that {knowledge} is just like a wall of fog that doesn't allow {us} to perceive the truth, what really is. 4. R= 2019 S= 0.01% ====*2020*====+ 1. >I >it 2. I 'm just so grateful to be a part of it . It 's a wholesome show with an edge . I 3. {I}'m just so grateful to be a part of {it}. {It}'s a wholesome show with an edge. {I} have no idea how we pull it off. 4. R= 2020 S= 0.01% ====*2021*====+ 1. >it >the 2. It 's like you are in the movie , but at the same time you are watching it 3. {It}'s like you are in {the} movie, but at {the} same time you are watching {it} from the outside. 4. R= 2021 S= 0.01% ====*2022*====+ 1. >to >the 2. to broaden the mind as the ability to 3. Nothing has such power {to} broaden {the} mind as {the} ability {to} investigate systematically and truly all that comes under thy observation in life. 4. R= 2022 S= 0.01% ====*2023*====+ 1. >to >for 2. to live not for ourselves but for God and to 3. The Eucharistic mystery stands at the heart and center of the liturgy since it is the fount of life by which we are cleansed and strengthened {to} live not {for} ourselves but {for} God and {to} be united in love among ourselves. 4. R= 2022 S= 0.01% ====*2024*====+ 1. >I >become 2. I became that person . Or he became me 3. I pretended to be somebody I wanted to be until finally {I} {became} that person. Or he {became} {me}. 4. R= 2024 S= 0.01% ====*2025*====+ 1. >review >and 2. reviews - you believe that and you 're lost , and then you read bad reviews 3. I've done both theatre and film and the fact is if you start believing, if you start reading things and they're good {reviews} - you believe that {and} you're lost, {and} then you read bad {reviews} and you think that's true and you read that and you're lost. 4. R= 2025 S= 0.01% ====*2026*====+ 1. >we >insane 2. Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives . I think we 3. {Our} society is run by {insane} people for {insane} objectives. I think {we}'re being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. 4. R= 2026 S= 0.01% ====*2027*====+ 1. >want >people 2. want to sing for people , I want to jazz people up I want 3. You know I {want} to sing for {people}, I want to jazz {people} up I {want} to make new music that they've never heard. 4. R= 2027 S= 0.01% ====*2028*====+ 1. >laugh >they 2. laughs sincerely or they laugh automatically or they do n't laugh 3. The moment you say the punch line, the audience either {laughs} sincerely or {they} laugh automatically or {they} don't {laugh}. 4. R= 2028 S= 0.01% ====*2029*====+ 1. >you >he 2. You want to save him , but you know he will strangle you 3. {You} want to save {him}, but you know {he} will strangle {you} with his panic. 4. R= 2029 S= 0.01% ====*2030*====+ 1. >be >utility 2. is proof of utility , and utility is 3. Its sale {is} proof of {utility}, and {utility} {is} success. 4. R= 2030 S= 0.01% ====*2031*====+ 1. >be >shape 2. 're in pretty good shape for the shape you are 3. You{'re} in pretty good {shape} for the {shape} you {are} in. 4. R= 2030 S= 0.01% ====*2032*====+ 1. >insight >man 2. insight as to how men think . Just like men should have insight 3. I think women should have {insight} as to how {men} think. Just like {men} should have {insight} into how women think. 4. R= 2032 S= 0.01% ====*2033*====+ 1. >come >a 2. come alive ? ' Because what the world - a wife , a child - needs is men who have come 3. Ask yourself, 'What makes me {come} alive?' Because what the world - {a} wife, {a} child - needs is men who have {come} alive. 4. R= 2033 S= 0.01% ====*2034*====+ 1. >do >say 2. do what I say . And that I say what I do 3. Because people know that I will {do} what I {say}. And that I {say} what I {do}. 4. R= 2034 S= 0.01% ====*2035*====+ 1. >nature >and 2. nature all ridicule and deformity ... and some scarce see nature 3. Some see {nature} all ridicule {and} deformity... {and} some scarce see {nature} at all. 4. R= 2035 S= 0.01% ====*2036*====+ 1. >look >thousand 2. look of desperation on my face . Thousands and thousands of us , and we 're passing one another without a look 3. The tragedy of it is that nobody sees the {look} of desperation on my face. {Thousands} and {thousands} of us, and we're passing one another without a {look} of recognition. 4. R= 2036 S= 0.01% ====*2037*====+ 1. >of >family 2. of the state is in the family . The root of the family is in the person of 3. The root {of} the state is in the {family}. The root of the {family} is in the person {of} its head. 4. R= 2037 S= 0.01% ====*2038*====+ 1. >do >win 2. does not win . The guerrilla wins if he does 3. The conventional army loses if it {does} not {win}. The guerrilla {wins} if he {does} not lose. 4. R= 2038 S= 0.01% ====*2039*====+ 1. >be >the 2. are used to cleaning the outside house , but the most important house to clean is 3. We {are} used to cleaning {the} outside house, but {the} most important house to clean {is} yourself - your own house - which we never do. 4. R= 2039 S= 0.01% ====*2040*====+ 1. >something >that 2. something , and that that something 3. The Jain thinks that the phenomena of knowledge, feeling, thinking and willing are conditioned on {something}, and {that} {that} {something} must be as real as anything can be. 4. R= 2040 S= 0.01% ====*2041*====+ 1. >go >lot 2. going to have a lot of conversations because there are a lot of places for her to go 3. If you start to catalog Hillary Clinton's positions between now and 2008, we're {going} to have a {lot} of conversations because there are a {lot} of places for her to {go}. 4. R= 2041 S= 0.01% ====*2042*====+ 1. >next >what 2. next to the next movement - I 'm actually thinking about what song and what sound sounds right next to the next 3. A lot of the time, when I'm choreographing, I'm not thinking about what movement look best {next} to the next movement - I'm actually thinking about {what} song and {what} sound sounds right next to the {next} thing. 4. R= 2042 S= 0.01% ====*2043*====+ 1. >stage >it 2. stage . We had to rewrite it so it would work on the stage 3. But all the stuff we were writing down is not going to work on {stage}. We had to rewrite {it} so {it} would work on the {stage}. 4. R= 2043 S= 0.01% ====*2044*====+ 1. >the >bad 2. the bad , the bad in the 3. It is right that he too should have his little chronicle, his memories, his reason, and be able to recognize the good in {the} {bad}, the {bad} in {the} worst, and so grow gently old down all the unchanging days, and die one day like any other day, only shorter. 4. R= 2044 S= 0.01% ====*2045*====+ 1. >pleasure >be 2. pleasure of this sadness . The cheap consolation is : you will be happy . The higher consolation is the pleasure 3. Musical compositions can be very sad - Chopin - but you have the {pleasure} of this sadness. The cheap consolation {is}: you will {be} happy. The higher consolation is the {pleasure} and recognition of your unhappiness, the pleasure of having recognised that fate, destiny and life are such as they are and so you reach a higher form of consciousness. 4. R= 2045 S= 0.01% ====*2046*====+ 1. >it >I 2. It 's different for everyone . But for me , I 've always been able to block it 3. {It}'s different for everyone. But for {me}, {I}'ve always been able to block {it} out. 4. R= 2046 S= 0.01% ====*2047*====+ 1. >work >the 2. work if I could find the right script and the right crew to work 3. I know that I wouldn't mind going back to {work} if I could find {the} right script and {the} right crew to {work} with. 4. R= 2047 S= 0.01% ====*2048*====+ 1. >day >we 2. day of our birth nor may we choose the day 3. We do not choose the {day} of {our} birth nor may {we} choose the {day} of our death, yet choice is the sovereign faculty of the mind. 4. R= 2047 S= 0.01% ====*2049*====+ 1. >the >they 2. the network does n't give them a chance or they just do n't grab on to the 3. There are some great shows that come and go really fast, either because {the} network doesn't give {them} a chance or {they} just don't grab on to {the} psyche of the country quickly enough. 4. R= 2049 S= 0.01% ====*2050*====+ 1. >she >be 2. her vulnerability because she 's been hurt or because she 3. When a woman forsakes {her} vulnerability because she{'s} {been} hurt or because {she} lives in a dangerous world or doesn't want to be used, she loses something essential about being a woman. 4. R= 2050 S= 0.01% ====*2051*====+ 1. >budget >the 2. budget is about the same as the defense budgets or military budgets 3. Our defense {budget} is about {the} same as {the} defense budgets or military {budgets} of every other country in the world put together. 4. R= 2051 S= 0.01% ====*2052*====+ 1. >because >look 2. because she was thrilled with that look , and thought it looked marvellous , or was it because 3. I always wonder, was that {because} she was thrilled with that {look}, and thought it {looked} marvellous, or was it {because} she was too scared to change it? 4. R= 2052 S= 0.01% ====*2053*====+ 1. >try >a 2. try to act as though there is a little boy or a little girl around , and I try 3. I always {try} to act as though there is {a} little boy or {a} little girl around, and I {try} never to do anything that would give them a bad example. 4. R= 2053 S= 0.01% ====*2054*====+ 1. >politics >I 2. politics because of Bofors . I resigned because I do not know how to play petty politics 3. I did not resign from {politics} because of Bofors. {I} resigned because {I} do not know how to play petty {politics}. 4. R= 2054 S= 0.01% ====*2055*====+ 1. >use >they 2. use them , because they did n't know what to use 3. So, the network we had, and the personal computers were there, but people didn't {use} {them}, because {they} didn't know what to {use} them for, except maybe for a few games. 4. R= 2055 S= 0.01% ====*2056*====+ 1. >work >love 2. work with Meryl Streep . I love her and I love her work 3. I would love to have the honor to get to {work} with Meryl Streep. I {love} her and I {love} her {work}. 4. R= 2056 S= 0.01% ====*2057*====+ 1. >because >as 2. because he 's black is just as insulting as to dislike him because 3. To like an individual {because} he's black is just {as} insulting {as} to dislike him {because} he isn't white. 4. R= 2057 S= 0.01% ====*2058*====+ 1. >Research >cell 2. Research Enhancement Act would expand research on embryonic stem cells by increasing the number of lines stem cells that would be eligible for federally funded research 3. The Stem Cell {Research} Enhancement Act would expand research on embryonic stem {cells} by increasing the number of lines stem {cells} that would be eligible for federally funded {research}. 4. R= 2058 S= 0.01% ====*2059*====+ 1. >have >you 2. have your health , you have 3. You can have all the riches and success in the world, but if you don't {have} {your} health, {you} {have} nothing. 4. R= 2059 S= 0.01% ====*2060*====+ 1. >have >to 2. have to be married to have 3. You don't {have} {to} be married {to} {have} a good friend as your partner for life. 4. R= 2059 S= 0.01% ====*2061*====+ 1. >it >I 2. it seems to go better . If I act like I 'm really trying to sell it 3. There's something about acting like I don't care, or if I act like I haven't spent enough time on it, {it} seems to go better. If {I} act like {I}'m really trying to sell {it}, it doesn't go as well. 4. R= 2061 S= 0.01% ====*2062*====+ 1. >seem >I 2. seems renewed around me and with me . The sky seems 3. By reading the scriptures I am so renewed that all nature {seems} renewed around {me} and with {me}. The sky {seems} to be a pure, a cooler blue, the trees a deeper green. 4. R= 2062 S= 0.01% ====*2063*====+ 1. >that >record 2. that I 've been associated with them all these years , but the next record is the best record ... has to be the philosophy for any band that 3. I am very proud of The Saints and I'm very glad {that} I've been associated with them all these years, but the next {record} is the best {record}... has to be the philosophy for any band {that} remains even halfway decent or vibrant, and that is kind of where my head's at. 4. R= 2063 S= 0.01% ====*2064*====+ 1. >honesty >life 2. Honesty and integrity are absolutely essential for success in life - all areas of life . The really good news is that anyone can develop both honesty 3. {Honesty} and integrity are absolutely essential for success in {life} - all areas of {life}. The really good news is that anyone can develop both {honesty} and integrity. 4. R= 2064 S= 0.01% ====*2065*====+ 1. >to >country 2. to have parents that took me out from country to country and go to school and learn how to 3. I was lucky enough {to} have parents that took me out from {country} to {country} and go to school and learn how {to} be a better person. 4. R= 2065 S= 0.01% ====*2066*====+ 1. >good >art 2. good in business is the most fascinating kind of art . Making money is art and working is art and good 3. Being {good} in business is the most fascinating kind of {art}. Making money is {art} and working is art and {good} business is the best art. 4. R= 2066 S= 0.01% ====*2067*====+ 1. >I >remember 2. I have seen more than I remember , and remember more than I 3. Like all great travellers, {I} have seen more than I {remember}, and {remember} more than {I} have seen. 4. R= 2067 S= 0.01% ====*2068*====+ 1. >artist >can 2. artists deserve all the help they can get , so they can focus on being great artists 3. I believe {artists} deserve all the help they {can} get, so they {can} focus on being great {artists}. 4. R= 2068 S= 0.01% ====*2069*====+ 1. >show >I 2. Show me a smile , and I 'll show 3. {Show} {me} a smile, and {I}'ll {show} you one back. 4. R= 2068 S= 0.01% ====*2070*====+ 1. >world >they 2. world that we care about their plight and we want them to join one world 3. If we are going to try to get across to the poorest people in the {world} that we care about {their} plight and we want {them} to join one {world} with the rest of us, we have got to make promises and keep promises. 4. R= 2068 S= 0.01% ====*2071*====+ 1. >tape >the 2. taping all the broadcast and then sharing the tapes 3. We would be {taping} all {the} broadcast and then sharing {the} {tapes} and talking about it. 4. R= 2068 S= 0.01% ====*2072*====+ 1. >show >I 2. Show me a smile , and I 'll show 3. {Show} {me} a smile, and {I}'ll {show} you one back. 4. R= 2068 S= 0.01% ====*2073*====+ 1. >what >love 2. what you love , and love what 3. Write only {what} you {love}, and {love} {what} you write. 4. R= 2073 S= 0.01% ====*2074*====+ 1. >the >give 2. the script gives you are given circumstances . Given circumstances are all the 3. Because what {the} script gives you are {given} circumstances. {Given} circumstances are all {the} facts of your character. 4. R= 2074 S= 0.01% ====*2075*====+ 1. >you >I 2. You laugh at me because I 'm different , I laugh at you because you 3. {You} laugh at me because {I}'m different, {I} laugh at you because {you}'re all the same. 4. R= 2075 S= 0.01% ====*2076*====+ 1. >Winona >Susan 2. Winona Ryder . Susan Sarandon because she 's , well , Susan Sarandon . Winona 3. The women I admire most in this business are Susan Sarandon, Bette Midler and {Winona} Ryder. {Susan} Sarandon because she's, well, {Susan} Sarandon. {Winona} because she's never compromised herself by showing her body in any of her love scenes, and Bette Midler because she has such a varied life. 4. R= 2076 S= 0.01% ====*2077*====+ 1. >that >people 2. that could spoil a day was people . People were always the limiters of happiness except for the very few that 3. The only thing {that} could spoil a day was {people}. {People} were always the limiters of happiness except for the very few {that} were as good as spring itself. 4. R= 2077 S= 0.01% ====*2078*====+ 1. >I >challenge 2. I want to be challenged or have challenges ? That 's why I 3. Why do {I} want to be {challenged} or have {challenges}? That's why {I} don't go climb mountains. 4. R= 2078 S= 0.01% ====*2079*====+ 1. >of >over 2. of sitting on the stairs and trying over and over again to tie one of 3. I do have a blurred memory {of} sitting on the stairs and trying {over} and {over} again to tie one {of} my shoelaces, but that is all that comes back to me of school itself. 4. R= 2079 S= 0.01% ====*2080*====+ 1. >I >it 2. me to look at it and it 's a question of whether I 3. There are people that bring artists to {me} to look at {it} and {it}'s a question of whether {I} like their music and their look and if I think there's something they have that makes them different and commercial. 4. R= 2079 S= 0.01% ====*2081*====+ 1. >new >thing 2. new things - I am interested to see things new 3. I am not interested in shooting {new} {things} - I am interested to see {things} {new}. 4. R= 2081 S= 0.01% ====*2082*====+ 1. >day >to 2. day . And that 's what my music tries to convey to all the listeners - try to cultivate it every day 3. As humans, we have the tendency to call on God only when we think that we're in dire straits as opposed to cultivating a real relationship with Him every {day}. And that's what my music tries {to} convey {to} all the listeners - try to cultivate it every {day}. 4. R= 2082 S= 0.01% ====*2083*====+ 1. >the >genocide 2. the same attention that genocide in Europe or genocide in Turkey or genocide in other part of the 3. A genocide in Africa has not received {the} same attention that genocide in Europe or {genocide} in Turkey or {genocide} in other part of {the} world. 4. R= 2083 S= 0.01% ====*2084*====+ 1. >be >thing 2. is the wrong thing , and the worst thing you can do is 3. In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing {is} the wrong {thing}, and the worst {thing} you can do {is} nothing. 4. R= 2084 S= 0.01% ====*2085*====+ 1. >character >they 2. character and layer on many traits that are actually their own or their idea of what that character 3. They see a {character} and layer on many traits that are actually {their} own or {their} idea of what that {character} is. 4. R= 2085 S= 0.01% ====*2086*====+ 1. >go >bus 2. going to get hit by a bus and the bus is going 3. Getting ready to work with Brock Lesnar is like knowing you're {going} to get hit by a {bus} and the {bus} is {going} to back over you. 4. R= 2086 S= 0.01% ====*2087*====+ 1. >to >service 2. to your service and the service of our great imperial family to 3. I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted {to} your {service} and the {service} of our great imperial family {to} which we all belong. 4. R= 2086 S= 0.01% ====*2088*====+ 1. >I >inspire 2. I know the Bible is inspired because it inspires me 3. {I} know the Bible is {inspired} because it {inspires} {me}. 4. R= 2086 S= 0.01% ====*2089*====+ 1. >the >time 2. the eye many times but this time I think he has me on the 3. I've looked that old scoundrel death in {the} eye many {times} but this {time} I think he has me on {the} ropes. 4. R= 2086 S= 0.01% ====*2090*====+ 1. >the >budget 2. the defense budgets or military budgets of every other country in the 3. Our defense budget is about the same as {the} defense {budgets} or military {budgets} of every other country in {the} world put together. 4. R= 2086 S= 0.01% ====*2091*====+ 1. >the >government 2. The founders wanted to keep theology out of government so that government could focus on the 3. {The} founders wanted to keep theology out of {government} so that {government} could focus on {the} proper business of morality. 4. R= 2086 S= 0.01% ====*2092*====+ 1. >he >I 2. him with my eyes to ask again yes and then he asked me would I yes to say yes my mountain flower and first I put my arms around him 3. I asked {him} with my eyes to ask again yes and then he asked {me} would {I} yes to say yes my mountain flower and first I put my arms around {him} yes and drew him down to me so he could feel my breasts all perfume yes and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes. 4. R= 2092 S= 0.01% ====*2093*====+ 1. >all >the 2. all things ... The Earth is the measure of all 3. It's important to recognise that humans are not the measure of {all} things... {The} Earth is {the} measure of {all} things. 4. R= 2093 S= 0.01% ====*2094*====+ 1. >Liberty >conscience 2. Liberty is the condition of duty , the guardian of conscience . It grows as conscience grows . The domains of both grow together . Liberty 3. {Liberty} is the condition of duty, the guardian of {conscience}. It grows as {conscience} grows. The domains of both grow together. {Liberty} is safety from all hindrances, even sin. 4. R= 2094 S= 0.01% ====*2095*====+ 1. >be >dark 2. was dark . Dark would be 3. If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it {was} {dark}. {Dark} would {be} without meaning. 4. R= 2095 S= 0.01% ====*2096*====+ 1. >be >enough 2. is enough for the man to whom enough is 3. Nothing {is} {enough} for the man to whom {enough} {is} to little. 4. R= 2096 S= 0.01% ====*2097*====+ 1. >be >enough 2. is enough for the man to whom enough is 3. Nothing {is} {enough} for the man to whom {enough} {is} too little. 4. R= 2096 S= 0.01% ====*2098*====+ 1. >comic >card 2. comic cards , which are essentially baseball cards for comic 3. I was into {comic} {cards}, which are essentially baseball {cards} for {comic} book heroes. 4. R= 2098 S= 0.01% ====*2099*====+ 1. >choice >you 2. choice about the parents you inherited , but you do have a choice 3. You didn't have a {choice} about the parents {you} inherited, but {you} do have a {choice} about the kind of parent you will be. 4. R= 2099 S= 0.01% ====*2100*====+ 1. >will >it 2. will believe it and it will 3. The word of the mouth is a very powerful thing and you can say something about someone that is not necessarily true, but people {will} believe {it} and {it} {will} become a constant reminder and every time that your name is bought up, that will come up. 4. R= 2100 S= 0.01% ====*2101*====+ 1. >who >be 2. who you are and be proud of who 3. You just need to be accepted for {who} you {are} and {be} proud of {who} you are and that is what I'm trying to do. 4. R= 2100 S= 0.01% ====*2102*====+ 1. >you >the 2. you run the day or the day runs you 3. Either {you} run {the} day or {the} day runs {you}. 4. R= 2102 S= 0.01% ====*2103*====+ 1. >message >stronger 2. message was cut off in the middle . In time there will be millions of us - becoming stronger and stronger - and we will complete the message 3. We had a message to give the world, but we were overwhelmed, and the {message} was cut off in the middle. In time there will be millions of us - becoming {stronger} and {stronger} - and we will complete the {message}. 4. R= 2103 S= 0.01% ====*2104*====+ 1. >I >press 2. I 'm very much in support of the free press , but the free press ought to be educational and informative . And I 3. {I}'m very much in support of the free {press}, but the free {press} ought to be educational and informative. And {I} believe they have fallen down recently on that. 4. R= 2104 S= 0.01% ====*2105*====+ 1. >choose >we 2. choose the day of our birth nor may we choose 3. We do not {choose} the day of {our} birth nor may {we} {choose} the day of our death, yet choice is the sovereign faculty of the mind. 4. R= 2105 S= 0.01% ====*2106*====+ 1. >morality >power 2. morality and power is a very subtle one . Because ultimately power without morality 3. But the relationship of {morality} and {power} is a very subtle one. Because ultimately {power} without {morality} is no longer power. 4. R= 2106 S= 0.01% ====*2107*====+ 1. >very >difficult 2. very difficult , really difficult and very 3. You have to be willing to trust somebody else with your whole being, and that's {very} {difficult}, really {difficult} and {very} brave. 4. R= 2107 S= 0.01% ====*2108*====+ 1. >it >you 2. It does n't subdue you and make you feel abject . It 3. {It} doesn't subdue {you} and make {you} feel abject. {It}'s stimulating loneliness. 4. R= 2108 S= 0.01% ====*2109*====+ 1. >to >good 2. to focus on hiring - ensuring that every person we hire is both a really good fit and really good - and also that everything we put out to 3. I tend {to} focus on hiring - ensuring that every person we hire is both a really {good} fit and really {good} - and also that everything we put out {to} our users is very high-quality. 4. R= 2109 S= 0.01% ====*2110*====+ 1. >limitation >I 2. limitations are . I found out what mine were when I was twelve . I found out that there were n't too many limitations 3. I don't know what your {limitations} are. I found out what mine were when {I} was twelve. {I} found out that there weren't too many {limitations}, if I did it my way. 4. R= 2110 S= 0.01% ====*2111*====+ 1. >you >I 2. You can trust me . I will not screw up your 3. Suzanne Collins, it was such a big thing for me to make the handshake with her and to say, '{You} can trust {me}. {I} will not screw up {your} books. 4. R= 2111 S= 0.01% ====*2112*====+ 1. >some >people 2. some white people love black people , some 3. Some white people hate black people, and {some} white {people} love black {people}, {some} black people hate white people, and some black people love white people. 4. R= 2112 S= 0.01% ====*2113*====+ 1. >to >compromise 2. to compromise and that all principles can be compromised to 3. I shall argue that strong men, conversely, know when {to} {compromise} and that all principles can be {compromised} {to} serve a greater principle. 4. R= 2113 S= 0.01% ====*2114*====+ 1. >a >important 2. a mark over what is more important and less important . It 's a 3. Having a self, even a simple self, allows you to look into the world and put {a} mark over what is more {important} and less {important}. It's {a} way of classifying the world in terms of your own needs. 4. R= 2114 S= 0.01% ====*2115*====+ 1. >martial >movie 2. martial arts movie ... I really like movies that are n't just martial 3. I watch mostly every {martial} arts {movie}... I really like {movies} that aren't just {martial} arts. 4. R= 2115 S= 0.01% ====*2116*====+ 1. >we >tell 2. us not to waste time ... It tells us to tell each other right now that we 3. It tells {us} not to waste time... It {tells} us to {tell} each other right now that {we} love each other. 4. R= 2116 S= 0.01% ====*2117*====+ 1. >deal >I 2. deal from the period during which I worked in theater and I value those things a great deal 3. I gained a great {deal} from the period during which {I} worked in theater and {I} value those things a great {deal}. 4. R= 2117 S= 0.01% ====*2118*====+ 1. >be >leave 2. is based upon the idea that if you leave things alone you leave them as they are 3. All conservatism {is} based upon the idea that if you {leave} things alone you {leave} them as they {are}. 4. R= 2118 S= 0.01% ====*2119*====+ 1. >dog >the 2. dog in the fight , it 's the size of the fight in the dog 3. It's not the size of the {dog} in the fight, it's {the} size of {the} fight in the {dog}. 4. R= 2119 S= 0.01% ====*2120*====+ 1. >somebody >you 2. somebody looking at you , and you turn , and somebody 3. You know how you feel {somebody} looking at {you}, and {you} turn, and {somebody} actually is? 4. R= 2120 S= 0.01% ====*2121*====+ 1. >be >night 2. 're playing the same dirty dozen night after night , the moments that keep it fresh are 3. When you{'re} playing the same dirty dozen {night} after {night}, the moments that keep it fresh {are} those when you just let go and trust everyone. 4. R= 2121 S= 0.01% ====*2122*====+ 1. >be >that 2. is you should have a strategic asset allocation mix that assumes that you do n't know what the future is 3. I think that the first thing {is} you should have a strategic asset allocation mix {that} assumes {that} you don't know what the future {is} going to hold. 4. R= 2122 S= 0.01% ====*2123*====+ 1. >country >individual 2. country . Take the memory and imagination out of an individual , and he stops being an individual . I think it 's the same thing for a country 3. I think cinema is the memory and the imagination of the {country}. Take the memory and imagination out of an {individual}, and he stops being an {individual}. I think it's the same thing for a {country}. 4. R= 2123 S= 0.01% ====*2124*====+ 1. >that >you 2. that are just like you . You go to the people that 3. You don't go to the people {that} are just like {you}. {You} go to the people {that} you have to earn their credit. 4. R= 2124 S= 0.01% ====*2125*====+ 1. >you >be 2. you do with what 's been done to you 3. Freedom is what {you} do with what{'s} {been} done to {you}. 4. R= 2125 S= 0.01% ====*2126*====+ 1. >one >listen 2. one than to listen to one , better to listen to one 3. It is better to make a piece of music than to perform one, better to perform {one} than to {listen} to one, better to {listen} to {one} than to misuse it as a means of distraction, entertainment, or acquisition of 'culture.' 4. R= 2126 S= 0.01% ====*2127*====+ 1. >know >learn 2. know how to learn anything I want to learn . I absolutely know that I could learn how to fly the space shuttle because someone else knows 3. I {know} how to learn anything I want to {learn}. I absolutely know that I could {learn} how to fly the space shuttle because someone else {knows} how to fly it, and they put it in a book. 4. R= 2127 S= 0.01% ====*2128*====+ 1. >universe >be 2. universe and to comprehend that what you see out there reflects what you are . The other one is to look inside yourself and recognise that the universe 3. One is to gaze out at the {universe} and to comprehend that what you see out there reflects what you {are}. The other one {is} to look inside yourself and recognise that the {universe} is present there. 4. R= 2128 S= 0.01% ====*2129*====+ 1. >love >important 2. love is not important - what is important is that one is capable of love 3. And the story of a {love} is not {important} - what is {important} is that one is capable of {love}. 4. R= 2129 S= 0.01% ====*2130*====+ 1. >be >the 2. 's easier for me to sit in the middle of the boys ' club than to be 3. It{'s} easier for me to sit in {the} middle of {the} boys' club than to {be} surrounded by people concerned about getting their hair and nails done. 4. R= 2130 S= 0.01% ====*2131*====+ 1. >give >he 2. given up on His people . If He wanted to give 3. God is a God who has not {given} up on {His} people. If {He} wanted to {give} up, He would have given up back in the Garden of Eden. 4. R= 2131 S= 0.01% ====*2132*====+ 1. >decision >make 2. decision to make . Did he make that decision 3. That's a hell of a {decision} to {make}. Did he {make} that {decision} by himself? 4. R= 2131 S= 0.01% ====*2133*====+ 1. >love >'s 2. love vintage . 60 's and 70 's are my favorite . I love 3. For my own style, I {love} vintage. 60{'s} and 70{'s} are my favorite. I {love} baby doll dresses and the soft colors. 4. R= 2133 S= 0.01% ====*2134*====+ 1. >wait >we 2. wait - it 's how we behave while we 're waiting 3. Patience is not simply the ability to {wait} - it's how {we} behave while {we}'re {waiting}. 4. R= 2134 S= 0.01% ====*2135*====+ 1. >be >more 2. is that more and more people are 3. One reason {is} that {more} and {more} people {are} so painfully aware of the alternative. 4. R= 2135 S= 0.01% ====*2136*====+ 1. >the >again 2. the shadow of death again and again before we reach the 3. There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of {the} shadow of death {again} and {again} before we reach {the} mountaintop of our desires. 4. R= 2135 S= 0.01% ====*2137*====+ 1. >artist >brave 2. artists , we have to be brave . If we are n't brave , we are n't artists 3. As {artists}, we have to be {brave}. If we aren't {brave}, we aren't {artists}. 4. R= 2137 S= 0.01% ====*2138*====+ 1. >child >parent 2. children who respect their parents and who are loved by their parents , who provide for those children 3. When you have a godly husband, a godly wife, {children} who respect their {parents} and who are loved by their {parents}, who provide for those {children} their physical and spiritual and material needs, lovingly, you have the ideal unit. 4. R= 2138 S= 0.01% ====*2139*====+ 1. >issue >man 2. issues are to some degree men 's issues and all men 's issues 3. All women's {issues} are to some degree {men}'s issues and all {men}'s {issues} are to some degree women's issues because when either sex wins unilaterally both sexes lose. 4. R= 2139 S= 0.01% ====*2140*====+ 1. >the >reality 2. the opting out of reality . Reality is no longer going to be the 3. Electronic aids, particularly domestic computers, will help the inner migration, {the} opting out of {reality}. {Reality} is no longer going to be {the} stuff out there, but the stuff inside your head. 4. R= 2140 S= 0.01% ====*2141*====+ 1. >to >happiness 2. to happiness . Happiness is the key to 3. Success is not the key {to} {happiness}. {Happiness} is the key {to} success. 4. R= 2140 S= 0.01% ====*2142*====+ 1. >man >woman 2. men who are not interested in women are interested in women 's clothes . Men 3. Only {men} who are not interested in {women} are interested in {women}'s clothes. {Men} who like women never notice what they wear. 4. R= 2142 S= 0.01% ====*2143*====+ 1. >it >I 2. it to me and then I draw it 3. And you finally get to a consensus, where you get a sense of what really ought to be done, and then they give {it} to {me} and then {I} draw {it}. 4. R= 2143 S= 0.01% ====*2144*====+ 1. >hard >and 2. hard at doing is staying on a path of being kind and showing and proving that I 'm a good person to society . That 's hard 3. What I work {hard} at doing is staying on a path of being kind {and} showing {and} proving that I'm a good person to society. That's {hard}. 4. R= 2144 S= 0.01% ====*2145*====+ 1. >eat >I 2. eating . If I was told I could only eat 3. If I have any vice it's {eating}. If {I} was told {I} could only {eat} one food for the rest of my life, I could put up with sausage and mash forever. 4. R= 2145 S= 0.01% ====*2146*====+ 1. >Marines >the 2. Marines . Those are the equivalent of the Tuskegee Airmen for Marines 3. He was one of the Montford Point {Marines}. Those are {the} equivalent of {the} Tuskegee Airmen for {Marines}. 4. R= 2145 S= 0.01% ====*2147*====+ 1. >Marines >the 2. Marines . Those are the equivalent of the Tuskegee Airmen for Marines 3. He was one of the Montford Point {Marines}. Those are {the} equivalent of {the} Tuskegee Airmen for {Marines}. 4. R= 2145 S= 0.01% ====*2148*====+ 1. >the >teacher 2. the little dull man who was being paid to be a teacher of teachers . I turned and walked to the 3. I stopped and gazed on {the} little dull man who was being paid to be a {teacher} of {teachers}. I turned and walked to {the} door, slammed it closed with a bang, and broken glass crashed to the floor. 4. R= 2148 S= 0.01% ====*2149*====+ 1. >area >do 2. area and not playing their music but doing whatever I do in their area 3. Personally, I've found that the kind of thing that I like is going into somebody else's {area} and not playing their music but {doing} whatever I {do} in their {area}. 4. R= 2149 S= 0.01% ====*2150*====+ 1. >need >and 2. needs to come out and a new rock and roll band needs 3. Every 15, 20, 25 years, a new rock and roll record {needs} to come out {and} a new rock {and} roll band {needs} to come out. 4. R= 2150 S= 0.01% ====*2151*====+ 1. >bring >what 2. bring forth what is within you , what you bring 3. If you {bring} forth {what} is within you, {what} you {bring} forth will save you. 4. R= 2151 S= 0.01% ====*2152*====+ 1. >love >play 2. love the guy that you play , even if you play the villain , you 've got to love 3. You have to {love} the guy that you {play}, even if you {play} the villain, you've got to {love} him. 4. R= 2152 S= 0.01% ====*2153*====+ 1. >use >pleasure 2. use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use 3. The secret of success is learning how to {use} pain and {pleasure} instead of having pain and {pleasure} {use} you. 4. R= 2153 S= 0.01% ====*2154*====+ 1. >must >learn 2. must not be a bar to learning and learning must 3. Poverty {must} not be a bar to {learning} and {learning} {must} offer an escape from poverty. 4. R= 2154 S= 0.01% ====*2155*====+ 1. >be >I 2. was given to me was that I had to be 3. The best advice that {was} given to {me} was that {I} had to {be} 10 times smarter, braver and more polite to be equal. 4. R= 2155 S= 0.01% ====*2156*====+ 1. >people >I 2. People generally let me be me . People 3. {People} generally let {me} be {me}. {People} are aware that I'm not someone particularly begging for attention. 4. R= 2156 S= 0.01% ====*2157*====+ 1. >to >visa 2. to come to Pakistan but are not given visas . We wish for visas to be given to those people who want to 3. People want {to} come to Pakistan but are not given {visas}. We wish for {visas} to be given to those people who want {to} come to Pakistan. 4. R= 2157 S= 0.01% ====*2158*====+ 1. >God >only 2. God can only smile because only God 3. But {God} can {only} smile because {only} {God} can know what is coming next. 4. R= 2158 S= 0.01% ====*2159*====+ 1. >right >individual 2. right of the people at large or considered as individuals ... It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently , no majority has a right 3. The whole of the Bill is a declaration of the {right} of the people at large or considered as {individuals}... It establishes some rights of the {individual} as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a {right} to deprive them of. 4. R= 2159 S= 0.01% ====*2160*====+ 1. >we >question 2. we are led to question , by questioning we 3. By doubting {we} are led to {question}, by {questioning} {we} arrive at the truth. 4. R= 2160 S= 0.01% ====*2161*====+ 1. >go >goal 2. go to work on your goals , your goals will go 3. If you {go} to work on your {goals}, your {goals} will {go} to work on you. 4. R= 2160 S= 0.01% ====*2162*====+ 1. >on >goal 2. on your goals , your goals will go to work on 3. If you go to work {on} your {goals}, your {goals} will go to work {on} you. 4. R= 2160 S= 0.01% ====*2163*====+ 1. >go >plan 2. go to work on your plan , your plan will go 3. If you {go} to work on your {plan}, your {plan} will {go} to work on you. 4. R= 2160 S= 0.01% ====*2164*====+ 1. >on >plan 2. on your plan , your plan will go to work on 3. If you go to work {on} your {plan}, your {plan} will go to work {on} you. 4. R= 2160 S= 0.01% ====*2165*====+ 1. >stupid >question 2. stupid questions , then what kind of questions do stupid 3. If there are no {stupid} {questions}, then what kind of {questions} do {stupid} people ask? 4. R= 2165 S= 0.01% ====*2166*====+ 1. >be >to 2. is still what one is going to cease to be and already what one is 3. One {is} still what one is going {to} cease {to} be and already what one {is} going to become. 4. R= 2166 S= 0.01% ====*2167*====+ 1. >I >eat 2. I 'm eating , I 'm eating and then I 3. I'm eating, {I}'m {eating}, I'm {eating} and then {I} just... sit. 4. R= 2167 S= 0.01% ====*2168*====+ 1. >actor >to 2. actors who are interested in working and like to work . To be a working actor 3. There are new ones coming in all the time, who are looking for work, and established {actors} who are interested in working and like {to} work. {To} be a working {actor} in England is a life. 4. R= 2168 S= 0.01% ====*2169*====+ 1. >woman >they 2. women who can make you feel more with their bodies and their souls , but these are the exact women 3. There are {women} who can make you feel more with {their} bodies and {their} souls, but these are the exact {women} who will turn the knife into you right in front of the crowd. 4. R= 2169 S= 0.01% ====*2170*====+ 1. >love >important 2. love . And the story of a love is not important - what is important is that one is capable of love 3. The truth is that there is only one terminal dignity - {love}. And the story of a love is not {important} - what is {important} is that one is capable of {love}. 4. R= 2170 S= 0.01% ====*2171*====+ 1. >next >what 2. next movement - I 'm actually thinking about what song and what sound sounds right next 3. A lot of the time, when I'm choreographing, I'm not thinking about what movement look best next to the {next} movement - I'm actually thinking about {what} song and {what} sound sounds right {next} to the next thing. 4. R= 2171 S= 0.01% ====*2172*====+ 1. >bless >they 2. bless the one who receives them , and they bless 3. They {bless} the one who receives {them}, and {they} {bless} you, the giver. 4. R= 2171 S= 0.01% ====*2173*====+ 1. >rule >we 2. rule us , or we can take charge and rule 3. We can let circumstances {rule} {us}, or {we} can take charge and {rule} our lives from within. 4. R= 2171 S= 0.01% ====*2174*====+ 1. >to >be 2. to say is I 'm trying to 3. I guess what I'm trying {to} say {is} I{'m} trying {to} liberate them, I want to free them of their fears and make them feel that they can make their own space in the world. 4. R= 2174 S= 0.01% ====*2175*====+ 1. >to >they 2. to hack them , they want to 3. But more importantly they want to take control of computers, they want {to} hack {them}, {they} want {to} steal information. 4. R= 2174 S= 0.01% ====*2176*====+ 1. >of >be 2. of things is to be empty of 3. To be full {of} things {is} to {be} empty {of} God. 4. R= 2174 S= 0.01% ====*2177*====+ 1. >of >be 2. of things is to be full of 3. To be empty {of} things {is} to {be} full {of} God. 4. R= 2174 S= 0.01% ====*2178*====+ 1. >we >he 2. our understanding . He left his Spirit with us 3. That's why, in prayer, we can ask the Lord to open up Scripture and make it come alive to us, to open {our} understanding. {He} left {his} Spirit with {us} until we join him in Heaven. 4. R= 2178 S= 0.01% ====*2179*====+ 1. >of >man 2. of men of genius - the men of 3. To think, and to feel, constitute the two grand divisions {of} {men} of genius - the {men} {of} reasoning and the men of imagination. 4. R= 2179 S= 0.01% ====*2180*====+ 1. >we >passion 2. our passion and our passion is our 3. Our doubt is {our} {passion} and our {passion} is {our} task. 4. R= 2180 S= 0.01% ====*2181*====+ 1. >people >you 2. people that are just like you . You go to the people 3. You don't go to the {people} that are just like {you}. {You} go to the {people} that you have to earn their credit. 4. R= 2181 S= 0.01% ====*2182*====+ 1. >I >be 2. I 'm happy being me 3. It's fun to be an actor and dress up, but {I}{'m} happy {being} {me} and just loving accepting my personal style. 4. R= 2182 S= 0.01% ====*2183*====+ 1. >of >tough 2. of just shoved out there and you have to be tough and you 're facing tough people and people are saying bad things about you , that all of 3. I think that when you're kind {of} just shoved out there and you have to be {tough} and you're facing {tough} people and people are saying bad things about you, that all {of} a sudden, you have to become a little less sweet. 4. R= 2183 S= 0.01% ====*2184*====+ 1. >I >man 2. I want to choose the man . I do not permit men to choose me 3. I pay all my own bills... {I} want to choose the {man}. I do not permit {men} to choose {me}. 4. R= 2184 S= 0.01% ====*2185*====+ 1. >play >or 2. play a politician or a fireman or a cowboy - you just play 3. You don't {play} a politician {or} a fireman {or} a cowboy - you just {play} a person. 4. R= 2185 S= 0.01% ====*2186*====+ 1. >people >the 2. people in the streets , that the country disappears from people 3. There is a frustration too, that at moments when there's not a coup, when there are not {people} in {the} streets, that {the} country disappears from {people}'s consciousness. 4. R= 2186 S= 0.01% ====*2187*====+ 1. >have >alike 2. having everybody thinking alike , talking alike and having 3. There's nothing worse than {having} everybody thinking {alike}, talking {alike} and {having} the same direction in mind. 4. R= 2187 S= 0.01% ====*2188*====+ 1. >boil >money 2. boils down to money - a lot of money . And it boils 3. But I can tell you that the issue, on one side, {boils} down to {money} - a lot of {money}. And it {boils} down to people and their connections with this money, and that's the portion that, even with this book, has not been mentioned to this day. 4. R= 2188 S= 0.01% ====*2189*====+ 1. >come >nothing 2. coming from nothing , but I 've never heard of absolutely nothing coming 3. I've heard of nothing {coming} from {nothing}, but I've never heard of absolutely {nothing} {coming} from hard work. 4. R= 2189 S= 0.01% ====*2190*====+ 1. >myth >people 2. myth is an old lie that people believe in . White people believe that they 're better than anyone else on earth - and that 's a myth 3. A {myth} is an old lie that {people} believe in. White {people} believe that they're better than anyone else on earth - and that's a {myth}. 4. R= 2190 S= 0.01% ====*2191*====+ 1. >be >speech 2. was intended to secure freedom of speech - the freedom of speech of members of parliament to speak freely rather than be 3. The Bill of Rights {was} intended to secure freedom of {speech} - the freedom of {speech} of members of parliament to speak freely rather than {be} at threat of... the threat of an over powerful monarch at the time. 4. R= 2191 S= 0.01% ====*2192*====+ 1. >be >racism 2. 're going to fight racism not with racism , but we 're 3. We{'re} going to fight {racism} not with {racism}, but we{'re} going to fight with solidarity. 4. R= 2192 S= 0.01% ====*2193*====+ 1. >cruel >leader 2. Cruel leaders are replaced only to have new leaders turn cruel 3. {Cruel} {leaders} are replaced only to have new {leaders} turn {cruel}. 4. R= 2193 S= 0.01% ====*2194*====+ 1. >surprise >sing 2. surprise to me or the other Isley brothers that I can sing , because I used to sing all the time in practice . The surprise 3. It's no {surprise} to me or the other Isley brothers that I can {sing}, because I used to {sing} all the time in practice. The {surprise} is that somebody else likes it. 4. R= 2194 S= 0.01% ====*2195*====+ 1. >they >ready 2. their careers is to be ready to improvise . Be ready to follow up on opportunities as they 3. So what I would say to people planning {their} careers is to be {ready} to improvise. Be {ready} to follow up on opportunities as {they} unfold. 4. R= 2195 S= 0.01% ====*2196*====+ 1. >social >a 2. social workers want is to get everyone involved in a programme . Because a programme provides full employment for three generations of social 3. All {social} workers want is to get everyone involved in {a} programme. Because {a} programme provides full employment for three generations of {social} workers. 4. R= 2196 S= 0.01% ====*2197*====+ 1. >Orange >whip 2. Orange whip ? Orange whip ? Three orange 3. {Orange} {whip}? Orange {whip}? Three {orange} whips. 4. R= 2197 S= 0.01% ====*2198*====+ 1. >the >circumstance 2. the script gives you are given circumstances . Given circumstances are all the 3. Because what {the} script gives you are given {circumstances}. Given {circumstances} are all {the} facts of your character. 4. R= 2198 S= 0.01% ====*2199*====+ 1. >you >circumstance 2. you are given circumstances . Given circumstances are all the facts of your 3. Because what the script gives {you} are given {circumstances}. Given {circumstances} are all the facts of {your} character. 4. R= 2198 S= 0.01% ====*2200*====+ 1. >last >man 2. last there will be wrongs , and if no man objected and no man rebelled , those wrongs would last 3. As long as the world shall {last} there will be wrongs, and if no {man} objected and no {man} rebelled, those wrongs would {last} forever. 4. R= 2200 S= 0.01% ====*2201*====+ 1. >life >the 2. life of the affections as leaves are to the life 3. Caresses, expressions of one sort or another, are necessary to the {life} of {the} affections as leaves are to {the} {life} of a tree. 4. R= 2201 S= 0.01% ====*2202*====+ 1. >house >the 2. house protects the dreamer , the house 3. If I were asked to name the chief benefit of the house, I should say: the house shelters day-dreaming, the {house} protects {the} dreamer, {the} {house} allows one to dream in peace. 4. R= 2202 S= 0.01% ====*2203*====+ 1. >interested >woman 2. interested in women just because they 're women . I am interested 3. I am not {interested} in {women} just because they're {women}. I am {interested}, however, in seeing that they are no longer classed with children and minors. 4. R= 2203 S= 0.01% ====*2204*====+ 1. >be >God 2. are very young about the whole universe without God and that God can not be in science . They are 3. The public schools tend to teach little kids from when they {are} very young about the whole universe without {God} and that {God} cannot be in science. They {are} indoctrinating children in an atheistic religious view of things. 4. R= 2204 S= 0.01% ====*2205*====+ 1. >be >have 2. are some who want to get married and others who do n't . I have never had an impulse to go to the altar . I am 3. There {are} some who want to get married and others who don't. I {have} never {had} an impulse to go to the altar. I {am} a difficult person to lead. 4. R= 2205 S= 0.01% ====*2206*====+ 1. >the >sane 2. the sane more sane . The 3. It makes {the} {sane} more {sane}. {The} only ones who are unable to profit by it are the insane. 4. R= 2206 S= 0.01% ====*2207*====+ 1. >immortal >the 2. immortal , but the souls of the righteous are immortal 3. All men's souls are {immortal}, but {the} souls of {the} righteous are {immortal} and divine. 4. R= 2207 S= 0.01% ====*2208*====+ 1. >thing >the 2. things in the world . The things 3. They're two of the strongest {things} in {the} world. {The} {things} you do for a woman you wouldn't do for anything else. 4. R= 2208 S= 0.01% ====*2209*====+ 1. >job >that 2. job that you love , and you hope that job 3. As an actor, you just want to work, and then you just want to be on a show or have a {job} {that} you love, and you hope {that} {job} will last - those things have happened. 4. R= 2209 S= 0.01% ====*2210*====+ 1. >know >short 2. knew that your life was merely a phase or short , short segment of your entire existence , how would you live ? Knowing 3. If you {knew} that your life was merely a phase or {short}, {short} segment of your entire existence, how would you live? {Knowing} nothing 'real' was at risk, what would you do? 4. R= 2210 S= 0.01% ====*2211*====+ 1. >close >dozen 2. close family . I have over a dozen aunts and uncles in Pakistan , dozens of cousins . I have many close 3. I come from an enormous and very {close} family. I have over a {dozen} aunts and uncles in Pakistan, {dozens} of cousins. I have many {close} friends. 4. R= 2211 S= 0.01% ====*2212*====+ 1. >the >change 2. the rhythm changes . But life is changing all the 3. Some will get angry when {the} rhythm {changes}. But life is {changing} all {the} time. 4. R= 2212 S= 0.01% ====*2213*====+ 1. >they >a 2. their heads in something in a substance or a drink or an idea or a religion which will comfort them 3. We are pre-disposed for fantasy, there is a natural impulse for human beings to want to get off their heads or out of {their} heads in something in a substance or {a} drink or {an} idea or a religion which will comfort {them} and make life exciting. 4. R= 2213 S= 0.01% ====*2214*====+ 1. >the >to 2. the reason for that is because on this album I plan on introducing to people and reintroducing to people the side of me that they did n't see on the 3. To me, 'Underground Luxury' is kinda like a contrasting title, and {the} reason for that is because on this album I plan on introducing {to} people and reintroducing {to} people the side of me that they didn't see on {the} first album. 4. R= 2214 S= 0.01% ====*2215*====+ 1. >a >building 2. a suburban building as being a minor building and an 3. I've never looked at {a} suburban {building} as being a minor {building} and {an} urban building as being a major building. 4. R= 2215 S= 0.01% ====*2216*====+ 1. >take >drink 2. take a drink , then the drink takes 3. First you {take} a {drink}, then the {drink} {takes} a drink, then the drink takes you. 4. R= 2216 S= 0.01% ====*2217*====+ 1. >a >drink 2. a drink , then the drink takes a 3. First you take {a} {drink}, then the {drink} takes {a} drink, then the drink takes you. 4. R= 2216 S= 0.01% ====*2218*====+ 1. >the >yield 2. the art of yielding what must be yielded to the 3. If we learn {the} art of {yielding} what must be {yielded} to {the} changing present, we can save the best of the past. 4. R= 2216 S= 0.01% ====*2219*====+ 1. >to >sentence 2. to write a perfect sentence , if that sentence is meant to 3. It's a lot easier to throw a perfect pass than {to} write a perfect {sentence}, if that {sentence} is meant {to} perform more than a mechanical function. 4. R= 2216 S= 0.01% ====*2220*====+ 1. >in >world 2. in their interaction with the world , unless the world comes to us in 3. In fact that is the struggle that most Americans - As rich as this country is, most Americans are very limited {in} their interaction with the {world}, unless the {world} comes to us {in} a very shocking way. 4. R= 2216 S= 0.01% ====*2221*====+ 1. >a >without 2. a heart without words than words without a 3. It is better in prayer to have {a} heart {without} words than words {without} {a} heart. 4. R= 2216 S= 0.01% ====*2222*====+ 1. >in >God 2. in the God who appears when God has disappeared in 3. The courage to be is rooted {in} the {God} who appears when {God} has disappeared {in} the anxiety of doubt. 4. R= 2216 S= 0.01% ====*2223*====+ 1. >a >time 2. a great time doing it eight times a 3. This play is truly a great invention, and we're having {a} great {time} doing it eight {times} {a} week. 4. R= 2216 S= 0.01% ====*2224*====+ 1. >culture >I 2. culture of criticism I was talking about before , and I think our culture 3. Great companies have high cultures of accountability, it comes with this {culture} of criticism {I} was talking about before, and {I} think our {culture} is strong on that. 4. R= 2224 S= 0.01% ====*2225*====+ 1. >a >reality 2. a point when a dream becomes reality and reality becomes a 3. There comes {a} point when a dream becomes {reality} and {reality} becomes {a} dream. 4. R= 2225 S= 0.01% ====*2226*====+ 1. >do >a 2. do n't know that I 'm a singer , and a lot of people that know I can sing do 3. It's funny because a lot of people that know me as a dancer, {do}n't know that I'm {a} singer, and {a} lot of people that know I can sing {do}n't know I can dance. 4. R= 2226 S= 0.01% ====*2227*====+ 1. >be >about 2. 's what I 've discovered about myself and about the world I 'm 3. An actor, a writer, does that as if saying, 'Here{'s} what I've discovered {about} myself and {about} the world I{'m} in. 4. R= 2227 S= 0.01% ====*2228*====+ 1. >world >be 2. world . If you 're going to be in a dark world 3. It is a dark, dark {world}. If you{'re} going to {be} in a dark {world}, I can't think of any better one to be in. 4. R= 2228 S= 0.01% ====*2229*====+ 1. >understand >we 2. understood . And we always feel we 're not understood 3. It's human desire to be {understood}. And {we} always feel {we}'re not {understood}. 4. R= 2228 S= 0.01% ====*2230*====+ 1. >pasta >she 2. pasta sauces . She always made her own homemade pasta 3. It wasn't chicken stock or {pasta} sauces. {She} always made {her} own homemade {pasta}. 4. R= 2228 S= 0.01% ====*2231*====+ 1. >tell >the 2. tell stories about slavery from the perspective of the slave . It 's told 3. The inherited tradition is that we don't {tell} stories about slavery from {the} perspective of {the} slave. It's {told} through the president or the lawyer. 4. R= 2228 S= 0.01% ====*2232*====+ 1. >be >greedy 2. be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are 3. We simply attempt to {be} fearful when others are {greedy} and to be {greedy} only when others {are} fearful. 4. R= 2232 S= 0.01% ====*2233*====+ 1. >States >the 2. States rather than on the conduct and needs of the nations the United States 3. Obama's foreign policy is strangely self-centered, focused on himself and the United {States} rather than on {the} conduct and needs of {the} nations the United {States} allies with, engages with, or must confront. 4. R= 2233 S= 0.01% ====*2234*====+ 1. >healthy >as 2. healthy scare is as good as as a healthy 3. A {healthy} scare is {as} good {as} as a {healthy} laugh. 4. R= 2234 S= 0.01% ====*2235*====+ 1. >Government >as 2. Government ` help ' to business is just as disastrous as government persecution ... the only way a government 3. {Government} 'help' to business is just {as} disastrous {as} government persecution... the only way a {government} can be of service to national prosperity is by keeping its hands off. 4. R= 2234 S= 0.01% ====*2236*====+ 1. >much >more 2. much more dangerous , more painful , much 3. He was living in an age {much} {more} dangerous, {more} painful, {much} more on the edge than our own particular age. 4. R= 2236 S= 0.01% ====*2237*====+ 1. >I >it 2. I give it things it wants and I 3. I listen to my body, {I} give {it} things {it} wants and {I} eliminate things it doesn't want. 4. R= 2237 S= 0.01% ====*2238*====+ 1. >you >it 2. You only want it if it agrees with what you 3. {You} only want {it} if {it} agrees with what {you} wanted to do anyway. 4. R= 2237 S= 0.01% ====*2239*====+ 1. >I >you 2. I 'm not going to do anything that will make you uncomfortable . I want you to know that you wo n't be disappointed in me 3. When you come to see a picture of mine, I want you to know that {I}'m not going to do anything that will make {you} uncomfortable. I want {you} to know that you won't be disappointed in {me}. 4. R= 2239 S= 0.01% ====*2240*====+ 1. >family >not 2. family was not rich , was not a rich family 3. I am quite a spendthrift but just being careful because my {family} was {not} rich, was {not} a rich {family}. 4. R= 2240 S= 0.01% ====*2241*====+ 1. >love >to 2. loves not to realize when he ceases to be loved 3. It is almost always a fault of one who {loves} not {to} realize when he ceases {to} be {loved}. 4. R= 2241 S= 0.01% ====*2242*====+ 1. >he >horse 2. he might better stick to the horse , and some day the horse may carry him 3. If a poet knows more about a horse than he does about heaven, {he} might better stick to the {horse}, and some day the {horse} may carry {him} into heaven. 4. R= 2242 S= 0.01% ====*2243*====+ 1. >a >being 2. A composer knows that music is written by human beings for human beings and that music is a 3. {A} composer knows that music is written by human {beings} for human {beings} and that music is {a} continuation of life, not something separated from it. 4. R= 2243 S= 0.01% ====*2244*====+ 1. >they >reality 2. them - that only creates sorrow . Let reality be reality . Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they 3. Don't resist {them} - that only creates sorrow. Let {reality} be {reality}. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way {they} like. 4. R= 2244 S= 0.01% ====*2245*====+ 1. >a >sing 2. a man comes from Sing Sing Prison or Harvard . We hire a 3. It is all one to me if {a} man comes from {Sing} {Sing} Prison or Harvard. We hire {a} man, not his history. 4. R= 2245 S= 0.01% ====*2246*====+ 1. >what >think 2. what they think , free to think what 3. As long as men are free to ask what they must, free to say {what} they {think}, free to {think} {what} they will, freedom can never be lost and science can never regress. 4. R= 2246 S= 0.01% ====*2247*====+ 1. >they >think 2. they think , free to think what they 3. As long as men are free to ask what they must, free to say what {they} {think}, free to {think} what {they} will, freedom can never be lost and science can never regress. 4. R= 2246 S= 0.01% ====*2248*====+ 1. >heaven >the 2. heaven , not the way the heavens 3. The Bible shows the way to go to {heaven}, not {the} way {the} {heavens} go. 4. R= 2248 S= 0.01% ====*2249*====+ 1. >you >I 2. you do not love me I shall not be loved If I do not love you 3. If {you} do not love me {I} shall not be loved If {I} do not love {you} I shall not love. 4. R= 2249 S= 0.01% ====*2250*====+ 1. >to >quiet 2. to make lots of quiet records . So quiet you wo n't be able to 3. I've got time, I hope, {to} make lots of {quiet} records. So {quiet} you won't be able {to} hear them. 4. R= 2250 S= 0.01% ====*2251*====+ 1. >game >you 2. game , because the game will be true to you . If you try to shortcut the game , then the game 3. Be true to the {game}, because the game will be true to {you}. If {you} try to shortcut the game, then the {game} will shortcut you. 4. R= 2251 S= 0.01% ====*2252*====+ 1. >the >always 2. the pantomime or the theatre and I would always , always fall in love with somebody on the 3. As a child I was taken to {the} pantomime or the theatre and I would {always}, {always} fall in love with somebody on {the} stage. 4. R= 2252 S= 0.01% ====*2253*====+ 1. >be >fishing 2. is what you use to go fishing . The line on your fishing rod is probably going to be 3. Monofilament {is} what you use to go {fishing}. The line on your {fishing} rod is probably going to {be} black. 4. R= 2253 S= 0.01% ====*2254*====+ 1. >be >wrong 2. is that when a thing that can not possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be 3. The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong {is} that when a thing that cannot possibly go {wrong} goes {wrong} it usually turns out to {be} impossible to get at and repair. 4. R= 2254 S= 0.01% ====*2255*====+ 1. >they >I 2. them , and I realize as I watch them 3. It's very difficult to do the job I want to do and spend as much time as I want with my kids... It is time for me to be a father first to {them}, and {I} realize as {I} watch {them} grow and become young adults that I won't be able to get this time back. 4. R= 2255 S= 0.01% ====*2256*====+ 1. >love >I 2. loved me , and consequently I told Scott I loved 3. My dad never told me he {loved} {me}, and consequently I told Scott {I} {loved} him every other minute. 4. R= 2256 S= 0.01% ====*2257*====+ 1. >be >allow 2. was designed to allow nontechies to do masterful things while allowing power users to be 3. Multi-touch sensing {was} designed to {allow} nontechies to do masterful things while {allowing} power users to {be} even more virtuosic. 4. R= 2257 S= 0.01% ====*2258*====+ 1. >I >home 2. I was in three care homes then foster homes before me 3. My mum wasn't well, so {I} was in three care {homes} then foster {homes} before {me} and my little brother went back to her. 4. R= 2258 S= 0.01% ====*2259*====+ 1. >they >love 2. they were compulsively in love did n't love them 3. I had a great many sex and love cases where people were absolutely devastated when somebody with whom {they} were compulsively in {love} didn't {love} {them} back. 4. R= 2258 S= 0.01% ====*2260*====+ 1. >be >hint 2. is to take a hint when a hint is 3. The greatest thing in family life {is} to take a {hint} when a {hint} {is} intended-and not to take a hint when a hint isn't intended. 4. R= 2258 S= 0.01% ====*2261*====+ 1. >they >hide 2. they 've shrouded and hidden women to hide their 3. I know I shouldn't say this, but {they}'ve shrouded and {hidden} women to {hide} {their} incompetence. 4. R= 2258 S= 0.01% ====*2262*====+ 1. >the >experience 2. the heart is a majestic experience , an experience that people may miss if they monopolize the 3. To have God speak to {the} heart is a majestic {experience}, an {experience} that people may miss if they monopolize {the} conversation and never pause to hear God's responses. 4. R= 2258 S= 0.01% ====*2263*====+ 1. >a >love 2. an artist that I love it . I love it as a 3. But it is as {an} artist that I {love} it. I {love} it as {a} musician loves his violin, to draw out its sounds and chords and harmonies. 4. R= 2263 S= 0.01% ====*2264*====+ 1. >the >incident 2. the determination of incident ? What is incident but the 3. What is character but {the} determination of {incident}? What is {incident} but {the} illustration of character? 4. R= 2263 S= 0.01% ====*2265*====+ 1. >write >what 2. Write only what you love , and love what you write 3. {Write} only {what} you love, and love {what} you {write}. 4. R= 2265 S= 0.01% ====*2266*====+ 1. >lot >and 2. lot less re-admissions with infections and complications , and you 'll see a lot 3. In Europe, there are hospitals where the cesarean rate is less than 10%, and you'll find midwives in these hospitals, you'll see a {lot} less re-admissions with infections {and} complications, {and} you'll see a {lot} less injury to mothers. 4. R= 2266 S= 0.01% ====*2267*====+ 1. >the >I 2. The judges were happy to assist me but what I learned was how corrupt the 3. {The} judges were happy to assist {me} but what {I} learned was how corrupt {the} lower courts were. 4. R= 2267 S= 0.01% ====*2268*====+ 1. >all >jawa 2. all summer long , and I could frighten people with my Jawa sounds and my Jawa outfit and watch ` Star Wars Episode IV ' all 3. In '78, when it was re-released, I was hired by the local cinema to be the Jawa: to dress up {all} summer long, and I could frighten people with my {Jawa} sounds and my {Jawa} outfit and watch 'Star Wars Episode IV' {all} summer long and get paid with movie passes. 4. R= 2268 S= 0.01% ====*2269*====+ 1. >be >as 2. 'm egotistical as much as I 'm 3. I don't think I{'m} egotistical {as} much {as} I{'m} taking responsibility for what I'm putting out there. 4. R= 2269 S= 0.01% ====*2270*====+ 1. >we >as 2. our lives as much as if we 3. I have great hopes that we shall love each other all {our} lives {as} much {as} if {we} had never married at all. 4. R= 2269 S= 0.01% ====*2271*====+ 1. >be >as 2. be nearly as great as they are 3. I love bands that can collaborate, and I feel like the Rolling Stones wouldn't {be} nearly {as} great {as} they {are} if it wasn't for them having a real group. 4. R= 2269 S= 0.01% ====*2272*====+ 1. >it >as 2. it does n't move as fast as I 'd like it 3. In the final analysis, it is your decision to make, but {it} doesn't move {as} fast {as} I'd like {it} to move. 4. R= 2269 S= 0.01% ====*2273*====+ 1. >see >we 2. see anything in us that we do n't see 3. Maturity includes the recognition that no one is going to {see} anything in {us} that {we} don't {see} in ourselves. 4. R= 2269 S= 0.01% ====*2274*====+ 1. >be >as 2. is not taken as seriously as it once was 3. The bad news for journalists today is that the media, however seriously people who are in the public eye take it, {is} not taken {as} seriously {as} it once {was} - by the public. 4. R= 2269 S= 0.01% ====*2275*====+ 1. >be >in 2. being held in N'Djamena in Chad are 3. Initial reports from the cease-fire talks {being} held {in} N'Djamena {in} Chad {are} not very encouraging. 4. R= 2269 S= 0.01% ====*2276*====+ 1. >do >they 2. do n't love their babies they way we do 3. There's a false perception that women in Africa somehow {do}n't love {their} babies {they} way we {do}, don't grieve their loss the way we would. 4. R= 2269 S= 0.01% ====*2277*====+ 1. >they >do 2. they way we do , do n't grieve their 3. There's a false perception that women in Africa somehow don't love their babies {they} way we {do}, {do}n't grieve {their} loss the way we would. 4. R= 2269 S= 0.01% ====*2278*====+ 1. >be >as 2. are only as graphic as need be 3. The sex and violence {are} only {as} graphic {as} need {be}. 4. R= 2269 S= 0.01% ====*2279*====+ 1. >worker >a 2. workers want is to get everyone involved in a programme . Because a programme provides full employment for three generations of social workers 3. All social {workers} want is to get everyone involved in {a} programme. Because {a} programme provides full employment for three generations of social {workers}. 4. R= 2279 S= 0.01% ====*2280*====+ 1. >the >be 2. The reason I wanted to be an actor is that I do n't want to play me for the 3. {The} reason I wanted to {be} an actor {is} that I don't want to play me for {the} rest of my life and make money out of that. 4. R= 2280 S= 0.01% ====*2281*====+ 1. >of >as 2. of us as Canadians , and as members of 3. Over the past several years, all {of} us {as} Canadians, and {as} members {of} the North American cultural and economic environment, have been to a greater or lesser extent party to a significant attitudinal change towards our culture. 4. R= 2281 S= 0.01% ====*2282*====+ 1. >morning >the 2. morning or acting at 4 A.M in the middle of the night or in the morning 3. It's not fun acting that early in the {morning} or acting at 4 A.M in {the} middle of {the} night or in the {morning} when you're really tired. 4. R= 2282 S= 0.01% ====*2283*====+ 1. >the >yellow 2. the sun into a yellow spot , others transform a yellow spot into the 3. Some painters transform {the} sun into a {yellow} spot, others transform a {yellow} spot into {the} sun. 4. R= 2283 S= 0.01% ====*2284*====+ 1. >state >that 2. stated publicly a number of times that I believe that South Carolina should remove the flag from the state 3. Because I grew up in the South and believe that the Confederate flag is a very divisive symbol, I have {stated} publicly a number of times {that} I believe {that} South Carolina should remove the flag from the {state} capitol grounds. 4. R= 2284 S= 0.01% ====*2285*====+ 1. >because >beautiful 2. because I 'm beautiful , or am I beautiful because 3. Do you love me {because} I'm {beautiful}, or am I {beautiful} {because} you love me? 4. R= 2285 S= 0.01% ====*2286*====+ 1. >to >boy 2. to be a boy , but for a boy to 3. Girls can wear jeans, cut their hair short, wear shirts and boots, 'cause it's okay {to} be a {boy}, but for a {boy} {to} look like a girl is degrading. 4. R= 2285 S= 0.01% ====*2287*====+ 1. >that >'ll 2. that next time I 'll go in and I 'll do that 3. So I know {that} next time I{'ll} go in and I{'ll} do {that}. 4. R= 2285 S= 0.01% ====*2288*====+ 1. >I >look 2. I looked up and he was looking directly at me 3. Then {I} {looked} up and he was {looking} directly at {me} with unconditional love. 4. R= 2285 S= 0.01% ====*2289*====+ 1. >and >day 2. and take it day by day and 3. But I'm going to be a real good boy {and} take it {day} by {day} {and} try to concentrate on what's most important to me, and that's offering women a service. 4. R= 2289 S= 0.01% ====*2290*====+ 1. >in >right 2. in the right place at the right time in 3. Making sure everyone is {in} the {right} place at the {right} time {in} the right order instantly sends me into a cold sweat. 4. R= 2290 S= 0.01% ====*2291*====+ 1. >the >think 2. the ability to think different ... to think out of the 3. What matters is {the} ability to {think} different... to {think} out of {the} box. 4. R= 2290 S= 0.01% ====*2292*====+ 1. >creation >else 2. creation of God , I am also obligated to realize and remember that everyone else and everything else are also God 's creation 3. While I know myself as a {creation} of God, I am also obligated to realize and remember that everyone {else} and everything {else} are also God's {creation}. 4. R= 2292 S= 0.01% ====*2293*====+ 1. >the >art 2. The art of art , the 3. {The} {art} of {art}, {the} glory of expression and the sunshine of the light of letters, is simplicity. 4. R= 2293 S= 0.01% ====*2294*====+ 1. >degree >man 2. degree men 's issues and all men 's issues are to some degree 3. All women's issues are to some {degree} {men}'s issues and all {men}'s issues are to some {degree} women's issues because when either sex wins unilaterally both sexes lose. 4. R= 2294 S= 0.01% ====*2295*====+ 1. >the >a 2. the idea that an employee is a long-term asset to the 3. Employers have gone away from {the} idea that {an} employee is {a} long-term asset to {the} company, someone to be nurtured and developed, to a new notion that they are disposable. 4. R= 2295 S= 0.01% ====*2296*====+ 1. >someone >you 2. someone who is trying to love you , you hurt someone 3. You push away {someone} who is trying to love {you}, {you} hurt {someone} who's trying to get your trust, or you love someone you shouldn't. 4. R= 2296 S= 0.01% ====*2297*====+ 1. >precisely >as 2. precisely as big as what you love and precisely 3. You are {precisely} {as} big {as} what you love and {precisely} as small as what you allow to annoy you. 4. R= 2296 S= 0.01% ====*2298*====+ 1. >think >be 2. think the sense of humor of Hollywood is supposed to be , so you ca n't think 3. When you're in Hollywood, you get sort of jaded about what you {think} the sense of humor of Hollywood {is} supposed to {be}, so you can't {think} outside the box. 4. R= 2298 S= 0.01% ====*2299*====+ 1. >of >cross 2. of my work consisted of crossing out . Crossing out was the secret of 3. Most {of} my work consisted of {crossing} out. {Crossing} out was the secret {of} all good writing. 4. R= 2299 S= 0.01% ====*2300*====+ 1. >that >best 2. that you did your best to become the best that 3. Success comes from knowing {that} you did your {best} to become the {best} {that} you are capable of becoming. 4. R= 2300 S= 0.01% ====*2301*====+ 1. >help >of 2. help of our friends as the confidence of their help 3. We do not so much need the {help} {of} our friends as the confidence {of} their {help} in need. 4. R= 2301 S= 0.01% ====*2302*====+ 1. >woman >the 2. women is also due to the conviction that the political disabilities of women 3. A large part of the present anxiety to improve the education of girls and {women} is also due to {the} conviction that {the} political disabilities of {women} will not be maintained. 4. R= 2302 S= 0.01% ====*2303*====+ 1. >it >I 2. it was I hit and I tell them I do n't know except it 3. I get back to the dugout and they ask me what {it} was I hit and {I} tell them {I} don't know except {it} looked good. 4. R= 2303 S= 0.01% ====*2304*====+ 1. >hard >have 2. hard . Actually , I 've had to take a good hard 3. I'm at the point in my life where I don't want to work as {hard}. Actually, I{'ve} {had} to take a good {hard} look at workaholism and it's effect on one's mental health. 4. R= 2304 S= 0.01% ====*2305*====+ 1. >jealousy >base 2. Jealousy is both reasonable and belongs to reasonable men , while envy is base and belongs to the base , for the one makes himself get good things by jealousy 3. {Jealousy} is both reasonable and belongs to reasonable men, while envy is {base} and belongs to the {base}, for the one makes himself get good things by {jealousy}, while the other does not allow his neighbour to have them through envy. 4. R= 2305 S= 0.01% ====*2306*====+ 1. >my >heart 2. My daughters are still the heart of my heart and the center of my 3. {My} daughters are still the {heart} of my {heart} and the center of {my} world. 4. R= 2306 S= 0.01% ====*2307*====+ 1. >happen >it 2. happen , you do n't do it , and it wo n't happen 3. If you keep thinking about what you want to do or what you hope will {happen}, you don't do {it}, and {it} won't {happen}. 4. R= 2307 S= 0.01% ====*2308*====+ 1. >stop >you 2. stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped 3. The day soldiers {stop} bringing {you} their problems is the day {you} have {stopped} leading them. 4. R= 2308 S= 0.01% ====*2309*====+ 1. >they >it 2. they have had no agency in planning it , or because it may have been planned by those whom they 3. Men often oppose a thing merely because {they} have had no agency in planning {it}, or because {it} may have been planned by those whom {they} dislike. 4. R= 2309 S= 0.01% ====*2310*====+ 1. >be >the 2. are different from the decisions of the government which are 3. Things said by political parties {are} different from {the} decisions of {the} government which {are} taken to uphold the rule of law. 4. R= 2310 S= 0.01% ====*2311*====+ 1. >we >of 2. We 've grown from 18 % of the profits of the top 25 companies in our 3. {We}'ve grown from 18% {of} the profits {of} the top 25 companies in {our} industry to 23% of the profits of the top 25 companies in our industry over the last five years. 4. R= 2310 S= 0.01% ====*2312*====+ 1. >movie >to 2. movies was it was special to go to see - you went to a movie 3. I mean, the whole idea of {movies} was it was special {to} go {to} see - you went to a {movie} theater to see something that was magical and amazing, in a very special location. 4. R= 2312 S= 0.01% ====*2313*====+ 1. >call >the 2. calls the end of the world the master calls 3. What the caterpillar {calls} the end of {the} world {the} master {calls} a butterfly. 4. R= 2312 S= 0.01% ====*2314*====+ 1. >the >weather 2. the weather , because the weather is the 3. I always start everything with {the} {weather}, because the {weather} is {the} first thing that I notice when I wake up in the morning. 4. R= 2314 S= 0.01% ====*2315*====+ 1. >to >policy 2. to play in the formulation of foreign policy , and foreign policy is too important to be left up to 3. It has too big a role {to} play in the formulation of foreign {policy}, and foreign {policy} is too important to be left up {to} foreign service officers. 4. R= 2314 S= 0.01% ====*2316*====+ 1. >he >I 2. He was always there for me when I needed him 3. {He} was always there for {me} when {I} needed {him}. 4. R= 2316 S= 0.01% ====*2317*====+ 1. >very >world 2. very limited in their interaction with the world , unless the world comes to us in a very 3. In fact that is the struggle that most Americans - As rich as this country is, most Americans are {very} limited in their interaction with the {world}, unless the {world} comes to us in a {very} shocking way. 4. R= 2317 S= 0.01% ====*2318*====+ 1. >righteous >think 2. righteous who think they are sinners and the sinners who think they are righteous 3. There are only two kinds of men: the {righteous} who {think} they are sinners and the sinners who {think} they are {righteous}. 4. R= 2318 S= 0.01% ====*2319*====+ 1. >do >television 2. do that kind of work on television series after television series and you do 3. You {do} that kind of work on {television} series after {television} series and you {do}n't have a life. 4. R= 2319 S= 0.01% ====*2320*====+ 1. >in >time 2. in a tailored suit from time to time , and there 's a tailor I go to in 3. I like to dress up {in} a tailored suit from {time} to {time}, and there's a tailor I go to {in} Naples who's fantastic. 4. R= 2320 S= 0.01% ====*2321*====+ 1. >thing >you 2. things they print your face , and if you do little things 3. If you do big {things} they print {your} face, and if {you} do little {things} they print only your thumbs. 4. R= 2321 S= 0.01% ====*2322*====+ 1. >tight >the 2. tight , when her planks are so compact and solid as to prevent the entrance of the water in which she is immersed : and a cask is called tight 3. Hence a ship is said to be {tight}, when her planks are so compact and solid as to prevent {the} entrance of {the} water in which she is immersed: and a cask is called {tight}, when the staves are so close that none of the liquid contained therein can issue through or between them. 4. R= 2322 S= 0.01% ====*2323*====+ 1. >love >woman 2. love women in order to really just have a respect for women and love 3. You have to really {love} {women} in order to really just have a respect for {women} and {love} them. 4. R= 2323 S= 0.01% ====*2324*====+ 1. >have >unexpected 2. have been expressed about the potential for unexpected consequences , the unexpected effects that have been observed so far have 3. And, although many concerns {have} been expressed about the potential for {unexpected} consequences, the {unexpected} effects that have been observed so far {have} been benign. 4. R= 2324 S= 0.01% ====*2325*====+ 1. >around >to 2. around a lot . I try to adapt to what 's going on around 3. I'm kind of scatty, bouncing {around} a lot. I try {to} adapt {to} what's going on {around} me in the song and the arrangement. 4. R= 2325 S= 0.01% ====*2326*====+ 1. >denial >for 2. Denial has been a way of life for me for many years . I actually believe in denial 3. {Denial} has been a way of life {for} me {for} many years. I actually believe in {denial}. 4. R= 2325 S= 0.01% ====*2327*====+ 1. >time >to 2. time . If I was to listen to the number of times 3. Myths grow all the {time}. If I was {to} listen {to} the number of {times} I've thrown teacups then we've gone through some crockery in this place. 4. R= 2325 S= 0.01% ====*2328*====+ 1. >gene >be 2. gene . What I am doing is pulling the gene 3. The same stimuli in the world can be inducing very different experiences internally and it's probably based on a single change in a {gene}. What I {am} doing {is} pulling the {gene} forward and imaging and doing behavioural tests to understand what that difference is and how reality can be constructed so differently. 4. R= 2325 S= 0.01% ====*2329*====+ 1. >that >I 2. That satisfied me until I began to figure that 3. {That} satisfied {me} until {I} began to figure {that} if God loved all his children equally, why did he bother about my red hat and let other people lose their fathers and mothers for always? 4. R= 2329 S= 0.01% ====*2330*====+ 1. >to >I 2. to get it out of me . I do n't write it to 3. I write it {to} get it out of {me}. {I} don't write it {to} remember it. 4. R= 2330 S= 0.01% ====*2331*====+ 1. >they >have 2. they say that they 've had no sense that they 3. People keep telling us, that they didn't know when they were booking tickets for it, but afterwards {they} say that they{'ve} {had} no sense that {they} were watching an old fashioned play. 4. R= 2331 S= 0.01% ====*2332*====+ 1. >you >it 2. you win without sacrifice you enjoy it but it 's more satisfying when you 3. If {you} win without sacrifice you enjoy {it} but {it}'s more satisfying when {you} have struggled. 4. R= 2332 S= 0.01% ====*2333*====+ 1. >I >it 2. I can handle it because it 's me and I 3. {I} can handle {it} because {it}'s me and {I}'m coming back in the next race. 4. R= 2332 S= 0.01% ====*2334*====+ 1. >love >be 2. love is not important - what is important is that one is capable of love 3. And the story of a {love} is not important - what {is} important {is} that one is capable of {love}. 4. R= 2334 S= 0.01% ====*2335*====+ 1. >a >math 2. a maths genius - I 'm really good at maths , maths was my favorite subject in school , but I was n't a 3. I'm not exactly {a} maths genius - I'm really good at {maths}, {maths} was my favorite subject in school, but I wasn't {a} genius. 4. R= 2335 S= 0.01% ====*2336*====+ 1. >write >what 2. write and what to write and what not to write 3. They agonize over how to {write} and {what} to write and {what} not to {write}. 4. R= 2336 S= 0.01% ====*2337*====+ 1. >be >Connery 2. 's another version of Connery , and Connery was 3. To be honest, he{'s} another version of {Connery}, and {Connery} {was} terrific. 4. R= 2337 S= 0.01% ====*2338*====+ 1. >be >term 2. is a matter of terms , and terms are 3. Expression, to a great extent, {is} a matter of {terms}, and {terms} {are} anyone's. 4. R= 2337 S= 0.01% ====*2339*====+ 1. >be >sinner 2. are sinners and the sinners who think they are 3. There are only two kinds of men: the righteous who think they {are} {sinners} and the {sinners} who think they {are} righteous. 4. R= 2337 S= 0.01% ====*2340*====+ 1. >race >we 2. races we lost , we won this race 3. The thing about it is, all those {races} {we} lost, {we} won this {race} together. 4. R= 2340 S= 0.01% ====*2341*====+ 1. >difference >and 2. difference between theater and film , and one of the biggest differences 3. One of the things that people ask me all the time is, what's the {difference} between theater {and} film, {and} one of the biggest {differences} is, in the theater you always get another go. 4. R= 2340 S= 0.01% ====*2342*====+ 1. >one >prince 2. one prince , and that prince a good one 3. Happy and fortunate indeed would this nation be, nay, completely blessed, if it had good prelates and pastors, and but {one} {prince}, and that {prince} a good {one}. 4. R= 2342 S= 0.01% ====*2343*====+ 1. >museum >of 2. museum of art than any of the museums 3. A great department store, easily reached, open at all hours, is more like a good {museum} {of} art than any {of} the {museums} we have yet established. 4. R= 2343 S= 0.01% ====*2344*====+ 1. >death >it 2. death one gets used to it , even if it 's only other people 's death 3. As for {death} one gets used to {it}, even if {it}'s only other people's {death} you get used to. 4. R= 2343 S= 0.01% ====*2345*====+ 1. >commitment >the 2. commitment by the business community , the commitment 3. If you look at what we have done over many, many years and where we are today and the {commitment} by {the} business community, {the} {commitment} by the not-for-profit community - all this coming together - this is a wonderful city. 4. R= 2343 S= 0.01% ====*2346*====+ 1. >betray >the 2. betray the world than let the world betray 3. I'd rather {betray} {the} world than let {the} world {betray} me. 4. R= 2343 S= 0.01% ====*2347*====+ 1. >prisoner >that 2. prisoners that I would guess that these prisoners 3. I have to say when we talk about the treatment of these {prisoners} {that} I would guess {that} these {prisoners} wake up every morning thanking Allah that Saddam Hussein is not in charge of these prisons. 4. R= 2343 S= 0.01% ====*2348*====+ 1. >security >the 2. security of the citizens , like the security 3. Left to me, the whole purpose of government is for the {security} of {the} citizens, like {the} {security} of lives and property. 4. R= 2343 S= 0.01% ====*2349*====+ 1. >thing >be 2. things that 's interesting to me is I find things 3. One of the {things} that{'s} interesting to me {is} I find {things} like caffeine and stunts actually relax me. 4. R= 2343 S= 0.01% ====*2350*====+ 1. >frame >the 2. frame of the cave leads to the frame 3. The {frame} of {the} cave leads to {the} {frame} of man. 4. R= 2343 S= 0.01% ====*2351*====+ 1. >secret >a 2. secret of a happy marriage remains a secret 3. The {secret} of {a} happy marriage remains {a} {secret}. 4. R= 2343 S= 0.01% ====*2352*====+ 1. >best >the 2. best for the people who make the best 3. Things turn out {best} for {the} people who make {the} {best} of the way things turn out. 4. R= 2343 S= 0.01% ====*2353*====+ 1. >of >intense 2. of intense pain and the most intense feelings of 3. It's been the site {of} {intense} pain and the most {intense} feelings {of} joy and satisfaction. 4. R= 2353 S= 0.01% ====*2354*====+ 1. >be >thing 2. am many things , but one of the things I am 3. I {am} many {things}, but one of the {things} I {am} is a lesbian. 4. R= 2354 S= 0.01% ====*2355*====+ 1. >king >the 2. Kings may be judges of the earth , but wise men are the judges of kings 3. {Kings} may be judges of {the} earth, but wise men are {the} judges of {kings}. 4. R= 2355 S= 0.01% ====*2356*====+ 1. >live >to 2. live to be a hundred , I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live 3. If you {live} to be a hundred, I want {to} live {to} be a hundred minus one day so I never have to {live} without you. 4. R= 2356 S= 0.01% ====*2357*====+ 1. >have >be 2. have huge blue eyes - it 's been something that people have 3. It's something that's always been there for me, that I {have} huge blue eyes - it{'s} {been} something that people {have} always talked about. 4. R= 2357 S= 0.01% ====*2358*====+ 1. >I >people 2. I take people very seriously . People are all I 3. {I} take {people} very seriously. {People} are all {I} take seriously, in fact. 4. R= 2358 S= 0.01% ====*2359*====+ 1. >tie >they 2. tie when they go to a restaurant . They feel they do n't have to wear a tie 3. A lot of people want to not wear a {tie} when they go to a restaurant. {They} feel {they} don't have to wear a {tie}. 4. R= 2359 S= 0.01% ====*2360*====+ 1. >of >fear 2. of the inferior man is fear - fear of 3. The one permanent emotion {of} the inferior man is {fear} - {fear} {of} the unknown, the complex, the inexplicable. 4. R= 2360 S= 0.01% ====*2361*====+ 1. >in >constant 2. in constant - constant combat with the system in 3. What I saw when I was a child was my father who was a pilot, and because of circumstances was thrown into the political system, and all I saw when was small after my grandmother died was my father {in} {constant} - {constant} combat with the system {in} India, and then I saw him die, actually. 4. R= 2360 S= 0.01% ====*2362*====+ 1. >be >create 2. is in the perception business where you create layers to create mystery . In Silicon Valley it 's 3. Hollywood {is} in the perception business where you {create} layers to {create} mystery. In Silicon Valley it{'s} about taking away the layers to get to the substance. 4. R= 2362 S= 0.01% ====*2363*====+ 1. >that >know 2. that know me as a dancer , do n't know that 3. It's funny because a lot of people {that} {know} me as a dancer, don't {know} {that} I'm a singer, and a lot of people that know I can sing don't know I can dance. 4. R= 2363 S= 0.01% ====*2364*====+ 1. >be >knowledge 2. is a special kind of knowledge : the knowledge of how to fear what ought to be 3. Courage {is} a special kind of {knowledge}: the {knowledge} of how to fear what ought to {be} feared and how not to fear what ought not to be feared. 4. R= 2364 S= 0.01% ====*2365*====+ 1. >be >I 2. is a dream role for me because I ca n't imagine I 'm 3. Every role I do {is} a dream role for {me} because {I} can't imagine I{'m} doing it. 4. R= 2365 S= 0.01% ====*2366*====+ 1. >good >be 2. good to be without vices , but it is not good 3. It is {good} to {be} without vices, but it {is} not {good} to be without temptations. 4. R= 2366 S= 0.01% ====*2367*====+ 1. >operation >no 2. operation where there was no peace , so there was no more a peacekeeping operation 3. The change began in Somalia, where we discovered that we were involved in an {operation} where there was {no} peace, so there was {no} more a peacekeeping {operation} because there was no peace. 4. R= 2366 S= 0.01% ====*2368*====+ 1. >the >be 2. the camera is being moved and the 3. But being on the set, watching the way {the} camera {is} {being} moved and {the} way the light is being used, you do get an idea of it. 4. R= 2368 S= 0.01% ====*2369*====+ 1. >I >have 2. I doubt anyone in Hollywood has had more ` dates ' than me 3. {I} doubt anyone in Hollywood {has} {had} more 'dates' than {me}. 4. R= 2368 S= 0.01% ====*2370*====+ 1. >the >be 2. the incredible amount of equity he 's been able to bring to the 3. I look at a mentor of mine like Ryan Seacrest and {the} incredible amount of equity he{'s} {been} able to bring to {the} broadcasting arena, and the branding and the world that he's been able to build around himself. 4. R= 2368 S= 0.01% ====*2371*====+ 1. >of >be 2. of your job is being aware of 3. I think, as an artist, part {of} your job {is} {being} aware {of} what's going on around you and not selling out and not following the trend, which I'm totally against. 4. R= 2368 S= 0.01% ====*2372*====+ 1. >the >be 2. the country 's future is being thrown to the 3. I think daily that {the} country's future {is} {being} thrown to {the} wind. 4. R= 2368 S= 0.01% ====*2373*====+ 1. >to >we 2. to forgive us our sins than to 3. It's a horrible idea that God, this paragon of wisdom and knowledge, power, couldn't think of a better way {to} forgive {us} {our} sins than {to} come down to Earth in his alter ego as his son and have himself hideously tortured and executed so that he could forgive himself. 4. R= 2368 S= 0.01% ====*2374*====+ 1. >of >have 2. of my life I 've had long periods of 3. Most {of} my life I{'ve} {had} long periods {of} feeling down and lost. 4. R= 2368 S= 0.01% ====*2375*====+ 1. >of >have 2. of ours have had painful experiences of 3. Most people who have grown up introverted in this very extroverted culture {of} ours {have} {had} painful experiences {of} feeling like they are out of step with what's expected of them. 4. R= 2368 S= 0.01% ====*2376*====+ 1. >the >be 2. the sins that are being commented on in the 3. And I won't let them be exploited and made guilty of {the} sins that {are} {being} commented on in {the} books.' 4. R= 2368 S= 0.01% ====*2377*====+ 1. >the >be 2. The ultimate revenge is being on Top Of The 3. {The} ultimate revenge {is} {being} on Top Of {The} Pops. 4. R= 2368 S= 0.01% ====*2378*====+ 1. >a >be 2. a song is is a 3. What {a} song {is} {is} {a} subjective thing. 4. R= 2368 S= 0.01% ====*2379*====+ 1. >people >evil 2. People do evil things because they are evil . Some people 3. {People} do {evil} things because they are {evil}. Some {people} are evil in the way that some things are coloured indigo. 4. R= 2379 S= 0.01% ====*2380*====+ 1. >wrinkle >the 2. wrinkle within the crinkle , and a crinkle within the wrinkle 3. If you take your thumb and your index finger and look right where they meet - go ahead and do that now - and relax your hand, you'll see a crinkle, and then a {wrinkle} within {the} crinkle, and a crinkle within {the} {wrinkle}. 4. R= 2380 S= 0.01% ====*2381*====+ 1. >be >challenge 2. be challenged or have challenges ? That 's 3. Why do I want to {be} {challenged} or have {challenges}? That{'s} why I don't go climb mountains. 4. R= 2381 S= 0.01% ====*2382*====+ 1. >thing >word 2. things you get ashamed of because words diminish your feelings - words shrink things 3. They are the {things} you get ashamed of because {words} diminish your feelings - {words} shrink {things} that seem timeless when they are in your head to no more than living size when they are brought out. 4. R= 2382 S= 0.01% ====*2383*====+ 1. >would >really 2. would n't put my kids in it , if I saw that they really , really wanted to do and they had the drive , then I would 3. But as easy as it is for me to say that I {would}n't put my kids in it, if I saw that they {really}, {really} wanted to do and they had the drive, then I {would} fully support it. 4. R= 2383 S= 0.01% ====*2384*====+ 1. >to >story 2. to tell stories or to hear stories or to 3. I don't think we'll ever lose the desire for people {to} tell {stories} or to hear {stories} or {to} be entrapped in a beautiful story. 4. R= 2384 S= 0.01% ====*2385*====+ 1. >kind >motion 2. kind of motion it is . A motion will always evoke some kind 3. It doesn't matter what {kind} of {motion} it is. A {motion} will always evoke some {kind} of reaction. 4. R= 2385 S= 0.01% ====*2386*====+ 1. >die >to 2. die . Even people who want to go to heaven do n't want to die 3. No one wants to {die}. Even people who want {to} go {to} heaven don't want to {die} to get there. 4. R= 2386 S= 0.01% ====*2387*====+ 1. >work >hard 2. work hard and I party hard . When I go to work 3. I {work} {hard} and I party {hard}. When I go to {work}, I know what I am doing and I do it to the best of my abilities. 4. R= 2387 S= 0.01% ====*2388*====+ 1. >defend >to 2. defend Israel 's right to exist , to defend 3. I {defend} Israel's right {to} exist, {to} {defend} themselves, to not let themselves be exterminated a second time. 4. R= 2388 S= 0.01% ====*2389*====+ 1. >people >of 2. people buy technology products because of the personalities of the people 3. I don't think {people} buy technology products because {of} the personalities {of} the {people} behind them. 4. R= 2388 S= 0.01% ====*2390*====+ 1. >best >be 2. best advice I know is to give is to give those worldly things your best 3. The {best} advice I know {is} to give {is} to give those worldly things your {best} but never your all - reserve the ultimate hope for the only one who can grant it. 4. R= 2388 S= 0.01% ====*2391*====+ 1. >for >man 2. for the sake of another man , nor ask another man to live for 3. I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live {for} the sake of another {man}, nor ask another {man} to live {for} mine. 4. R= 2391 S= 0.01% ====*2392*====+ 1. >for >world 2. for the world , and the entire world looks to it for 3. I think it's even harder because I think as always, Hollywood is sort of glamour central {for} the {world}, and the entire {world} looks to it {for} not only entertainment, but the whole idea of the youth factor and youth being sold to our culture via young actors and actresses. 4. R= 2391 S= 0.01% ====*2393*====+ 1. >read >you 2. reading things and they 're good reviews - you believe that and you 're lost , and then you read 3. I've done both theatre and film and the fact is if you start believing, if you start {reading} things and they're good reviews - {you} believe that and {you}'re lost, and then you {read} bad reviews and you think that's true and you read that and you're lost. 4. R= 2393 S= 0.01% ====*2394*====+ 1. >that >it 2. That 's her from whatever it is , ' it 's a great compliment that 3. People who have no idea it's me when they first see me playing something, and later they realize, '{That}'s her from whatever {it} is,' {it}'s a great compliment {that} they can forget. 4. R= 2394 S= 0.01% ====*2395*====+ 1. >woman >man 2. woman is a ready man and woman , but a writing man and woman 3. A reading man and {woman} is a ready {man} and woman, but a writing {man} and {woman} is exact. 4. R= 2395 S= 0.01% ====*2396*====+ 1. >a >philosophy 2. a president of strength . His philosophy was a philosophy of strength - a 3. Ronald Reagan was {a} president of strength. His {philosophy} was a {philosophy} of strength - {a} strong military, a strong economy and strong families. 4. R= 2396 S= 0.01% ====*2397*====+ 1. >the >by 2. the Sabbath day will have to be judged by each of us by trying to be honest with the 3. What is worthy or unworthy on {the} Sabbath day will have to be judged {by} each of us {by} trying to be honest with {the} Lord. 4. R= 2397 S= 0.01% ====*2398*====+ 1. >look >they 2. looking cool . They feel they have to look 3. A lot of people are obsessed with {looking} cool. {They} feel {they} have to {look} after their image. 4. R= 2398 S= 0.01% ====*2399*====+ 1. >sensitive >I 2. sensitive person . I think I am too sensitive 3. I am a really {sensitive} person. {I} think {I} am too {sensitive} sometimes. 4. R= 2398 S= 0.01% ====*2400*====+ 1. >it >thing 2. it things it wants and I eliminate things it 3. I listen to my body, I give {it} {things} it wants and I eliminate {things} {it} doesn't want. 4. R= 2400 S= 0.01% ====*2401*====+ 1. >it >you 2. It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it 3. {It} is better to keep {your} mouth closed and let people think {you} are a fool than to open {it} and remove all doubt. 4. R= 2401 S= 0.01% ====*2402*====+ 1. >use >I 2. used to beat me up , so then I used 3. As a little kid I had a girlfriend, and her boyfriend {used} to beat {me} up, so then {I} {used} to sing these songs, and that's what it's all about. 4. R= 2402 S= 0.01% ====*2403*====+ 1. >try >you 2. trying to love you , you hurt someone who 's trying 3. You push away someone who is {trying} to love {you}, {you} hurt someone who's {trying} to get your trust, or you love someone you shouldn't. 4. R= 2403 S= 0.01% ====*2404*====+ 1. >great >as 2. Great art is as irrational as great 3. {Great} art is {as} irrational {as} {great} music. 4. R= 2403 S= 0.01% ====*2405*====+ 1. >really >to 2. really have to listen to the audience and really 3. I think it's because I come from the theatre and in the theatre, previews are where you {really} have {to} listen {to} the audience and {really} feel how they're responding. 4. R= 2403 S= 0.01% ====*2406*====+ 1. >that >in 2. that sometimes you get caught up in trying to be successful in school or in your social life , and it 's a reminder not to forget that 3. 'Back To Love' is a way of letting people know {that} sometimes you get caught up in trying to be successful {in} school or {in} your social life, and it's a reminder not to forget {that} each day people are getting older. 4. R= 2406 S= 0.01% ====*2407*====+ 1. >something >I 2. something else to focus on do n't you if , I mean I , I have body issues that 's my thing so you find something 3. I'm quite confident with the way that I look but you find {something} else to focus on don't you if, I mean {I}, {I} have body issues that's my thing so you find {something} to focus on when you're a perfectionist, I think. 4. R= 2407 S= 0.01% ====*2408*====+ 1. >be >charge 2. is a charge , but the charge of oneself is 3. Every duty {is} a {charge}, but the {charge} of oneself {is} the root of all others. 4. R= 2408 S= 0.01% ====*2409*====+ 1. >but >glory 2. but glory begun , and glory is but 3. Grace is {but} {glory} begun, and {glory} is {but} grace perfected. 4. R= 2408 S= 0.01% ====*2410*====+ 1. >be >romantic 2. 'm a romantic , and we romantics are 3. I{'m} a {romantic}, and we {romantics} {are} more sensitive to the way people feel. 4. R= 2408 S= 0.01% ====*2411*====+ 1. >we >prosperity 2. we can prosperity , for in prosperity we 3. We can stand affliction better than {we} can {prosperity}, for in {prosperity} {we} forget God. 4. R= 2408 S= 0.01% ====*2412*====+ 1. >friendship >part 2. friendship after the substance is gone - but part , while you can part friends . Bury the carcass of friendship 3. Do not keep on with a mockery of {friendship} after the substance is gone - but {part}, while you can {part} friends. Bury the carcass of {friendship}: it is not worth embalming. 4. R= 2412 S= 0.01% ====*2413*====+ 1. >week >be 2. week it continued to be on the list was a very dark week 3. When I was on the bestseller list with the first book, everyone who knows me knows that every {week} it continued to {be} on the list {was} a very dark {week} for me. 4. R= 2413 S= 0.01% ====*2414*====+ 1. >we >it 2. We look the evil full in the face , call it what it is , let its horror shock and stun and enrage us 3. {We} look the evil full in the face, call {it} what {it} is, let its horror shock and stun and enrage {us}, and only then do we forgive it. 4. R= 2414 S= 0.01% ====*2415*====+ 1. >move >it 2. moves , tax it . If it keeps moving 3. Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it {moves}, tax {it}. If {it} keeps {moving}, regulate it. 4. R= 2415 S= 0.01% ====*2416*====+ 1. >the >be 2. the Schwinn bicycle plant used to be , and was conscious of the 3. I grew up north of Chicago, not far from where {the} Schwinn bicycle plant used to {be}, and {was} conscious of {the} fact that these beautiful, everlasting bikes were made just down the road. 4. R= 2416 S= 0.01% ====*2417*====+ 1. >discipline >to 2. discipline , to turn to discipline 3. Inasmuch as society cannot go on without discipline of some kind, men were constrained, in the absence of any other form of {discipline}, {to} turn {to} {discipline} of the military type. 4. R= 2417 S= 0.01% ====*2418*====+ 1. >believe >as 2. believe about moral and political issues , as long as some other people near them believe 3. People can believe pretty much whatever they want to {believe} about moral and political issues, {as} long {as} some other people near them {believe} it, so you have to focus on indirect methods to change what people want to believe. 4. R= 2417 S= 0.01% ====*2419*====+ 1. >experience >as 2. experience , but as far as meaningless experiences 3. Sex without love is a meaningless {experience}, but {as} far {as} meaningless {experiences} go its pretty damn good. 4. R= 2417 S= 0.01% ====*2420*====+ 1. >people >it 2. people try to sanctify leadership , it puts it out of the realm of regular people 3. But I feel that when {people} try to sanctify leadership, {it} puts {it} out of the realm of regular {people}. 4. R= 2417 S= 0.01% ====*2421*====+ 1. >man >become 2. men become children . Many generations have grown up , become men 3. They say that children become men, and {men} {become} children. Many generations have grown up, {become} {men}, and gone hence. 4. R= 2421 S= 0.01% ====*2422*====+ 1. >become >ugly 2. becomes ugly , whereas art starts off ugly sometimes and becomes 3. Fashion often starts off beautiful and {becomes} {ugly}, whereas art starts off {ugly} sometimes and {becomes} beautiful. 4. R= 2422 S= 0.01% ====*2423*====+ 1. >the >start 2. the road toward freedom ... Rather than starting inside , I start outside and reach the mental through the 3. It seems to me to be {the} road toward freedom... Rather than {starting} inside, I {start} outside and reach the mental through {the} physical. 4. R= 2423 S= 0.01% ====*2424*====+ 1. >the >thing 2. the bland things - the ordinary things - the 3. It's just that if you're not disruptive everything seems to be repeated endlessly - not so much the good things but {the} bland {things} - the ordinary {things} - {the} weaker things get repeated- the stronger things get suppressed and held down and hidden. 4. R= 2423 S= 0.01% ====*2425*====+ 1. >debate >question 2. debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating 3. It is better to {debate} a {question} without settling it than to settle a {question} without {debating} it. 4. R= 2425 S= 0.01% ====*2426*====+ 1. >be >to 2. is that the Israeli government refuses to commit to terms of reference for the negotiations that are 3. The core issue here {is} that the Israeli government refuses {to} commit {to} terms of reference for the negotiations that {are} based on international law and United Nations resolutions, and that it frantically continues to intensify building of settlements on the territory of the State of Palestine. 4. R= 2426 S= 0.01% ====*2427*====+ 1. >would >she 2. would sit with her and she would 3. My mother played a guitar and I {would} sit with {her} and {she} {would} sing and I learned to sing along with her. 4. R= 2427 S= 0.01% ====*2428*====+ 1. >writing >as 2. writing . I would n't have been on for as long as I was if the writing 3. 'The Sopranos' all came down to the {writing}. I wouldn't have been on for {as} long {as} I was if the {writing} weren't so good. 4. R= 2428 S= 0.01% ====*2429*====+ 1. >of >I 2. of glamorous sophistication have little appeal to me . Do I want to live the British version of 3. All the cliches {of} glamorous sophistication have little appeal to {me}. Do {I} want to live the British version {of} 'Dynasty?' 4. R= 2429 S= 0.01% ====*2430*====+ 1. >always >girl 2. always been really close with girls and made friends with girls . And I 've always 3. Throughout my life, I've {always} been really close with {girls} and made friends with {girls}. And I've {always} been a really sickly, feminine person anyhow, so I thought I was gay for a while because I didn't find any of the girls in my high school attractive at all. 4. R= 2430 S= 0.01% ====*2431*====+ 1. >pressure >that 2. pressure when I have to order dinner . I 'm just that type of guy but that 's my fuel . I work well with pressure 3. I'm the type of guy that feels {pressure} when I have to order dinner. I'm just {that} type of guy but {that}'s my fuel. I work well with {pressure}. 4. R= 2431 S= 0.01% ====*2432*====+ 1. >the >time 2. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the 3. {The} tree of liberty must be refreshed from {time} to {time} with {the} blood of patriots and tyrants. 4. R= 2432 S= 0.01% ====*2433*====+ 1. >want >the 2. wants the creature to know the highest happiness and the deepest misery He wants 3. When God loves a creature he {wants} the creature to know {the} highest happiness and {the} deepest misery He {wants} him to know all that being alive can bring. 4. R= 2433 S= 0.01% ====*2434*====+ 1. >do >work 2. do what you believe is great work . And the only way to do great work is to love what you do 3. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to {do} what you believe is great {work}. And the only way to do great {work} is to love what you {do}. 4. R= 2434 S= 0.01% ====*2435*====+ 1. >find >a 2. found among a thousand , but an accomplished one might not be found 3. A hero is born among a hundred, a wise man is {found} among {a} thousand, but {an} accomplished one might not be {found} even among a hundred thousand men. 4. R= 2435 S= 0.01% ====*2436*====+ 1. >be >change 2. is nothing else but change , and change is 3. Loss {is} nothing else but {change}, and {change} {is} Nature's delight. 4. R= 2436 S= 0.01% ====*2437*====+ 1. >Jews >be 2. Jews have never been ashamed of being Jews 3. The {Jews} have never {been} ashamed of {being} {Jews}, whereas homosexuals have been stupid enough to be ashamed of their homosexuality. 4. R= 2437 S= 0.01% ====*2438*====+ 1. >god >it 2. god whose creation is so imperfect that he must be continually adjusting it to make it work properly seems to me a god 3. A {god} whose creation is so imperfect that he must be continually adjusting {it} to make {it} work properly seems to me a {god} of relatively low order, hardly worthy of any worship. 4. R= 2438 S= 0.01% ====*2439*====+ 1. >foot >Valley 2. foot in the Valley , Silicon Valley product technology , and partly one foot 3. Mozilla has one {foot} in the {Valley}, Silicon {Valley} product technology, and partly one {foot} in the social enterprise space. 4. R= 2439 S= 0.01% ====*2440*====+ 1. >character >say 2. character would n't say that . ' Who said it was your character 3. Actors will say, 'My {character} wouldn't {say} that.' Who {said} it was your {character}? 4. R= 2440 S= 0.01% ====*2441*====+ 1. >I >kill 2. me to kill you and you to kill me 3. The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion because if a mother can kill her own child, what is left for {me} to {kill} you and you to {kill} {me}? 4. R= 2441 S= 0.01% ====*2442*====+ 1. >to >truth 2. to make truth laugh , because the only truth lies in learning to 3. Perhaps the mission of those who love mankind is to make people laugh at the truth, {to} make {truth} laugh, because the only {truth} lies in learning {to} free ourselves from insane passion for the truth. 4. R= 2442 S= 0.01% ====*2443*====+ 1. >comedic >a 2. comedic actor has a better chance of pulling off a dramatic role than a great dramatic actor has of being able to pull off a highly comedic 3. I do think, oddly, that a {comedic} actor has a better chance of pulling off {a} dramatic role than {a} great dramatic actor has of being able to pull off a highly {comedic} role. 4. R= 2443 S= 0.01% ====*2444*====+ 1. >turn >best 2. turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn 3. Things {turn} out {best} for the people who make the {best} of the way things {turn} out. 4. R= 2444 S= 0.01% ====*2445*====+ 1. >be >I 2. was interesting to me because I 'd never been 3. It {was} interesting to {me} because {I}'d never {been} around poor whites before. 4. R= 2445 S= 0.01% ====*2446*====+ 1. >not >I 2. n't like me and I do n't 3. It would have been easier to have a male protagonist, but I didn't want people to assume that Nikki Hill was me in her entirety because a lot of people just do{n't} like {me} and {I} do{n't} think they would be interested in reading about me, even in the fictional context. 4. R= 2445 S= 0.01% ====*2447*====+ 1. >not >I 2. n't understand me and I do n't 3. The world does{n't} understand {me} and {I} do{n't} understand the world, that's why I've withdrawn from it. 4. R= 2445 S= 0.01% ====*2448*====+ 1. >you >thing 2. your career feels like the most important thing , the most important thing is love and the relationships you 3. Remember that when you're young and {your} career feels like the most important {thing}, the most important {thing} is love and the relationships {you} have with people - boyfriend, friends and family. 4. R= 2448 S= 0.01% ====*2449*====+ 1. >sing >be 2. sing Elphaba , it 's like being able to sing 3. You know, once somebody knows you can {sing} Elphaba, it{'s} like {being} able to {sing} Evita - people shut up about it already. 4. R= 2449 S= 0.01% ====*2450*====+ 1. >it >I 2. It was so emotional to me . I loved it 3. {It} was so emotional to {me}. {I} loved {it}. 4. R= 2450 S= 0.01% ====*2451*====+ 1. >we >they 2. We 've been using C and C++ way too much - they 're nice , but they 're very close to the machine and what we 3. {We}'ve been using C and C++ way too much - {they}'re nice, but {they}'re very close to the machine and what {we} wanted was to empower regular users to build applications for Linux. 4. R= 2451 S= 0.01% ====*2452*====+ 1. >a >be 2. a company and what the leader has to do is constantly be up and say ` we have a 3. Disappointments, failures and setbacks are a normal part of the lifecycle of a unit or {a} company and what the leader has to do {is} constantly {be} up and say 'we have {a} problem, let's go and get it'. 4. R= 2452 S= 0.01% ====*2453*====+ 1. >all >dance 2. all want to dance . I dance all 3. The women {all} want to {dance}. I {dance} {all} night every night. 4. R= 2453 S= 0.01% ====*2454*====+ 1. >know >learn 2. know how to learn anything I want to learn . I absolutely know 3. I {know} how to {learn} anything I want to {learn}. I absolutely {know} that I could learn how to fly the space shuttle because someone else knows how to fly it, and they put it in a book. 4. R= 2454 S= 0.01% ====*2455*====+ 1. >orange >whip 2. orange whip ? Orange whip ? Orange 3. Who wants an {orange} {whip}? Orange {whip}? {Orange} whip? 4. R= 2455 S= 0.01% ====*2456*====+ 1. >find >thing 2. find the time to do things to do things I 'm passionate about , because I find 3. I {find} the time to do {things} to do {things} I'm passionate about, because I {find} enjoyment in them. 4. R= 2456 S= 0.01% ====*2457*====+ 1. >taste >we 2. taste we owe Europe , but we have taste 3. We can recognize and give credit where credit is due, to the debt of {taste} {we} owe Europe, but {we} have {taste}, too. 4. R= 2457 S= 0.01% ====*2458*====+ 1. >slightly >be 2. slightly paranoid is like being slightly 3. Being {slightly} paranoid {is} like {being} {slightly} pregnant - it tends to get worse. 4. R= 2458 S= 0.01% ====*2459*====+ 1. >potentially >and 2. potentially aggressive and destructive and potentially 3. Human nature is {potentially} aggressive {and} destructive {and} {potentially} orderly and constructive. 4. R= 2458 S= 0.01% ====*2460*====+ 1. >blues >and 2. blues and country and straight blues 3. I want to put it all together and create a Top 40 of rhythm and {blues} {and} country {and} straight {blues} with Wolfman at the reins. 4. R= 2458 S= 0.01% ====*2461*====+ 1. >observe >and 2. observing life and people and observing 3. The best preparation for acting is life - {observing} life {and} people {and} {observing} yourself. 4. R= 2458 S= 0.01% ====*2462*====+ 1. >imagine >you 2. imagine what you desire , you will what you imagine 3. You {imagine} what {you} desire, {you} will what you {imagine} and at last you create what you will. 4. R= 2462 S= 0.01% ====*2463*====+ 1. >truth >to 2. truth which gives to redemption its character , and to all other truths 3. But the more we search the Scriptures, the more we perceive, in this doctrine, the fundamental truth of the gospel - that {truth} which gives {to} redemption its character, and {to} all other {truths} their real power. 4. R= 2463 S= 0.01% ====*2464*====+ 1. >luxury >be 2. luxury must be paid for , and everything is a luxury 3. Every {luxury} must {be} paid for, and everything {is} a {luxury}, starting with being in this world. 4. R= 2463 S= 0.01% ====*2465*====+ 1. >and >much 2. and jazz music has so much pain , so much beauty of raw emotion and 3. Blues and soul {and} jazz music has so {much} pain, so {much} beauty of raw emotion {and} passion. 4. R= 2465 S= 0.01% ====*2466*====+ 1. >gold >by 2. gold , is to be obtained not by its growth , but by washing away from it all that is not gold 3. Truth, like {gold}, is to be obtained not {by} its growth, but {by} washing away from it all that is not {gold}. 4. R= 2466 S= 0.01% ====*2467*====+ 1. >rather >too 2. rather suspect . It seems too pat and predictable , too clearly a matter of politics rather 3. The conversion of agnostic High Tories to the Anglican church is always {rather} suspect. It seems {too} pat and predictable, {too} clearly a matter of politics {rather} than faith. 4. R= 2467 S= 0.01% ====*2468*====+ 1. >clothes >love 2. clothes , I love wearing clothes , I love talking about clothes 3. I love clothes - I love shopping for {clothes}, I {love} wearing clothes, I {love} talking about {clothes} - but oddly, putting on the dress and walking around in front of people, that's the place where I'm most uncomfortable. 4. R= 2468 S= 0.01% ====*2469*====+ 1. >genius >laugh 2. geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses 3. But the fact that some {geniuses} were {laughed} at does not imply that all who are {laughed} at are {geniuses}. 4. R= 2469 S= 0.01% ====*2470*====+ 1. >people >art 2. people a great shopping experience related to the arts , that funds the arts . In essence , they 've gotten people 3. One of the smartest things Kickstarter has done, in my opinion, is give {people} a great shopping experience related to the {arts}, that funds the {arts}. In essence, they've gotten {people} to pay $200 for a t-shirt plus the feeling of participation in another artist's endeavor. 4. R= 2470 S= 0.01% ====*2471*====+ 1. >of >grow 2. of conscience . It grows as conscience grows . The domains of 3. Liberty is the condition of duty, the guardian {of} conscience. It {grows} as conscience {grows}. The domains {of} both grow together. 4. R= 2471 S= 0.01% ====*2472*====+ 1. >the >that 2. the gimmicks . I want to know when worship is over that that leader 's sole purpose was to glorify the 3. I just don't like {the} gimmicks. I want to know when worship is over {that} {that} leader's sole purpose was to glorify {the} Lord Jesus Christ. 4. R= 2472 S= 0.01% ====*2473*====+ 1. >a >the 2. a sense of the possible and the limit - and a 3. I'd say Harvard graduates leave here with {a} sense of {the} possible and {the} limit - and {a} sense that there are no limits to what humans can do and that you can always be pushing, whatever limit you think might be there. 4. R= 2473 S= 0.01% ====*2474*====+ 1. >the >a 2. the lifecycle of a unit or a company and what the 3. Disappointments, failures and setbacks are a normal part of {the} lifecycle of {a} unit or {a} company and what {the} leader has to do is constantly be up and say 'we have a problem, let's go and get it'. 4. R= 2473 S= 0.01% ====*2475*====+ 1. >that >with 2. that you meet it with courage and with the best that 3. You have to accept whatever comes and the only important thing is {that} you meet it {with} courage and {with} the best {that} you have to give. 4. R= 2473 S= 0.01% ====*2476*====+ 1. >dad >I 2. dad as such amazing friends , I think I 'll be a really good dad 3. Because I see my mum and {dad} as such amazing friends, {I} think {I}'ll be a really good {dad}. 4. R= 2476 S= 0.01% ====*2477*====+ 1. >possibly >that 2. possibly go wrong is that when a thing that can not possibly 3. The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot {possibly} go wrong is {that} when a thing {that} cannot {possibly} go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at and repair. 4. R= 2477 S= 0.01% ====*2478*====+ 1. >a >that 2. an abusive marriage for 10 years . I made up my mind that that was never going to happen to me again . I made a 3. I got married at 22 and remained in {an} abusive marriage for 10 years. I made up my mind {that} {that} was never going to happen to me again. I made {a} brave step to walk out in a society when you didn't walk out of an abusive marriage. 4. R= 2478 S= 0.01% ====*2479*====+ 1. >try >to 2. tries to convey to all the listeners - try 3. And that's what my music {tries} {to} convey {to} all the listeners - {try} to cultivate it every day. 4. R= 2479 S= 0.01% ====*2480*====+ 1. >yes >I 2. yes and then he asked me would I yes 3. I asked him with my eyes to ask again {yes} and then he asked {me} would {I} {yes} to say yes my mountain flower and first I put my arms around him yes and drew him down to me so he could feel my breasts all perfume yes and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes. 4. R= 2479 S= 0.01% ====*2481*====+ 1. >child >as 2. children as much as it is that having children 3. It's not that I bounce ideas off of my {children} {as} much {as} it is that having {children} has had a profound effect on the way I see the world. 4. R= 2479 S= 0.01% ====*2482*====+ 1. >want >it 2. want it if it agrees with what you wanted 3. You only {want} {it} if {it} agrees with what you {wanted} to do anyway. 4. R= 2479 S= 0.01% ====*2483*====+ 1. >he >that 2. He does n't do that . That 's all a lie on him 3. {He} doesn't do {that}. {That}'s all a lie on {him}. 4. R= 2483 S= 0.01% ====*2484*====+ 1. >easier >thing 2. easier to do a lot of things , but most of the things they make it easier 3. Computers make it {easier} to do a lot of {things}, but most of the {things} they make it {easier} to do don't need to be done. 4. R= 2484 S= 0.01% ====*2485*====+ 1. >a >image 2. an image , and the image extends and creates a 3. A tale is born from {an} {image}, and the {image} extends and creates {a} network of meanings that are always equivocal. 4. R= 2485 S= 0.01% ====*2486*====+ 1. >to >want 2. to do something you want done because he wants to 3. Leadership is the art of getting someone else {to} do something you {want} done because he {wants} {to} do it. 4. R= 2485 S= 0.01% ====*2487*====+ 1. >to >policy 2. to play in the formulation of foreign policy , and foreign policy is too important to 3. It has too big a role {to} play in the formulation of foreign {policy}, and foreign {policy} is too important {to} be left up to foreign service officers. 4. R= 2485 S= 0.01% ====*2488*====+ 1. >amount >habit 2. amount . Remember , we are creatures of habit and , therefore , the habit of managing your money is more important than the amount 3. You must acquire the habits and skills of managing a small amount of money before you can have a large {amount}. Remember, we are creatures of {habit} and, therefore, the {habit} of managing your money is more important than the {amount}. 4. R= 2488 S= 0.01% ====*2489*====+ 1. >of >time 2. of being a young man that I would refer to as soft time . Time does not go forward there . It 's a series of doors that kind of 3. There is this strange fog {of} being a young man that I would refer to as soft {time}. {Time} does not go forward there. It's a series of doors that kind {of} wind back into one another, like a series of doors in the upper floor of a house. 4. R= 2489 S= 0.01% ====*2490*====+ 1. >know >be 2. know is not to be wise . Many men know 3. To {know} {is} not to {be} wise. Many men {know} a great deal, and are all the greater fools for it. 4. R= 2490 S= 0.01% ====*2491*====+ 1. >she >sing 2. her and she would sing and I learned to sing along with her 3. My mother played a guitar and I would sit with {her} and she would {sing} and I learned to {sing} along with {her}. 4. R= 2491 S= 0.01% ====*2492*====+ 1. >be >powerful 2. be powerful , and whatever is powerful may be 3. Justice and power must be brought together, so that whatever is just may {be} {powerful}, and whatever is {powerful} may {be} just. 4. R= 2491 S= 0.01% ====*2493*====+ 1. >Peace >a 2. Peace Prize is a powerful message . A durable peace 3. The Nobel {Peace} Prize is {a} powerful message. {A} durable {peace} is not a single achievement, but an environment, a process and a commitment. 4. R= 2493 S= 0.01% ====*2494*====+ 1. >be >honor 2. was ever honored for what he received . Honor has been 3. No person {was} ever {honored} for what he received. {Honor} has {been} the reward for what he gave. 4. R= 2494 S= 0.01% ====*2495*====+ 1. >talk >artist 2. talk about art , and artists make art , but should artists talk 3. Men {talk} about art, and {artists} make art, but should {artists} {talk}? 4. R= 2495 S= 0.01% ====*2496*====+ 1. >be >being 2. is written by human beings for human beings and that music is 3. A composer knows that music {is} written by human {beings} for human {beings} and that music {is} a continuation of life, not something separated from it. 4. R= 2496 S= 0.01% ====*2497*====+ 1. >be >I 2. 's expected of me , and I 've always been 3. But I've always liked to be the kind of drummer and musician who likes to go outside of what{'s} expected of {me}, and {I}'ve always {been} able to do more than you necessarily hear with every band I've ever played in. 4. R= 2496 S= 0.01% ====*2498*====+ 1. >of >the 2. of children as the treatment for the social disease of 3. Child labor and poverty are inevitably bound together and if you continue to use the labor {of} children as {the} treatment for {the} social disease {of} poverty, you will have both poverty and child labor to the end of time. 4. R= 2496 S= 0.01% ====*2499*====+ 1. >out >a 2. out of a business and an art out 3. He has made a profession {out} of {a} business and {an} art {out} of a profession. 4. R= 2496 S= 0.01% ====*2500*====+ 1. >to >myself 2. to challenge myself and push myself harder to 3. I guess I just like {to} challenge {myself} and push {myself} harder {to} do things that I don't think I can, to do things that other people do not think I can. 4. R= 2496 S= 0.01% ====*2501*====+ 1. >a >it 2. a score around it and make it work as a 3. I had to do this very aggressive, big score in a very short time, and knowing that in the beginning, middle, and end would be this very, very famous theme, but I still had to weave {a} score around {it} and make {it} work as {a} score was really challenging. 4. R= 2496 S= 0.01% ====*2502*====+ 1. >of >a 2. of like a clash and a collide of 3. I like movies, because it's kind of a combination of every art, it's like it's picture, it's story, it's music, it's kind {of} like {a} clash and {a} collide {of} every art. 4. R= 2496 S= 0.01% ====*2503*====+ 1. >have >I 2. 've got a really serious side to me , and I think that 's the balance you have 3. I love to have a good time and play, but at the same time I{'ve} got a really serious side to {me}, and {I} think that's the balance you {have} to have. 4. R= 2496 S= 0.01% ====*2504*====+ 1. >be >the 2. been interesting to me than the science and the criminality with this job is 3. I think what's always {been} interesting to me than {the} science and {the} criminality with this job {is} what happens to your persona, your disposition, after day in and day out dealing with life and death. 4. R= 2496 S= 0.01% ====*2505*====+ 1. >I >a 2. I went into a restroom and a girl followed me 3. One time {I} went into {a} restroom and {a} girl followed {me} in. 4. R= 2496 S= 0.01% ====*2506*====+ 1. >have >a 2. has seemed almost a reproach and a shame to have 3. Our own theological Church, as we know, has scorned and vilified the body till it {has} seemed almost {a} reproach and {a} shame to {have} one, yet at the same time has credited it with power to drag the soul to perdition. 4. R= 2496 S= 0.01% ====*2507*====+ 1. >to >they 2. to live within their income so they can afford to 3. People try {to} live within {their} income so {they} can afford {to} pay taxes to a government that can't live within its income. 4. R= 2496 S= 0.01% ====*2508*====+ 1. >of >a 2. of like a clash and a collide of 3. I like movies because it's kind of a combination of every art: it's like, it's picture, it's story, it's music, it's kind {of} like {a} clash and {a} collide {of} every art. 4. R= 2496 S= 0.01% ====*2509*====+ 1. >the >worst 2. the worst , worst , worst thing in the 3. In Italy, success is envied, and envy is {the} worst, {worst}, {worst} thing in {the} world. 4. R= 2509 S= 0.01% ====*2510*====+ 1. >think >how 2. think it is a little bit easier for us to think about how we live , and how perhaps we 're not as special as we always think 3. And if we remove the mystery of life, then I {think} it is a little bit easier for us to think about {how} we live, and {how} perhaps we're not as special as we always {think} we are. 4. R= 2510 S= 0.01% ====*2511*====+ 1. >you >it 2. you enjoy it but it 's more satisfying when you 3. If you win without sacrifice {you} enjoy {it} but {it}'s more satisfying when {you} have struggled. 4. R= 2511 S= 0.01% ====*2512*====+ 1. >feedback >friend 2. feedback from people that I had not specifically told about it , but had spread from friend to friend and then they were giving us feedback 3. I think then, when we started receiving the first of the user feedback, {feedback} from people that I had not specifically told about it, but had spread from {friend} to {friend} and then they were giving us {feedback}. 4. R= 2512 S= 0.01% ====*2513*====+ 1. >to >american 2. to a trial is a core principle of the American legal system . Depriving Americans of these essential liberties undermines the Constitution while doing nothing to 3. The right {to} a trial is a core principle of the {American} legal system. Depriving {Americans} of these essential liberties undermines the Constitution while doing nothing {to} strengthen our national security. 4. R= 2513 S= 0.01% ====*2514*====+ 1. >Badminton >the 2. Badminton is not popular in the U.S. because I think the mentality of badminton 3. {Badminton} is not popular in {the} U.S. because I think {the} mentality of {badminton} has to change. 4. R= 2514 S= 0.01% ====*2515*====+ 1. >live >they 2. live their lives , and feel they can not live 3. There are those who simply want to {live} {their} lives, and feel {they} cannot {live} the way they want to in Iran. 4. R= 2514 S= 0.01% ====*2516*====+ 1. >if >clock 2. If the universe is running down like a clock , the clock must have been wound up at a date which we could name if 3. {If} the universe is running down like a {clock}, the {clock} must have been wound up at a date which we could name {if} we knew it. 4. R= 2516 S= 0.01% ====*2517*====+ 1. >whip >Orange 2. whip ? Orange whip ? Orange whip 3. Who wants an orange {whip}? {Orange} whip? {Orange} {whip}? 4. R= 2517 S= 0.01% ====*2518*====+ 1. >that >love 2. that always comes around about the love of God , the love of Jesus and the power that 3. With gospel music, there is this central theme {that} always comes around about the {love} of God, the {love} of Jesus and the power {that} you have through Jesus Christ. 4. R= 2518 S= 0.01% ====*2519*====+ 1. >she >I 2. she asked me if there was anything I should tell her 3. When I first met my girlfriend, Mercy Malick, {she} asked {me} if there was anything {I} should tell {her} that could put her off me if she found out later. 4. R= 2519 S= 0.01% ====*2520*====+ 1. >human >great 2. human beings are tuned such that we crave great melody and great lyrics . And if somebody writes a great song , it 's timeless that we as humans 3. We {human} beings are tuned such that we crave great melody and {great} lyrics. And if somebody writes a {great} song, it's timeless that we as {humans} are going to feel something for that and there's going to be a real appreciation. 4. R= 2520 S= 0.01% ====*2521*====+ 1. >I >as 2. I as fast as I 3. Am {I} {as} fast {as} {I} used to be? 4. R= 2521 S= 0.01% ====*2522*====+ 1. >new >whole 2. new confidence and this whole new swagger and this whole new 3. It kind of allowed me to have this whole {new} confidence and this {whole} new swagger and this {whole} {new} sense of self. 4. R= 2522 S= 0.01% ====*2523*====+ 1. >world >cast 2. World . The same people that were casting that show were casting The Real World 3. I tried out for another show while I was in college so I could pay off my student loans, and it sort of led to The Real {World}. The same people that were {casting} that show were {casting} The Real {World}, so they asked me to do it. 4. R= 2523 S= 0.01% ====*2524*====+ 1. >be >makeup 2. 'm wearing lots of makeup or no makeup , I 'm 3. Whether I{'m} wearing lots of {makeup} or no {makeup}, I{'m} always the same person inside. 4. R= 2524 S= 0.01% ====*2525*====+ 1. >be >grow 2. is going to grow and grow . The nature of it is 3. Well, capitalism {is} going to {grow} and {grow}. The nature of it {is} that the guy who has the most poker chips on the table has more leverage than everyone else. 4. R= 2525 S= 0.01% ====*2526*====+ 1. >with >nation 2. with nations , but nations also need to be concerned with 3. God is concerned {with} {nations}, but {nations} also need to be concerned {with} God. 4. R= 2526 S= 0.01% ====*2527*====+ 1. >you >job 2. you are ? ' Their idea is it takes a rich person to give you a job because jobs are something that are given to you 3. I've had two callers ask, 'Did you ever work for someone who is poorer than {you} are?' Their idea is it takes a rich person to give you a {job} because {jobs} are something that are given to {you}, an inferior, from on high. 4. R= 2527 S= 0.01% ====*2528*====+ 1. >need >be 2. needs to be full and complete withdrawal . Our position is it needs 3. It {needs} to {be} full and complete withdrawal. Our position {is} it {needs} to be done as soon as possible so that the elections can be free, fair and free of outside influence. 4. R= 2528 S= 0.01% ====*2529*====+ 1. >trust >hand 2. trusting attitude and a patient attitude go hand in hand . You see , when you let go and learn to trust 3. I believe that a {trusting} attitude and a patient attitude go {hand} in {hand}. You see, when you let go and learn to {trust} God, it releases joy in your life. 4. R= 2529 S= 0.01% ====*2530*====+ 1. >let >Americans 2. Let us stop saying ` white Americans ' and ` colored Americans , ' let 3. {Let} us stop saying 'white {Americans}' and 'colored {Americans},' {let} us try once and for all saying... Americans. 4. R= 2530 S= 0.01% ====*2531*====+ 1. >talk >art 2. talk about art , and artists make art , but should artists talk 3. Men {talk} about {art}, and artists make {art}, but should artists {talk}? 4. R= 2530 S= 0.01% ====*2532*====+ 1. >fail >to 2. failing to prepare , you are preparing to fail 3. By {failing} {to} prepare, you are preparing {to} {fail}. 4. R= 2532 S= 0.01% ====*2533*====+ 1. >greater >the 2. greater the step forward in knowledge , the greater 3. The {greater} {the} step forward in knowledge, {the} {greater} is the one taken backward in search of wisdom. 4. R= 2532 S= 0.01% ====*2534*====+ 1. >freedom >of 2. freedom of speech is a strong support of freedom 3. The Libertarian position on the {freedom} {of} speech is a strong support {of} {freedom} of speech, and we oppose government intervention in controlling what is or is not moral. 4. R= 2532 S= 0.01% ====*2535*====+ 1. >do >movie 2. do all kinds of movies . All the movies that I 've done 3. I've been very lucky enough to {do} all kinds of {movies}. All the {movies} that I've {done} have been very different, and all the characters I've done have been very different. 4. R= 2535 S= 0.01% ====*2536*====+ 1. >produce >of 2. produces a certain number of neutrons and some of these neutrons will again produce 3. The fundamental point in fabricating a chain reacting machine is of course to see to it that each fission {produces} a certain number {of} neutrons and some {of} these neutrons will again {produce} fission. 4. R= 2536 S= 0.01% ====*2537*====+ 1. >do >as 2. do n't put a big glow to it . Voting is about as essential as washing yourself . It 's something you 're supposed to do 3. But then again, I {do}n't put a big glow to it. Voting is about {as} essential {as} washing yourself. It's something you're supposed to {do}. 4. R= 2537 S= 0.01% ====*2538*====+ 1. >you >the 2. you are busy working for the world , and the world is busy trying to turn you 3. O man {you} are busy working for {the} world, and {the} world is busy trying to turn {you} out. 4. R= 2538 S= 0.01% ====*2539*====+ 1. >do >I 2. do n't like me and I do 3. It would have been easier to have a male protagonist, but I didn't want people to assume that Nikki Hill was me in her entirety because a lot of people just {do}n't like {me} and {I} {do}n't think they would be interested in reading about me, even in the fictional context. 4. R= 2539 S= 0.01% ====*2540*====+ 1. >do >I 2. does n't understand me and I do 3. The world {does}n't understand {me} and {I} {do}n't understand the world, that's why I've withdrawn from it. 4. R= 2539 S= 0.01% ====*2541*====+ 1. >a >better 2. a set you just become better and better . I think I 'm in a 3. In the acting world, you can really only become good by practicing and doing it, and I just think every time you walk onto {a} set you just become {better} and {better}. I think I'm in {a} totally different space than I was back then on that first movie set. 4. R= 2541 S= 0.01% ====*2542*====+ 1. >fade >you 2. fade away , your self-esteem and your identity start to fade 3. Your self-esteem and your identity start to become wrapped up in that celebrity, and when that starts to {fade} away, {your} self-esteem and {your} identity start to {fade} away with it. 4. R= 2542 S= 0.01% ====*2543*====+ 1. >artist >they 2. artists who have their 40 million dancers and they do their show . There 's many artists 3. In the UK and the US especially you've got a lot of throwaway {artists} who have their 40 million dancers and {they} do {their} show. There's many {artists} who would not do a live show because they know they can't. 4. R= 2543 S= 0.01% ====*2544*====+ 1. >be >novel 2. are as dense as a 19th century novel and novels that really are 3. I've read short stories that {are} as dense as a 19th century {novel} and {novels} that really {are} short stories filled with a lot of helium. 4. R= 2544 S= 0.01% ====*2545*====+ 1. >of >have 2. of different characters and they 've all had their own kind of 3. I've had the opportunity to do a wide range of stuff, a lot {of} different characters and they{'ve} all {had} their own kind {of} thing. 4. R= 2545 S= 0.01% ====*2546*====+ 1. >the >that 2. the secrets of life is that all that is really worth the 3. One of {the} secrets of life is {that} all {that} is really worth {the} doing is what we do for others. 4. R= 2545 S= 0.01% ====*2547*====+ 1. >we >as 2. Our lives are transformed as much as the world is when we 3. {Our} lives are transformed {as} much {as} the world is when {we} live with these truths. 4. R= 2545 S= 0.01% ====*2548*====+ 1. >list >goal 2. list of goals every day . Some goals may entail a list 3. Write your goals down in detail and read your {list} of {goals} every day. Some {goals} may entail a {list} of shorter goals. 4. R= 2548 S= 0.01% ====*2549*====+ 1. >thing >and 2. things that are everyday and comforting and make them into the most luxurious things 3. I love to take {things} that are everyday {and} comforting {and} make them into the most luxurious {things} in the world. 4. R= 2549 S= 0.01% ====*2550*====+ 1. >door >you 2. doors ... What if you knew you had to go through 32 closed doors 3. You have to come to your closed doors before you get to your open {doors}... What if {you} knew {you} had to go through 32 closed {doors} before you got to your open door? 4. R= 2549 S= 0.01% ====*2551*====+ 1. >to >good 2. to bring the wealth of human good intentions and corporate good intentions together - to 3. If I ran the world, I would find a way {to} bring the wealth of human {good} intentions and corporate {good} intentions together - {to} activate them collectively into shared action against shared objectives that produces shared hard, tangible results. 4. R= 2551 S= 0.01% ====*2552*====+ 1. >a >bad 2. a bad person and do bad things in a 3. To get to play {a} {bad} person and do {bad} things in {a} safe environment like 'Arrow' was pretty amazing. 4. R= 2551 S= 0.01% ====*2553*====+ 1. >world >that 2. World . The same people that were casting that show were casting The Real World 3. I tried out for another show while I was in college so I could pay off my student loans, and it sort of led to The Real {World}. The same people {that} were casting {that} show were casting The Real {World}, so they asked me to do it. 4. R= 2553 S= 0.01% ====*2554*====+ 1. >'ll >buddy 2. 'll call their buddy , the senator , their old buddies , and they 'll 3. So they'll pick the phone up and they{'ll} call their {buddy}, the senator, their old {buddies}, and they{'ll} say, 'Listen, I'm here at this law firm now. 4. R= 2554 S= 0.01% ====*2555*====+ 1. >thing >the 2. things - the ordinary things - the weaker things 3. It's just that if you're not disruptive everything seems to be repeated endlessly - not so much the good things but the bland {things} - {the} ordinary things - {the} weaker {things} get repeated- the stronger things get suppressed and held down and hidden. 4. R= 2555 S= 0.01% ====*2556*====+ 1. >a >snake 2. a toad to a snake , a snake to a pig , a 3. Edible, adj.: Good to eat, and wholesome to digest, as a worm to a toad, {a} toad to a {snake}, a {snake} to a pig, {a} pig to a man, and a man to a worm. 4. R= 2556 S= 0.01% ====*2557*====+ 1. >look >give 2. look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy . When you are sorrowful look 3. When you are joyous, {look} deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has {given} you sorrow that is {giving} you joy. When you are sorrowful {look} again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight. 4. R= 2557 S= 0.01% ====*2558*====+ 1. >be >to 2. is to allow oneself to be 3. An infallible method of conciliating a tiger {is} {to} allow oneself {to} {be} devoured. 4. R= 2558 S= 0.01% ====*2559*====+ 1. >of >any 2. of any career move any of 3. Both my mother and father were very supportive {of} {any} career move {any} {of} us wanted to make. 4. R= 2558 S= 0.01% ====*2560*====+ 1. >you >be 2. you are left with is your 3. In the end, all that {you} {are} left with {is} {your} character. 4. R= 2558 S= 0.01% ====*2561*====+ 1. >there >be 2. there are people that are there 3. I know there are people, if I go into a market or a city for the first time, {there} {are} people that {are} {there} that just want to see the famous person, or the guy from 'Dumb and Dumber' or whatever movie they liked. 4. R= 2558 S= 0.01% ====*2562*====+ 1. >I >like 2. I like them to like me 3. I like people and {I} {like} them to {like} {me}, but I wear my heart where God put it, on the inside. 4. R= 2558 S= 0.01% ====*2563*====+ 1. >you >as 2. you as much happiness as your 3. Look for a situation in which your work will give {you} {as} much happiness {as} {your} spare time. 4. R= 2558 S= 0.01% ====*2564*====+ 1. >that >be 2. That 's what it is that 3. {That}{'s} what it {is} {that} you rehearse - the making of music, not the playing of notes as abstractions. 4. R= 2558 S= 0.01% ====*2565*====+ 1. >that >there 2. that there is something there that 3. These are very subtle things, of course, and I don't expect everyone to pick them up consciously, but I think {that} {there} is something {there} {that} you must be able to feel, there is an energy at work that I must trust my audience will be able to pick up at some level. 4. R= 2558 S= 0.01% ====*2566*====+ 1. >to >be 2. to be relatively conscious is to 3. To be a Negro in this country and {to} {be} relatively conscious {is} {to} be in a rage almost all the time. 4. R= 2558 S= 0.01% ====*2567*====+ 1. >to >be 2. To be a writer is to 3. {To} {be} a writer {is} {to} connect and to play and to attempt to see clearly and understand. 4. R= 2558 S= 0.01% ====*2568*====+ 1. >to >be 2. To be realistic today is to 3. {To} {be} realistic today {is} {to} be visionary. 4. R= 2558 S= 0.01% ====*2569*====+ 1. >to >be 2. to be truly satisfied is to 3. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way {to} {be} truly satisfied {is} {to} do what you believe is great work. 4. R= 2558 S= 0.01% ====*2570*====+ 1. >be >thousand 2. 's hard to do an ending where it 's sort of collaborative with thousands and thousands of people , and to satisfy all those people is 3. Endings are really hard to do, and it{'s} hard to do an ending where it's sort of collaborative with {thousands} and {thousands} of people, and to satisfy all those people {is} impossible. 4. R= 2570 S= 0.01% ====*2571*====+ 1. >people >to 2. people in it , I knew I was going to have to leave there and go out and find other odd people 3. I thought I was an odd person, and since my hometown had only about 70,000 {people} in it, I knew I was going {to} have {to} leave there and go out and find other odd {people}. 4. R= 2571 S= 0.01% ====*2572*====+ 1. >be >humble 2. be humbled , and everyone who humbles himself will be 3. For everyone who exalts himself will {be} {humbled}, and everyone who {humbles} himself will {be} exalted. 4. R= 2572 S= 0.01% ====*2573*====+ 1. >be >fear 2. is ... the knowledge of how to fear what ought to be feared and how not to fear what ought not to be 3. Courage {is}... the knowledge of how to {fear} what ought to be {feared} and how not to fear what ought not to {be} feared. 4. R= 2573 S= 0.01% ====*2574*====+ 1. >we >lie 2. us to believe a lie . And the biggest lie is that there are no consequences to our 3. One of Satan's most deceptive and powerful ways of defeating us is to get {us} to believe a {lie}. And the biggest {lie} is that there are no consequences to {our} own doing. 4. R= 2574 S= 0.01% ====*2575*====+ 1. >thing >happen 2. things happen to them . They went out and happened to things 3. It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let {things} {happen} to them. They went out and {happened} to {things}. 4. R= 2575 S= 0.01% ====*2576*====+ 1. >think >I 2. thinking . I exist because I think 3. My thought is me: that is why I cannot stop {thinking}. {I} exist because {I} {think} I cannot keep from thinking. 4. R= 2576 S= 0.01% ====*2577*====+ 1. >of >fear 2. of existence is to have no fear . Never fear what will become of 3. The whole secret {of} existence is to have no {fear}. Never {fear} what will become {of} you, depend on no one. 4. R= 2577 S= 0.01% ====*2578*====+ 1. >have >committee 2. has probably two or three hundred committees . Every committee is dealing with just one problem and has 3. We have almost a city {has} probably two or three hundred {committees}. Every {committee} is dealing with just one problem and {has} nothing to do with the other problems. 4. R= 2577 S= 0.01% ====*2579*====+ 1. >change >look 2. change the way you look at things , the things you look at change 3. If you {change} the way you {look} at things, the things you {look} at {change}. 4. R= 2579 S= 0.01% ====*2580*====+ 1. >final >be 2. final because we are infallible , but we are infallible only because we are final 3. We are not {final} because we {are} infallible, but we {are} infallible only because we are {final}. 4. R= 2580 S= 0.01% ====*2581*====+ 1. >know >I 2. know that I am intelligent , because I know 3. I {know} that {I} am intelligent, because {I} {know} that I know nothing. 4. R= 2581 S= 0.01% ====*2582*====+ 1. >repeat >thing 2. repeated endlessly - not so much the good things but the bland things - the ordinary things - the weaker things get repeated 3. It's just that if you're not disruptive everything seems to be {repeated} endlessly - not so much the good things but the bland {things} - the ordinary {things} - the weaker things get {repeated}- the stronger things get suppressed and held down and hidden. 4. R= 2582 S= 0.01% ====*2583*====+ 1. >the >bigger 2. the bigger the string the bigger the 3. My philosophy is the thicker the wood the thicker the sound, {the} {bigger} the string the {bigger} {the} sound. 4. R= 2583 S= 0.01% ====*2584*====+ 1. >of >government 2. of anger among many people who are married that the government , any government , thinks it has the ability to change the definition of 3. There is a real sense {of} anger among many people who are married that the {government}, any {government}, thinks it has the ability to change the definition {of} an institution like marriage. 4. R= 2584 S= 0.01% ====*2585*====+ 1. >do >have 2. do and we could not stop laughing and the director had to stop the production . We had to go to our trailer and calm down and do 3. One day, we were doing a serious scene and fast talking like we {do} and we could not stop laughing and the director {had} to stop the production. We {had} to go to our trailer and calm down and {do} it all again. 4. R= 2585 S= 0.01% ====*2586*====+ 1. >and >team 2. and be traveling from team to team , year in and 3. I don't want to be a vagabond, so to speak, {and} be traveling from {team} to {team}, year in {and} year out. 4. R= 2586 S= 0.01% ====*2587*====+ 1. >a >the 2. a bird or the rising of the sun on a 3. I don't ask for the meaning of the song of {a} bird or {the} rising of {the} sun on {a} misty morning. 4. R= 2587 S= 0.01% ====*2588*====+ 1. >money >they 2. money just brings out the basic traits in them . If they were jerks before they had money 3. Of the billionaires I have known, {money} just brings out the basic traits in {them}. If {they} were jerks before they had {money}, they are simply jerks with a billion dollars. 4. R= 2588 S= 0.01% ====*2589*====+ 1. >it >we 2. It is close to us . We are in it and of it 3. {It} is close to {us}. {We} are in it and of {it}. 4. R= 2589 S= 0.01% ====*2590*====+ 1. >be >content 2. is content with the least , for content is 3. He is richest who {is} {content} with the least, for {content} {is} the wealth of nature. 4. R= 2590 S= 0.01% ====*2591*====+ 1. >to >without 2. to feel the anger without judging it , without attempting to 3. It is important {to} feel the anger {without} judging it, {without} attempting {to} find meaning in it. 4. R= 2591 S= 0.01% ====*2592*====+ 1. >do >more 2. did more and more and the more I did 3. I {did} more and {more} and the {more} I {did} the more I wanted. 4. R= 2592 S= 0.01% ====*2593*====+ 1. >email >United 2. emails from the United States . It 's not easy in the United States to find out the email 3. I've had more than 12,000 {emails} from the {United} States. It's not easy in the {United} States to find out the {email} address of a British parliamentarian. 4. R= 2593 S= 0.01% ====*2594*====+ 1. >play >over 2. play the same character over and over . Poor Michael Rapaport will being playing 3. I feel blessed that I am able to play really dark guys in a business where they usually want you to {play} the same character {over} and {over}. Poor Michael Rapaport will being {playing} white homeboys till the day he dies. 4. R= 2594 S= 0.01% ====*2595*====+ 1. >watch >over 2. watch over and over again . I watch 3. 'Superbad' and 'Remember the Titans' - two movies I can {watch} {over} and {over} again. I {watch} 'Superbad' whenever I need to laugh. 4. R= 2594 S= 0.01% ====*2596*====+ 1. >that >love 2. that there is only one terminal dignity - love . And the story of a love is not important - what is important is that 3. The truth is {that} there is only one terminal dignity - {love}. And the story of a {love} is not important - what is important is {that} one is capable of love. 4. R= 2596 S= 0.01% ====*2597*====+ 1. >movie >go 2. movies was it was special to go to see - you went to a movie 3. I mean, the whole idea of {movies} was it was special to {go} to see - you {went} to a {movie} theater to see something that was magical and amazing, in a very special location. 4. R= 2597 S= 0.01% ====*2598*====+ 1. >I >weather 2. I always start everything with the weather , because the weather is the first thing that I notice when I 3. {I} always start everything with the {weather}, because the {weather} is the first thing that I notice when {I} wake up in the morning. 4. R= 2598 S= 0.01% ====*2599*====+ 1. >it >I 2. it 's a team that I never liked . I get the impression that it 3. I'd say I'm a bit antimadridista although I do not know where my future will be, but {it}'s a team that {I} never liked. {I} get the impression that {it} is an arrogant club, about how the players are. 4. R= 2599 S= 0.01% ====*2600*====+ 1. >I >hand 2. I do n't believe in organized religion - I dealt with them hand in hand , and a whole bunch of Catholic priests tried to molest me 3. {I} don't believe in organized religion - I dealt with them {hand} in {hand}, and a whole bunch of Catholic priests tried to molest {me}. 4. R= 2600 S= 0.01% ====*2601*====+ 1. >director >they 2. directors and also a lot of actors feel that if they see their work , and the director 3. I'd love to see the rushes but it's just not allowed because {directors} and also a lot of actors feel that if {they} see {their} work, and the {director} likes what they're doing, the actor might try to correct their mistakes. 4. R= 2601 S= 0.01% ====*2602*====+ 1. >next >sound 2. next movement - I 'm actually thinking about what song and what sound sounds right next 3. A lot of the time, when I'm choreographing, I'm not thinking about what movement look best next to the {next} movement - I'm actually thinking about what song and what {sound} {sounds} right {next} to the next thing. 4. R= 2602 S= 0.01% ====*2603*====+ 1. >know >you 2. knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing 3. If you enter this world {knowing} {you} are loved and {you} leave this world {knowing} the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with. 4. R= 2603 S= 0.01% ====*2604*====+ 1. >want >they 2. wanted me to be their best friend because they wanted 3. What was really funny is that as I got older all those guys who called me a sissy in junior high school {wanted} me to be {their} best friend because {they} {wanted} to meet all the girls that I knew in figure skating. 4. R= 2603 S= 0.01% ====*2605*====+ 1. >think >a 2. think scent is sensual . I guess evoking a mood or a spirit is key , and I think 3. I {think} scent is sensual. I guess evoking {a} mood or {a} spirit is key, and I {think} with the women's fragrances we have evoked different types, moods or sensibilities of a woman - whether it's Daisy with the sweetness and the innocence or Lola which is more provocative, sexy and sultry. 4. R= 2605 S= 0.01% ====*2606*====+ 1. >be >have 2. were near misses . I 've had my share . I was 3. I think every actor has their list of roles that {were} near misses. I{'ve} {had} my share. I {was} very close and almost cast in Philip Seymour Hoffman's 'Capote.' 4. R= 2606 S= 0.01% ====*2607*====+ 1. >country >a 2. country . There is seldom an instance of a man guilty of betraying his country 3. He who is void of virtuous attachments in private life is, or very soon will be, void of all regard for his {country}. There is seldom {an} instance of {a} man guilty of betraying his {country}, who had not before lost the feeling of moral obligations in his private connections. 4. R= 2607 S= 0.01% ====*2608*====+ 1. >do >pick 2. do n't deserve to be picked on who I picked on , so I do 3. Some people {do}n't deserve to be {picked} on who I {picked} on, so I {do}n't do it anymore. 4. R= 2608 S= 0.01% ====*2609*====+ 1. >be >I 2. 's what they expect from me and I 'm 3. And mine is to deliver for the people of Northern Ireland, that{'s} what they expect from {me} and {I}{'m} not going to be deflected by interesting academic or media speculation or attempts to take the whole debate back. 4. R= 2609 S= 0.01% ====*2610*====+ 1. >change >of 2. changing , and I have been fortunate to have been part of a lot of films that have contributed to that change 3. The portrayal of women in Indian cinema, in Hindi cinema is definitely {changing}, and I have been fortunate to have been part {of} a lot {of} films that have contributed to that {change}. 4. R= 2610 S= 0.01% ====*2611*====+ 1. >child >it 2. child . They consider it necessary , but they also enjoy it . The children 3. Adults find pleasure in deceiving a {child}. They consider {it} necessary, but they also enjoy {it}. The {children} very quickly figure it out and then practice deception themselves. 4. R= 2611 S= 0.01% ====*2612*====+ 1. >be >I 2. 'm not going to lose weight because someone tells me to . I make music to be a musician not to be 3. I like having my hair and face done, but I{'m} not going to lose weight because someone tells {me} to. {I} make music to be a musician not to {be} on the cover of Playboy. 4. R= 2612 S= 0.01% ====*2613*====+ 1. >myth >believe 2. myth is an old lie that people believe in . White people believe that they 're better than anyone else on earth - and that 's a myth 3. A {myth} is an old lie that people {believe} in. White people {believe} that they're better than anyone else on earth - and that's a {myth}. 4. R= 2613 S= 0.01% ====*2614*====+ 1. >my >school 2. my smile in pictures throughout middle school and most of high school until picture day came my 3. I kept hiding {my} smile in pictures throughout middle {school} and most of high {school} until picture day came {my} senior year. 4. R= 2614 S= 0.01% ====*2615*====+ 1. >you >be 2. you do n't understand what 's been done to you 3. Food might be more immediately important than history but if {you} don't understand what{'s} {been} done to {you} - by your own people and the so-called 'they' - you can never get around it. 4. R= 2615 S= 0.01% ====*2616*====+ 1. >'s >be 2. 's complete lack of ethics and obsession with consumerism - that 's what I was saying about the difference between the character 's message and the film 's 3. My hope is that people will be repulsed by the character{'s} complete lack of ethics and obsession with consumerism - that{'s} what I {was} saying about the difference between the character's message and the film{'s} message. 4. R= 2616 S= 0.01% ====*2617*====+ 1. >the >I 2. the music seems to be drawing the steps out of me and I do n't look as if I 'm struggling to fit the steps to the 3. The steps must be second nature to me, so that {the} music seems to be drawing the steps out of {me} and {I} don't look as if I'm struggling to fit the steps to {the} music. 4. R= 2617 S= 0.01% ====*2618*====+ 1. >I >over 2. I do talk less now because the sound of my voice saying over and over the things I said years ago embarrasses and depresses me 3. {I} do talk less now because the sound of my voice saying {over} and {over} the things I said years ago embarrasses and depresses {me}. 4. R= 2618 S= 0.01% ====*2619*====+ 1. >they >I 2. they still haunt me . I find myself writing about them 3. I think growing up in a small town, the kind of people I met in my small town, {they} still haunt {me}. {I} find myself writing about {them} over and over again. 4. R= 2619 S= 0.01% ====*2620*====+ 1. >be >go 2. is that when a thing that can not possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be 3. The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong {is} that when a thing that cannot possibly {go} wrong {goes} wrong it usually turns out to {be} impossible to get at and repair. 4. R= 2620 S= 0.01% ====*2621*====+ 1. >a >and 2. a path of being kind and showing and proving that I 'm a 3. What I work hard at doing is staying on {a} path of being kind {and} showing {and} proving that I'm {a} good person to society. 4. R= 2621 S= 0.01% ====*2622*====+ 1. >'s >everybody 2. 's a complex person . Everybody . Everybody 's 3. Everybody{'s} a complex person. {Everybody}. {Everybody}{'s} nuanced. 4. R= 2622 S= 0.01% ====*2623*====+ 1. >be >day 2. 's been a strange day - a day when I thought I was 3. It{'s} been a strange {day} - a {day} when I thought I {was} on top of the world, planning my life. 4. R= 2623 S= 0.01% ====*2624*====+ 1. >life >fame 2. life without fame can be a good life , but fame without a life is no life 3. A {life} without {fame} can be a good life, but {fame} without a life is no {life} at all. 4. R= 2624 S= 0.01% ====*2625*====+ 1. >fight >spiritual 2. fight with spiritual weapons , cause it 's a spiritual fight 3. I'm going to {fight} with {spiritual} weapons, cause it's a {spiritual} {fight}. 4. R= 2625 S= 0.01% ====*2626*====+ 1. >soul >sens 2. soul 's prison unless the five senses are fully developed and open . He considered the senses the ` windows of the soul 3. Blake said that the body was the {soul}'s prison unless the five {senses} are fully developed and open. He considered the {senses} the 'windows of the {soul}.' 4. R= 2626 S= 0.01% ====*2627*====+ 1. >care >much 2. cares how much you know , until they know how much you care 3. Nobody {cares} how {much} you know, until they know how {much} you {care}. 4. R= 2627 S= 0.01% ====*2628*====+ 1. >court >to 2. court to the intermediate court to the highest court 3. They went from the trial {court} {to} the intermediate court {to} the highest {court}. 4. R= 2628 S= 0.01% ====*2629*====+ 1. >man-made >talent 2. man-made talent and God-given talent . With man-made 3. There are two kinds of talent, {man-made} {talent} and God-given {talent}. With {man-made} talent you have to work very hard. 4. R= 2629 S= 0.01% ====*2630*====+ 1. >I >she 2. I was two she would say she knew I 3. When {I} was two {she} would say {she} knew {I} was going to be an actor. 4. R= 2630 S= 0.01% ====*2631*====+ 1. >if >game 2. If you try to shortcut the game , then the game will shortcut you . If 3. {If} you try to shortcut the {game}, then the {game} will shortcut you. {If} you put forth the effort, good things will be bestowed upon you. 4. R= 2631 S= 0.01% ====*2632*====+ 1. >language >it 2. language is a living operation , the less we are aware of it . Thus it follows from the self-forgetfulness of language 3. The more {language} is a living operation, the less we are aware of {it}. Thus {it} follows from the self-forgetfulness of {language} that its real being consists in what is said in it. 4. R= 2632 S= 0.01% ====*2633*====+ 1. >funny >scene 2. funny scene , funny scene , funny 3. What you don't want is {funny} {scene}, funny {scene}, {funny} scene, and now here's the epiphany scene and then the movie's over. 4. R= 2633 S= 0.01% ====*2634*====+ 1. >write >we 2. wrote for a Philadelphia newspaper and aspired to be a playwright . We had in our house a couple of crazy unproduced plays that he had written 3. My father's father {wrote} for a Philadelphia newspaper and aspired to be a playwright. {We} had in {our} house a couple of crazy unproduced plays that he had {written}. 4. R= 2634 S= 0.01% ====*2635*====+ 1. >understand >be 2. understand that one of the key things that 's got to be done in Iraq is to build a mentality of understanding 3. I think you also {understand} that one of the key things that{'s} got to {be} done in Iraq is to build a mentality of {understanding} that the military needs to be subordinate to civilian control and respectful of its own people. 4. R= 2635 S= 0.01% ====*2636*====+ 1. >whole >new 2. whole new confidence and this whole new swagger and this whole 3. It kind of allowed me to have this {whole} {new} confidence and this whole {new} swagger and this {whole} new sense of self. 4. R= 2636 S= 0.01% ====*2637*====+ 1. >be >begin 2. is precisely this - that as one begins to become conscious one begins to examine the society in which he is 3. The paradox of education {is} precisely this - that as one {begins} to become conscious one {begins} to examine the society in which he {is} being educated. 4. R= 2637 S= 0.01% ====*2638*====+ 1. >actress >the 2. actress in the family , and I am still the only actress 3. I was the first {actress} in {the} family, and I am still {the} only {actress} in the family. 4. R= 2638 S= 0.01% ====*2639*====+ 1. >be >the 2. was interested in Java the beginning , but the problem with Java is 3. I {was} interested in Java {the} beginning, but {the} problem with Java {is} you do have to switch your platform. 4. R= 2639 S= 0.01% ====*2640*====+ 1. >Playboy >I 2. Playboy came to me , all the preachers ran . I needed to pose in Playboy 3. Once {Playboy} came to {me}, all the preachers ran. {I} needed to pose in {Playboy} to make money. 4. R= 2640 S= 0.01% ====*2641*====+ 1. >that >I 2. that look like me . I think people feel that 3. There are people in the world {that} look like {me}. {I} think people feel {that} I could be living next door to them. 4. R= 2641 S= 0.01% ====*2642*====+ 1. >the >be 2. the change they 're seeing is not the 3. If the President says, oh, Washington's got to change, and people are doubting whether my change can really happen, I think instead what the public's begun to see is {the} change they{'re} seeing {is} not {the} change they voted for. 4. R= 2642 S= 0.01% ====*2643*====+ 1. >you >do 2. you 're done , do n't make your 3. You should stay in school until your education is finished, and when {you}'re {done}, {do}n't make {your} hobby your job. 4. R= 2642 S= 0.01% ====*2644*====+ 1. >be >good 2. been very blessed in my life and rewarded with good friends and good health . I am grateful and happy to be 3. I have {been} very blessed in my life and rewarded with {good} friends and {good} health. I am grateful and happy to {be} able to share this. 4. R= 2644 S= 0.01% ====*2645*====+ 1. >lie >and 2. lied for years and years . And the thing about lies 3. I {lied} for years {and} years. {And} the thing about {lies} and secrets is that they eat you alive from the inside. 4. R= 2645 S= 0.01% ====*2646*====+ 1. >think >they 2. think they are better than they think 3. The greatest manager has a knack for making ballplayers {think} {they} are better than {they} {think} they are. 4. R= 2646 S= 0.01% ====*2647*====+ 1. >right >the 2. right , I will take it to the end of the earth until I am proven right 3. If I believe that I am {right}, I will take it to {the} end of {the} earth until I am proven {right}. 4. R= 2647 S= 0.01% ====*2648*====+ 1. >to >issue 2. to some degree men 's issues and all men 's issues are to 3. All women's issues are {to} some degree men's {issues} and all men's {issues} are {to} some degree women's issues because when either sex wins unilaterally both sexes lose. 4. R= 2648 S= 0.01% ====*2649*====+ 1. >with >sing 2. with her and she would sing and I learned to sing along with 3. My mother played a guitar and I would sit {with} her and she would {sing} and I learned to {sing} along {with} her. 4. R= 2648 S= 0.01% ====*2650*====+ 1. >thing >the 2. things but the bland things - the ordinary things 3. It's just that if you're not disruptive everything seems to be repeated endlessly - not so much the good {things} but {the} bland things - {the} ordinary {things} - the weaker things get repeated- the stronger things get suppressed and held down and hidden. 4. R= 2650 S= 0.01% ====*2651*====+ 1. >the >world 2. the next world , in this world you have the 3. You get justice in {the} next {world}, in this {world} you have {the} law. 4. R= 2651 S= 0.01% ====*2652*====+ 1. >of >'s 2. of the 80 's bands into the 90 's as most of 3. I followed most {of} the 80{'s} bands into the 90{'s} as most {of} those folks who hadn't moved away were all still active. 4. R= 2652 S= 0.01% ====*2653*====+ 1. >you >good 2. you do good to those who do good to you 3. And if {you} do {good} to those who do {good} to {you}, what credit is that to you? 4. R= 2652 S= 0.01% ====*2654*====+ 1. >than >perform 2. than to perform one , better to perform one than 3. It is better to make a piece of music {than} to {perform} one, better to {perform} one {than} to listen to one, better to listen to one than to misuse it as a means of distraction, entertainment, or acquisition of 'culture.' 4. R= 2652 S= 0.01% ====*2655*====+ 1. >the >work 2. the actors I have worked with , I love working with Larry Hagman the 3. Out of all {the} actors I have {worked} with, I love {working} with Larry Hagman {the} most. 4. R= 2652 S= 0.01% ====*2656*====+ 1. >to >sorrow 2. to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to 3. People who drink {to} drown their {sorrow} should be told that {sorrow} knows how {to} swim. 4. R= 2652 S= 0.01% ====*2657*====+ 1. >about >Union 2. about with the Soviet Union , only the Soviet Union was more mature about 3. The point is, once they have a missile that can hit the United States, we are now back in the kind of game we used to worry {about} with the Soviet {Union}, only the Soviet {Union} was more mature {about} this whole thing than I think the North Koreans will be. 4. R= 2652 S= 0.01% ====*2658*====+ 1. >role >'s 2. role in society , or any artist 's or poet 's role 3. My {role} in society, or any artist{'s} or poet{'s} {role}, is to try and express what we all feel. 4. R= 2658 S= 0.01% ====*2659*====+ 1. >in >country 2. in country after country , and in 3. It's amazing how, age after age, {in} {country} after {country}, and {in} all languages, Shakespeare emerges as incomparable. 4. R= 2659 S= 0.01% ====*2660*====+ 1. >a >president 2. a black president . President Obama has done such a 3. I never thought we'd ever have {a} black {president}. {President} Obama has done such {a} tremendous job... He just has been unable to get what he needs to be moved at the level it should be moved. 4. R= 2660 S= 0.01% ====*2661*====+ 1. >be >simplicity 2. 's a consequence of simplicity . Simplicity is 3. Simplicity is not the absence of clutter, that{'s} a consequence of {simplicity}. {Simplicity} {is} somehow essentially describing the purpose and place of an object and product. 4. R= 2660 S= 0.01% ====*2662*====+ 1. >it >write 2. it needs to be written . Write it 3. Write your story as {it} needs to be {written}. {Write} {it} honestly, and tell it as best you can. 4. R= 2660 S= 0.01% ====*2663*====+ 1. >solve >mystery 2. solve many of the mysteries of sound , mysteries which motor phonetics could not even begin to solve 3. Acoustic phonetics, which is developing and increasing in richness very rapidly, already enables us to {solve} many of the {mysteries} of sound, {mysteries} which motor phonetics could not even begin to {solve}. 4. R= 2663 S= 0.01% ====*2664*====+ 1. >to >be 2. to grasp what is happening and I am still trying to 3. Especially moments when things are very difficult and complicated for me and I am still trying {to} grasp what {is} happening and I {am} still trying {to} understand and to reach family back home. 4. R= 2664 S= 0.01% ====*2665*====+ 1. >be >time 2. is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be 3. Education is an admirable thing, but it {is} well to remember from {time} to {time} that nothing that is worth knowing can {be} taught. 4. R= 2665 S= 0.01% ====*2666*====+ 1. >to >present 2. to profit by the present , and from the present , to 3. Let us learn from the past {to} profit by the {present}, and from the {present}, {to} live better in the future. 4. R= 2666 S= 0.01% ====*2667*====+ 1. >love >my 2. love with my kids , and my kids are in love 3. They're in {love} with {my} kids, and {my} kids are in {love} with them. 4. R= 2667 S= 0.01% ====*2668*====+ 1. >think >movement 2. thinking about what movement look best next to the next movement - I 'm actually thinking 3. A lot of the time, when I'm choreographing, I'm not {thinking} about what {movement} look best next to the next {movement} - I'm actually {thinking} about what song and what sound sounds right next to the next thing. 4. R= 2668 S= 0.01% ====*2669*====+ 1. >to >work 2. to work but used to come back from work to 3. And when my parents could afford their own place, I went with them but still my mother used {to} {work} but used to come back from {work} {to} cook lunch for my father, come back from work, cook dinner for my father and me. 4. R= 2669 S= 0.01% ====*2670*====+ 1. >we >passion 2. Our doubt is our passion and our passion is our 3. {Our} doubt is our {passion} and our {passion} is {our} task. 4. R= 2670 S= 0.01% ====*2671*====+ 1. >he >whose 2. he whose heart is firm , and whose conscience approves his 3. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but {he} {whose} heart is firm, and {whose} conscience approves {his} conduct, will pursue his principles unto death. 4. R= 2671 S= 0.01% ====*2672*====+ 1. >they >whose 2. they whose heart is firm , and whose conscience approves their 3. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but {they} {whose} heart is firm, and {whose} conscience approves {their} conduct, will pursue their principles unto death. 4. R= 2671 S= 0.01% ====*2673*====+ 1. >child >as 2. children - in many dimensions they 're as poorly behaved as many other children 3. My {children} - in many dimensions they're {as} poorly behaved {as} many other {children}, but at least on this dimension I've got my kids brainwashed: You don't use Google, and you don't use an iPod. 4. R= 2673 S= 0.01% ====*2674*====+ 1. >do >I 2. do n't want people to talk about me . All I 've ever wanted to do 3. I just want to make music, I {do}n't want people to talk about {me}. All {I}'ve ever wanted to {do} was sing. 4. R= 2674 S= 0.01% ====*2675*====+ 1. >mother >I 2. mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw . All I am I owe to my mother 3. My {mother} was the most beautiful woman {I} ever saw. All {I} am I owe to my {mother}. 4. R= 2675 S= 0.01% ====*2676*====+ 1. >woman >that 2. women just did n't really see themselves winning that fight , and I think that probably led to a lot women 3. I think {women} just didn't really see themselves winning {that} fight, and I think {that} probably led to a lot {women} feeling trapped in a perpetual cycle of disappointment - trying to be feminists and failing to be. 4. R= 2676 S= 0.01% ====*2677*====+ 1. >those >honest 2. those who are honest , and be also honest to those 3. Be honest to {those} who are {honest}, and be also {honest} to {those} who are not honest. 4. R= 2677 S= 0.01% ====*2678*====+ 1. >who >honest 2. who are honest , and be also honest to those who 3. Be honest to those {who} are {honest}, and be also {honest} to those {who} are not honest. 4. R= 2677 S= 0.01% ====*2679*====+ 1. >believe >girl 2. believe happy girls are the prettiest girls . I believe 3. I {believe} happy {girls} are the prettiest {girls}. I {believe} that tomorrow is another day, and... I believe in miracles. 4. R= 2679 S= 0.01% ====*2680*====+ 1. >white >black 2. white people love black people , some black people hate white people , and some black people love white 3. Some white people hate black people, and some {white} people love {black} people, some {black} people hate white people, and some black people love {white} people. 4. R= 2680 S= 0.01% ====*2681*====+ 1. >weak >the 2. weak than the strong are likely to make the weak 3. The weak are more likely to make the strong {weak} than {the} strong are likely to make {the} {weak} strong. 4. R= 2681 S= 0.01% ====*2682*====+ 1. >Michael >record 2. Michael Jackson . And no matter if he sold 40 million records off of one record and sold 15 off his last or whatever the counts may be , Michael 3. Oh, Michael Jackson is {Michael} Jackson. And no matter if he sold 40 million {records} off of one {record} and sold 15 off his last or whatever the counts may be, {Michael} Jackson will be Michael Jackson. 4. R= 2682 S= 0.01% ====*2683*====+ 1. >do >anything 2. do n't know anything about anything . For me to do 3. All I've really ever done is write since I was 17, so I {do}n't know {anything} about {anything}. For me to {do} a novel, I have to talk to people who know things. 4. R= 2683 S= 0.01% ====*2684*====+ 1. >a >he 2. a bit of action in his films , and he got excited once in a 3. I worked for Sam Peckinpah on quite {a} bit of action in {his} films, and {he} got excited once in {a} while. 4. R= 2684 S= 0.01% ====*2685*====+ 1. >want >I 2. want people to talk about me . All I 've ever wanted 3. I just want to make music, I don't {want} people to talk about {me}. All {I}'ve ever {wanted} to do was sing. 4. R= 2685 S= 0.01% ====*2686*====+ 1. >they >you 2. they will feel about you that you 're going to make something wonderful for them 3. One is, that {they} will feel about {you} that {you}'re going to make something wonderful for {them}. 4. R= 2686 S= 0.01% ====*2687*====+ 1. >not >physical 2. not going to fight in the physical with physical weapons , because it 's not 3. I'm {not} going to fight in the {physical} with {physical} weapons, because it's {not} a physical fight. 4. R= 2687 S= 0.01% ====*2688*====+ 1. >be >have 2. are poor often have families that have not really been 3. Kids who {are} poor often {have} families that {have} not really {been} kept informed about... how important it is to read to your child, to reduce stresses in their life, to use positive incentives and words. 4. R= 2688 S= 0.01% ====*2689*====+ 1. >on >people 2. on this album I plan on introducing to people and reintroducing to people the side of me that they did n't see on 3. To me, 'Underground Luxury' is kinda like a contrasting title, and the reason for that is because {on} this album I plan on introducing to {people} and reintroducing to {people} the side of me that they didn't see {on} the first album. 4. R= 2689 S= 0.01% ====*2690*====+ 1. >just >great 2. just want to keep working with great people , great filmmakers and great actors and just 3. I {just} want to keep working with {great} people, {great} filmmakers and great actors and {just} building on that experience. 4. R= 2690 S= 0.01% ====*2691*====+ 1. >be >feeling 2. are sensitive to and in touch with feelings , but the only feelings they tend to be 3. It's true that men who cry {are} sensitive to and in touch with {feelings}, but the only {feelings} they tend to {be} sensitive to and in touch with are their own. 4. R= 2691 S= 0.01% ====*2692*====+ 1. >be >look 2. was that because she was thrilled with that look , and thought it looked marvellous , or was it because she was 3. I always wonder, {was} that because she was thrilled with that {look}, and thought it {looked} marvellous, or was it because she {was} too scared to change it? 4. R= 2692 S= 0.01% ====*2693*====+ 1. >as >much 2. as much in camera and with physical objects as much as 3. I wish that every director was as interested in doing {as} {much} in camera and with physical objects as {much} {as} possible as J.J. Abrams is. 4. R= 2693 S= 0.01% ====*2694*====+ 1. >that >I 2. that people who really know me understand I am the same person - and that 3. I like to think {that} people who really know {me} understand {I} am the same person - and {that} is something I will always fight to maintain. 4. R= 2694 S= 0.01% ====*2695*====+ 1. >'s >not 2. 's shows was over and the networks were not and are not interested in children 's 3. The era of locally produced children{'s} shows was over and the networks were {not} and are {not} interested in children{'s} television. 4. R= 2695 S= 0.01% ====*2696*====+ 1. >you >goal 2. you go to work on your goals , your goals will go to work on you . If you 3. If {you} go to work on your {goals}, your {goals} will go to work on you. If {you} go to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you. 4. R= 2696 S= 0.01% ====*2697*====+ 1. >be >real 2. are described to you as being real they 're real for you whether they 're 3. If certain things {are} described to you as being {real} they're {real} for you whether they{'re} real or not. 4. R= 2697 S= 0.01% ====*2698*====+ 1. >country >difficult 2. country through difficult times and difficult decisions you 've got to take the country 3. When you're taking the {country} through {difficult} times and {difficult} decisions you've got to take the {country} with you. 4. R= 2698 S= 0.01% ====*2699*====+ 1. >be >look 2. is just the way I look . I look like I 'm 3. You definitely should be carrying a gun,' and so a lot of it {is} just the way I {look}. I {look} like I{'m} angry and dangerous, and in fact, I'm loveable and kind. 4. R= 2699 S= 0.01% ====*2700*====+ 1. >want >do 2. want to take the guns away from the people who did n't do it . I sure as hell would n't want 3. After a shooting spree, they always {want} to take the guns away from the people who {did}n't {do} it. I sure as hell wouldn't {want} to live in a society where the only people allowed guns are the police and the military. 4. R= 2700 S= 0.01% ====*2701*====+ 1. >feel >what 2. feel good after and what is immoral is what you feel 3. About morals, I know only that what is moral is what you {feel} good after and {what} is immoral is {what} you {feel} bad after. 4. R= 2701 S= 0.01% ====*2702*====+ 1. >create >of 2. creates more jobs than other sources of energy - most of these will be created 3. Renewable energy also {creates} more jobs than other sources {of} energy - most {of} these will be {created} in the struggling manufacturing sector, which will pioneer the new energy future by investment that allows manufacturers to retool and adopt new technologies and methods. 4. R= 2701 S= 0.01% ====*2703*====+ 1. >he >much 2. he will have much to fight for , so much that he 3. Cognition is not fighting, but once someone knows a lot, {he} will have {much} to fight for, so {much} that {he} will be called a relativist because of it. 4. R= 2703 S= 0.01% ====*2704*====+ 1. >will >much 2. will have much to fight for , so much that he will 3. Cognition is not fighting, but once someone knows a lot, he {will} have {much} to fight for, so {much} that he {will} be called a relativist because of it. 4. R= 2703 S= 0.01% ====*2705*====+ 1. >more >public 2. more respect for the public , the public would have a lot more 3. If advertising had a little {more} respect for the {public}, the {public} would have a lot {more} respect for advertising. 4. R= 2705 S= 0.01% ====*2706*====+ 1. >you >life 2. your life , the lives of your 3. They infringe on your right to protect {your} {life}, the {lives} of {your} loved ones, and your property. 4. R= 2705 S= 0.01% ====*2707*====+ 1. >my >home 2. my home away from home - my 3. Theater dressing rooms are {my} {home} away from {home} - {my} second home, really. 4. R= 2705 S= 0.01% ====*2708*====+ 1. >be >normal 2. 'm pretty normal , whatever normal is 3. I{'m} pretty {normal}, whatever {normal} {is}, on my off time. 4. R= 2705 S= 0.01% ====*2709*====+ 1. >people >be 2. people will stand up and say that what 's been done to me is wrong , and that-that people 3. And I'm hoping that fair-minded {people} will stand up and say that what{'s} {been} done to me is wrong, and that-that {people}'s personal lives have no impact on their ability to be a journalist, you know. 4. R= 2709 S= 0.01% ====*2710*====+ 1. >I >thing 2. I get to try new things , do things I 3. {I} get to try new {things}, do {things} {I} would have never got the chance to do. 4. R= 2710 S= 0.01% ====*2711*====+ 1. >the >as 2. the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties as king as I would wish to do without the 3. I have found it impossible to carry {the} heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties {as} king {as} I would wish to do without {the} help and support of the woman I love. 4. R= 2711 S= 0.01% ====*2712*====+ 1. >win >round 2. win the first round , second round , and not win 3. I don't want to just go to the playoffs, I don't want to go to the playoffs and {win} the first {round}, second {round}, and not {win} the whole thing because it's bittersweet. 4. R= 2712 S= 0.01% ====*2713*====+ 1. >to >be 2. To be empty of things is to 3. {To} {be} empty of things {is} {to} be full of God. 4. R= 2713 S= 0.01% ====*2714*====+ 1. >it >you 2. it 's a crime for you to go outta your way for it 3. I don't believe that songwriting has to be profound, but I truly believe that {it}'s a crime for {you} to go outta {your} way for {it} not to be. 4. R= 2714 S= 0.01% ====*2715*====+ 1. >theater >you 2. theater and could n't stop thinking about it . ' You want your work to have an impact after they leave the theater 3. My favorite thing to hear from people is, 'I left the {theater} and couldn't stop thinking about it.' {You} want {your} work to have an impact after they leave the {theater}. 4. R= 2715 S= 0.01% ====*2716*====+ 1. >be >fail 2. 'm waiting for the time when I fail - because we all fail - and I 'm 3. I{'m} waiting for the time when I {fail} - because we all {fail} - and I{'m} ready, I'll take up carpentry. 4. R= 2716 S= 0.01% ====*2717*====+ 1. >be >you 2. is you , and you are 3. What makes you special {is} {you}, and {you} {are} different from the next person. 4. R= 2717 S= 0.01% ====*2718*====+ 1. >be >I 2. 's me , because I am 3. Maybe it{'s} {me}, because {I} {am} a wimp. 4. R= 2717 S= 0.01% ====*2719*====+ 1. >very >a 2. very a good and a very 3. In fact, I thought that Christianity was {very} {a} good and {a} {very} valuable thing for us. 4. R= 2717 S= 0.01% ====*2720*====+ 1. >tax >work 2. tax law from William and Mary . I work in serious scholarship and work in the United States federal tax 3. I'm not only a lawyer, I have a post doctorate degree in federal {tax} law from William and Mary. I {work} in serious scholarship and {work} in the United States federal {tax} court. 4. R= 2720 S= 0.01% ====*2721*====+ 1. >would >study 2. would like to do honors degree course in Islamic studies and Malay studies too , so I thought Islamic studies would 3. So when I had to make a decision whether I {would} like to do honors degree course in Islamic {studies} and Malay {studies} too, so I thought Islamic studies {would} be good. 4. R= 2721 S= 0.01% ====*2722*====+ 1. >of >you 2. of a woman ... You can more easily scratch a diamond with your fingernail than you can by any human ingenuity get a woman to consent to giving any of 3. Even if the whole earth and sea were turned to gold, they could hardly satisfy the avarice {of} a woman... You can more easily scratch a diamond with {your} fingernail than {you} can by any human ingenuity get a woman to consent to giving any {of} her savings. 4. R= 2722 S= 0.01% ====*2723*====+ 1. >health >people 2. health is services for poor people , and since most Americans hate poor people and want all poor people 's services destroyed , they hate public health 3. Most Americans think that public {health} is services for poor people, and since most Americans hate poor {people} and want all poor {people}'s services destroyed, they hate public {health}. 4. R= 2723 S= 0.01% ====*2724*====+ 1. >a >building 2. a minor building and an urban building as being a 3. I've never looked at a suburban building as being {a} minor {building} and an urban {building} as being {a} major building. 4. R= 2724 S= 0.01% ====*2725*====+ 1. >eat >I 2. eating anything I wanted . I would n't eat 3. It wasn't that I was out of control - it was just years of {eating} anything {I} wanted. {I} wouldn't {eat} a whole pizza, but if I wanted pizza two or three times a week, I didn't think to limit myself. 4. R= 2725 S= 0.01% ====*2726*====+ 1. >you >it 2. you just try and push it away , whatever it is , it 's got you 3. From a Hindu perspective, you are born as what you need to deal with, and if {you} just try and push {it} away, whatever {it} is, it's got {you}. 4. R= 2726 S= 0.01% ====*2727*====+ 1. >the >weekend 2. the movies on the weekend and spend my whole weekend watching all of the 3. I love film and I love sitcoms, and I was one of those kids that would just go to {the} movies on the {weekend} and spend my whole {weekend} watching all of {the} movies. 4. R= 2727 S= 0.01% ====*2728*====+ 1. >in >nature 2. in the world is nature herself , but in nature standardisation occurs mainly in 3. The best standardisation committee {in} the world is {nature} herself, but in {nature} standardisation occurs mainly {in} connection with the smallest possible units: cells. 4. R= 2727 S= 0.01% ====*2729*====+ 1. >you >I 2. you can find another like me , then I will buy you 3. I am different - if {you} can find another like {me}, then {I} will buy {you} dinner! 4. R= 2729 S= 0.01% ====*2730*====+ 1. >the >at 2. the point where I wan na be at . At times I questioned whether it was worth the 3. 'Nothin' on You' changed my life: I finally feel that I reached {the} point where I wanna be {at}. {At} times I questioned whether it was worth {the} sacrifice, but now I see it was. 4. R= 2730 S= 0.01% ====*2731*====+ 1. >you >that 2. you are and be that person . That 's what your 3. Find out who {you} are and be {that} person. {That}'s what {your} soul was put on this Earth to be. 4. R= 2731 S= 0.01% ====*2732*====+ 1. >measure >the 2. measure of all things ... The Earth is the measure 3. It's important to recognise that humans are not the {measure} of all things... {The} Earth is {the} {measure} of all things. 4. R= 2732 S= 0.01% ====*2733*====+ 1. >to >honest 2. to those who are honest , and be also honest to 3. Be honest {to} those who are {honest}, and be also {honest} {to} those who are not honest. 4. R= 2733 S= 0.01% ====*2734*====+ 1. >you >they 2. you had with them - they 're who they 've been throughout your 3. A person isn't who they are during the last conversation {you} had with them - {they}'re who {they}'ve been throughout {your} whole relationship. 4. R= 2734 S= 0.01% ====*2735*====+ 1. >the >infinitely 2. the light and darkness and may be infinitely diminished and infinitely increased . Shadow is the 3. The beginnings and ends of shadow lie between {the} light and darkness and may be {infinitely} diminished and {infinitely} increased. Shadow is {the} means by which bodies display their form. 4. R= 2735 S= 0.01% ====*2736*====+ 1. >Jackson >record 2. Jackson . And no matter if he sold 40 million records off of one record and sold 15 off his last or whatever the counts may be , Michael Jackson 3. Oh, Michael Jackson is Michael {Jackson}. And no matter if he sold 40 million {records} off of one {record} and sold 15 off his last or whatever the counts may be, Michael {Jackson} will be Michael Jackson. 4. R= 2736 S= 0.01% ====*2737*====+ 1. >film >rehearsal 2. films are harder because you have almost no rehearsals . I love the rehearsal process , but in films 3. I think {films} are harder because you have almost no {rehearsals}. I love the {rehearsal} process, but in {films} you have no opportunity to get things right. 4. R= 2737 S= 0.01% ====*2738*====+ 1. >sound >the 2. sound , the bigger the string the bigger the sound 3. My philosophy is the thicker the wood the thicker the {sound}, the bigger {the} string {the} bigger the {sound}. 4. R= 2738 S= 0.01% ====*2739*====+ 1. >thing >the 2. things , the ranks of the angels and the hierarchy of principalities , things 3. I have many deep thoughts in God, but I take my own measure, lest I perish by boasting... For I myself, though I am in chains and can comprehend heavenly {things}, the ranks of {the} angels and {the} hierarchy of principalities, {things} visible and invisible, for all this I am not yet a disciple. 4. R= 2739 S= 0.01% ====*2740*====+ 1. >be >physical 2. 'm not going to fight in the physical with physical weapons , because it 's 3. I{'m} not going to fight in the {physical} with {physical} weapons, because it{'s} not a physical fight. 4. R= 2740 S= 0.01% ====*2741*====+ 1. >pull >dramatic 2. pulling off a dramatic role than a great dramatic actor has of being able to pull 3. I do think, oddly, that a comedic actor has a better chance of {pulling} off a {dramatic} role than a great {dramatic} actor has of being able to {pull} off a highly comedic role. 4. R= 2741 S= 0.01% ====*2742*====+ 1. >not >I 2. not love me I shall not 3. If you do {not} love {me} {I} shall {not} be loved If I do not love you I shall not love. 4. R= 2742 S= 0.01% ====*2743*====+ 1. >it >do 2. It 's never been done does not mean that it 3. {It}'s never been {done} {does} not mean that {it} can't be done. 4. R= 2742 S= 0.01% ====*2744*====+ 1. >not >they 2. n't see them they do n't 3. If you do{n't} see {them} {they} do{n't} exist. 4. R= 2742 S= 0.01% ====*2745*====+ 1. >lot >that 2. lot of shame that comes with that . A lot 3. When you go through a traumatic event, there's a {lot} of shame {that} comes with {that}. A {lot} of loss of self-esteem. 4. R= 2745 S= 0.01% ====*2746*====+ 1. >be >not 2. is a God and die to find out there is n't , than live as if there is n't and to die to find out that there is 3. I would rather live my life as if there {is} a God and die to find out there is{n't}, than live as if there is{n't} and to die to find out that there {is}. 4. R= 2746 S= 0.01% ====*2747*====+ 1. >radiologist >a 2. radiologists still believe there is a risk from a chest x-ray . Few radiologists 3. Too many {radiologists} still believe there is {a} risk from {a} chest x-ray. Few {radiologists} can explain radiation to the patient in words the patient can understand. 4. R= 2747 S= 0.01% ====*2748*====+ 1. >it >without 2. it in without unfair play and without too much subduing it 3. It is a peculiar part of the good photographer's adventure to know where luck is most likely to lie in the stream, to hook it, and to bring {it} in {without} unfair play and {without} too much subduing {it}. 4. R= 2748 S= 0.01% ====*2749*====+ 1. >happy >be 2. happy to be alive , I 'm happy 3. I'm {happy} to {be} alive, I{'m} {happy} to be who I am. 4. R= 2749 S= 0.01% ====*2750*====+ 1. >people >the 2. people of the right to vote except the American people 3. Nobody will ever deprive the American {people} of {the} right to vote except {the} American {people} themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. 4. R= 2750 S= 0.01% ====*2751*====+ 1. >feel >we 2. felt proud our fans look up to us or feel 3. I've always {felt} proud {our} fans look up to {us} or {feel} we are inspirational. 4. R= 2750 S= 0.01% ====*2752*====+ 1. >know >there 2. know how there are some stars out there who know 3. You {know} how {there} are some stars out {there} who {know} how to market themselves? 4. R= 2750 S= 0.01% ====*2753*====+ 1. >in >particular 2. in a particular scene , or play a particular scene in 3. He has all those different aspects to him, so I can more or less decide as a performer how I'm going to deliver a line {in} a {particular} scene, or play a {particular} scene {in} total. 4. R= 2753 S= 0.01% ====*2754*====+ 1. >rich >the 2. rich people . I get along with the middle class and the poor people better than I get along with the rich 3. You know the funny thing, I don't get along with {rich} people. I get along with {the} middle class and {the} poor people better than I get along with the {rich} people. 4. R= 2754 S= 0.01% ====*2755*====+ 1. >you >he 2. you do n't know him , that 's the time he can mosh you 3. Devil's a good friend, too... because when {you} don't know {him}, that's the time {he} can mosh {you} down. 4. R= 2755 S= 0.01% ====*2756*====+ 1. >I >it 2. I act like I have n't spent enough time on it , it seems to go better . If I act like I 3. There's something about acting like I don't care, or if {I} act like I haven't spent enough time on {it}, {it} seems to go better. If I act like {I}'m really trying to sell it, it doesn't go as well. 4. R= 2756 S= 0.01% ====*2757*====+ 1. >act >have 2. act rightly because we have virtue or excellence , but we rather have those because we have acted 3. We do not {act} rightly because we {have} virtue or excellence, but we rather {have} those because we have {acted} rightly. 4. R= 2757 S= 0.01% ====*2758*====+ 1. >of >as 2. of silence to be as evil as the lie of 3. He knew the lie {of} silence to be {as} evil {as} the lie {of} speech. 4. R= 2758 S= 0.01% ====*2759*====+ 1. >be >go 2. was going to go on being 3. So if I {was} {going} to {go} on {being} an illustrator, I had to start writing the stories, too. 4. R= 2758 S= 0.01% ====*2760*====+ 1. >of >that 2. of God ' is really that understanding that sometimes when you step out of 3. 'Presence {of} God' is really {that} understanding {that} sometimes when you step out {of} your own shoes and just open your ears and listen to what's going on around you, you get answers to the questions you were asking. 4. R= 2758 S= 0.01% ====*2761*====+ 1. >he >we 2. his Spirit with us until we join him 3. He left {his} Spirit with {us} until {we} join {him} in Heaven. 4. R= 2758 S= 0.01% ====*2762*====+ 1. >convince >the 2. convinced of that is the opposite of the nugget on the other side . And they 're convinced 3. Everybody has a little nugget they're {convinced} of that is the opposite of {the} nugget on {the} other side. And they're {convinced} it's fact. 4. R= 2762 S= 0.01% ====*2763*====+ 1. >I >change 2. I can not change , the courage to change the things I 3. God grant me the serenity to accept the things {I} cannot {change}, the courage to {change} the things {I} can, and the wisdom to know the difference. 4. R= 2763 S= 0.01% ====*2764*====+ 1. >you >it 2. you love it , it will never be far from your 3. As long as you remember what you love and why {you} love {it}, {it} will never be far from {your} heart - or your plate. 4. R= 2764 S= 0.01% ====*2765*====+ 1. >be >become 2. 's not an accident that musicians become musicians and engineers become engineers : it 's 3. It{'s} not an accident that musicians {become} musicians and engineers {become} engineers: it{'s} what they're born to do. 4. R= 2765 S= 0.01% ====*2766*====+ 1. >you >love 2. you love someone , love them with all your 3. If {you} {love} someone, {love} them with all {your} soul. 4. R= 2766 S= 0.01% ====*2767*====+ 1. >a >public 2. a little more respect for the public , the public would have a 3. If advertising had {a} little more respect for the {public}, the {public} would have {a} lot more respect for advertising. 4. R= 2766 S= 0.01% ====*2768*====+ 1. >I >need 2. I need them , need them to give me 3. {I} {need} them, {need} them to give {me} a kick up the arse. 4. R= 2766 S= 0.01% ====*2769*====+ 1. >of >life 2. of education is happiness or a good human life , a life enriched by the possession of 3. The ultimate end {of} education is happiness or a good human {life}, a {life} enriched by the possession {of} every kind of good, by the enjoyment of every type of satisfaction. 4. R= 2766 S= 0.01% ====*2770*====+ 1. >wish >I 2. wish I was n't . I wish 3. I {wish} {I} wasn't. {I} {wish} I was raised by wolves. 4. R= 2770 S= 0.01% ====*2771*====+ 1. >'s >issue 2. 's issues and all men 's issues are to some degree women 's 3. All women's issues are to some degree men{'s} {issues} and all men's {issues} are to some degree women{'s} issues because when either sex wins unilaterally both sexes lose. 4. R= 2771 S= 0.01% ====*2772*====+ 1. >family >the 2. family of nations around the world if we suffer the collapse of the family 3. America cannot continue to lead the {family} of nations around {the} world if we suffer {the} collapse of the {family} here at home. 4. R= 2772 S= 0.01% ====*2773*====+ 1. >other >understand 2. other appreciates what others can understand , the third understands neither for itself nor through others 3. There are three kinds of intelligence: one kind understands things for itself, the {other} appreciates what others can {understand}, the third {understands} neither for itself nor through {others}. 4. R= 2773 S= 0.01% ====*2774*====+ 1. >grow >be 2. grow trees for carbon sequestration are places where trees are n't growing 3. The places that are most likely to {grow} trees for carbon sequestration {are} places where trees {are}n't {growing} now. 4. R= 2774 S= 0.01% ====*2775*====+ 1. >let >we 2. let our enemies have guns , why should we let 3. We would not {let} {our} enemies have guns, why should {we} {let} them have ideas. 4. R= 2775 S= 0.01% ====*2776*====+ 1. >Nature >day 2. Nature is my manifestation of God . I go to nature every day for inspiration in the day 's work . I follow in building the principles which nature 3. {Nature} is my manifestation of God. I go to nature every {day} for inspiration in the {day}'s work. I follow in building the principles which {nature} has used in its domain. 4. R= 2776 S= 0.01% ====*2777*====+ 1. >London >of 2. London ' is a gallery of sensation of impressions . It is a history of London 3. '{London}' is a gallery {of} sensation {of} impressions. It is a history of {London} in a thematic rather than a chronological sense with chapters of the history of smells, the history of silence, and the history of light. 4. R= 2777 S= 0.01% ====*2778*====+ 1. >at >be 2. at school was always being laughed at 3. A friend {at} school {was} always {being} laughed {at} because his father emptied dustbins for a living. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2779*====+ 1. >she >as 2. her cards as carefully as if she 3. A great social success is a pretty girl who plays {her} cards {as} carefully {as} if {she} were plain. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2780*====+ 1. >be >as 2. was getting the attention as well as me so it was 3. As far as I was concerned the important thing was that the music {was} getting the attention {as} well {as} me so it {was} always a great way to get more of the public to connect with classical music, and opera particularly. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2781*====+ 1. >that >to 2. that eternity causes to appear to us and that 3. Beauty is a precious trace {that} eternity causes {to} appear {to} us and {that} it takes away from us. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2782*====+ 1. >a >he 2. a room with him ... he 's such an 3. But I will say that Harve Presnell... he was one of those guys who, when you're standing in {a} room with {him}... {he}'s such {an} older masculine force that I remember thinking, 'Wow, his voice makes me sound like Pee-Wee Herman.' 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2783*====+ 1. >the >you 2. the ball in your in your glove for the 3. Let alone to have {the} ball in {your} in {your} glove for {the} final out of the World Series. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2784*====+ 1. >the >be 2. the intention is , be it the 3. So I try to serve whatever {the} intention {is}, {be} it {the} joke or the story or the scene or the moment or the kiss, even if it's not my joke or moment. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2785*====+ 1. >the >as 2. the mind is as necessary as food to the 3. Cultivation to {the} mind is {as} necessary {as} food to {the} body. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2786*====+ 1. >to >it 2. to do it , it has to 3. I like getting a tan, but I also think that if you're going {to} do {it}, {it} has {to} be gradual. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2787*====+ 1. >be >you 2. is trying to love you , you hurt someone who 's 3. You push away someone who {is} trying to love {you}, {you} hurt someone who{'s} trying to get your trust, or you love someone you shouldn't. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2788*====+ 1. >the >to 2. The people are going to have to stand up against the 3. {The} people are going {to} have {to} stand up against {the} pigs. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2789*====+ 1. >to >I 2. to ask me what I want to 3. If you were {to} ask {me} what {I} want {to} do - I don't want to be a celebrity, I want to make a difference. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2790*====+ 1. >to >as 2. to discharge my duties as king as I would wish to 3. I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility and {to} discharge my duties {as} king {as} I would wish {to} do without the help and support of the woman I love. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2791*====+ 1. >about >have 2. about coaching is that you have to have a sense of confidence about 3. I think the most important thing {about} coaching is that you {have} to {have} a sense of confidence {about} what you're doing. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2792*====+ 1. >about >have 2. about coaching is that you have to have a sense of confidence about 3. I think the most important thing {about} coaching is that you {have} to {have} a sense of confidence {about} what you're doing. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2793*====+ 1. >I >be 2. I think what 's always been interesting to me 3. {I} think what{'s} always {been} interesting to {me} than the science and the criminality with this job is what happens to your persona, your disposition, after day in and day out dealing with life and death. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2794*====+ 1. >for >to 2. for a man to pray to the gods for 3. It is folly {for} a man {to} pray {to} the gods {for} that which he has the power to obtain by himself. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2795*====+ 1. >have >it 2. have done it , it would have 3. Of course, if they had gotten the original company to {have} done {it}, {it} would {have} been very good. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2796*====+ 1. >be >as 2. been playing golf as long as I 've been 3. I've {been} playing golf {as} long {as} I've {been} dancing, since I was 13 or 14. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2797*====+ 1. >to >I 2. to support me when I wanted to 3. My family were broadminded enough {to} support {me} when {I} wanted {to} pursue a life in the theatre. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2798*====+ 1. >they >to 2. their own to go to if they 3. My people have a country of {their} own {to} go {to} if {they} choose... Africa... but, this America belongs to them just as much as it does to any of the white race... in some ways even more so, because they gave the sweat of their brow and their blood in slavery so that many parts of America could become prosperous and recognized in the world. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2799*====+ 1. >to >as 2. to them just as much as it does to 3. My people have a country of their own to go to if they choose... Africa... but, this America belongs {to} them just {as} much {as} it does {to} any of the white race... in some ways even more so, because they gave the sweat of their brow and their blood in slavery so that many parts of America could become prosperous and recognized in the world. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2800*====+ 1. >what >be 2. what I 'm saying is that what 3. So nevertheless, {what} I{'m} saying {is} that {what} one is - one's parameters are constantly narrowed by one's success, and my desire is to widen my field even if I risk failure. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2801*====+ 1. >the >he 2. the things for which he lends his name and pockets the 3. The most powerful person is he who is able to do least himself and burden others most with {the} things for which {he} lends {his} name and pockets {the} credit. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2802*====+ 1. >the >to 2. The only tactic liberals have is to try to intimidate people into thinking that the 3. {The} only tactic liberals have is {to} try {to} intimidate people into thinking that {the} Tea Party is racist. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2803*====+ 1. >the >you 2. the years is that if you enjoy your work and put in the 3. The only thing I have learnt over {the} years is that if {you} enjoy {your} work and put in {the} best efforts, it will show. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2804*====+ 1. >to >be 2. to happen is we are going to 3. But if we bring those people over to the legal side and Spotify, what is going {to} happen {is} we {are} going {to} double the music industry and that will lead to more artists creating great new music. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2805*====+ 1. >of >to 2. of church and state - to try to get the government out of 3. There are some who invoke separation {of} church and state - {to} try {to} get the government out {of} the business of morality - but this is antithetical to what the founders wanted. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2806*====+ 1. >the >be 2. The whole point of being alive is to evolve into the 3. {The} whole point of {being} alive {is} to evolve into {the} complete person you were intended to be. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2807*====+ 1. >one >a 2. one has loved an animal a part of one 3. Until {one} has loved {an} animal {a} part of {one}'s soul remains unawakened. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2808*====+ 1. >you >of 2. your class into terms of levels of introversion and extroversion you 3. If you went back to your reunion from school, you would probably find that if you ranked everyone in {your} class into terms {of} levels {of} introversion and extroversion {you}'d still be the same rank. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2809*====+ 1. >you >to 2. your gut to get to what you 3. You can try to balance things in {your} gut {to} get {to} what {you} think is the honest truth. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2810*====+ 1. >you >to 2. You try to get to know your 3. {You} try {to} get {to} know {your} character as best as you can before you start filming - what's written and not written. 4. R= 2778 S= 0.01% ====*2811*====+ 1. >it >time 2. it can get hectic and hard to find time , but make that time because you owe it 3. I know {it} can get hectic and hard to find {time}, but make that {time} because you owe {it} to yourself. 4. R= 2811 S= 0.01% ====*2812*====+ 1. >hero >film 2. hero if it 's a really great film . All my favorite fictional film characters are heroes 3. I would rather portray the {hero} if it's a really great {film}. All my favorite fictional {film} characters are {heroes}, such as in 'The Last of the Mohicans' and 'Robin Hood.' 4. R= 2812 S= 0.01% ====*2813*====+ 1. >a >dame 2. a lady like a dame , and a dame like a 3. You treat {a} lady like a {dame}, and a {dame} like {a} lady. 4. R= 2813 S= 0.01% ====*2814*====+ 1. >health >poor 2. health is services for poor people , and since most Americans hate poor people and want all poor people 's services destroyed , they hate public health 3. Most Americans think that public {health} is services for poor people, and since most Americans hate {poor} people and want all {poor} people's services destroyed, they hate public {health}. 4. R= 2814 S= 0.01% ====*2815*====+ 1. >it >I 2. it was then that I realized that I had a talent for it 3. I had always loved to write, but {it} was then that {I} realized that {I} had a talent for {it}. 4. R= 2815 S= 0.01% ====*2816*====+ 1. >it >I 2. it is that I feel , I express it 3. Whatever {it} is that {I} feel, {I} express {it}! 4. R= 2815 S= 0.01% ====*2817*====+ 1. >man >a 2. man is found among a thousand , but an accomplished one might not be found even among a hundred thousand men 3. A hero is born among a hundred, a wise {man} is found among {a} thousand, but {an} accomplished one might not be found even among a hundred thousand {men}. 4. R= 2817 S= 0.01% ====*2818*====+ 1. >be >find 2. is sadder to find the past again and find it inadequate to the present than it is 3. It {is} sadder to {find} the past again and {find} it inadequate to the present than it {is} to have it elude you and remain forever a harmonious conception of memory. 4. R= 2818 S= 0.01% ====*2819*====+ 1. >beat >I 2. beat me up more than I have already beaten 3. You cannot {beat} {me} up more than {I} have already {beaten} up myself. 4. R= 2819 S= 0.01% ====*2820*====+ 1. >company >will 2. companies that wo n't do well will be the me-too companies 3. The {companies} that {wo}n't do well {will} be the me-too {companies}: the fifth, sixth, seventh version of Twitter, etc.. 4. R= 2819 S= 0.01% ====*2821*====+ 1. >tell >you 2. tell your uncle stuff that you could not tell 3. You can {tell} {your} uncle stuff that {you} could not {tell} your dad. 4. R= 2819 S= 0.01% ====*2822*====+ 1. >it >theory 2. it is theory . And theory is not helpful . It 3. And if you write beyond what you live, {it} is {theory}. And {theory} is not helpful. {It} is just not. 4. R= 2822 S= 0.01% ====*2823*====+ 1. >the >chaos 2. the midst of chaos is n't funny , but chaos in the 3. Chaos in {the} midst of {chaos} isn't funny, but {chaos} in {the} midst of order is. 4. R= 2823 S= 0.01% ====*2824*====+ 1. >keep >do 2. keep doing what they do and writers keep 3. I think one of the reasons musicians {keep} {doing} what they {do} and writers {keep} doing what they do, is that we're totally unsuited for anything else. 4. R= 2824 S= 0.01% ====*2825*====+ 1. >finale >be 2. finale of ` King of the Hill ' would be , but that 's not what the actual series finale 3. I had my idea of what the series {finale} of 'King of the Hill' would {be}, but that{'s} not what the actual series {finale} was. 4. R= 2825 S= 0.01% ====*2826*====+ 1. >to >you 2. to you , that ask you to 3. I just love shows that don't hand everything {to} {you}, that ask {you} {to} be smarter. 4. R= 2826 S= 0.01% ====*2827*====+ 1. >black >people 2. black people , some black people hate white people , and some black 3. Some white people hate black people, and some white people love {black} people, some black {people} hate white {people}, and some {black} people love white people. 4. R= 2827 S= 0.01% ====*2828*====+ 1. >to >speech 2. to secure freedom of speech - the freedom of speech of members of parliament to 3. The Bill of Rights was intended {to} secure freedom of {speech} - the freedom of {speech} of members of parliament {to} speak freely rather than be at threat of... the threat of an over powerful monarch at the time. 4. R= 2828 S= 0.01% ====*2829*====+ 1. >bore >be 2. bored , my readers are going to be even more bored 3. In the end, my reasons for moving down the timeline and introducing a new cast have more to do with keeping myself entertained, on the assumption that if I get {bored}, my readers {are} going to {be} even more {bored}. 4. R= 2829 S= 0.01% ====*2830*====+ 1. >sixty-five >be 2. sixty-five is ridiculous . When I was sixty-five 3. Retirement at {sixty-five} {is} ridiculous. When I {was} {sixty-five} I still had pimples. 4. R= 2830 S= 0.01% ====*2831*====+ 1. >a >door 2. an option unless I 'm literally going door to door for a 3. I broke my ankle ten years ago so high heels are not {an} option unless I'm literally going {door} to {door} for {a} function. 4. R= 2831 S= 0.01% ====*2832*====+ 1. >I >myself 2. I guess I just like to challenge myself and push myself harder to do things that I do n't think I 3. {I} guess I just like to challenge {myself} and push {myself} harder to do things that I don't think {I} can, to do things that other people do not think I can. 4. R= 2832 S= 0.01% ====*2833*====+ 1. >artist >the 2. artist , but if you bake the bread in the gallery , you 're an artist 3. If you make the best bread in the world, you're not an {artist}, but if you bake {the} bread in {the} gallery, you're an {artist}. 4. R= 2833 S= 0.01% ====*2834*====+ 1. >the >be 2. the way the camera is being moved and the way the 3. But being on the set, watching {the} way the camera {is} {being} moved and the way {the} light is being used, you do get an idea of it. 4. R= 2834 S= 0.01% ====*2835*====+ 1. >father >have 2. father to have children than for children to have a real father 3. It is easier for a {father} to {have} children than for children to {have} a real {father}. 4. R= 2835 S= 0.01% ====*2836*====+ 1. >side >the 2. side of the stage and whacked 'em on the side 3. Someone once threw a firecracker at a show and I jumped off the {side} of {the} stage and whacked 'em on {the} {side} of the head. 4. R= 2835 S= 0.01% ====*2837*====+ 1. >apply >you 2. applied a particular proverb to your own life , or until you 've watched him apply 3. Until a friend or relative has {applied} a particular proverb to {your} own life, or until {you}'ve watched him {apply} the proverb to his own life, it has no power to sway you. 4. R= 2835 S= 0.01% ====*2838*====+ 1. >true >be 2. true love may be , it is less so than true 3. However rare {true} love may {be}, it {is} less so than {true} friendship. 4. R= 2838 S= 0.01% ====*2839*====+ 1. >hear >the 2. hear all the people in the room and hear 3. The group-effort sound in recording of 'Sea Lion' is like, you really {hear} all {the} people in {the} room and {hear} them interlocking. 4. R= 2838 S= 0.01% ====*2840*====+ 1. >industry >the 2. industry to 23 % of the profits of the top 25 companies in our industry 3. We've grown from 18% of the profits of the top 25 companies in our {industry} to 23% of {the} profits of {the} top 25 companies in our {industry} over the last five years. 4. R= 2838 S= 0.01% ====*2841*====+ 1. >be >building 2. being a minor building and an urban building as being 3. I've never looked at a suburban building as {being} a minor {building} and an urban {building} as {being} a major building. 4. R= 2841 S= 0.01% ====*2842*====+ 1. >they >community 2. They 're ready for some opportunities to have greener communities , to have cleaner communities , and to have transportation options that perhaps they 3. {They}'re ready for some opportunities to have greener {communities}, to have cleaner {communities}, and to have transportation options that perhaps {they} haven't had in the past. 4. R= 2842 S= 0.01% ====*2843*====+ 1. >it >any 2. it was fun and exciting to get any part in any movie and get paid for it 3. When I first came to California, {it} was fun and exciting to get {any} part in {any} movie and get paid for {it}. 4. R= 2843 S= 0.01% ====*2844*====+ 1. >to >do 2. to do do n't need to 3. Computers make it easier to do a lot of things, but most of the things they make it easier {to} {do} {do}n't need {to} be done. 4. R= 2844 S= 0.01% ====*2845*====+ 1. >a >I 2. a couple of classes that taught me I would never be a 3. In college I took {a} couple of classes that taught {me} {I} would never be {a} novelist. 4. R= 2844 S= 0.01% ====*2846*====+ 1. >do >they 2. do n't see them they do 3. If you {do}n't see {them} {they} {do}n't exist. 4. R= 2844 S= 0.01% ====*2847*====+ 1. >it >I 2. it was given to me , and I appreciate it 3. It's not that I try to work hard or nothing like that, it's a gift, {it} was given to {me}, and {I} appreciate {it}. 4. R= 2847 S= 0.01% ====*2848*====+ 1. >country >to 2. country , so to be able to unite the country 3. Canada's a huge {country}, so {to} be able {to} unite the {country} through communication satellite technology or to be able to observe it through remote sensing technology from space is a natural fit for a country like Canada. 4. R= 2848 S= 0.01% ====*2849*====+ 1. >the >stroke 2. the stroke , but between strokes I 'm interacting with the 3. I concentrate 'lo maximo' on the 'golpe,' {the} {stroke}, but between {strokes} I'm interacting with {the} crowd or laughing with my caddie, talking about the spectators, the cute girls. 4. R= 2849 S= 0.01% ====*2850*====+ 1. >it >you 2. It was just you had to be strong , and if you were n't strong you 're a victim and you 're not going to make it 3. {It} was just you had to be strong, and if {you} weren't strong {you}'re a victim and you're not going to make {it}. 4. R= 2850 S= 0.01% ====*2851*====+ 1. >a >real 2. a real place where real people spend a 3. I think hell's {a} {real} place where {real} people spend {a} real eternity. 4. R= 2851 S= 0.01% ====*2852*====+ 1. >you >bad 2. you do bad things , bad things happen to you 3. When {you} do {bad} things, {bad} things happen to {you}. 4. R= 2851 S= 0.01% ====*2853*====+ 1. >slow >be 2. slow if you 're fast and no one can say you 're fast if you 're slow 3. So no one can say you're {slow} if you{'re} fast and no one can say you{'re} fast if you're {slow}. 4. R= 2853 S= 0.01% ====*2854*====+ 1. >a >sometimes 2. an uncle . I feel very much like a father sometimes but sometimes I feel like a 3. That is kind of the role of {an} uncle. I feel very much like a father {sometimes} but {sometimes} I feel like {a} teammate. 4. R= 2854 S= 0.01% ====*2855*====+ 1. >guitar >love 2. guitar the more I began to really love the guitar and to love virtually any kind of music that anybody played well on guitar 3. Well I was on the one hand, the more I played the {guitar} the more I began to really {love} the guitar and to {love} virtually any kind of music that anybody played well on {guitar}. 4. R= 2855 S= 0.01% ====*2856*====+ 1. >not >voice 2. not switch my voice . My voice is not 3. I can{not} switch my {voice}. My {voice} is {not} like an elevator going up and down. 4. R= 2856 S= 0.01% ====*2857*====+ 1. >Land >and 2. Land began to be seen as something to be owned privately and exploited for private interests , and never was entirely reconciled with the old ideas that land 3. {Land} began to be seen as something to be owned privately {and} exploited for private interests, {and} never was entirely reconciled with the old ideas that {land} should be utilized in common for the good of all. 4. R= 2857 S= 0.01% ====*2858*====+ 1. >all >one 2. all things one and from one all 3. From {all} things {one} and from {one} {all} things. 4. R= 2858 S= 0.01% ====*2859*====+ 1. >in >you 2. in your spirit as you think in 3. Don't follow any advice, no matter how good, until you feel as deeply {in} {your} spirit as {you} think {in} your mind that the counsel is wise. 4. R= 2858 S= 0.01% ====*2860*====+ 1. >you >the 2. you surprise the goalkeeper and sometimes the goalkeeper surprises you 3. Sometimes {you} surprise {the} goalkeeper and sometimes {the} goalkeeper surprises {you}. 4. R= 2860 S= 0.01% ====*2861*====+ 1. >to >it 2. to how I would play it . It took me a while to 3. Any part I do is a marriage of the words - what the playwright or producer or show runner's vision is - {to} how I would play {it}. {It} took me a while {to} get rid of 'Oh, they want it this way, so I'm going to do it how they want it.' 4. R= 2861 S= 0.01% ====*2862*====+ 1. >I >evil 2. I do n't want to do evil for evil 's sake . I 3. In other words, {I} don't want to do {evil} for {evil}'s sake. {I} don't want to do Jason slasher movies. 4. R= 2862 S= 0.01% ====*2863*====+ 1. >child >and 2. children - that includes your positive moments and your negative moments , and how you overcame them - you give your children 3. If you tell your own story to your {children} - that includes your positive moments {and} your negative moments, {and} how you overcame them - you give your {children} the skills and the confidence they need to feel like they can overcome some hardship that they've felt. 4. R= 2863 S= 0.01% ====*2864*====+ 1. >have >that 2. Had we known that the price that we would have 3. {Had} we known {that} the price {that} we would {have} to pay for this success, we never would have wanted it. 4. R= 2864 S= 0.01% ====*2865*====+ 1. >in >on 2. in your life is what 's going on on stage . So if you 're angry in 3. Whatever is happening {in} your life is what's going {on} {on} stage. So if you're angry {in} your life, then that's going to be on stage. 4. R= 2865 S= 0.01% ====*2866*====+ 1. >and >open 2. and your open minds and open ears and 3. They need your actual person: your physical personhood {and} your {open} minds and {open} ears {and} boundless compassion, sitting next to them, listening and nodding and asking questions for hours at a time. 4. R= 2866 S= 0.01% ====*2867*====+ 1. >adapt >the 2. adapting my words for the audience and where is the line beyond which I am not adapting 3. But my question is, am I compromising by {adapting} my words for {the} audience and where is {the} line beyond which I am not {adapting} words, but changing my position? 4. R= 2867 S= 0.01% ====*2868*====+ 1. >it >strong 2. It was just you had to be strong , and if you were n't strong you 're a victim and you 're not going to make it 3. {It} was just you had to be {strong}, and if you weren't {strong} you're a victim and you're not going to make {it}. 4. R= 2868 S= 0.01% ====*2869*====+ 1. >it >percent 2. It 's about two percent moviemaking and ninety-eight percent hustling It 3. {It}'s about two {percent} moviemaking and ninety-eight {percent} hustling {It}'s no way to spend a life. 4. R= 2869 S= 0.01% ====*2870*====+ 1. >when >work 2. When you go to work , work your ass off . When 3. {When} you go to {work}, {work} your ass off. {When} you hate someone, hate them until it hurts. 4. R= 2870 S= 0.01% ====*2871*====+ 1. >sexual >be 2. sexual love can truly be love if it is not selfishly sexual 3. Erotic or {sexual} love can truly {be} love if it {is} not selfishly {sexual} or lustful. 4. R= 2871 S= 0.01% ====*2872*====+ 1. >to >thing 2. to do a lot of things , but most of the things they make it easier to 3. Computers make it easier {to} do a lot of {things}, but most of the {things} they make it easier {to} do don't need to be done. 4. R= 2872 S= 0.01% ====*2873*====+ 1. >be >certain 2. 'm a very goal-oriented person in certain ways , and then in certain ways I understand that there 's 3. I{'m} a very goal-oriented person in {certain} ways, and then in {certain} ways I understand that there{'s} nothing at all that I can do about certain things. 4. R= 2872 S= 0.01% ====*2874*====+ 1. >realistic >to 2. realistic today is to be visionary . To be realistic 3. To be {realistic} today is {to} be visionary. {To} be {realistic} is to be starry-eyed. 4. R= 2874 S= 0.01% ====*2875*====+ 1. >fantasy >economics 2. fantasy economics . Fantasy economics only works in a fantasy 3. It's called {fantasy} {economics}. Fantasy {economics} only works in a {fantasy} world. 4. R= 2875 S= 0.01% ====*2876*====+ 1. >people >I 2. people think I 'm a total moron and I would hope most people 3. Some {people} think {I}'m a total moron and {I} would hope most {people} think I'm very good at what I do. 4. R= 2876 S= 0.01% ====*2877*====+ 1. >be >problem 2. 're major problems in Haiti , but the biggest problem is 3. In other words, if you look at cholera or maternal mortality or tuberculosis in Haiti, they{'re} major {problems} in Haiti, but the biggest {problem} {is} rebuilding systems. 4. R= 2877 S= 0.01% ====*2878*====+ 1. >know >be 2. know . It 's being able to differentiate between what you know 3. An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you {know}. It{'s} {being} able to differentiate between what you {know} and what you don't. 4. R= 2878 S= 0.01% ====*2879*====+ 1. >old >youth 2. old age of youth , fifty is the youth of old 3. Forty is the {old} age of {youth}, fifty is the {youth} of {old} age. 4. R= 2879 S= 0.01% ====*2880*====+ 1. >America >'s 2. America 's understanding of India as well as India 's understanding of America 3. Hopefully the presence in Congress of an American who happens to be Hindu will increase {America}{'s} understanding of India as well as India{'s} understanding of {America}. 4. R= 2880 S= 0.01% ====*2881*====+ 1. >Bible >keep 2. Bible will keep you from sin , or sin will keep you from the Bible 3. The {Bible} will {keep} you from sin, or sin will {keep} you from the {Bible}. 4. R= 2880 S= 0.01% ====*2882*====+ 1. >my >work 2. my mother used to work but used to come back from work to cook lunch for my 3. And when my parents could afford their own place, I went with them but still {my} mother used to {work} but used to come back from {work} to cook lunch for {my} father, come back from work, cook dinner for my father and me. 4. R= 2882 S= 0.01% ====*2883*====+ 1. >people >know 2. people who truly know me know what I 'm like . There have been people 3. The {people} who truly {know} me {know} what I'm like. There have been {people} who try to say things that aren't fair, and I check them. 4. R= 2883 S= 0.01% ====*2884*====+ 1. >Christmas >I 2. Christmas is me shucking oysters . I love them and I always get them in at Christmas 3. A typical {Christmas} is me shucking oysters. {I} love them and {I} always get them in at {Christmas}. 4. R= 2884 S= 0.01% ====*2885*====+ 1. >hate >people 2. hate poor people and want all poor people 's services destroyed , they hate 3. Most Americans think that public health is services for poor people, and since most Americans {hate} poor {people} and want all poor {people}'s services destroyed, they {hate} public health. 4. R= 2885 S= 0.01% ====*2886*====+ 1. >be >woman 2. be done for women . Women are not being 3. Women in Africa, generally a lot needs to {be} done for {women}. {Women} are not {being} educated, not only in Angola but my trip to Nigeria, one point I would make over and over again was that women need to be educated too. 4. R= 2886 S= 0.01% ====*2887*====+ 1. >choose >man 2. choose the man . I do not permit men to choose 3. I pay all my own bills... I want to {choose} the {man}. I do not permit {men} to {choose} me. 4. R= 2887 S= 0.01% ====*2888*====+ 1. >a >I 2. a statue to me . I wanted to make him a 3. I can only speak for myself, but when I was growing up in Memphis - and having the Martin Luther King holiday and the moment of pause on April 4th - he was just {a} statue to {me}. {I} wanted to make him {a} little bit more real to me as a human being. 4. R= 2888 S= 0.01% ====*2889*====+ 1. >it >cast 2. it sort of led to The Real World . The same people that were casting that show were casting The Real World , so they asked me to do it 3. I tried out for another show while I was in college so I could pay off my student loans, and {it} sort of led to The Real World. The same people that were {casting} that show were {casting} The Real World, so they asked me to do {it}. 4. R= 2889 S= 0.01% ====*2890*====+ 1. >when >night 2. When you 're playing the same dirty dozen night after night , the moments that keep it fresh are those when 3. {When} you're playing the same dirty dozen {night} after {night}, the moments that keep it fresh are those {when} you just let go and trust everyone. 4. R= 2890 S= 0.01% ====*2891*====+ 1. >I >day 2. me day in and day out . I 3. But I can't help it if controversy is hounding {me} {day} in and {day} out. {I}'m quite amazed sometimes by the way they go about it. 4. R= 2891 S= 0.01% ====*2892*====+ 1. >be >thumb 2. 's voting thumbs up or thumbs down . That 's 3. Our DNA is as a consumer company - for that individual customer who{'s} voting {thumbs} up or {thumbs} down. That{'s} who we think about. 4. R= 2891 S= 0.01% ====*2893*====+ 1. >everything >be 2. everything that will be is , everything 3. Everything that has been will be, {everything} that will {be} {is}, {everything} that will be has been. 4. R= 2893 S= 0.01% ====*2894*====+ 1. >time >have 2. time , must have had a beginning in time 3. The world, if it is to have an end in {time}, must {have} {had} a beginning in {time}. 4. R= 2893 S= 0.01% ====*2895*====+ 1. >hair >have 2. hair , I 've had short hair 3. I've had long {hair}, I{'ve} {had} short {hair}, and I've had in between hair... and its all good. 4. R= 2893 S= 0.01% ====*2896*====+ 1. >be >as 2. Am I as fast as I used to be 3. {Am} I {as} fast {as} I used to {be}? 4. R= 2896 S= 0.01% ====*2897*====+ 1. >you >my 2. you are pledged to mine . Throughout all my life and with all my heart I shall strive to be worthy of your 3. I have in sincerity pledged myself to your service, as so many of {you} are pledged to mine. Throughout all {my} life and with all {my} heart I shall strive to be worthy of {your} trust. 4. R= 2897 S= 0.01% ====*2898*====+ 1. >go >be 2. going to be away , and is Dad going 3. Not just films for my children, but how long I'm {going} to {be} away, and {is} Dad {going} to be home while I'm gone. 4. R= 2898 S= 0.01% ====*2899*====+ 1. >you >color 2. you need to dress black . Dress just one color so the colors are not breaking your 3. I'm not saying {you} need to dress black. Dress just one {color} so the {colors} are not breaking {your} silhouette. 4. R= 2899 S= 0.01% ====*2900*====+ 1. >oath >the 2. oath that makes us believe the man , but the man the oath 3. It is not the {oath} that makes us believe {the} man, but {the} man the {oath}. 4. R= 2900 S= 0.01% ====*2901*====+ 1. >action >reflection 2. action with quiet reflection . From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action 3. Follow effective {action} with quiet {reflection}. From the quiet {reflection} will come even more effective {action}. 4. R= 2901 S= 0.01% ====*2902*====+ 1. >actor >the 2. Actors are always looking for the eyes of the other actors 3. {Actors} are always looking for {the} eyes of {the} other {actors} because you need help and you need connection. 4. R= 2902 S= 0.01% ====*2903*====+ 1. >someone >you 2. someone in your life that you are grateful for - someone 3. If you have {someone} in {your} life that {you} are grateful for - {someone} to whom you want to write another heartfelt, slanted, misspelled thank you note - do it. 4. R= 2902 S= 0.01% ====*2904*====+ 1. >want >as 2. want to do and spend as much time as I want 3. It's very difficult to do the job I {want} to do and spend {as} much time {as} I {want} with my kids... It is time for me to be a father first to them, and I realize as I watch them grow and become young adults that I won't be able to get this time back. 4. R= 2902 S= 0.01% ====*2905*====+ 1. >head >the 2. head of Paramount and the other was the head 3. I'm from Chicago, my family started a chain of movie theaters in Chicago that were around for 70 years and then one of them became the {head} of Paramount and {the} other was {the} {head} of production at MGM and we all came out of Chicago. 4. R= 2902 S= 0.01% ====*2906*====+ 1. >'s >be 2. 's complete lack of ethics and obsession with consumerism - that 's what I was saying about the difference between the character 's 3. My hope is that people will be repulsed by the character{'s} complete lack of ethics and obsession with consumerism - that{'s} what I {was} saying about the difference between the character{'s} message and the film's message. 4. R= 2902 S= 0.01% ====*2907*====+ 1. >animal >a 2. animal is a donation of a blanket to your local animal 3. One of the best gifts you can give to an {animal} is {a} donation of {a} blanket to your local {animal} shelter during the winter months. 4. R= 2902 S= 0.01% ====*2908*====+ 1. >'s >one 2. 's eyes are what one is , one 's 3. One{'s} eyes are what {one} is, {one}{'s} mouth is what one becomes. 4. R= 2902 S= 0.01% ====*2909*====+ 1. >action >the 2. actions in the future are the best apologies for bad actions 3. Right {actions} in {the} future are {the} best apologies for bad {actions} in the past. 4. R= 2902 S= 0.01% ====*2910*====+ 1. >character >you 2. character of your story , you are only a secondary character 3. The same way that you are the main {character} of {your} story, {you} are only a secondary {character} in everybody else's story. 4. R= 2902 S= 0.01% ====*2911*====+ 1. >preserve >the 2. preserve the peace of the church is to preserve 3. The way to {preserve} {the} peace of {the} church is to {preserve} its purity. 4. R= 2902 S= 0.01% ====*2912*====+ 1. >road >the 2. road of a song in the air , the vanishing road 3. We are all treading the vanishing {road} of a song in {the} air, {the} vanishing {road} of the spring flowers and the winter snows, the vanishing roads of the winds and the streams, the vanishing road of beloved faces. 4. R= 2902 S= 0.01% ====*2913*====+ 1. >come >of 2. comes from and probably most of my understanding of acting comes 3. That's where all my desire to be an actor {comes} from and probably most {of} my understanding {of} acting {comes} from for sure. 4. R= 2902 S= 0.01% ====*2914*====+ 1. >work >the 2. work I do in the military , the work 3. I use that platform for the {work} I do in {the} military, {the} {work} I do with cancer because I was fortunate enough to get that platform. 4. R= 2902 S= 0.01% ====*2915*====+ 1. >of >good 2. of good fiction , and good mystery has both of 3. Conflict and character are the heart {of} {good} fiction, and {good} mystery has both {of} those in spades. 4. R= 2915 S= 0.01% ====*2916*====+ 1. >as >building 2. as being a minor building and an urban building as 3. I've never looked at a suburban building {as} being a minor {building} and an urban {building} {as} being a major building. 4. R= 2915 S= 0.01% ====*2917*====+ 1. >be >business 2. 'm for big business , too . But small business is 3. I{'m} for big {business}, too. But small {business} {is} where the jobs are generated. 4. R= 2917 S= 0.01% ====*2918*====+ 1. >I >time 2. I like to dress up in a tailored suit from time to time , and there 's a tailor I 3. {I} like to dress up in a tailored suit from {time} to {time}, and there's a tailor {I} go to in Naples who's fantastic. 4. R= 2918 S= 0.01% ====*2919*====+ 1. >to >feeling 2. to and in touch with feelings , but the only feelings they tend to 3. It's true that men who cry are sensitive {to} and in touch with {feelings}, but the only {feelings} they tend {to} be sensitive to and in touch with are their own. 4. R= 2919 S= 0.01% ====*2920*====+ 1. >the >hate 2. the root of hate for others , and hate within will eventually destroy the 3. Fear of something is at {the} root of {hate} for others, and {hate} within will eventually destroy {the} hater. 4. R= 2919 S= 0.01% ====*2921*====+ 1. >the >people 2. The world is divided into people who do things and people who get the 3. {The} world is divided into {people} who do things and {people} who get {the} credit. 4. R= 2919 S= 0.01% ====*2922*====+ 1. >the >movie 2. the movies and see an entire movie carried on the 3. When I was a kid, it wasn't very often that I could go to {the} {movies} and see an entire {movie} carried on {the} shoulders of someone who looked like me. 4. R= 2919 S= 0.01% ====*2923*====+ 1. >era >'s 2. era when women 's biology was women 's destiny to today , which is an era 3. So we've moved from an {era} when women{'s} biology was women{'s} destiny to today, which is an {era} in which men's biology is men's destiny. 4. R= 2923 S= 0.01% ====*2924*====+ 1. >I >they 2. I hate them . They just get me 3. {I} hate {them}. {They} just get {me} going, I'm hyper at the best of times, but they drive me mad. 4. R= 2924 S= 0.01% ====*2925*====+ 1. >I >it 2. I take responsibility for it . It was the first opportunity I 3. {I} take responsibility for {it}. {It} was the first opportunity {I} had to hire, and I wanted to do it, and I take responsibility. 4. R= 2924 S= 0.01% ====*2926*====+ 1. >that >leave 2. that I make and leave results . Leave a track record and show that 3. What is important, I believe, is that I really act on promises {that} I make and {leave} results. {Leave} a track record and show {that} to the Japanese public, who will, at the end of the day, I hope, appreciate it. 4. R= 2926 S= 0.01% ====*2927*====+ 1. >happy >the 2. happy when it is thinking with the majority . The second-rate mind is only happy 3. The third-rate mind is only {happy} when it is thinking with {the} majority. {The} second-rate mind is only {happy} when it is thinking with the minority. 4. R= 2927 S= 0.01% ====*2928*====+ 1. >happy >the 2. happy when it is thinking with the minority . The first-rate mind is only happy 3. The second-rate mind is only {happy} when it is thinking with {the} minority. {The} first-rate mind is only {happy} when it is thinking. 4. R= 2927 S= 0.01% ====*2929*====+ 1. >surfer >to 2. surfer in the world . I 'm going to try to be the best surfer 3. I think it doesn't matter if you are the best {surfer} in the world. I'm going {to} try {to} be the best {surfer} I can be. 4. R= 2929 S= 0.01% ====*2930*====+ 1. >situation >cold 2. situations . English people are always known to be well mannered and cold but we are not cold - we do n't interfere in your situation 3. I think what is British about me is my feelings and awareness of others and their {situations}. English people are always known to be well mannered and {cold} but we are not {cold} - we don't interfere in your {situation}. 4. R= 2930 S= 0.01% ====*2931*====+ 1. >it >I 2. it 's going to sting when it flips , so I think I 'm almost subconsciously cultivating this naivety to it 3. There's a crazy amount of goodwill, and I don't know where it came from, and I don't understand, but the more I pay attention to it, the more {it}'s going to sting when it flips, so {I} think {I}'m almost subconsciously cultivating this naivety to {it} all. 4. R= 2931 S= 0.01% ====*2932*====+ 1. >one >you 2. one night that someone is able to see you , you 're talking about millions of people in one 3. If you are on television, that {one} night that someone is able to see {you}, {you}'re talking about millions of people in {one} day. 4. R= 2932 S= 0.01% ====*2933*====+ 1. >be >the 2. is only happy when it is thinking with the minority . The first-rate mind is only happy when it is 3. The second-rate mind {is} only happy when it is thinking with {the} minority. {The} first-rate mind is only happy when it {is} thinking. 4. R= 2933 S= 0.01% ====*2934*====+ 1. >grief >live 2. grief , but live each day thinking about living each day in grief 3. I not only live each endless day in {grief}, but {live} each day thinking about {living} each day in {grief}. 4. R= 2934 S= 0.01% ====*2935*====+ 1. >politician >the 2. politicians have seized absolute power and muzzled the press . Never in history has the press seized absolute power and muzzled the politicians 3. Numerous {politicians} have seized absolute power and muzzled {the} press. Never in history has {the} press seized absolute power and muzzled the {politicians}. 4. R= 2935 S= 0.01% ====*2936*====+ 1. >Pollyanna >mum 2. Pollyanna ' with Hayley Mills . I looked at my mum and said , ` Mum , I want to be Pollyanna 3. I remember being about eight and watching '{Pollyanna}' with Hayley Mills. I looked at my {mum} and said, '{Mum}, I want to be {Pollyanna}.' 4. R= 2936 S= 0.01% ====*2937*====+ 1. >next >what 2. next movement - I 'm actually thinking about what song and what sound sounds right next to the next 3. A lot of the time, when I'm choreographing, I'm not thinking about what movement look best next to the {next} movement - I'm actually thinking about {what} song and {what} sound sounds right next to the {next} thing. 4. R= 2937 S= 0.01% ====*2938*====+ 1. >healthy >as 2. healthy scare is as good as as a healthy 3. A {healthy} scare is {as} good as {as} a {healthy} laugh. 4. R= 2937 S= 0.01% ====*2939*====+ 1. >I >thousand 2. I would write a letter - two thousand to three thousand words in a morning , and I 3. As soon as I began, it seemed impossible to write fast enough - I wrote faster than {I} would write a letter - two {thousand} to three {thousand} words in a morning, and {I} cannot help it. 4. R= 2939 S= 0.01% ====*2940*====+ 1. >know >I 2. know I 'm in trouble because I do n't know 3. When I make a recipe for the first time and it's fabulous, I {know} {I}'m in trouble because {I} don't {know} exactly what I did, and I can't replicate it. 4. R= 2940 S= 0.01% ====*2941*====+ 1. >you >I 2. You ask me what time it is and I 'm gon na tell you 3. {You} ask {me} what time it is and {I}'m gonna tell {you} how to build a clock. 4. R= 2941 S= 0.01% ====*2942*====+ 1. >speak >beautiful 2. spoken by certain people , sounds beautiful . There 's this beautiful woman I know who speaks 3. Although Hebrew, when {spoken} by certain people, sounds {beautiful}. There's this {beautiful} woman I know who {speaks} Hebrew, and when she speaks, it's so attractive. 4. R= 2942 S= 0.01% ====*2943*====+ 1. >actually >guitar 2. actually bought a travel guitar , and that guitar is really cool . You can actually 3. I {actually} bought a travel {guitar}, and that {guitar} is really cool. You can {actually} fold the guitar, and you can plug headphones into it, but it's acoustic, or semi-acoustic. 4. R= 2943 S= 0.01% ====*2944*====+ 1. >of >speculate 2. of our own existing resources , the speculators would stop speculating up they start speculating down as we get our own oil out of 3. If the world market believed that we were serious about energy independence and we were going to utilize all {of} our own existing resources, the speculators would stop {speculating} up they start {speculating} down as we get our own oil out {of} the ground. 4. R= 2944 S= 0.01% ====*2945*====+ 1. >owe >people 2. owes colored people anything . I do n't think colored people owe 3. I don't think baseball {owes} colored {people} anything. I don't think colored {people} {owe} baseball anything, either. 4. R= 2945 S= 0.01% ====*2946*====+ 1. >I >chair 2. I tried to do something on hand chairs , chairs that look like hands . I 3. {I} tried to do something on hand {chairs}, {chairs} that look like hands. {I} really tried. 4. R= 2946 S= 0.01% ====*2947*====+ 1. >bash >be 2. bash you while you 're alive , and they 're going to bash 3. People are going to {bash} you while you{'re} alive, and they{'re} going to {bash} you when you're gone. 4. R= 2947 S= 0.01% ====*2948*====+ 1. >do >evil 2. do evil for evil 's sake . I do 3. In other words, I don't want to {do} {evil} for {evil}'s sake. I {do}n't want to do Jason slasher movies. 4. R= 2948 S= 0.01% ====*2949*====+ 1. >similar >be 2. similar people , and it 's because we 're so similar 3. We're very {similar} people, and it{'s} because we{'re} so {similar} and close to each other that we make each other laugh - in fact we make each other laugh more than we make anyone else laugh. 4. R= 2949 S= 0.01% ====*2950*====+ 1. >Pakistan >visa 2. Pakistan but are not given visas . We wish for visas to be given to those people who want to come to Pakistan 3. People want to come to {Pakistan} but are not given {visas}. We wish for {visas} to be given to those people who want to come to {Pakistan}. 4. R= 2950 S= 0.01% ====*2951*====+ 1. >you >I 2. you to like me , but I do n't care if you 3. I want {you} to like {me}, but {I} don't care if {you} don't. 4. R= 2951 S= 0.01% ====*2952*====+ 1. >I >it 2. me into it , and it was never something I 3. My mom is an actress, but she never really pushed {me} into {it}, and {it} was never something {I} thought I would be doing. 4. R= 2951 S= 0.01% ====*2953*====+ 1. >time >they 2. times more productive , they discover they have the time 3. The bottom line is, when people are crystal clear about the most important priorities of the organization and team they work with and prioritized their work around those top priorities, not only are they many {times} more productive, {they} discover {they} have the {time} they need to have a whole life. 4. R= 2953 S= 0.01% ====*2954*====+ 1. >economic >a 2. economic development strategy for Maine 's Native American communities has always been a priority and a critical element of my administration 's overall economic 3. The realization of a sustainable {economic} development strategy for Maine's Native American communities has always been {a} priority and {a} critical element of my administration's overall {economic} development strategy. 4. R= 2954 S= 0.01% ====*2955*====+ 1. >move >as 2. move as fast as I 'd like it to move 3. In the final analysis, it is your decision to make, but it doesn't {move} {as} fast {as} I'd like it to {move}. 4. R= 2955 S= 0.01% ====*2956*====+ 1. >love >they 2. love all of them . I love singing to them because they 're all just great voices . I love 3. My favorite type of music to sing to would be rock and roll, Tenacious D, Led Zeppelin, some Queen - I {love} all of them. I love singing to {them} because {they}'re all just great voices. I {love} listening to very obscure jazz. 4. R= 2956 S= 0.01% ====*2957*====+ 1. >who >they 2. who are just like them , and they write novels about people who 3. They go to parties with people {who} are just like {them}, and {they} write novels about people {who} are just like them. 4. R= 2957 S= 0.01% ====*2958*====+ 1. >do >be 2. doing and it 's what I 'm going to keep doing 3. Anything else I do besides that is a plus, but stand-up comedy is what I do, it's what I've been {doing} and it{'s} what I{'m} going to keep {doing}. 4. R= 2958 S= 0.01% ====*2959*====+ 1. >look >be 2. looking back is akin to being on a tightrope and looking 3. For me, {looking} back {is} akin to {being} on a tightrope and {looking} down. 4. R= 2959 S= 0.01% ====*2960*====+ 1. >to >fear 2. to be feared and how not to fear what ought not to 3. Courage is a special kind of knowledge: the knowledge of how to fear what ought {to} be {feared} and how not to {fear} what ought not {to} be feared. 4. R= 2960 S= 0.01% ====*2961*====+ 1. >to >fear 2. to be feared and how not to fear what ought not to 3. Courage is... the knowledge of how to fear what ought {to} be {feared} and how not to {fear} what ought not {to} be feared. 4. R= 2960 S= 0.01% ====*2962*====+ 1. >be >metal 2. is much harder to produce than metal . And metal is recyclable , while wood is 3. Wood {is} much harder to produce than {metal}. And {metal} is recyclable, while wood {is}n't. 4. R= 2962 S= 0.01% ====*2963*====+ 1. >to >experience 2. To have God speak to the heart is a majestic experience , an experience that people may miss if they monopolize the conversation and never pause to 3. {To} have God speak to the heart is a majestic {experience}, an {experience} that people may miss if they monopolize the conversation and never pause {to} hear God's responses. 4. R= 2963 S= 0.01% ====*2964*====+ 1. >law >for 2. law serves of nought else in these days but for to do wrong , for nothing is spread almost but false matters by color of the law 3. The {law} serves of nought else in these days but {for} to do wrong, {for} nothing is spread almost but false matters by color of the {law} for reward, dread and favor and so no remedy is had in the Court of Equity in any way. 4. R= 2964 S= 0.01% ====*2965*====+ 1. >in >more 2. in not acting more decisively and more forthrightly in 3. I can see clearly now... that I was wrong {in} not acting {more} decisively and {more} forthrightly {in} dealing with Watergate. 4. R= 2965 S= 0.01% ====*2966*====+ 1. >of >the 2. of the place or the style of 3. I couldn't take the look {of} {the} place or {the} style {of} friendship. 4. R= 2965 S= 0.01% ====*2967*====+ 1. >in >the 2. in not only the philosophy but the creativity in 3. There's where we have to go in local government, {in} not only {the} philosophy but {the} creativity {in} people around you. 4. R= 2965 S= 0.01% ====*2968*====+ 1. >do >I 2. did n't spoil me , but I think my grandparents did 3. My father {did}n't spoil {me}, but {I} think my grandparents {did}. 4. R= 2965 S= 0.01% ====*2969*====+ 1. >America >dream 2. America with a dream and I made it . The dream became reality . America 3. I came to {America} with a {dream} and I made it. The {dream} became reality. {America} is built for success. 4. R= 2969 S= 0.01% ====*2970*====+ 1. >it >she 2. it to her or she 'll take it 3. You'd better give {it} to {her} or {she}'ll take {it} anyway. 4. R= 2970 S= 0.01% ====*2971*====+ 1. >live >day 2. live my life day by day , and that 's how I continue to live 3. I {live} my life {day} by {day}, and that's how I continue to {live} it. 4. R= 2971 S= 0.01% ====*2972*====+ 1. >be >fear 2. is ... the knowledge of how to fear what ought to be feared and how not to fear what ought not to be 3. Courage {is}... the knowledge of how to fear what ought to be {feared} and how not to {fear} what ought not to {be} feared. 4. R= 2972 S= 0.01% ====*2973*====+ 1. >be >the 2. being and the liberties of the world are 3. Enslave the liberty of but one human {being} and {the} liberties of {the} world {are} put in peril. 4. R= 2973 S= 0.01% ====*2974*====+ 1. >know >you 2. know what you know and what you do not know 3. To {know} what {you} know and what {you} do not {know}, that is true knowledge. 4. R= 2974 S= 0.01% ====*2975*====+ 1. >be >humility 2. is a sign of humility , and humility is 3. Uncertainty {is} a sign of {humility}, and {humility} {is} just the ability or the willingness to learn. 4. R= 2975 S= 0.01% ====*2976*====+ 1. >knowledge >and 2. knowledge is weak and useless , and knowledge 3. Integrity without {knowledge} is weak {and} useless, {and} {knowledge} without integrity is dangerous and dreadful. 4. R= 2976 S= 0.01% ====*2977*====+ 1. >be >cost 2. 's a financial cost , but the only costs that are 3. There{'s} a financial {cost}, but the only {costs} that {are} ever real are the costs of our soldiers. 4. R= 2977 S= 0.01% ====*2978*====+ 1. >God >do 2. God as much as any man does . I do n't only believe in God 3. I think I believe in {God} as much as any man {does}. I {do}n't only believe in {God}, I know there's God. 4. R= 2978 S= 0.01% ====*2979*====+ 1. >be >miss 2. 's not only the scenery you miss by going to fast - you also miss the sense of where you are 3. It{'s} not only the scenery you {miss} by going to fast - you also {miss} the sense of where you {are} going and why. 4. R= 2979 S= 0.01% ====*2980*====+ 1. >people >I 2. people make mistakes in their life . I 'm no different , I 've made mistakes . When people 3. Certainly {people} make mistakes in their life. {I}'m no different, {I}'ve made mistakes. When {people} mess up, we forgive them. 4. R= 2980 S= 0.01% ====*2981*====+ 1. >be >environment 2. is a common habit to blame life upon the environment . Environment modifies life but does not govern life . The soul is 3. It {is} a common habit to blame life upon the {environment}. {Environment} modifies life but does not govern life. The soul {is} stronger than its surroundings. 4. R= 2981 S= 0.01% ====*2982*====+ 1. >a >time 2. a young man that I would refer to as soft time . Time does not go forward there . It 's a 3. There is this strange fog of being {a} young man that I would refer to as soft {time}. {Time} does not go forward there. It's {a} series of doors that kind of wind back into one another, like a series of doors in the upper floor of a house. 4. R= 2982 S= 0.01% ====*2983*====+ 1. >Italy >do 2. Italy , they do n't . Do n't evaluate Italy 3. In {Italy}, they {do}n't. {Do}n't evaluate {Italy} from the fact that it produced Raphael and Michelangelo. 4. R= 2983 S= 0.01% ====*2984*====+ 1. >to >always 2. to the pantomime or the theatre and I would always , always fall in love with somebody on the stage . And want to 3. As a child I was taken {to} the pantomime or the theatre and I would {always}, {always} fall in love with somebody on the stage. And want {to} have sex with them. 4. R= 2984 S= 0.01% ====*2985*====+ 1. >in >as 2. in your past is not near as important as what 's in 3. And the reason the windshield is so large and the rearview mirror is so small is because what's happened {in} your past is not near {as} important {as} what's {in} your future. 4. R= 2985 S= 0.01% ====*2986*====+ 1. >be >hint 2. is intended-and not to take a hint when a hint is 3. The greatest thing in family life is to take a hint when a hint {is} intended-and not to take a {hint} when a {hint} {is}n't intended. 4. R= 2986 S= 0.01% ====*2987*====+ 1. >try >be 2. try to find what 's universal . You are always trying 3. When you are not from anywhere, you have to {try} to find what{'s} universal. You {are} always {trying} to fit in. 4. R= 2987 S= 0.01% ====*2988*====+ 1. >of >best 2. of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of 3. Success is peace of mind which is a direct result {of} self-satisfaction in knowing you did your {best} to become the {best} you are capable {of} becoming. 4. R= 2988 S= 0.01% ====*2989*====+ 1. >God >you 2. God 's gift to you . What you do with it is your gift back to God 3. Your talent is {God}'s gift to you. What {you} do with it is {your} gift back to {God}. 4. R= 2989 S= 0.01% ====*2990*====+ 1. >happy >be 2. happy is now . The place to be happy is here . The way to be happy 3. The time to be {happy} is now. The place to {be} happy {is} here. The way to be {happy} is to make others so. 4. R= 2990 S= 0.01% ====*2991*====+ 1. >happy >be 2. happy is here . The time to be happy is now . The way to be happy 3. The place to be {happy} is here. The time to {be} happy {is} now. The way to be {happy} is to make others so. 4. R= 2990 S= 0.01% ====*2992*====+ 1. >interpret >it 2. interpret it , or the way I think it 's interpreted 3. The music itself is often simple, but the way that I {interpret} {it}, or the way I think {it}'s {interpreted} culturally, is very complex. 4. R= 2992 S= 0.01% ====*2993*====+ 1. >be >man 2. are to some degree men 's issues and all men 's issues are 3. All women's issues {are} to some degree {men}'s issues and all {men}'s issues {are} to some degree women's issues because when either sex wins unilaterally both sexes lose. 4. R= 2993 S= 0.01% ====*2994*====+ 1. >and >need 2. and we need solitude also , as we need summer and 3. We need society, {and} we {need} solitude also, as we {need} summer {and} winter, day and night, exercise and rest. 4. R= 2994 S= 0.01% ====*2995*====+ 1. >thing >I 2. things get to me . Or I 'll make a big deal out of little things 3. Sometimes I'll let little {things} get to {me}. Or {I}'ll make a big deal out of little {things}. 4. R= 2995 S= 0.01% ====*2996*====+ 1. >star >be 2. stars , it 's not because they 're movie stars 3. When you fall in love with favourite movie {stars}, it{'s} not because they{'re} movie {stars} and unattainable, but because they show you sides of themselves that are extremely personal. 4. R= 2996 S= 0.01% ====*2997*====+ 1. >a >have 2. a relatively bright man and I 've had a lot of great blessings and a 3. It's difficult to talk about, you know, my inadequacies, my inability to stay sober when I'm {a} relatively bright man and I{'ve} {had} a lot of great blessings and {a} lot of great opportunities. 4. R= 2997 S= 0.01% ====*2998*====+ 1. >at >he 2. at him to stoke his fire and it drives him to be better at 3. He uses everything the fans throw {at} him to stoke {his} fire and it drives {him} to be better {at} what he does. 4. R= 2998 S= 0.01% ====*2999*====+ 1. >Business >to 2. Business ` common app ' would function much like the one that students complete to apply to multiple colleges and universities simultaneously . It would ensure that small businesses 3. The Small {Business} 'common app' would function much like the one that students complete {to} apply {to} multiple colleges and universities simultaneously. It would ensure that small {businesses} across the country can concentrate on growing and creating jobs - not wasting time, filling out mountains of repetitive paperwork. 4. R= 2999 S= 0.01% ====*3000*====+ 1. >hear >free 2. hear about constitutional rights , free speech and the free press . Every time I hear 3. You {hear} about constitutional rights, {free} speech and the {free} press. Every time I {hear} these words I say to myself, 'That man is a Red, that man is a Communist!' 4. R= 3000 S= 0.01%